Treason or Whistle Blower?

Should Edward Snowden be charged with Treason? WHY?

  • YES

    Votes: 19 21.3%
  • NO

    Votes: 70 78.7%

  • Total voters
Both him and Bradley Manning should be given a medal, in my opinion. It's a sad day in America when the truth is considered treason.

Have you hit the nail on the head with that one, or what?

The American government spy on pretty much everyone and covers up murder but the guys who expose their crimes are criminals or traitors.

There's something rotten in the states of America.

(I'll apologise in advance to any posters are too stupid to understand the plagiarised and bastardised quote)
Only if he gives them aide for that asylum.

And technically, they arent our enemies. We aren't in a state of war with them.

Well that's just bullshit. He swore allegiance to THIS country when he signed his TS-SCI clearance document. If he seeks asylum in a foreign country he's violating that oath and he's placing his allegiance elsewhere.

We're talking Russia here, not Switzerland.

How is taking asylym from your home country when they are seeking to cause you harm, placing your allegience elsewhere? Especially when you the whole reason your being hunted by your home country is because you exposed the government to the people.

Because that's what asylum is. Go try it out for yourself.
You really want your privacy? Fine. Empty your bank account, cancel your credit cards and cable/satellite TV/internet, and move to the sticks, to a property with a well, and land that’s self-sustaining. All communication devices are voluntary. Plenty of people don’t have phones, cell or otherwise, just like Bin Laden. And make sure you have solar power, and a rain cistern with a hose and pump so you can try to save your house from burning down when it’s struck by lightening. Living in a community has it’s perks, and is also voluntary.

Both him and Bradley Manning should be given a medal, in my opinion. It's a sad day in America when the truth is considered treason.

Have you hit the nail on the head with that one, or what?

The American government spy on pretty much everyone and covers up murder but the guys who expose their crimes are criminals or traitors.

There's something rotten in the states of America.

(I'll apologise in advance to any posters are too stupid to understand the plagiarised and bastardised quote)

If he broke a story about a murder I'd have a different opinion. But he broke a story about a legal defense program.

Now we can all decry the program, and we should. But he didn't need to go to the press about this.
You really want your privacy? Fine. Empty your bank account, cancel your credit cards and cable/satellite TV/internet, and move to the sticks, to a property with a well, and land that’s self-sustaining. All communication devices are voluntary. Plenty of people don’t have phones, cell or otherwise, just like Bin Laden. And make sure you have solar power, and a rain cistern with a hose and pump so you can try to save your house from burning down when it’s struck by lightening. Living in a community has it’s perks, and is also voluntary.


To be fair, that's what people did on my property 100 years ago. Then the government came and outlawed wells....
Both him and Bradley Manning should be given a medal, in my opinion. It's a sad day in America when the truth is considered treason.

Have you hit the nail on the head with that one, or what?

The American government spy on pretty much everyone and covers up murder but the guys who expose their crimes are criminals or traitors.

There's something rotten in the states of America.

(I'll apologise in advance to any posters are too stupid to understand the plagiarised and bastardised quote)

If he broke a story about a murder I'd have a different opinion. But he broke a story about a legal defense program.

Now we can all decry the program, and we should. But he didn't need to go to the press about this.

Is it legal? That may be debatable.
NSA surveillance challenged in court as criticism grows over US data program | World news |

Time will tell.

Back to exposing murder - Manning did that but he's still banged up.

Now to the press - If he hadn't, no one would know the American government was spying on its own people.
He did exactly the right thing and this should lead to the arrest of several officials, including Obama if he was directly involved in the outrageous snooping.

We've seen American governments execute its own people without trial, commit acts of war against several countries and now we find out they're harvesting information on everyone and anyone they can but without any hint of those people doing anything wrong, according to any law in any country.

This is way out of order.
The Red Scare group and Russian leader Vladimir Putin both believe Snowden is a hero. Both hate the United States and Democracy. Ain't that a kick, LGS and Vlad sitting in a tree .......

LOL How old are you? Putin doesn't believe this guy to be a hero.. he's useful to Russia, ya fuckin dummy. You Zombies are so busy fighting over Obama's nut jizz, you can't even discern the truth any longer.

Edward Snowden: Russia hints that Putin may grant political asylum to whistleblower | Mail Online

Of course he's useful to Russian, and China, Iran and every other nation who would like to see the US put down a notch. Of course dumbshits like you have been working to discredit our government since Bush was sent packing too.

Get a fucking clue BOZO.. I don't have to discredit this Government-- They do a fine job all on their own. I don't force them to shit all over the US Constitution.. Snowden is a whistleblower who simply revealed what we already fucking knew.. Big Daddy Government is OUT of control and now in the Totalitarian dictates of a society who no longer give the first damn about freedom. The fucking Neocons are clouded by their bloodlust and you Zombies are crazed with sucking Obama's knob. You make a fine couple.
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"So, thanks to a bespectacled whistleblower, we now know the government has been actively collecting an unprecedented amount of information on that small, select group of us who either make phone calls or use the Internet," Oliver said. "I've got to say, I bet the Amish are feeling pretty f**king smug right now. Or they would be feeling that way if they had any idea that this story was happening."

John Oliver On NSA: 'I Bet The Amish Are Feeling Pretty F**king Smug Right Now' (VIDEO) | TPM LiveWire
"So, thanks to a bespectacled whistleblower, we now know the government has been actively collecting an unprecedented amount of information on that small, select group of us who either make phone calls or use the Internet," Oliver said. "I've got to say, I bet the Amish are feeling pretty f**king smug right now. Or they would be feeling that way if they had any idea that this story was happening."

John Oliver On NSA: 'I Bet The Amish Are Feeling Pretty F**king Smug Right Now' (VIDEO) | TPM LiveWire

Red hot.
and complains about China stealing data

BBC News - US report warns on China IP theft

Its report comes weeks before a summit of the US and Chinese presidents, set for 7 and 8 June, at which the issue of Chinese cyber espionage is likely to be raised.

Earlier this month, the Pentagon for the first time directly accused the Chinese government and military of targeting US government computers as part of a cyber espionage campaign aimed at collecting intelligence on US diplomatic, economic and defence sectors.
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You've obviously not heard about Boehner's condemnation of his actions and seem to have misread mine as well.


I have to say, this could prove a really positive development in terms of US politics. It's driving a wedge between authoritarians and libertarians in both parties. It proves what I've been saying all along: the authoritarian neo-cons are running both parties. It will be up to libertarians, and genuine liberals like Greenwald to bust this shit up.

But LOTS of libertarians are acting like this is new and it isn't.

Hmmmm... maybe their 'new' libertarians?
Maybe Gitmo would be a good place for Snowden. He probably fits the definition of a terrorist.

You realize, with all your shilling on this, you're pissing away pretty much all your integrity? Gitmo? Really?

Is there a boot you won't lick, so long as it has a 'D' on it?
A new dimension to this.

Across Asia, officials' e-mails may be vulnerable | Reuters

Government and security officials in parts of Asia have been sending sensitive information and policy documents via e-mail services offered by U.S. web giants, and concerns are spreading that these may have been monitored and collected by the National Security Agency

OK, it's foolish to use a non secure email service but, if America has been spying on friendly nations, what could come of it?
I see trouble ahead.

A whistle blower may just have implicated the US government in crimes against foreign states.
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This is a 9/11 video but ignore all the stuff about the towers and note the bit about phone records.

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You've obviously not heard about Boehner's condemnation of his actions and seem to have misread mine as well.


I have to say, this could prove a really positive development in terms of US politics. It's driving a wedge between authoritarians and libertarians in both parties. It proves what I've been saying all along: the authoritarian neo-cons are running both parties. It will be up to libertarians, and genuine liberals like Greenwald to bust this shit up.

But LOTS of libertarians are acting like this is new and it isn't.
We're not acting like it's new.

We are, however, endlessly amused at how there is no level that the zombie horde that is Little Lord Obammyroy's groupies -especially in the lamestream media- won't stoop to in order to carry his water on any and every front.

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