Treason or Whistle Blower?

Should Edward Snowden be charged with Treason? WHY?

  • YES

    Votes: 19 21.3%
  • NO

    Votes: 70 78.7%

  • Total voters
‘Treason’ is extremely difficult to prove:

No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Clearly it was the intent of the Framers to no longer allow ‘treason’ to be used again as a political weapon, as had been the case for several centuries.

True. I would expect Mr. Snowden to recant his public admission if indicted. His attorney's would never allow him to take the stand and thus his public comments would be introduced into evidence by other means.

I could not be a member of the jury if Snowden were brought to trail, for I have already come to the conclusion that Mr. Snowden committed an act which provided aid and comfort to China, a nation which has apparently engaged in Cyber Espionage against our country. The fact that he sought refuge in Hong Kong is troubling to me; and if true that he earned a salary of $200.000 per year with only a GED from a Government Contractor is equally troubling.

What I find absolutely hilarious is the reaction of self defined conservatives who pride themselves as patriots - and few of them ever served a minute in our armed forces - suggesting the actions of Snowden and Manning are those of patriots. IMO George Washington as General of the Revolutionary Army would have had both of them hanged.

Snowden will likely be initially charged with crimes related to his access to government intelligence information and use of government computers, at least to have hem extradited from Hong Kong.

In addition to being potentially criminal, his actions were arrogant and foolish.

And the politics of the issue are indeed problematic for the right, desperate for anything they might perceive as a political weapon to use against Obama.

How, for example, will conservatives reconcile their traditional motif of ‘America, love it or leave it’? Snowden tried to harm America, how can any conservative super-patriot ignore that?

Imagine the right’s response if Obama were a republican…
How good to know that somewhere in the world there is still a country willing to defend Free Enterprise and personal liberty against the jack-booted control-freaks running the Gulag-state known as the USA.

Russia slaughters their own journalists who dare to utter the truth against the State.. They're doing this to piss off the US.. Not to mention, this guy is a treasure trove of INTEL.. America and her FAT MOUTHED politicians who leak shit ALL THE FUCKING TIME, opened their pieholes and stuck their foot in them.. they fucked up.. they should have never threatened this guy.. now he's gone and with him secrets about who knows what?! Fucking idiots.
‘Treason’ is extremely difficult to prove:

No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Clearly it was the intent of the Framers to no longer allow ‘treason’ to be used again as a political weapon, as had been the case for several centuries.

True. I would expect Mr. Snowden to recant his public admission if indicted. His attorney's would never allow him to take the stand and thus his public comments would be introduced into evidence by other means.

I could not be a member of the jury if Snowden were brought to trail, for I have already come to the conclusion that Mr. Snowden committed an act which provided aid and comfort to China, a nation which has apparently engaged in Cyber Espionage against our country. The fact that he sought refuge in Hong Kong is troubling to me; and if true that he earned a salary of $200.000 per year with only a GED from a Government Contractor is equally troubling.

What I find absolutely hilarious is the reaction of self defined conservatives who pride themselves as patriots - and few of them ever served a minute in our armed forces - suggesting the actions of Snowden and Manning are those of patriots. IMO George Washington as General of the Revolutionary Army would have had both of them hanged.

Snowden will likely be initially charged with crimes related to his access to government intelligence information and use of government computers, at least to have hem extradited from Hong Kong.

In addition to being potentially criminal, his actions were arrogant and foolish.

And the politics of the issue are indeed problematic for the right, desperate for anything they might perceive as a political weapon to use against Obama.

How, for example, will conservatives reconcile their traditional motif of ‘America, love it or leave it’? Snowden tried to harm America, how can any conservative super-patriot ignore that?

Imagine the right’s response if Obama were a republican…

5 bucks says Russia already has him...
‘Treason’ is extremely difficult to prove:

No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Clearly it was the intent of the Framers to no longer allow ‘treason’ to be used again as a political weapon, as had been the case for several centuries.

True. I would expect Mr. Snowden to recant his public admission if indicted. His attorney's would never allow him to take the stand and thus his public comments would be introduced into evidence by other means.

I could not be a member of the jury if Snowden were brought to trail, for I have already come to the conclusion that Mr. Snowden committed an act which provided aid and comfort to China, a nation which has apparently engaged in Cyber Espionage against our country. The fact that he sought refuge in Hong Kong is troubling to me; and if true that he earned a salary of $200.000 per year with only a GED from a Government Contractor is equally troubling.

What I find absolutely hilarious is the reaction of self defined conservatives who pride themselves as patriots - and few of them ever served a minute in our armed forces - suggesting the actions of Snowden and Manning are those of patriots. IMO George Washington as General of the Revolutionary Army would have had both of them hanged.

Snowden will likely be initially charged with crimes related to his access to government intelligence information and use of government computers, at least to have hem extradited from Hong Kong.

In addition to being potentially criminal, his actions were arrogant and foolish.

And the politics of the issue are indeed problematic for the right, desperate for anything they might perceive as a political weapon to use against Obama.

How, for example, will conservatives reconcile their traditional motif of ‘America, love it or leave it’? Snowden tried to harm America, how can any conservative super-patriot ignore that?

Imagine the right’s response if Obama were a republican…

Not a problem for the right at all, on the contrary; Snowden did not try to harm America. Exactly the opposite.

I can imagine the response to this from the LEFT if obama was a republican, they'd be calling for his head.
True. I would expect Mr. Snowden to recant his public admission if indicted. His attorney's would never allow him to take the stand and thus his public comments would be introduced into evidence by other means.

I could not be a member of the jury if Snowden were brought to trail, for I have already come to the conclusion that Mr. Snowden committed an act which provided aid and comfort to China, a nation which has apparently engaged in Cyber Espionage against our country. The fact that he sought refuge in Hong Kong is troubling to me; and if true that he earned a salary of $200.000 per year with only a GED from a Government Contractor is equally troubling.

What I find absolutely hilarious is the reaction of self defined conservatives who pride themselves as patriots - and few of them ever served a minute in our armed forces - suggesting the actions of Snowden and Manning are those of patriots. IMO George Washington as General of the Revolutionary Army would have had both of them hanged.


if you bootlickers were around at the time, you'd be demanding that George Washington be hanged.


Opposition to the PA and similar acts and policies by non-conservatives has been consistent since 9/11.

It’s conservatives, for the most part, who have a consistency problem.
Clearly you don't

Fuck off Frank. You're dumber than a box of rocks as your 43,000 one-line posts prove.

lol You're not bright enough to light up a cigarette much less a room with thoughtful expression.. Look in the mirror DUMMY.

At times I thought Frank had put on a dress and posted as LGS. But dumb as both of they are, he doesn't resort to using "Fuck" as an adjective. Of course idiotgrams are less than a dozen words and Frank has troubled putting them together.
The Red Scare group and Russian leader Vladimir Putin both believe Snowden is a hero. Both hate the United States and Democracy. Ain't that a kick, LGS and Vlad sitting in a tree .......
If he's convicted of Treason, every Militia from Texas to New York (yes we exist in New York) will recognize we are living under a Tyranny and resort to the example of Athens, Tennessee, 1946.

Why don't you get your America hating white trash buddys and come take the country back tough guy?

You're too pussy to actually come do anything except play rambo in the woods. We Americans salavate at the thought of you actually showing your faces out in public thinking you're gonna do anything.

Hey The2ndAmendment ......come out and plaaaayyyyyy

Looks like a prime candidate for the NSA to pick up on right here... he's instigating violence.

But don't worry little pebble nuts, we'll see who's a PUSSY and who's not when riots start, and food gets in short supply, and truckers stop delivering food to the inner cities because it's too dangerous, and you city slickers start turning on each other for a fucking slice of bread. I will tell you one thing boy, you libtards think you're going to spill out of the city into the country side in search of food, and I guarantee you, you won't like what you run into.

Now go fuck yourself ya pathetic little scab.
‘Treason’ is extremely difficult to prove:

No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Clearly it was the intent of the Framers to no longer allow ‘treason’ to be used again as a political weapon, as had been the case for several centuries.

True. I would expect Mr. Snowden to recant his public admission if indicted. His attorney's would never allow him to take the stand and thus his public comments would be introduced into evidence by other means.

I could not be a member of the jury if Snowden were brought to trail, for I have already come to the conclusion that Mr. Snowden committed an act which provided aid and comfort to China, a nation which has apparently engaged in Cyber Espionage against our country. The fact that he sought refuge in Hong Kong is troubling to me; and if true that he earned a salary of $200.000 per year with only a GED from a Government Contractor is equally troubling.

What I find absolutely hilarious is the reaction of self defined conservatives who pride themselves as patriots - and few of them ever served a minute in our armed forces - suggesting the actions of Snowden and Manning are those of patriots. IMO George Washington as General of the Revolutionary Army would have had both of them hanged.

Snowden will likely be initially charged with crimes related to his access to government intelligence information and use of government computers, at least to have hem extradited from Hong Kong.

In addition to being potentially criminal, his actions were arrogant and foolish.

And the politics of the issue are indeed problematic for the right, desperate for anything they might perceive as a political weapon to use against Obama.

How, for example, will conservatives reconcile their traditional motif of ‘America, love it or leave it’? Snowden tried to harm America, how can any conservative super-patriot ignore that?

Imagine the right’s response if Obama were a republican…
Imagine the left's response.

Oh, I don't have to...Everyone from the Occupooers to Code Pinko would have descended upon the White House and NSA with pitchforks and torches.

But since he's not, you clowns are playing from the neocon top ten playlist.

Nope...Not a dime's worth of difference.
If he's convicted of Treason, every Militia from Texas to New York (yes we exist in New York) will recognize we are living under a Tyranny and resort to the example of Athens, Tennessee, 1946.

Hell,we already know that. The shit obama is pulling is starting to look intentional.
Why does he want to stir up shit?
I guess it's a good way to test out PRIZM.
I mean what better way too find dissenters and round em up?
Why don't you get your America hating white trash buddys and come take the country back tough guy?
Hey DAN! Do you know how incredibly stupid you seem when you can't even spell the word "buddies"?

Why can my 5 year old kid spell it but you cannot spell it?
The Red Scare group and Russian leader Vladimir Putin both believe Snowden is a hero. Both hate the United States and Democracy. Ain't that a kick, LGS and Vlad sitting in a tree .......

LOL How old are you? Putin doesn't believe this guy to be a hero.. he's useful to Russia, ya fuckin dummy. You Zombies are so busy fighting over Obama's nut jizz, you can't even discern the truth any longer.
The Red Scare group and Russian leader Vladimir Putin both believe Snowden is a hero. Both hate the United States and Democracy. Ain't that a kick, LGS and Vlad sitting in a tree .......

LOL How old are you? Putin doesn't believe this guy to be a hero.. he's useful to Russia, ya fuckin dummy. You Zombies are so busy fighting over Obama's nut jizz, you can't even discern the truth any longer.

I know right!! They spew the first thing that comes into their little brains without thinking.
Classic 'feelings before logic' behavior.
Pretty much illustrates the lack of critical thinking from liberals,primates and small children.
If he's convicted of Treason, every Militia from Texas to New York (yes we exist in New York) will recognize we are living under a Tyranny and resort to the example of Athens, Tennessee, 1946.

Hell,we already know that. The shit obama is pulling is starting to look intentional.
Why does he want to stir up shit?
I guess it's a good way to test out PRIZM.
I mean what better way too find dissenters and round em up?

"The shit obama is pulling is starting to look intentional."

:rofl: Ya think? Heck, this was my first siggie when I registered here 3 years and several months ago.

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the red scare group and russian leader vladimir putin both believe snowden is a hero. Both hate the united states and democracy. Ain't that a kick, lgs and vlad sitting in a tree .......

lol how old are you? Putin doesn't believe this guy to be a hero.. He's useful to russia, ya fuckin dummy. you zombies are so busy fighting over obama's nut jizz, you can't even discern the truth any longer.

the red scare group and russian leader vladimir putin both believe snowden is a hero. Both hate the united states and democracy. Ain't that a kick, lgs and vlad sitting in a tree .......

lol how old are you? Putin doesn't believe this guy to be a hero.. He's useful to russia, ya fuckin dummy. you zombies are so busy fighting over obama's nut jizz, you can't even discern the truth any longer.


You like baby? ;-) LOL

My romantic side..

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