Trayvon Martin And The Right To Be Left Alone...

Part of this case is going to hinge on how trained Martin was as a fighter. He was a practiced fighter, but how much training did he really have. If he had a significant amount of training, he would be like any other trained fighter whose lack of a weapon would not preclude deadly force.

I already posted a video of Trayvon Martin in what appears to be somewhat of an organized fight. He's pretty good too.

If it's the one from his facebook page, that was since been taken down, I believe he was refereeing the fight, not one of the combatants.


I was not referring to the facebook page but to the boxing video that I posted which was Trayvon Martin handing himself quite well.
Posted repeatedly by KissMy:

There was no evidence of torn clothing, bruises, scratches or marks on Martins body other than the gunshot wound.
Where are you getting this from? Nothing released describes Martin's condition other than that he was shot and that he was dead.
The person who took the photograph of a bloodied Zimmerman, asking not to be identified, told ABC News exclusively that they did not see the scuffle that night, but did hear it. The person recalled seeing Martin's prostrate body on the wet grass and said the gunpowder burns on Martin's gray hoodie were clearly visible.

The photographer said that after the shooting, Zimmerman asked the photographer to call his wife. When the photographer asked him what to say, Zimmerman blurted out, "Man, just tell her I shot someone."
George Zimmerman Case: Exclusive New Photo Shows Bloodied Back of Head - ABC News

The supposed witness said: "gunpowder burns on Martin's gray hoodie were clearly visible."

I imagine that would be the case.
Posted repeatedly by KissMy:

There was no evidence of torn clothing, bruises, scratches or marks on Martins body other than the gunshot wound.
Where are you getting this from? Nothing released describes Martin's condition other than that he was shot and that he was dead.
The person who took the photograph of a bloodied Zimmerman, asking not to be identified, told ABC News exclusively that they did not see the scuffle that night, but did hear it. The person recalled seeing Martin's prostrate body on the wet grass and said the gunpowder burns on Martin's gray hoodie were clearly visible.

The photographer said that after the shooting, Zimmerman asked the photographer to call his wife. When the photographer asked him what to say, Zimmerman blurted out, "Man, just tell her I shot someone."
George Zimmerman Case: Exclusive New Photo Shows Bloodied Back of Head - ABC News

The supposed witness said: "gunpowder burns on Martin's gray hoodie were clearly visible."

I imagine that would be the case.
huh....I read elsewhere that Martin was face down when the cops arrived. If this witness saw gunpowder burns on Martin's hoodie it sounds as if Martin was shot in the back.
Posted repeatedly by KissMy:

Where are you getting this from? Nothing released describes Martin's condition other than that he was shot and that he was dead.
The person who took the photograph of a bloodied Zimmerman, asking not to be identified, told ABC News exclusively that they did not see the scuffle that night, but did hear it. The person recalled seeing Martin's prostrate body on the wet grass and said the gunpowder burns on Martin's gray hoodie were clearly visible.

The photographer said that after the shooting, Zimmerman asked the photographer to call his wife. When the photographer asked him what to say, Zimmerman blurted out, "Man, just tell her I shot someone."
George Zimmerman Case: Exclusive New Photo Shows Bloodied Back of Head - ABC News

The supposed witness said: "gunpowder burns on Martin's gray hoodie were clearly visible."

I imagine that would be the case.
huh....I read elsewhere that Martin was face down when the cops arrived. If this witness saw gunpowder burns on Martin's hoodie it sounds as if Martin was shot in the back.
That's true. But the did turn him over and try to administer CPR, so maybe when that happened this "witness" saw the gunpowder burns.

I believe it's been said he was shot in the up chest, in front, no exit wound.
IF the latest talking point is that a witness saw gunpowder burns to Martin't hoodie it can safely be dismissed as hokum. The Witness "saw" gunpowder burns? In the dark, from how far away, without a GSR test?

Not buying that one at all.
Ah, but *this* is the latest talking point:


Same guy who took that supposed picture was the one who saw the gunpowder burns on TM.

Picture was supposed to have been taken 2 minutes after police arrive.
When are you people going to admit Zimmerman WAS NOT told to stop following Martin?

I love the media term "pursue". He was FOLLOWING Martin.
Amazing how naive and gullible people are. They follow media like sheep.
"I heard it on TV so it must be true."
The fact that Martin WAS UNARMED means NOTHING in a fight if the person attacked was defending himself. You have a right to be armed, ZIMMERMAN HAD A LICENSE TO BE ARMED, and he has every right to use that weapon if attacked.
The LAW, something few know anything about here.
Martin was 6 feet 3 inches in height and weighed 160# and was in a hooded jacket.. Zimmerman was (on the night of the incident, 5 feet 8 inches in height and (currently) weighs 170#.

Who, in the darkness of night would appear to be the larger man?

George Zimmerman weighs 170#; Trayvon Martin 160# - Charleston Charleston Conservative |

Your link goes to an examiner article that links to an interview with a "friend".

The police booking records show something different - 185 lbs.

And his lawyers say he LOST a lot of weight, which means he weighed more that 185 llbs at the time of the shooting.

"George, from the information made available to us, is not doing well emotionally, he may be suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome, he’s lost a lot of weight. Our concern is, for him to do this when he’s got a couple of professionals out there working for his benefit, to handle it this way, suggests thst he may not be in complete control of what’s going on. We are concerned for his emotional and physical safety."​

Zimmerman housed apart at jail, makes purchases - CNN
Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman's lawyers withdraw

So you're source says Zim was 15 pounds heavier than mine. Not a huge difference. Not a "much larger man."

Your link is to an article that links to another article that is an interview with a "friend". My links is to reports of police records where the lawyers saying he lost weight in the night between the shooting and his induction in jail. The difference in size would therefore be greater than 15 lbs if he now weights 185 and lost weight, based on what his own lawyer said.

"Much" is an insertion on your part and not what I said.

The greatest indicator of apparent size, in the dark mind you, is height.

And when to individuals are wrestling around on the ground, height is not as applicable as "bulk".

Who can judge weight between two figures in the night; but height? We are all sensitive to height.

And when to individuals are wrestling around on the ground, height is not as applicable as "bulk".

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Part of this case is going to hinge on how trained Martin was as a fighter. He was a practiced fighter, but how much training did he really have. If he had a significant amount of training, he would be like any other trained fighter whose lack of a weapon would not preclude deadly force.

I already posted a video of Trayvon Martin in what appears to be somewhat of an organized fight. He's pretty good too.

If it's the one from his facebook page, that was since been taken down, I believe he was refereeing the fight, not one of the combatants.


I was not referring to the facebook page but to the boxing video that I posted which was Trayvon Martin handing himself quite well.

OK, may have missed that link. Still got it?

But that could be interpreted either way. If Martin had boxing experience then if it could show that if he started hostilities that he got a good punch in, on the other hand if Zimmerman started hostilities that he (Martin) got a good punch in.

Still doesn't show us who started hostilities.

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The fact that Martin WAS UNARMED means NOTHING in a fight if the person attacked was defending himself. You have a right to be armed, ZIMMERMAN HAD A LICENSE TO BE ARMED, and he has every right to use that weapon if attacked.
The LAW, something few know anything about here.

I totally agree with this statement.

The other side of the coin is that Zimmerman does not have protections under the color of law to carry a weapon and then initiate hostilities to the point of a possible forcible felony (assault + unlawful detention) and then use that weapon if the hostilities go against him.

At this point no evidence has been made to the public that fills in that critical 60-second gap before the witness that say hostilities had already started and the discharge of the firearm.

Interesting take from Mark Judge.

I’ve never been able to get over the crucial minutes of George Zimmerman’s encounter with Trayvon Martin. I’m not talking about the initial struggle, or even the fatal shooting. That’s where most of the media coverage has been, and for good reason. A life has been lost and it’s important to figure out exactly what happened.

I just have never been able to answer a basic question: Why was Zimmerman bothering Martin to begin with?

For me, the Trayvon Martin case is about something that is fundamental to America: the ability to go out and take a walk or pick up some junk food without being hassled. I’m aware that “hassle” is a term straight out of 1973, and maybe that’s deliberate. When I was growing up in Maryland in the 1970s, my mom had a term for people in the neighborhood who made it their job to mind everything that went on there: the sidewalk superintendent.

Sidewalk superintendents were mostly decent people just trying to protect the neighborhood. Bill Bennett once noted that in the old days the neighborhood watch consisted of mothers on their front porches who could spring into action when they saw something amiss. Such people are an important part of creating a safe and thriving community. Indeed, George Zimmerman had foiled at least one robbery in Twin Lakes, the crime-ridden complex in Florida where the shooting took place.

Trayvon Martin was not one of these; he was a teenage kid. But he was exercising his right to take a nocturnal sojourn and enter a quiet space where the world did not intrude. It set my conservative (even libertarian-leaning) alarm off when I heard the 911 tape where Zimmerman tells police that Trayvon Martin looks like he “is up to no good.” It was just too reminiscent of some sidewalk superintendents I knew as a kid. They were the guys who appeared the second you lit some firecrackers or killed a tick with a magnifying glass...

Read more: Trayvon Martin | Trayvon Martin and the right to be left alone | The Daily Caller

I totally agree...

Zimmerman was playing "mr. neighborhood cop" trying to be a hero. No question in my mind that Zimmerman was waiting for the day he could have used his gun "in the line of duty."

Zimmermans actions weren't racially motivated - he would have shot anyone who dare get into a physical altercation with him...

Zimmerman is an authoritarian freak who misguidedly believed he had the right to question Martin and I cannot blame Martin for telling Zimmerman to "fuck off" and when Zimmerman didn't leave him alone Martin attacked him..

I would have done the same thing if I was in Martins shoes and some weird guy was following me asking me questions for no apparent reason...

It is always good to be vigilant but not aggressive...
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I totally agree...

Zimmerman was playing "mr. neighborhood cop" trying to be a hero. No question in my mind that Zimmerman was waiting for the day he could have used his gun "in the line of duty."

Zimmermans actions weren't racially motivated - he would have shot anyone who dare get into a physical altercation with him...

Zimmerman is an authoritarian freak who misguidedly believed he had the right to question Martin and I cannot blame Martin for telling Zimmerman to "fuck off" and when Zimmerman didn't leave him alone Martin attacked him..

I would have done the same thing if I was in Martins shoes and some weird guy was following me asking me questions for no apparent reason...

It is always good to be vigilant but not aggressive...

Mr.Nick = :cuckoo:
I would have done the same thing if I was in Martins shoes and some weird guy was following me asking me questions for no apparent reason...

I hope some African faggot brutally rapes your punk ass and gives you AIDS, and then it turns out that someone saw that faggot looking for girly men to rape, right before he found you, but decided not to call the police because the faggot wasn't actually seen raping anyone.

You assert something that didn't happen and then you assert that being asked questions justifies being assaulted. You're fucked up. And, if you ever follow your own advice, I hope you get shot, too.
I would have done the same thing if I was in Martins shoes and some weird guy was following me asking me questions for no apparent reason...

You would be in jail or dead for attacking "some weird guy was following me asking me questions for no apparent reason". You would be committing a criminal act.
I totally agree...

Zimmerman was playing "mr. neighborhood cop" trying to be a hero. No question in my mind that Zimmerman was waiting for the day he could have used his gun "in the line of duty."

Zimmermans actions weren't racially motivated - he would have shot anyone who dare get into a physical altercation with him...

Zimmerman is an authoritarian freak who misguidedly believed he had the right to question Martin and I cannot blame Martin for telling Zimmerman to "fuck off" and when Zimmerman didn't leave him alone Martin attacked him..

I would have done the same thing if I was in Martins shoes and some weird guy was following me asking me questions for no apparent reason...

It is always good to be vigilant but not aggressive...

Mr.Nick = :cuckoo:

I own guns, I have had guns with me when I have gotten into fights - I never shot anyone and I wouldn't unless I felt my life was in danger.

Martin was 17 and Zimmerman was 28, not to mention he was way bigger than Martin.

I think Zimmerman overreacted..... He didn't have to shoot Martin - the kid didn't even have a weapon...

How dangerous can a kid be half your size and half your age be with no weapon???

Either way Zimmerman was clearly the aggressor for following that kid...
If it's the one from his facebook page, that was since been taken down, I believe he was refereeing the fight, not one of the combatants.


I was not referring to the facebook page but to the boxing video that I posted which was Trayvon Martin handing himself quite well.

OK, may have missed that link. Still got it?

But that could be interpreted either way. If Martin had boxing experience then if it could show that if he started hostilities that he got a good punch in, on the other hand if Zimmerman started hostilities that he (Martin) got a good punch in.

Still doesn't show us who started hostilities.


I forgot which thread I posted it in. Look around. It was yesterday I believe.

I do not know and it is not evident from the video that Martin had formal training as a boxer or if he was just a practiced boxer. If a trained boxer, using his fists to fight is the same as using any other deadly weapon. Having some training as a fighter might have affected his state of mind in believing that he could easily take this short guy down. Because Zimmerman would not have known that Martin had any training at all. It would have affected what Trayvon Martin was thinking and made it far more likely that he did attack Zimmerman.

The situation would dramatically change the circumstances. Martin would be armed with a deadly weapon and Zimmerman been unaware that he was, the same way that Zimmerman was armed with a deadly weapon unknown to Martin.

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