Trayvon Martin's parents settle for $1M or more

I don't think he's innocent.

Trayvon is dead. Zimmerman shot him. Pretty much the end of the discussion for me.

I don't think that Zimmerman shot Martin has ever been in question. The question is his justification for having done so. It must be nice when your life is clearly black and white, with no shades of gray in between.

There are no shades of gray in this case.

Trayvon was unarmed. Zimmerman had a gun.
Trayvon was a kid. Zimmerman was an adult.
Trayvon was minding his own business going to the store. Zimmerman was SPECIFICALLY told by Police not to follow him.

The only shade of gray is between second degree homicide and manslaughter.

Unfortunately, Zimmerman has gone with the "Slime the victim" approach... which almost never ends well.

1# So what? Isn't Florida a state that you can defend yourself and carry a gun?
2# Again, so what? Millions of young adults make bad choices. I feel sorry for his family but that doesn't make him a murderer. Self defense isn't murder.
3# Trayvon wasn't minding his business as he was scouting out Zimmerman watch-area. He also could of reacted differently instead of beating the hell out of Zimmerman. Also, Zimmerman stopped following when the police told him not too.

Why is this story being debated? Thousands of young men a year get blown away and yet you don't hear a peep. Could it be you leftist are using this for political gain and to cause hatred between the white and black communities? I think so. Why not let the courts handle it fairly and look at the facts, etc?
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They should have had to pay the Zimmermans for a box of ammo.

It was all about money with those assholes. If they gave a shit about that little bastard they would have raised him to be something more that a doper thug. was always about money

That is why the sent him to 7-11 to buy Skittles. It was all a scam

:lol: Trayvon had to go to 7-Eleven to get a lighter to smoke some weed.






Zakiya Laurent (Richardson) was staying at the same house as Trayvon. She was caught with 700-lbs of weed. Zakiya's Seminole County, Florida mugshot & criminal record. Zakiya Richardson is Brandy Green's drug dealing sister who lived with with her. Trayvon was staying at Brandy Green's house when he was shot. Brandy Green is Trayvon's fathers girlfriend. Trayvon was suspended from school at the time for possession of Marijuana. Marijuana was found in his blood during the autopsy.


Zakiya Richardson is standing with her sister Brandy Green & Trayvon Martin' father at press conference for Trayvon.

This is what MSNBC told you.



This is reality.




My! the extravaganza of racism that washes over these pages is like the overflow of a backed-up toilet!!

If the people here are a representative sampling of Americans, the country is one vast, sorry mess!!

I certainly hope that the USA is not such a Failed State as you people seem to indicate.
My! the extravaganza of racism that washes over these pages is like the overflow of a backed-up toilet!!

If the people here are a representative sampling of Americans, the country is one vast, sorry mess!!

I certainly hope that the USA is not such a Failed State as you people seem to indicate.

The black community doesn't care about due process and wants to hang Zimmerman.
The left wants the same thing and for political reasons.

I'd say, yes, this country is quite the fucking mess. I'm here trying to fight for our legal system.
What crime did Trayvon commit? I'm still trying to figure this out? Why were the cops called? I'm still confused about that. What exactly did Trayvon do to warrant a call to the police?

I cannot believe there are people who think Zimmerman's actions are explainable and excusable. What's the matter with walking down the street anyway? Why did Trayvon's walking down the street justify a call to the cops? I'm totally flummoxed by Zimmerman's behavior. Zimmerman deserves all the suffering his been through so far, and more.

Consider the elimination of Martin as preventative medicine for the community. The growing cancer was excised before it was able to cause too much harm or irreparable damage to those around him.
My! the extravaganza of racism that washes over these pages is like the overflow of a backed-up toilet!!

If the people here are a representative sampling of Americans, the country is one vast, sorry mess!!

I certainly hope that the USA is not such a Failed State as you people seem to indicate.

Isn't it horrid? They lump all whites together.

I don't understand it.

Broad brushing beyond.
What crime did Trayvon commit? I'm still trying to figure this out? Why were the cops called? I'm still confused about that. What exactly did Trayvon do to warrant a call to the police?

I cannot believe there are people who think Zimmerman's actions are explainable and excusable. What's the matter with walking down the street anyway? Why did Trayvon's walking down the street justify a call to the cops? I'm totally flummoxed by Zimmerman's behavior. Zimmerman deserves all the suffering his been through so far, and more.

Consider the elimination of Martin as preventative medicine for the community. The growing cancer was excised before it was able to cause too much harm or irreparable damage to those around him.

Travon Martin = cancer.

What crime did Trayvon commit? I'm still trying to figure this out? Why were the cops called? I'm still confused about that. What exactly did Trayvon do to warrant a call to the police?

I cannot believe there are people who think Zimmerman's actions are explainable and excusable. What's the matter with walking down the street anyway? Why did Trayvon's walking down the street justify a call to the cops? I'm totally flummoxed by Zimmerman's behavior. Zimmerman deserves all the suffering his been through so far, and more.

Consider the elimination of Martin as preventative medicine for the community. The growing cancer was excised before it was able to cause too much harm or irreparable damage to those around him.

Travon Martin = cancer.


Well, did you look at those pictures of him? Certainly didn't get raised very good by his parents. He was a thug that's for sure to any honest person...

It's a fucking shame that the black community doesn't work harder to bring up better members of society. I do wish things were different.
Zimmerman was a watch man for that neighborhood and did his job. What's so hard to understand? At least allow for a fair trial.

I'm sorry I wasn't aware that the duties of a neighborhood watch were to kill suspicious people.


He was acting as a very shitty neighborhood watch, and he murdered a young boy because of it.

If he just reported it to the police and didn't pursue Trayvon, both of their lives would be much better.

Trayvon went for the kill. He's the one that attacked Zimmerman.

When the 911 operator asked Zimmerman to stop following, he stopped. You really should take the time out and listen to the call and read the transcript.

That requires effort and original thought. It's so much easier to regurgitate Unka Al's race-baiting talking points.
I hope the Matins use the money to move out of that area, what with all that gun nutter , trigger happy half breed like Zimmerman playing cop all the time. Turns out he was the criminal.

I understand parts of Chicago and Detroit would be exactly what suits them best. Nice neighborhoods peopled by folks 'jes' lyke dem'.

What blows me away is the fact that they don't have a problem with that. :eek: This isn't the America that I want...That's why I fight against it.
My! the extravaganza of racism that washes over these pages is like the overflow of a backed-up toilet!!

If the people here are a representative sampling of Americans, the country is one vast, sorry mess!!

I certainly hope that the USA is not such a Failed State as you people seem to indicate.

The black community doesn't care about due process and wants to hang Zimmerman.
The left wants the same thing and for political reasons.

I'd say, yes, this country is quite the fucking mess. I'm here trying to fight for our legal system.

Doesn't that make the black community the willing tools of the pols to achieve their political goals? They use blacks like I use toilet paper...take all the shit and then they're tossed aside without a thought until time to wipe again.
I hope the Matins use the money to move out of that area, what with all that gun nutter , trigger happy half breed like Zimmerman playing cop all the time. Turns out he was the criminal.

I understand parts of Chicago and Detroit would be exactly what suits them best. Nice neighborhoods peopled by folks 'jes' lyke dem'.

What blows me away is the fact that they don't have a problem with that. :eek: This isn't the America that I want...That's why I fight against it.

It appears to be the America they want, though, doesn't it?
Now I know Florida like the back of my hand. Never forget I'm a dual citizen. I spent every summer in Florida in my life.

If this kid comes up from Miami Dade to his dad's place and starts throwing attitude from the get go: there will be an issue.
Trayvon appeared to be scoping out the neighborhood. He was a stranger in this gated community.

Makes sense that Zimmerman called the cops. There had been a number of break ins.

Hello? There's a black boy walking around my neighborhood! WHAT DO I DO!?

Do you know him? Is it daytime or night? Is he looking around at the houses acting like he's on drugs or something? Has there been a lot of crime in your neighborhood? If the answers are no, night, yes and yes, then you should call the cops. It's better to be safe than sorry. Oh, and this goes for whatever color the guy is. Get to know your neighbors as Zimmerman did and you will recognize strangers.

Trayvon was in a strange neighborhood. He was being followed, he could have called the cops himself, he could have gone straight to his father's girlfriend's house and gone inside, if he had done either of these things, he'd be alive today. Instead, he went back and attacked Zimmerman and kept beating on the guy while he was screaming for help. When in doubt, I side with the guy who called the cops and ended up screaming for help because they took to long to get there.

Quit trying to defend Zimmerman's call to the police. It's too embarrassing to read. No crime had been committed, and any past crimes aren't Trayvon's fault either. It's better to be safe than sorry? Wrong. It's better to wait till a crime is committed, then call the police. If Zimmerman had done that instead, he'd still be living his sad sack life as an almost 30 year old community college student, or whatever he was doing.
Hello? There's a black boy walking around my neighborhood! WHAT DO I DO!?

Do you know him? Is it daytime or night? Is he looking around at the houses acting like he's on drugs or something? Has there been a lot of crime in your neighborhood? If the answers are no, night, yes and yes, then you should call the cops. It's better to be safe than sorry. Oh, and this goes for whatever color the guy is. Get to know your neighbors as Zimmerman did and you will recognize strangers.

Trayvon was in a strange neighborhood. He was being followed, he could have called the cops himself, he could have gone straight to his father's girlfriend's house and gone inside, if he had done either of these things, he'd be alive today. Instead, he went back and attacked Zimmerman and kept beating on the guy while he was screaming for help. When in doubt, I side with the guy who called the cops and ended up screaming for help because they took to long to get there.

Quit trying to defend Zimmerman's call to the police.

It doesn't need defending. It was perfectly legal and even responsible. Only the lynch mob after Zimmerman believes there's anything inappropriate about it.

It's too embarrassing to read. No crime had been committed, and any past crimes aren't Trayvon's fault either.

Past crimes Trayvon committed aren't his fault? Are you serious?

It's better to be safe than sorry? Wrong. It's better to wait till a crime is committed, then call the police.

Wrong again. That's how you wind up dead.

If Zimmerman had done that instead, he'd still be living his sad sack life as an almost 30 year old community college student, or whatever he was doing.

Perhaps, but it's irrelevant to the charges against him.
They should have had to pay the Zimmermans for a box of ammo.

It was all about money with those assholes. If they gave a shit about that little bastard they would have raised him to be something more that a doper thug.

You had to know the racists were going to flock to this thread like flies to dog shit.
Fuck Zimmerman and Fuck his supporters. I hope he fry's and this settlement can only help the Martin's get some peace.

Oh and god bless.
They should have had to pay the Zimmermans for a box of ammo.

It was all about money with those assholes. If they gave a shit about that little bastard they would have raised him to be something more that a doper thug.

You had to know the racists were going to flock to this thread like flies to dog shit.

Yay, the fucking race card. So wanting our legal system to be fair is now racist. You communist are really something...

Why do you want to destroy our society so much?

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