“Travis told police Arbery “squared up” like he was going to attack.” So he shot him in the chest.

How are you defining "aggressor
The one that initiated the confrontation with the gun when AA attacked the man with it.
That's not a definition so let's try this.

Person A points a loaded firearm at Person B.
Person B responds by rushing Person A and attempting to take the firearm from him.

Who is the aggressor, Person A or Person B?
He rushed him when he was legally holding a gun,, good nite
It's not legal for private citizens to use lethal weapons to make people get on the ground.
And when did that happen?
How are you defining "aggressor
The one that initiated the confrontation with the gun when AA attacked the man with it.
That's not a definition so let's try this.

Person A points a loaded firearm at Person B.
Person B responds by rushing Person A and attempting to take the firearm from him.

Who is the aggressor, Person A or Person B?
He rushed him when he was legally holding a gun,, good nite
The question says Person A is pointing his weapon at Person B, not that he's merely holding it.

Is Person A or Person B the aggressor?
Are you pointing it at a violent criminal until the police come? Person B
Arbery was not a violent criminal.

You lose yet again because you're a loser.
How are you defining "aggressor
The one that initiated the confrontation with the gun when AA attacked the man with it.
That's not a definition so let's try this.

Person A points a loaded firearm at Person B.
Person B responds by rushing Person A and attempting to take the firearm from him.

Who is the aggressor, Person A or Person B?
He rushed him when he was legally holding a gun,, good nite
The question says Person A is pointing his weapon at Person B, not that he's merely holding it.

Is Person A or Person B the aggressor?
Are you pointing it at a violent criminal until the police come? Person B
Arbery was not a violent criminal.

You lose yet again because you're a loser.
We have video that shows he is
Are you pointing it at a violent criminal until the police come? Person B

what violent crime did TM see AA commit that day?
Savage physical attack
Self defense against someone threatening someone else's life with a lethal weapon is often savage. It's self preservation.
No one told arbery to attack him he was just holding a gun asking him to stop, if he was going to shoot it would have happened at a distance
Are you pointing it at a violent criminal until the police come? Person B
Where is the proof that the person you're pointing your weapon at, Person B, is either violent or a criminal?
Well he’s running from a possible felony, and he running right at him with fist flying
No, he couldn't have been running from a possible felony since he had not committed a felony.
What was he doing in the house, you know his intentions?
How are you defining "aggressor
The one that initiated the confrontation with the gun when AA attacked the man with it.
That's not a definition so let's try this.

Person A points a loaded firearm at Person B.
Person B responds by rushing Person A and attempting to take the firearm from him.

Who is the aggressor, Person A or Person B?
He rushed him when he was legally holding a gun,, good nite
The question says Person A is pointing his weapon at Person B, not that he's merely holding it.

Is Person A or Person B the aggressor?
Are you pointing it at a violent criminal until the police come? Person B

Are you in Georgia pointing your weapon at a violent criminal who is unarmed?

Not much of an answer. Did the question confuse you? Are you pointing a weapon at a dangerous violent criminal who is unarmed in Georgia.
Unlawfully holding a weapon in Georgia following a suspect who is charging right at me who has been seen on numerous occasions breaking into houses, as he gets close to me a raise my weapon to protect myself like any normal citizen would, As he comes at me flying with his fist I open fire to protect myself that is my right
Travis forfeited that right when he broke the law by using his firearm illegally.
How are you defining "aggressor
The one that initiated the confrontation with the gun when AA attacked the man with it.
That's not a definition so let's try this.

Person A points a loaded firearm at Person B.
Person B responds by rushing Person A and attempting to take the firearm from him.

Who is the aggressor, Person A or Person B?
He rushed him when he was legally holding a gun,, good nite
The question says Person A is pointing his weapon at Person B, not that he's merely holding it.

Is Person A or Person B the aggressor?
Are you pointing it at a violent criminal until the police come? Person B

Are you in Georgia pointing your weapon at a violent criminal who is unarmed?

Not much of an answer. Did the question confuse you? Are you pointing a weapon at a dangerous violent criminal who is unarmed in Georgia.
Unlawfully holding a weapon in Georgia following a suspect who is charging right at me who has been seen on numerous occasions breaking into houses, as he gets close to me a raise my weapon to protect myself like any normal citizen would, As he comes at me flying with his fist I open fire to protect myself that is my right
Travis forfeited that right when he broke the law by using his firearm illegally.
No one saw that happen.. you know all this has been caving in to the mob, I bet you thought Zimmerman was guilty
How are you defining "aggressor
The one that initiated the confrontation with the gun when AA attacked the man with it.
That's not a definition so let's try this.

Person A points a loaded firearm at Person B.
Person B responds by rushing Person A and attempting to take the firearm from him.

Who is the aggressor, Person A or Person B?
He rushed him when he was legally holding a gun,, good nite
The question says Person A is pointing his weapon at Person B, not that he's merely holding it.

Is Person A or Person B the aggressor?
Are you pointing it at a violent criminal until the police come? Person B

Are you in Georgia pointing your weapon at a violent criminal who is unarmed?

Not much of an answer. Did the question confuse you? Are you pointing a weapon at a dangerous violent criminal who is unarmed in Georgia.
Unlawfully holding a weapon in Georgia following a suspect who is charging right at me who has been seen on numerous occasions breaking into houses, as he gets close to me a raise my weapon to protect myself like any normal citizen would, As he comes at me flying with his fist I open fire to protect myself that is my right

Under Georgia Law you like the McMichaels have just committed Aggravated Assault and Murder. Or Attempted Murder if your victim does not die.
Self defense is aggravated assault? Interesting interesting

Pointing a weapon at an unarmed man who is not attacking you is Aggravated Assault. Travis said he pointed the Shotgun at AA 90 yards away and shouted at him to stop.
Do you even know what 90 yards is? The video shows AA coming around the front of the car to get Travis, that’s maybe 3 yards
He meant 90 feet, not yards.
Do you even know what 90 yards is? The video shows AA coming around the front of the car to get Travis, that’s maybe 3 yards
the video doesn't explain his version, so he simply ignores it and makes up fiction, pulp fiction.

You're truly fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

Quoting the killer is not making it up.
As he comes at me flying with his fist I open fire to protect myself that is my right

Pause the video, take a snapshot of the frame from where you think you see AA flying at TM with flying fists BEFORE TM opened fire and shot AA in the chest. And post it

here’s TrumpO’s 538 poll numbersView attachment 350995
Why are you posting polling data? Lol the boy got what he deserved.
Now Travis will get what he deserves...


Never happened. I watched the video.
But the video doesn't show what happened at the front of the vehicle because the vehicle itself is obscuring the view.

Absent the ability to view that segment of the video, the gap is filled in by questioning one of the two parties who were involved in the shooting. Because Arbery is deceased that only leaves Travis McMichael's although the father if he was in the bed of the trunk may have been able to view what transpired, however I don't recall him providing corrobarating testimony in support of your allegation that Arbery attacked first and that Travis was only defending himself (actually this point is moot because it's already been established that the McMichael's were the aggressors since they chased down Arbery)

How is it possible that you watched a video and saw something on it that isn't there?
The video shows AA the aggressor.

No sir. It does not. It clearly shows Travis committing Aggravated Assault. It means the death must be Murder. No other option exists in law.
Naw. You should watch closer

I have watched it very closely. As I said. Travis definitely commits the act of Aggravated Assault. That crime means that Travis is the criminal. AA’s death is the result of a criminal action.

Look. It is how we deal with every death. Let’s say someone robs a store. The clerk panics and tries to rush out of the store, slips and hits his head. He dies from the fall. Since he died while a crime was being committed the death is automatically a Murder.
What is it you claim Travis did?

It is not just what I claim he did. It is what the Prosecutor and GBI investigators say he did. It is what Greg’s lawyer says Travis did. And it is what Roddy’s lawyer says he did. So everyone involved except Travis.
they said he did what?

BTW, the Roddy guy didn't see shit.

There is more than one minute of video. The Lawyers in the hearing said what I said they did.

Roddy’s lawyer said Roddy did not know the McMichaels were acting illegally. Roddy’s lawyer acknowledged that the McMichaels were acting in violation of the law.

Greg’s lawyer said that Greg was there talking to police and trying to keep AA in sight and had no idea that Travis was going to shoot. Greg is claiming he had nothing to do with it.

So if two lawyers say that Greg murdered AA and they are co defendants why are you having trouble with it?
so what? all of that is true. So what? doesn't change the fact the black dude bull rushed Travis. just doesn't. That is in the video.

the black dude tried to take the gun, right?

In a manner of speaking. Yes. He attacked in self defense after minutes of being chased by criminals including a hit and run accident.
Self defense of what? No one was stopping him

Dumbfuck... the guy who parked his car in the middle of a road, got out armed with a shotgun and ordered Arbery to get on the ground -- was trying to stop him.

You must be the most ignorant poster on this forum to not understand that.
What’s wrong with trying to stop a criminal with verbal commands? Did it hurt his feelings?
Travis wasn't trying to stop a criminal, he was trying to stop a jogger.
Never happened. I watched the video.
But the video doesn't show what happened at the front of the vehicle because the vehicle itself is obscuring the view.

Absent the ability to view that segment of the video, the gap is filled in by questioning one of the two parties who were involved in the shooting. Because Arbery is deceased that only leaves Travis McMichael's although the father if he was in the bed of the trunk may have been able to view what transpired, however I don't recall him providing corrobarating testimony in support of your allegation that Arbery attacked first and that Travis was only defending himself (actually this point is moot because it's already been established that the McMichael's were the aggressors since they chased down Arbery)

How is it possible that you watched a video and saw something on it that isn't there?
The video shows AA the aggressor.

No sir. It does not. It clearly shows Travis committing Aggravated Assault. It means the death must be Murder. No other option exists in law.
Naw. You should watch closer

I have watched it very closely. As I said. Travis definitely commits the act of Aggravated Assault. That crime means that Travis is the criminal. AA’s death is the result of a criminal action.

Look. It is how we deal with every death. Let’s say someone robs a store. The clerk panics and tries to rush out of the store, slips and hits his head. He dies from the fall. Since he died while a crime was being committed the death is automatically a Murder.
What is it you claim Travis did?

It is not just what I claim he did. It is what the Prosecutor and GBI investigators say he did. It is what Greg’s lawyer says Travis did. And it is what Roddy’s lawyer says he did. So everyone involved except Travis.
they said he did what?

BTW, the Roddy guy didn't see shit.

There is more than one minute of video. The Lawyers in the hearing said what I said they did.

Roddy’s lawyer said Roddy did not know the McMichaels were acting illegally. Roddy’s lawyer acknowledged that the McMichaels were acting in violation of the law.

Greg’s lawyer said that Greg was there talking to police and trying to keep AA in sight and had no idea that Travis was going to shoot. Greg is claiming he had nothing to do with it.

So if two lawyers say that Greg murdered AA and they are co defendants why are you having trouble with it?
so what? all of that is true. So what? doesn't change the fact the black dude bull rushed Travis. just doesn't. That is in the video.

the black dude tried to take the gun, right?

In a manner of speaking. Yes. He attacked in self defense after minutes of being chased by criminals including a hit and run accident.
Self defense of what? No one was stopping him

Dumbfuck... the guy who parked his car in the middle of a road, got out armed with a shotgun and ordered Arbery to get on the ground -- was trying to stop him.

You must be the most ignorant poster on this forum to not understand that.
What’s wrong with trying to stop a criminal with verbal commands? Did it hurt his feelings?
You don’t have a right to stop random people you think committed a crime. Attempting to do so is false imprisonment and felony assault.
Asking to stop? That’s a crime?
At the barrel of a gun, it is
How are you defining "aggressor
The one that initiated the confrontation with the gun when AA attacked the man with it.
That's not a definition so let's try this.

Person A points a loaded firearm at Person B.
Person B responds by rushing Person A and attempting to take the firearm from him.

Who is the aggressor, Person A or Person B?
He rushed him when he was legally holding a gun,, good nite
The question says Person A is pointing his weapon at Person B, not that he's merely holding it.

Is Person A or Person B the aggressor?
Are you pointing it at a violent criminal until the police come? Person B

Are you in Georgia pointing your weapon at a violent criminal who is unarmed?

Not much of an answer. Did the question confuse you? Are you pointing a weapon at a dangerous violent criminal who is unarmed in Georgia.
Unlawfully holding a weapon in Georgia following a suspect who is charging right at me who has been seen on numerous occasions breaking into houses, as he gets close to me a raise my weapon to protect myself like any normal citizen would, As he comes at me flying with his fist I open fire to protect myself that is my right

Under Georgia Law you like the McMichaels have just committed Aggravated Assault and Murder. Or Attempted Murder if your victim does not die.
Self defense is aggravated assault? Interesting interesting

Pointing a weapon at an unarmed man who is not attacking you is Aggravated Assault. Travis said he pointed the Shotgun at AA 90 yards away and shouted at him to stop.
Do you even know what 90 yards is? The video shows AA coming around the front of the car to get Travis, that’s maybe 3 yards
He meant 90 feet, not yards.
Still that didn’t happen, maybe he was nervous
Savage physical attack

What savage physical attack did TM see AA do prior to when he pointed his shotgun at AA from 90 feet away and told him to get on the ground in this scene from the video that you hold so dear to your racist heart?

Explain to the jury the violent act you think TM saw prior to telling a jogger to get on the ground with a loaded shotgun pointed directly at him.

TM and pops are committing aggravated assault in that scene and it’s an easily proven felony ten seconds or so before the fatal shot.
How are you defining "aggressor
The one that initiated the confrontation with the gun when AA attacked the man with it.
That's not a definition so let's try this.

Person A points a loaded firearm at Person B.
Person B responds by rushing Person A and attempting to take the firearm from him.

Who is the aggressor, Person A or Person B?
He rushed him when he was legally holding a gun,, good nite
It's not legal for private citizens to use lethal weapons to make people get on the ground.
And when did that happen?
As Arbery approached thd truck.
How are you defining "aggressor
The one that initiated the confrontation with the gun when AA attacked the man with it.
That's not a definition so let's try this.

Person A points a loaded firearm at Person B.
Person B responds by rushing Person A and attempting to take the firearm from him.

Who is the aggressor, Person A or Person B?
He rushed him when he was legally holding a gun,, good nite
The question says Person A is pointing his weapon at Person B, not that he's merely holding it.

Is Person A or Person B the aggressor?
Are you pointing it at a violent criminal until the police come? Person B
Arbery was not a violent criminal.

You lose yet again because you're a loser.
We have video that shows he is

No, ya don't. Don't forget, you still see imaginary things in that video which don't actually exist ... like Timberland boots .... like a hammer....
Are you pointing it at a violent criminal until the police come? Person B

what violent crime did TM see AA commit that day?
Savage physical attack
Self defense against someone threatening someone else's life with a lethal weapon is often savage. It's self preservation.
No one told arbery to attack him he was just holding a gun asking him to stop, if he was going to shoot it would have happened at a distance
Couldn't happen at a distance because Bryan was behind Arbery and risked being shot.
Are you pointing it at a violent criminal until the police come? Person B
Where is the proof that the person you're pointing your weapon at, Person B, is either violent or a criminal?
Well he’s running from a possible felony, and he running right at him with fist flying
No, he couldn't have been running from a possible felony since he had not committed a felony.
What was he doing in the house, you know his intentions?
I know he was on that property multiple times and never took anything. So I don't see an intent to steal.

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