TREASON?: John McCain Admits To Communicating With ISIS Consistently...

My biggest criticism of McCain is that he lost his spine somewhere along the way. He still has principles, but chucks them out the window at the drop of a hat. Ever since he ran for President it is more important to him to be a crowd pleaser.

Rand Paul is a propellerhead.

McCain is a senile old douchebag. Rand Paul was right all along.
The guy talking over the video thinks everyone watching is a retard. What a douche.

McCain needs to go but this video narrator needs to get a fucking life.

What a whiney bitch

Don't shoot the messenger. McCain is the douche. He made ISIS possible.
That's just silly. Isis created isis, not McCain or Obama

McCain contributed heavily to securing their arming & funding. He should be ashamed of himself.
ISIS may not have been created by Obama, McCain, Clinton and everyone else who wanted Assad overthrown.

But these bastards who still want Assad gone for another failed kick at the bullshit Arab Spring can created the power vacuum that allowed Baghdadi a brilliant strategist to seize 1/3 of Syria and invade Iraq.

If those assholes in Washington had left well enough alone knowing that their support of the Muslim Brotherhood was screwing up Egypt (thank heavens those Egyptians rose up against those terrorists) AND if they hadn't hands on bombed the crap out of Libya to remove Gaddafi and turned that freaking country over to extremist militias who are now fighting with ISIS in Syria ISIS would never have become the monster they are now fighting away in a suburb of Baghdad.

Obama, McCain, Clinton et al are the midwives who delivered ISIS to the planet.

And the mother fuckers still want to overthrow Assad and give Syria to the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.
The guy talking over the video thinks everyone watching is a retard. What a douche.

McCain needs to go but this video narrator needs to get a fucking life.

What a whiney bitch

Don't shoot the messenger. McCain is the douche. He made ISIS possible.
That's just silly. Isis created isis, not McCain or Obama

McCain contributed heavily to securing their arming & funding. He should be ashamed of himself.

The CIA was directly involved with assisting Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar on getting funds and weapons to the paid mercenaries, This was never a student uprising; that's just bullshit.

Oh and they let the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood deliver the weapons.

I mean what could possibly go wrong?


Idiots. Idiots in Washington.
What's so cool about conspiracy cultists is that they never require any evidence - they just make it up.
As for McCain communicating with ISIS, that does not automatically translate to treason. Every post-WWII President up to Bush, Sr. communicated with the Soviet Union. Does that make them all traitors?

Our Presidents also communicate with Iran, North Korea, and Syria.

The guy who made the OP video is an idiot.
Let me check for a think McCain is President?
What's so cool about conspiracy cultists is that they never require any evidence - they just make it up.

I never lie. I always double check and triple check my information before I post.

It's not opinion on the CIA assisting those Sunni countries to help overthrow Assad.

It's a fact. Not a conspiracy theory.

The New York Times told me so. :) As well as other really solid sources. I've been on this for a long time now. I have a lot bookmarked from very solid sources.

Got to run the dog this beautiful fall day. But here's that NYT piece. :)

Note the date.

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition
Published: June 21, 2012

WASHINGTON — A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.
"I never lie. I always double check and triple check my information before I post."

Then explain how you are so consistently wrong ... and laughably so.
I love the explanation that ISIS got all their money from 'robbing banks.' Many are claiming they got $Billions. My God, such hilarious fairy tale B.S. I keep asking them to list the actual banks and prove there were $Billions in those banks. But no one has offered the list yet. These people just refuse to accept the fact their Government and allies in the region funded & armed ISIS. It's bizarre willful ignorance.
Yes, bizarre willful ignorance. Common among cultists who generate conspiracy theories without evidence. btw, Mr. Pot, have you met Mr. Kettle?
Yes, bizarre willful ignorance. Common among cultists who generate conspiracy theories without evidence. btw, Mr. Pot, have you met Mr. Kettle?

McCain supported funding & arming ISIS. It's not a 'conspiracy theory.' He said it himself. Listen to what he said.

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