Transvestites Reading to Kids in Public Libraries

About the drag queen story time, I say again as I have always said. If one does not send one's children to story time in the first place, and does not use library services for any reason anyway, what concern is it? Only people with some connection to or interest in the library should be complaining.

Who are you to say who does, and does not have standing, to object to the sexual abuse of children by fucked-up pedophiles?

Those who do evil always wish for good people to “mind our own business”. What is your motive for wanting us to look the other way, while fucked-up sexual perverts abuse children?
How many children came out of that Library as Flaming Queens?

If not, those Transexuals are not doing a very good job at grooming them
My big question is how many kids are even there at all? To me, if their parents want a more sufficient size crowd, do they also stick around for the big pow-wows? In my opinion, it would only make more sense for them to be there instead of the kids anyway. The kids won't understand what is being read to them therefore, the kids will not appreciate as much what is being done compared to a crowd of grownups.

God bless you and the kids always!!!

Millstone, boat ride, sea. That's what Jesus said.
Kinda like Pinochet helicopter rides. :D
Only on the water. And with millstones.

Maybe combine the best of both.

Throw them out of a helicopter, over a shallow area of the sea, with a millstone attached to them.
Apparently you’re a hater and bigot if you don’t like them doing that. And it’s usually pornographic. Question that answers everything:

How come they never read books at nursing homes, to the homeless, or the sick and needy?

The answer is self evident.

What is pornographic about it?
If parents want to bring their kids to story time read by men in dresses, isn’t that their decision? I can’t imagine why they would, but no one has the right to tell them they can’t.
If parents want to bring their kids to story time read by men in dresses, isn’t that their decision? I can’t imagine why they would, but no one has the right to tell them they can’t.
Nope. It's against the law to do it at the library.

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