Transvestites Reading to Kids in Public Libraries

A transexual just reading to children is not being sexually provocative
If the kids parents don’t mind, why do you?
You see a lot of clowns parading down the street parades in assless chaps being spanked by folks dressed in satanic garb, like we see at YOUR pride parades?

Didn’t think so
You see a lot of clowns parading down the street parades in assless chaps being spanked by folks dressed in satanic garb, like we see at YOUR pride parades?

Didn’t think so
Not my concern

I see a Republican Congress Woman giving hand jobs in a crowded theater and a Republican President banging Porn Stars and marrying a former Porn Actress

What do I care about a Gay Parade?
Not my concern

I see a Republican Congress Woman giving hand jobs in a crowded theater and a Republican President banging Porn Stars and marrying a former Porn Actress

What do I care about a Gay Parade?
Because you want the same reading to kids. Got it Strawman?
Question: Why do liberals want transvestites reading stories to your kids? The answer is because they want to fundamentally change our society as Obama stated in his 2009 inauguration speech. And he's still running things from behind the scenes.
The head of our libraries is a self proclaimed marxist. Let that sink in and it would make sense with how our
libraries are administrating political bias.

Got to break down the Nuclear Family, and she knows how.
This is one of building blocks to get a socialistic society in our nation.
The one in question wasn't there to read books. They were there to inform people on LGBTQ history. It's right there in the article.

informed the local library that its LGBTQ history event with transgender speaker Adria Jawort would not be taking place.

I suppose it's taking a leap too far to expect one to actually read the link they post.
Kids don't need to learn about LGBTQ.
Apparently you’re a hater and bigot if you don’t like them doing that. And it’s usually pornographic. Question that answers everything:

How come they never read books at nursing homes, to the homeless, or the sick and needy?

The answer is self evident.

Can straight people read to children? Then so can transvestites. See this is what I'm talking about. We're trying to normalize gays so people stop picking on them. We need to stop brainwashing kids young to hate gays. So yes, I encourage trannies to go to your kids school and read to them. If you don't like it, take them out and homeschool them or send them to a conservative private school.

The other thing. You need to stop telling lgbtq people they can't do what you do. For example if you want them to dress more modestly in public, tell your whores to cover up them titties.

Kids don't need to learn about LGBTQ.
Sure they do. Or, they need to unlearn what they learned in your home. That's why we send kids to public schools. To get them away from you for 8 hours a day. Teach them mommy and daddy may be idiots.
Can straight people read to children? Then so can transvestites. See this is what I'm talking about. We're trying to normalize gays so people stop picking on them. We need to stop brainwashing kids young to hate gays. So yes, I encourage trannies to go to your kids school and read to them. If you don't like it, take them out and homeschool them or send them to a conservative private school.

The other thing. You need to stop telling lgbtq people they can't do what you do. For example if you want them to dress more modestly in public, tell your whores to cover up them titties.

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I think that is the intent

Show kids that Transexuals are not that scary
Apparently you’re a hater and bigot if you don’t like them doing that. And it’s usually pornographic. Question that answers everything:

How come they never read books at nursing homes, to the homeless, or the sick and needy?

The answer is self evident.

I think you are both wrong. A transvestite reading to my kids without my permission is in danger of losing his life.
Of course! And Republicans would say "I don't want my kids exposed to transvestites"? Fuck you. Put your kid in a private school.
How clueless you almost always are

The Heritage Foundation According to the organization's website, a survey conducted on members of Congress in 2003 showed that nearly half of the members sent at least one child to private school. Specific figures showed that 41% of representatives in the House and 46% of U.S. senators send or have sent at least one of their children to a private institution. That contrasts with the rest of the country, where only 10% of families send kids to private schools.

so you are defending those who make the laws you cannot afford to break and that they have the money to sidestep completely
Why adults need to actually meet Transexuals and realize there are people inside
You missed the part about why you want children exposed to convicted child molesters at tranny story time and why you want children exposed to men with a pathology that compels them to dress as grotesque caricatures of women.

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