TREASON?: John McCain Admits To Communicating With ISIS Consistently...

What the hell did McCain say to them? Sure didn't smooth things over, did it? They are on a rampage and gaining strength.
The dipshit who made the OP video thinks all the Syrian rebels are ISIS. His entire rant is based on a false premise.
As for McCain communicating with ISIS, that does not automatically translate to treason. Every post-WWII President up to Bush, Sr. communicated with the Soviet Union. Does that make them all traitors?

Our Presidents also communicate with Iran, North Korea, and Syria.

The guy who made the OP video is an idiot.
As for McCain communicating with ISIS, that does not automatically translate to treason. Every post-WWII President up to Bush, Sr. communicated with the Soviet Union. Does that make them all traitors?

Our Presidents also communicate with Iran, North Korea, and Syria.

The guy who made the OP video is an idiot.

So you support the funding & arming of ISIS?
What the hell did McCain say to them? Sure didn't smooth things over, did it? They are on a rampage and gaining strength.
The dipshit who made the OP video thinks all the Syrian rebels are ISIS. His entire rant is based on a false premise.

Listen to McCain's own words. ISIS was and is part of it.
The dipshit said the entire Syrian rebel opposition is ISIS, thus exposing himself as a retard.

And please explain how communicating with the enemy is traitorous if it is ISIS but isn't traitorous if it is the USSR, North Korea, or Iran.

This should be fun.
As for McCain communicating with ISIS, that does not automatically translate to treason. Every post-WWII President up to Bush, Sr. communicated with the Soviet Union. Does that make them all traitors?

Our Presidents also communicate with Iran, North Korea, and Syria.

The guy who made the OP video is an idiot.

So you support the funding & arming of ISIS?
The tard is strong in this one.

Do you know what a fallacy of the excluded middle is, paulitician? Because you are committing one right now.
Not every rebel force in Syria is ISIS. This is what the tard in the OP video and paulitician cannot seem to mentally grasp. If you give a gun to someone in one of those forces, you are not "arming ISIS", you fucking idiots.

Also, communicating with ISIS does not automatically mean one is committing treason. This is another concept the tards cannot seem to mentally grasp.
There are a lot of players on the ground, only one of which is ISIS. Start with that basic piece of knowledge, and the tard's rant immediately unravels.
Some disgruntled Paul cultist with a chip on his shoulder wants to strike back at McCain for pointing out what a dipshit his cult leader is ????

Is this where I act surprised?

McCain is flaky and unpredictable but he's nothing close to a traitor. Paul isn't fit to shine McCain's medals.
ISIS itself was formed out of 43 rebel groups. Some people fool themselves that they can distinguish between the good guys and the bad.
This shows why McCain is beloved of the democrat. HE A MAVERICK.

Fucking open borders bastard, never could stand the prick.

First Tea Party I went to in 2006 was aimed at him and Bush, for their efforts to open the border.
ISIS itself was formed out of 43 rebel groups. Some people fool themselves that they can distinguish between the good guys and the bad.
Some people fool themselves that all of them are bad.
My biggest criticism of McCain is that he lost his spine somewhere along the way. He still has principles, but chucks them out the window at the drop of a hat. Ever since he ran for President it is more important to him to be a crowd pleaser.

Rand Paul is a propellerhead.
What the hell did McCain say to them? Sure didn't smooth things over, did it? They are on a rampage and gaining strength.
The dipshit who made the OP video thinks all the Syrian rebels are ISIS. His entire rant is based on a false premise.

Listen to McCain's own words. ISIS was and is part of it.
The dipshit said the entire Syrian rebel opposition is ISIS, thus exposing himself as a retard.

And please explain how communicating with the enemy is traitorous if it is ISIS but isn't traitorous if it is the USSR, North Korea, or Iran.

This should be fun.

ISIS is and was a big part of the Rebels in Syria. So they didn't just magically appear one day like the American Government/Corporate Media keeps telling us. McCain's own words prove that.

And communicating a willingness to fund & arm such a group, is different than merely communicating. We didn't fund & arm the USSR or North Korea. However, we did fund & arm Iran in the past. But regardless, his own words prove he did support ISIS.

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