Treason or Whistle Blower?

Should Edward Snowden be charged with Treason? WHY?

  • YES

    Votes: 19 21.3%
  • NO

    Votes: 70 78.7%

  • Total voters
Which law did he break?

His employment contract which has been posted before. CORI (Confidential Record Information) when disclosed is a criminal offense.
That's breach of contract, which is a civil offense not criminal.

Sorry Portland (I've dropped the Odd-Dude since you're such a concret thinker, Portland seems most appropriate) you're as usual full of shit. It is a CRIME and a Felony.
His employment contract which has been posted before. CORI (Confidential Record Information) when disclosed is a criminal offense.
That's breach of contract, which is a civil offense not criminal.

Sorry Portland (I've dropped the Odd-Dude since you're such a concret thinker, Portland seems most appropriate) you're as usual full of shit. It is a CRIME and a Felony.

So what? I mean, really - let's say we all agree it was a crime and he should be prosecuted (or maybe you'd rather torture him yourself, or pee on his head, or something) or whatever. The thing is, Snowden isn't the story here. It's what he revealed that is the issue.

And what do you think about that? Do you care that our government is creating a surveillance state run amok? Maybe that gives you warm fuzzies while Obama is piloting the good ship lollypop - but will you be as happy about ubiquitous snooping if and when the Republican get back in? Have you really thought this through? At all? Can you see past your partisan fit-throwing to examine the real principles involved here?
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted."

I have no doubt the answer will be offered based on political leaning so give a rational reason for your vote.

I am an American. At 63 my memories include freedoms/duties/accountabilities young people today can't imagine and appear not to want.

Snowden did the right thing. Hero is too strong a word at this point, but down the road Martyr might not be.
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted."

I have no doubt the answer will be offered based on political leaning so give a rational reason for your vote.

I am an American. At 63 my memories include freedoms/duties/accountabilities young people today can't imagine and appear not to want.

Snowden did the right thing. Hero is too strong a word at this point, but down the road Martyr might not be.

Quite right.

Let's not forget that this is the SAME government that says they need OUR information in order to PROTECT US, when they had the information that would have stopped the BOSTON BOMBERS and ignored it.

The irony is that if Snowden takes refuse in Russia, it was Russia that gave us the information on the Boston Bombers.

For heavens sakes, think about it.
His employment contract which has been posted before. CORI (Confidential Record Information) when disclosed is a criminal offense.
That's breach of contract, which is a civil offense not criminal.

Sorry Portland (I've dropped the Odd-Dude since you're such a concret thinker, Portland seems most appropriate) you're as usual full of shit. It is a CRIME and a Felony.

It was also a crime and felony for blacks to violate Jim Crow laws.
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted."

I have no doubt the answer will be offered based on political leaning so give a rational reason for your vote.

I am an American. At 63 my memories include freedoms/duties/accountabilities young people today can't imagine and appear not to want.

Snowden did the right thing. Hero is too strong a word at this point, but down the road Martyr might not be.

It's way too early to characterize Snowden as Hero or Traitor - clearly he is a criminal no matter what his motivation may have been. Tonight I heard on the news that he claims the American Judicial System is corrupt and he is willing to have his actions judged by the Courts in Hong Kong which he consider just.
That's breach of contract, which is a civil offense not criminal.

Sorry Portland (I've dropped the Odd-Dude since you're such a concret thinker, Portland seems most appropriate) you're as usual full of shit. It is a CRIME and a Felony.

So what? I mean, really - let's say we all agree it was a crime and he should be prosecuted (or maybe you'd rather torture him yourself, or pee on his head, or something) or whatever. The thing is, Snowden isn't the story here. It's what he revealed that is the issue.

And what do you think about that? Do you care that our government is creating a surveillance state run amok? Maybe that gives you warm fuzzies while Obama is piloting the good ship lollypop - but will you be as happy about ubiquitous snooping if and when the Republican get back in? Have you really thought this through? At all? Can you see past your partisan fit-throwing to examine the real principles involved here?

I do care about civil liberties and privacy - I'm simply not paranoid and I recall what happened when the POTUS wasn't vigilant and the City of NY got hit. So, what do you prefer, body scans and strip searches on every trip on all means of public transportation or life as a game of Russian Roulette? Some middle ground exists, bit the means used by Snowden seems to me treason.
I do care about civil liberties and privacy - I'm simply not paranoid and I recall what happened when the POTUS wasn't vigilant and the City of NY got hit. So, what do you prefer, body scans and strip searches on every trip on all means of public transportation or life as a game of Russian Roulette? Some middle ground exists, bit the means used by Snowden seems to me treason.
So we were "vigilant" and Boston got hit anyways.

Is there any end to you KGB police state totalitarians?
So, what do you prefer, body scans and strip searches on every trip on all means of public transportation or life as a game of Russian Roulette?
That's a false dilemma. In any case, we're talking about a broad, secret, suveillance regime, not airport security.
I do care about civil liberties and privacy - I'm simply not paranoid and I recall what happened when the POTUS wasn't vigilant and the City of NY got hit. So, what do you prefer, body scans and strip searches on every trip on all means of public transportation or life as a game of Russian Roulette? Some middle ground exists, bit the means used by Snowden seems to me treason.
So we were "vigilant" and Boston got hit anyways.

Is there any end to you KGB police state totalitarians?

Gee Portland, I understand how a concrete 'thinker' would post such a silly comment. Consider, if you can, that perfection does not exist in the real world. We don't know how many times the vigilance was successful, only that it failed in Boston.

Would you prefer no efforts be made by the Federal Government to protect the citizens of our country? I have no doubt any government can go too far, and it seems the NSA has overstepped. I believe there should be checks and balances, I simply draw the line when the checks are so far out of balance they create a huge hole in the defense of our county.

Is there any end to your foolishness; Libertarianism has no place in the real world.
I do care about civil liberties and privacy - I'm simply not paranoid and I recall what happened when the POTUS wasn't vigilant and the City of NY got hit. So, what do you prefer, body scans and strip searches on every trip on all means of public transportation or life as a game of Russian Roulette? Some middle ground exists, bit the means used by Snowden seems to me treason.
So we were "vigilant" and Boston got hit anyways.

Is there any end to you KGB police state totalitarians?

Gee Portland, I understand how a concrete 'thinker' would post such a silly comment. Consider, if you can, that perfection does not exist in the real world. We don't know how many times the vigilance was successful, only that it failed in Boston.

Would you prefer no efforts be made by the Federal Government to protect the citizens of our country? I have no doubt any government can go too far, and it seems the NSA has overstepped. I believe there should be checks and balances, I simply draw the line when the checks are so far out of balance they create a huge hole in the defense of our county.

Is there any end to your foolishness; Libertarianism has no place in the real world.
Nice straw man argument, Danny Vermin.

If this is what your "real world" looks like, I'll take my chances with libertarian "foolishness".
So we were "vigilant" and Boston got hit anyways.

Is there any end to you KGB police state totalitarians?

Gee Portland, I understand how a concrete 'thinker' would post such a silly comment. Consider, if you can, that perfection does not exist in the real world. We don't know how many times the vigilance was successful, only that it failed in Boston.

Would you prefer no efforts be made by the Federal Government to protect the citizens of our country? I have no doubt any government can go too far, and it seems the NSA has overstepped. I believe there should be checks and balances, I simply draw the line when the checks are so far out of balance they create a huge hole in the defense of our county.

Is there any end to your foolishness; Libertarianism has no place in the real world.
Nice straw man argument, Danny Vermin.

If this is what your "real world" looks like, I'll take my chances with libertarian "foolishness".

"Straw Man", really? There is nothing phony about my equating Libertarianism - as you and most of your colleagues posit on this forum - as a ridiculous ideology. Governance requires give and take, compromise and pragmatic hard decisions. You guys seem no different than the Utopian Socialists, and your ideology will meet the same fate.
Yes, straw man argument.....Which you just did again....You excel at them almost as well as you project your borderline sociopathic proclivities onto anyone and everyone with the temerity to have a differing viewpoint.

It was kind of amusing at first, but it's now just plain old pathetic.

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