Transvestites Reading to Kids in Public Libraries

They aren't reading to kids here so I guess that answers your question.
They don't read to children in your own facility, so that means they can groom all they want elsewhere?

Your brain does not work the way brains are designed to work.
I doubt that. This is something more sinister.

Sure, draq queens are being used, but they're being employed by someone with way more insidious intentions.

They might actually think they're doing the right thing and it's all OK.

This is all part of a greater agenda, and the people behind it meet in Davos once a year.
I am going to say this again because apparently nobody listened the first time I said it.

Tranny’s identify as an expressly sexual being. This is the hypothetical equivalent to a heterosexual male walking around with a boner and thinking he has a right to poke any cooch he likes. Trannys are fucked up in their heads. No normal person has sexuality THAT tied up in their identity.

People this sexual and open about their wanton lust should not be around children, ever. It is a felony waiting to happen. It is not just that they are men dressed as women. They are not wearing business suits to prance around in front of children. They are wearing highly sexualized shit, sometimes so explicit that it would cause a $20 street whore to blush.
But men do walk around with boners wanting to fuck females and males...
But men do walk around with boners wanting to fuck females and males...
Good enough reason to keep men from woman’s locker rooms and bathrooms. Females are not as adept in fighting off larger men.

Gee, how easy was that!
I don't read to kids, I hate the little bastards...I see nothing wrong with humans having interaction with other humans as long as they can all behave.
"Interactions" meaning you think it's ok for drag queens to fondle kids and for kids to be fold to fondle them. That is what I asked you and we see your answer

You're a sick fuck
"Interactions" meaning you think it's ok for drag queens to fondle kids and for kids to be fold to fondle them. That is what I asked you and we see your answer

You're a sick fuck
Your fantasies are getting away from yous.
The one in question wasn't there to read books. They were there to inform people on LGBTQ history. It's right there in the article.

informed the local library that its LGBTQ history event with transgender speaker Adria Jawort would not be taking place.

I suppose it's taking a leap too far to expect one to actually read the link they post.
Innocent children do not deserve to be lied to by sexual perverts under the disguise of “history”

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