Trayvon Martin And The Right To Be Left Alone...

Spot on points. This is still the United States and we still have the right to walk, unmolested, down the street to buy something at the corner store.

Except if you're a black kid wearing a hoode against the child rain.

Zimmerman wll get away with his premeditated murder of Travon Martin.

premeditated?.....geezus your such a dildo....a used one at that...
One question I have is, what was Trayvon doing, for Zimmerman to be so afraid of him that he did not want to give out his home address to the dispatcher?
Trayvon had to be doing something that made him want to meet in front of the mailboxes, instead of his home.
One question I have is, what was Trayvon doing, for Zimmerman to be so afraid of him that he did not want to give out his home address to the dispatcher?
Trayvon had to be doing something that made him want to meet in front of the mailboxes, instead of his home.

How could anything Martin have done made Zimmerman AFRAID during the call? He was nowhere NEAR Zimmerman! And Zimmerman had a gun.
I'm just wondering why so many on here feel compelled to invent these fairy tales about who Martin was... who Zimmerman is ... what they're "really like."

Everyone knows that you have no clue about these things. So what compells you to WANT to believe something so badly that you'll just make stuff up and pretend that it's true???

You folks are revealing a lot more about yourselves that you are about Martin or Zimmerman
We do know that Martin was suspended from school when this happened.
For many violations. Having a bag full of women's jewlery with a long screw driver in his locker. "A friend gave it to me" Who was that friend? "I forgot"
You folks sure are not very bright.
Choir boys do not get suspended from school, have a bag full of unknown women's jewlery in your possession.
We do know that Martin was suspended from school when this happened.
For many violations. Having a bag full of women's jewlery with a long screw driver in his locker. "A friend gave it to me" Who was that friend? "I forgot"
You folks sure are not very bright.
Choir boys do not get suspended from school, have a bag full of unknown women's jewlery in your possession.

So he deserved the death penalty? With trial or jury?

I get it - showing a very old photo of Martin when he was a baby-faced youth sports player and showing an old booking photo of Zimmerman along with editing the 911 call was very wrong, very prejudicial and indefensible.

A much more accurate picture is that neither of these guys were the type most of us would welcome into our homes for dinner. But none of that makes much difference. Really, the only thing that makes much difference is who started it.
Interesting take from Mark Judge.

I’ve never been able to get over the crucial minutes of George Zimmerman’s encounter with Trayvon Martin. I’m not talking about the initial struggle, or even the fatal shooting. That’s where most of the media coverage has been, and for good reason. A life has been lost and it’s important to figure out exactly what happened.

I just have never been able to answer a basic question: Why was Zimmerman bothering Martin to begin with?

For me, the Trayvon Martin case is about something that is fundamental to America: the ability to go out and take a walk or pick up some junk food without being hassled. I’m aware that “hassle” is a term straight out of 1973, and maybe that’s deliberate. When I was growing up in Maryland in the 1970s, my mom had a term for people in the neighborhood who made it their job to mind everything that went on there: the sidewalk superintendent.

Sidewalk superintendents were mostly decent people just trying to protect the neighborhood. Bill Bennett once noted that in the old days the neighborhood watch consisted of mothers on their front porches who could spring into action when they saw something amiss. Such people are an important part of creating a safe and thriving community. Indeed, George Zimmerman had foiled at least one robbery in Twin Lakes, the crime-ridden complex in Florida where the shooting took place.

Trayvon Martin was not one of these; he was a teenage kid. But he was exercising his right to take a nocturnal sojourn and enter a quiet space where the world did not intrude. It set my conservative (even libertarian-leaning) alarm off when I heard the 911 tape where Zimmerman tells police that Trayvon Martin looks like he “is up to no good.” It was just too reminiscent of some sidewalk superintendents I knew as a kid. They were the guys who appeared the second you lit some firecrackers or killed a tick with a magnifying glass...

Read more: Trayvon Martin | Trayvon Martin and the right to be left alone | The Daily Caller

Equally, Zimmerman should have done what he was told and backed off. Martin should not have beat the shit out of Zimmerman. Both were buying trouble with each of his actions.

Whom told him to "Back Off"? NO ONE. And IF you claim 'Dispatcher'? They can only *ADVISE* they aren't LEO's.

Nice spin...they expressed in words that he should not follow Martin. When you express words that come out of your mouth aimed at another person. Most honest people would say Zimmerman was told. Told, advised, informed.... use any word you like
We do know that Martin was suspended from school when this happened.
For many violations. Having a bag full of women's jewlery with a long screw driver in his locker. "A friend gave it to me" Who was that friend? "I forgot"
You folks sure are not very bright.
Choir boys do not get suspended from school, have a bag full of unknown women's jewlery in your possession.

So he deserved the death penalty? With trial or jury?

I get it - showing a very old photo of Martin when he was a baby-faced youth sports player and showing an old booking photo of Zimmerman along with editing the 911 call was very wrong, very prejudicial and indefensible.

A much more accurate picture is that neither of these guys were the type most of us would welcome into our homes for dinner. But none of that makes much difference. Really, the only thing that makes much difference is who started it.

You do get it. Exactly my point with the 6th grade photo of Martin to make him look the best piossible and the shot of Zimmerman to make him look as bad as possible.

I have an open mind but am not stupid. This young man was trouble and Zimmerman was a wannabe cop with a habit of making nuisance 911 calls.
Those 2 meeting up was a disaster waiting to happen.
Who started it is who threw the first punch under the law unless Zimmerman was holding the gun pointed at Martin.
One question I have is, what was Trayvon doing, for Zimmerman to be so afraid of him that he did not want to give out his home address to the dispatcher?
Trayvon had to be doing something that made him want to meet in front of the mailboxes, instead of his home.

How could anything Martin have done made Zimmerman AFRAID during the call? He was nowhere NEAR Zimmerman! And Zimmerman had a gun.

You have no proof one way or the other, as to where Trayvon was. The court will find this out.
How are you so certain that Tayvon was nowhere near Zimmerman?
Why do think that Zimmerman did not want to meet in front of his place and wanted to meet in front of the mailboxes?
This will also come out in the trial.
Interesting take from Mark Judge.

I’ve never been able to get over the crucial minutes of George Zimmerman’s encounter with Trayvon Martin. I’m not talking about the initial struggle, or even the fatal shooting. That’s where most of the media coverage has been, and for good reason. A life has been lost and it’s important to figure out exactly what happened.

I just have never been able to answer a basic question: Why was Zimmerman bothering Martin to begin with?

For me, the Trayvon Martin case is about something that is fundamental to America: the ability to go out and take a walk or pick up some junk food without being hassled. I’m aware that “hassle” is a term straight out of 1973, and maybe that’s deliberate. When I was growing up in Maryland in the 1970s, my mom had a term for people in the neighborhood who made it their job to mind everything that went on there: the sidewalk superintendent.

Sidewalk superintendents were mostly decent people just trying to protect the neighborhood. Bill Bennett once noted that in the old days the neighborhood watch consisted of mothers on their front porches who could spring into action when they saw something amiss. Such people are an important part of creating a safe and thriving community. Indeed, George Zimmerman had foiled at least one robbery in Twin Lakes, the crime-ridden complex in Florida where the shooting took place.

Trayvon Martin was not one of these; he was a teenage kid. But he was exercising his right to take a nocturnal sojourn and enter a quiet space where the world did not intrude. It set my conservative (even libertarian-leaning) alarm off when I heard the 911 tape where Zimmerman tells police that Trayvon Martin looks like he “is up to no good.” It was just too reminiscent of some sidewalk superintendents I knew as a kid. They were the guys who appeared the second you lit some firecrackers or killed a tick with a magnifying glass...

Read more: Trayvon Martin | Trayvon Martin and the right to be left alone | The Daily Caller

Equally, Zimmerman should have done what he was told and backed off. Martin should not have beat the shit out of Zimmerman. Both were buying trouble with each of his actions.

Whom told him to "Back Off"? NO ONE. And IF you claim 'Dispatcher'? They can only *ADVISE* they aren't LEO's.

so unless there was the force of law behind the "advice", it makes it ok for zimmerman to go hunting?
It's more than that jillian. There *was* the force of the law.

Sanford Police Department Neighborhood Watch Guidelines
You will add your “eyes and ears” to
those of the Police Department which
cannot be everywhere, all the time, by
keeping a watchful eye and open ear to
what is happening in your
neighborhood. You will extend their
ability to provide security by reporting
anything unusual or suspicious, 24 hours
a day, seven days a week, so they can
follow up on your leads. What you will
not do is get physically involved with
any activity you report or
apprehension of any suspicious
persons. This is the job of the law
enforcement agency.
^^^^ Emphasis THEIRS.

In big bold-up fonts the above words there INSIST people are not to " get physically involved with any activity you report or apprehen[d] of any suspicious persons."

They do that in not only one area of the NW Guidelines, but twice.
In BOLD letters.

We KNOW Zimmerman was told by police this, as Z was the one who helped facilitate the NW meeting with the Sanford Police Chief for guidelines, and as contact and Captain would necessarily need to be informed of the rules:

Twin Lakes at Retreat news letter -Sept 2011:
George Zimmerman's name listed as contact & that Chief Lee was coming to next meeting:

RTL Newsletter September 2011 FINAL

Feb 2012 Twin Lakes at Retreat news letter - George Zimmerman identified as Captain.

RTL February 2012 Newsletter

SFP -meeting with residents after shooting - Relaying Zimmerman was acting as NW at the time.

Sanford PD Meeting
In addition:

In September, the Sanford police helped the Retreat start a neighborhood watch program.

"Some residents called me wanting to do a startup," said Dorival, a civilian police employee. About 30 people came to the clubhouse for that first session, she said. "Everyone was enthusiastic." Zimmerman volunteered to be captain.

"I told them, this is not about being a vigilante police force," Dorival said. "You're not even supposed to patrol on neighborhood watch. And you're certainly not supposed to carry a gun."

Trayvon Martin's killing shatters safety within Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford - Tampa Bay Times
One question I have is, what was Trayvon doing, for Zimmerman to be so afraid of him that he did not want to give out his home address to the dispatcher?
Trayvon had to be doing something that made him want to meet in front of the mailboxes, instead of his home.

How could anything Martin have done made Zimmerman AFRAID during the call? He was nowhere NEAR Zimmerman! And Zimmerman had a gun.

You have no proof one way or the other, as to where Trayvon was. The court will find this out.
How are you so certain that Tayvon was nowhere near Zimmerman?
Why do think that Zimmerman did not want to meet in front of his place and wanted to meet in front of the mailboxes?
This will also come out in the trial.

A clip of the call Zimmerman made to the police was played on television. The dispatcher asked for Zimmerman's address and he said that he didn't want to say out loud because he didn't know where the suspicious person was and didn't want his address overheard. That's why he suggested that they meet in front of the mailboxes.
It's more than that jillian. There *was* the force of the law.

Sanford Police Department Neighborhood Watch Guidelines
You will add your “eyes and ears” to
those of the Police Department which
cannot be everywhere, all the time, by
keeping a watchful eye and open ear to
what is happening in your
neighborhood. You will extend their
ability to provide security by reporting
anything unusual or suspicious, 24 hours
a day, seven days a week, so they can
follow up on your leads. What you will
not do is get physically involved with
any activity you report or
apprehension of any suspicious
persons. This is the job of the law
enforcement agency.
^^^^ Emphasis THEIRS.

In big bold-up fonts the above words there INSIST people are not to " get physically involved with any activity you report or apprehen[d] of any suspicious persons."

They do that in not only one area of the NW Guidelines, but twice.
In BOLD letters.

We KNOW Zimmerman was told by police this, as Z was the one who helped facilitate the NW meeting with the Sanford Police Chief for guidelines, and as contact and Captain would necessarily need to be informed of the rules:

Twin Lakes at Retreat news letter -Sept 2011:
George Zimmerman's name listed as contact & that Chief Lee was coming to next meeting:

RTL Newsletter September 2011 FINAL

Feb 2012 Twin Lakes at Retreat news letter - George Zimmerman identified as Captain.

RTL February 2012 Newsletter

SFP -meeting with residents after shooting - Relaying Zimmerman was acting as NW at the time.

Sanford PD Meeting

i read that. i don't believe that stems from any particular legislation. therefore the same rules would apply.

what it does do is show that zimmerman acted recklessly.... that is an element of the crime he's charged with, i believe.
It's more than that jillian. There *was* the force of the law.

Sanford Police Department Neighborhood Watch Guidelines
You will add your “eyes and ears” to
those of the Police Department which
cannot be everywhere, all the time, by
keeping a watchful eye and open ear to
what is happening in your
neighborhood. You will extend their
ability to provide security by reporting
anything unusual or suspicious, 24 hours
a day, seven days a week, so they can
follow up on your leads. What you will
not do is get physically involved with
any activity you report or
apprehension of any suspicious
persons. This is the job of the law
enforcement agency.
^^^^ Emphasis THEIRS.

In big bold-up fonts the above words there INSIST people are not to " get physically involved with any activity you report or apprehen[d] of any suspicious persons."

They do that in not only one area of the NW Guidelines, but twice.
In BOLD letters.

We KNOW Zimmerman was told by police this, as Z was the one who helped facilitate the NW meeting with the Sanford Police Chief for guidelines, and as contact and Captain would necessarily need to be informed of the rules:

Twin Lakes at Retreat news letter -Sept 2011:
George Zimmerman's name listed as contact & that Chief Lee was coming to next meeting:

RTL Newsletter September 2011 FINAL

Feb 2012 Twin Lakes at Retreat news letter - George Zimmerman identified as Captain.

RTL February 2012 Newsletter

SFP -meeting with residents after shooting - Relaying Zimmerman was acting as NW at the time.

Sanford PD Meeting

Police guidelines are also not to confront an intruder in your home. Their guidelines are to exit your residence.
I will go with their guidelines.
After the intruder has an oozing 3rd eye in his forehead with a 3 inch hole in the back of their head.
Guidelines are not the law.
Didn't say it was the law. But it is from the Police.

It helps to see the post I initially responded to:

Quote: Originally Posted by The T

Whom told him to "Back Off"? NO ONE. And IF you claim 'Dispatcher'? They can only *ADVISE* they aren't LEO's.
How could anything Martin have done made Zimmerman AFRAID during the call? He was nowhere NEAR Zimmerman! And Zimmerman had a gun.

You have no proof one way or the other, as to where Trayvon was. The court will find this out.
How are you so certain that Tayvon was nowhere near Zimmerman?
Why do think that Zimmerman did not want to meet in front of his place and wanted to meet in front of the mailboxes?
This will also come out in the trial.

A clip of the call Zimmerman made to the police was played on television. The dispatcher asked for Zimmerman's address and he said that he didn't want to say out loud because he didn't know where the suspicious person was and didn't want his address overheard. That's why he suggested that they meet in front of the mailboxes.

That is why I asked the question in the first place. What happend that he did not want Trayvon to know where he lived?
Whom told him to "Back Off"? NO ONE. And IF you claim 'Dispatcher'? They can only *ADVISE* they aren't LEO's.
Zimmerman was specifically informed by Sanford Police NOT to get physically involved in any suspicious activity he reports.

You do not know the truth because you have done no research.

Zimmerman was told "you do not have to" which means that he could choose not do it for his own safety.
Never was told NOT to get physically involved.
Why do you have to make things up? Is it because your argument holds no weight otherwise?

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