Treason or Whistle Blower?

Should Edward Snowden be charged with Treason? WHY?

  • YES

    Votes: 19 21.3%
  • NO

    Votes: 70 78.7%

  • Total voters
It is also arguable that he did give aid to the enemy by revealing what we were doing to prevent their hideous acts of war.
What he revealed, was a government that doesn't give a shit about the US Constitution.

If that is news to anyone, they are idiots. The government hasn't given a shit about the Constitution in over 100 years.
By the time the criminal obama cabal gets done cooking up a case against Snowden they will have him responsible for the Lindbergh kidnapping.
If he seeks asylum in Russia he is absolutely committing treason.

Only if he gives them aide for that asylum.

And technically, they arent our enemies. We aren't in a state of war with them.

Well that's just bullshit. He swore allegiance to THIS country when he signed his TS-SCI clearance document. If he seeks asylum in a foreign country he's violating that oath and he's placing his allegiance elsewhere.

We're talking Russia here, not Switzerland.
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted."

I have no doubt the answer will be offered based on political leaning so give a rational reason for your vote.

No he isn't committing treason.

1) He hasn't levied war against the United States.
2) He hasnt given Aid and Comfort to our enemies.
3) There are no witnesses any act.

His confession to whistleblowing the NSA scandal, in and of itself, cannot be enough to convict him. They still need witnesses. Corpus delicti Rule.

And you can't have witnesses to something he hasn't done. Since he hasnt levied war or given aid and comfort to our enemies, he cannot be convicted of treason.

wanna bet?
If he seeks asylum in Russia he is absolutely committing treason.

Only if he gives them aide for that asylum.

And technically, they arent our enemies. We aren't in a state of war with them.

Well that's just bullshit. He swore allegiance to THIS country when he signed his TS-SCI clearance document. If he seeks asylum in a foreign country he's violating that oath and he's placing his allegiance elsewhere.

We're talking Russia here, not Switzerland.

How is taking asylym from your home country when they are seeking to cause you harm, placing your allegience elsewhere? Especially when you the whole reason your being hunted by your home country is because you exposed the government to the people.
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted."

I have no doubt the answer will be offered based on political leaning so give a rational reason for your vote.

No he isn't committing treason.

1) He hasn't levied war against the United States.
2) He hasnt given Aid and Comfort to our enemies.
3) There are no witnesses any act.

His confession to whistleblowing the NSA scandal, in and of itself, cannot be enough to convict him. They still need witnesses. Corpus delicti Rule.

And you can't have witnesses to something he hasn't done. Since he hasnt levied war or given aid and comfort to our enemies, he cannot be convicted of treason.

wanna bet?

Well, I suppose the justice system could just be so corrupt that he can be convicted despite the clear elements of the crime. But I was basing my assumption on the idea that our justice system works.
No he isn't committing treason.

1) He hasn't levied war against the United States.
2) He hasnt given Aid and Comfort to our enemies.
3) There are no witnesses any act.

His confession to whistleblowing the NSA scandal, in and of itself, cannot be enough to convict him. They still need witnesses. Corpus delicti Rule.

And you can't have witnesses to something he hasn't done. Since he hasnt levied war or given aid and comfort to our enemies, he cannot be convicted of treason.

wanna bet?

Well, I suppose the justice system could just be so corrupt that he can be convicted despite the clear elements of the crime. But I was basing my assumption on the idea that our justice system works.

Judging by this poll, no Jury would convict him unanimously. So the justice system works.
wanna bet?

Well, I suppose the justice system could just be so corrupt that he can be convicted despite the clear elements of the crime. But I was basing my assumption on the idea that our justice system works.

Judging by this poll, no Jury would convict him unanimously. So the justice system works.

our poll isnt exactly scientific. And juries are full of people who werent smart enough to get out of jury duty.
If he's convicted of Treason, every Militia from Texas to New York (yes we exist in New York) will recognize we are living under a Tyranny and resort to the example of Athens, Tennessee, 1946.

No they won't. I disagree with it, but he will be convicted of treason, as any administration would do. And the backwoods redneck militias will continue to post on message boards about how tyrannical the government is, then proceed to beat their wives for forgetting the mustard on their sandwiches.

He joined a company and most likely signed a confidentiality agreement, and within months broke that agreement. It looks to me as if he went into this situation with a plan to expose certain information. It is not like he worked for the company for a long time and finally felt compelled to blow the whistle. He went into this, signing an agreement to not expose any information and turned around and exposed it as soon as could.

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