Trayvon Martin And The Right To Be Left Alone...

While it sucks trayvon got shot. If he hadn't resorted to violence to solve his problem he would be alive today.
I know I for one would not attack someone for following me. I would have called the police...not my girlfriend.

Assuming he attacked Zimmerman.

We dont know yet.

That may be true,but I find it hard to believe that Zimmerman just walked up to trayvon and shot him. And Zimmermans wounds support the hypothesis that trayvon attacked him.
And again,if trayvon was worried about being followed,why didnt he dial 911?
Thats what most law abiding citizens would have done.

No they don't. Zimmerman's wounds indicate that he was losing a fight, they do not indicate who started the fight.

911 call by Martin? (a) he was already talking to someone, and (b) he'd already run away and broken contact with the suspicious guy in a truck.

Well there is absolutely no proof that Zimmerman started the attack by pulling his gun on Martin. Martins girlfriend did not hear anything about gun while on the phone with Martin & none of the other witnesses saw a gun heard anything about a gun until after the shot was fired.

Another fact that gets glossed over is that Martin was from a broken home. Children from broken homes are nine times more likely to commit a violent crime than others. Judging by Martin's school record, he was clearly on a downward spiral.

You're a pathetic fool. Are you one of David Duke's white advocates? There's ample evidence that Zimmerman stalked Martin, chased Martin, and planted a slug in the 17 year old's chest.

I guess you think that was a good thing. On the contrary, I think it shows a racist, nativist hate of what America stands for.

Wait what? He shot him in the chest? But I thought trayvon was running away?
My bad I guess he was running backwards.
Travon got his shit blown away because he was confrontational. Had HE dialed 911 instead of his girl friend he would be alive today.

1. Zimmerman said Martin had already run away once.

2. There is no evidence Martin was confrontational, as a mater of fact he'd already run away once.

3. Martin didn't dial his girlfriend, she called him about 60 seconds after Zimmerman had called the dispatcher.

That may be true,but I find it hard to believe that Zimmerman just walked up to trayvon and shot him. And Zimmermans wounds support the hypothesis that trayvon attacked him.

No. Zimmerman's wounds show he was in a scuffle. Very different thing than being attacked.

Like I said, I'm trying to keep an open mind on this, and part of that is the fact that we only have one account of what happened that night: Zimmerman's. Keeping an open mind also requires questioning what he said too.

So you say he was in a scuffle? Now how would you know the difference between a scuffle and a fight? For all you know zimmerman defended himself to a point,and when he realized that trayvon meant to seriously harm him he pulled the gun.
Fact of the matter is zimmerman had a laceration on the back of his head and a broken or bloodied nose. Trayvon had zero wounds that would indicate zimmerman attacked him.

Zimmerman's laceration and nose injury are not indicative of who started the fight, only that Zimmerman was losing.

It's pretty clear trayvon tried to play the thug instead calling 911...and died for it.

No it's not if you limit evaluation to the available evidence.

Assuming he attacked Zimmerman.

We dont know yet.

That may be true,but I find it hard to believe that Zimmerman just walked up to trayvon and shot him. And Zimmermans wounds support the hypothesis that trayvon attacked him.
And again,if trayvon was worried about being followed,why didnt he dial 911?
Thats what most law abiding citizens would have done.

A juvenile likely would call Dad. That's what was disturbing about this case and the claim that Trayvon was frightened. A 17 year old boy just isn't going to call his girlfriend to tell her what a fraidy cat he is. He might call her to say "I'm gonna have to bust this guys ass" but not to tell a girlfriend that he's scared of a chubby mexican half a foot shorter than he is.

Martin didn't call his girlfriend, he was already on the pone with her before Zimmerman ever left his truck.

I'm not convicting Zimmerman before due process, and neither is the author of this article. But the article is very interesting.

But the article is assuming he was just "walking"..

Now...I dont know what happened....and I have no presumptions...


Maybe he was just walking
Maybe he was walking from car to car seeing if one was unlocked? That is very suspicious.
Maybe he was not actually walking on the sidewalk but closer to the front doors seeing which one may be ajar?
Maybe he was just walking
Maybe he would slow down near a front door and "look around" as if trying to see if someone sees him
Maybe he was just walking.

That article AGAIN did the wrong thing.

It assumes he did not ACT suspicious.

FYI...people usually dont LOOK suspicious...but many ACT suspicious.

There should be no more artilces on this. Let the facts come out first.
[thanks] And it was dark; the sun had set 45 minutes before and it was made darker because the sky was covered by light dampening clouds. It was drizzling rain. The only profiling in effect was that he was wearing a hood. He was not walking as if on a mission; more like he was skulking around. Incidentally, one of his recent his school suspensions was for having a burglary tool in his possession.
Well there is absolutely no proof that Zimmerman started the attack by pulling his gun on Martin. Martins girlfriend did not hear anything about gun while on the phone with Martin & none of the other witnesses saw a gun heard anything about a gun until after the shot was fired.

Likewise, there is absolutely no proof that Zimmerman started the attack by hitting Martin. Since Martin's body had no marks or bruises of any kind on it. Martin had no just cause to feel threatened if he was not struck by Zimmerman or had a gun pulled on him. If there is no legal threat, then Martin was not justified to "Stand His Ground".

Zimmerman would not have had to "hit" Martin to be in the process of committing assault under Floridat Statute 784.011.

Another fact that gets glossed over is that Martin was from a broken home. Children from broken homes are nine times more likely to commit a violent crime than others. Judging by Martin's school record, he was clearly on a downward spiral.

The fact that his parents are divorced it irrelevant to the case.

One fact that is relevant is that Martin already demonstrated that he was trying to flee the situation and that was reported by Zimmerman.


Assault defined by Florida Statute 784.011 is a misdemeanor. It does not meet the standard of Florida Statute 776.012 Justifiable Use of Force "Stand Stand Ground"

Martin had 6 minutes to walk 800 feet to the house from the time Zimmerman called 911. Walking would have taken 2 minutes & fleeing / running would have taken less than 1 minute. Martin did neither. He only went a couple hundred feet in the 6 minutes from the time Zimmerman called until he attacked. This suggest he doubled back or hid to ambush Zimmerman.
According to Zimmerman, they were fighting, his shirt was pulled up and Trayvon saw the gun and went for it. Assuming that Trayvon Martin was just an innocent and unarmed kid going to the store for skittles, there was no way for Zimmerman to know that.

If Zimmerman started the fight, then his self defense claim is seriously jeopardized even if Martin saw the gun and went for it. If he was in the process of committing a forcible felony (assault + unlawful restraint) then he is not authorized immunity under Florida Statute 776.041 (Use of force by an aggressor).

This was my take before Al Sharpton came to town and the family started selling DVDs:
1. Man with gun shoots and kills young man.
Then the media started posting 6th grade photos of Martin instead of the many they had of him at age 17 and in the 12th grade.
2. Incident report clearly states evidence collected and sent to crime lab. No charges to date. Would I be upset over this if I was the family? Hell yes and did they do anything wrong yelling about that? Hell no. Would have done the same thing. But they were told that the crime lab reports take months and months sometimes. Should they have charged him. Probably yes but that MEANS NOTHING.

Interesting that you let the media dictate your views. But not surprising.

Reasonably fear of imminent death or great bodily harm is the standard.

Carrying a gun, following & asking questions does not meet the legal standard in Florida.

We know there was no mention of gun over the phone to Martins girlfriend. No other witness heard mention of gun or saw a gun prior to the gunshot. That rules out Zimmerman starting the fight by threatening Martin with his gun.

No it doesn't.

No witness (that has made any public statement) provides ANY information from the time of the ending of the girlfriends phone call to the first eye witness where the fight was already occuring.

That does not rule out Zimmerman starting the fight.

There was no evidence of torn clothing, bruises, scratches or marks on Martins body other than the gunshot wound. That rules out Zimmerman striking Martin first.

No it doesn't, it only shows that Zimmerman was losing since he had injuries.

It's very possible for Zimmerman to initiated an assault and/or attempt to unlawfully detain Martin, in which case Martin was fully justified under Florida's Stand Your Ground law not to have to retreat and to defend himself.

Zimmerman has injuries consistent with Martin striking him first.

Zimmerman's injuries are consistent with someone losing a fight, they are not indicative of who started the fight.

Witnesses & 911 tape have Zimmerman screaming for his life as Martin attacked him.

1. The screeams do not indicated who attacked whom. "HELP" is a scream for help. "This white guy (or black guy) attacked me!" is a scream of identification of who attacked who. A scream of "HELP" does not indicate who initiated hostilities.

2. And other witnesses claim it is Martin screaming for his life.

According to Zimmerman, they were fighting, his shirt was pulled up and Trayvon saw the gun and went for it. Assuming that Trayvon Martin was just an innocent and unarmed kid going to the store for skittles, there was no way for Zimmerman to know that.

If Zimmerman started the fight, then his self defense claim is seriously jeopardized even if Martin saw the gun and went for it. If he was in the process of committing a forcible felony (assault + unlawful restraint) then he is not authorized immunity under Florida Statute 776.041 (Use of force by an aggressor).


So true. Only if Martin did attack Zimmerman is Zimmerman entitled to use a stand your ground defense, or if he is not entitled to that, then to self defense.

The first pretrial hearing will likely be an immunity hearing to decide that very issue.
Zimmerman lied to police when he told them that it was his voice that was recorded calling for help.

Not necessarily true. There are conflicting reports as to whose voice is on the tape.>>>>

There is no conflict with the eyewitnesses.

Eye witness account has been provided of a person who watched the shooting, with a "larger man" (Zimmerman well outweighed Martin), was watching when the firearm was discharged, and watched the "larger man" rise and move into the light.

Since Martin was on the ground and Zimmerman was the one rising then it clearly says Zimmerman was on top.

Part of this case is going to hinge on how trained Martin was as a fighter. He was a practiced fighter, but how much training did he really have. If he had a significant amount of training, he would be like any other trained fighter whose lack of a weapon would not preclude deadly force.

I already posted a video of Trayvon Martin in what appears to be somewhat of an organized fight. He's pretty good too.
Not necessarily true. There are conflicting reports as to whose voice is on the tape.>>>>

There is no conflict with the eyewitnesses.

Eye witness account has been provided of a person who watched the shooting, with a "larger man" (Zimmerman well outweighed Martin), was watching when the firearm was discharged, and watched the "larger man" rise and move into the light.

Since Martin was on the ground and Zimmerman was the one rising then it clearly says Zimmerman was on top.

Martin was 6 feet 3 inches in height and weighed 160# and was in a hooded jacket.. Zimmerman was (on the night of the incident, 5 feet 8 inches in height and (currently) weighs 170#.

Who, in the darkness of night would appear to be the larger man?

George Zimmerman weighs 170#; Trayvon Martin 160# - Charleston Charleston Conservative |
The police surveillance video, recently shown on ABC National News shows a fairly slender George Zimmerman the night of the attack. A close friend of Zimmerman, Joe*Oliver, says Zimmerman is 5'8" and currently only weighs 170 pounds.
There is no conflict with the eyewitnesses.

Eye witness account has been provided of a person who watched the shooting, with a "larger man" (Zimmerman well outweighed Martin), was watching when the firearm was discharged, and watched the "larger man" rise and move into the light.

Since Martin was on the ground and Zimmerman was the one rising then it clearly says Zimmerman was on top.

Martin was 6 feet 3 inches in height and weighed 160# and was in a hooded jacket.. Zimmerman was (on the night of the incident, 5 feet 8 inches in height and (currently) weighs 170#.

Who, in the darkness of night would appear to be the larger man?

George Zimmerman weighs 170#; Trayvon Martin 160# - Charleston Charleston Conservative |
The police surveillance video, recently shown on ABC National News shows a fairly slender George Zimmerman the night of the attack. A close friend of Zimmerman, Joe*Oliver, says Zimmerman is 5'8" and currently only weighs 170 pounds.

1. "Larger" means bulkier, you realize that it's kind of difficult to compare how tall two people are that are rolling around on the ground? I'm eight inches taller than my wife, we occupy the same amount of verticle space when we are lying down.

2. Your link goes to an examiner article that links to an interview with a "friend".

3. The police booking records show something different - 185 lbs.

4. And his lawyers say he LOST a lot of weight, which means he weighed more that 185 llbs at the time of the shooting.

"George, from the information made available to us, is not doing well emotionally, he may be suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome, he’s lost a lot of weight. Our concern is, for him to do this when he’s got a couple of professionals out there working for his benefit, to handle it this way, suggests thst he may not be in complete control of what’s going on. We are concerned for his emotional and physical safety."​

Zimmerman housed apart at jail, makes purchases - CNN
Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman's lawyers withdraw

Part of this case is going to hinge on how trained Martin was as a fighter. He was a practiced fighter, but how much training did he really have. If he had a significant amount of training, he would be like any other trained fighter whose lack of a weapon would not preclude deadly force.

I already posted a video of Trayvon Martin in what appears to be somewhat of an organized fight. He's pretty good too.

If it's the one from his facebook page, that was since been taken down, I believe he was refereeing the fight, not one of the combatants.

Eye witness account has been provided of a person who watched the shooting, with a "larger man" (Zimmerman well outweighed Martin), was watching when the firearm was discharged, and watched the "larger man" rise and move into the light.

Since Martin was on the ground and Zimmerman was the one rising then it clearly says Zimmerman was on top.

Martin was 6 feet 3 inches in height and weighed 160# and was in a hooded jacket.. Zimmerman was (on the night of the incident, 5 feet 8 inches in height and (currently) weighs 170#.

Who, in the darkness of night would appear to be the larger man?

George Zimmerman weighs 170#; Trayvon Martin 160# - Charleston Charleston Conservative |
The police surveillance video, recently shown on ABC National News shows a fairly slender George Zimmerman the night of the attack. A close friend of Zimmerman, Joe*Oliver, says Zimmerman is 5'8" and currently only weighs 170 pounds.

Your link goes to an examiner article that links to an interview with a "friend".

The police booking records show something different - 185 lbs.

And his lawyers say he LOST a lot of weight, which means he weighed more that 185 llbs at the time of the shooting.

"George, from the information made available to us, is not doing well emotionally, he may be suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome, he’s lost a lot of weight. Our concern is, for him to do this when he’s got a couple of professionals out there working for his benefit, to handle it this way, suggests thst he may not be in complete control of what’s going on. We are concerned for his emotional and physical safety."​

Zimmerman housed apart at jail, makes purchases - CNN
Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman's lawyers withdraw

So you're source says Zim was 15 pounds heavier than mine. Not a huge difference. Not a "much larger man." The greatest indicator of apparent size, in the dark mind you, is height. Who can judge weight between two figures in the night; but height? We are all sensitive to height.
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Posted repeatedly by KissMy:

There was no evidence of torn clothing, bruises, scratches or marks on Martins body other than the gunshot wound.

Where are you getting this from? Nothing released describes Martin's condition other than that he was shot and that he was dead.
A new photograph obtained exclusively by ABC News showing the bloodied back of George Zimmerman's head, which was taken three minutes after he shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, gives possible credence to his claim that Martin had bashed his head against the concrete as he fought for his life.
George Zimmerman Case: Exclusive New Photo Shows Bloodied Back of Head - ABC News

Shows a bloodied head, supposedly a witness took the picture.

If that photo is real, the scrapes he sustained are not anywhere near the top, with the 3" gash the 'enhanced video' supposedly showed.

Zimmerman to photographer: Call my wife, "man tell her I just shot someone."

Timestamp on photo: 7:19:07; Iphone.

Two minutes after police arrive.

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