Treasury Secretary Mnuchin refuses to release Trump's tax returns

keep telling yourself that.
What secret in his tax returns would result in jail time?

Inflating his assets to secure bank loans.

What tax form are assets, or inflated assets, listed on?

sales of assets.

State or local real estate taxes.

When you list your income as one thing on the tax return & you list it differently on that ban loan application. Both needed signing. This is a known Trump tactic.

The State opf NY will explain it to you when they nail trump on tax evasion.

Well, now you've told us what you really, really, REALLY want to find. All that's left to do is show us probable cause that it's there TO find.

The State of NY, unlike you and Congress, presumably knows better than to attempt to get tax records from the IRS without demonstrating probable cause.

In case this isn’t obvious, it’s important to emphasize that this wasn’t a subpoena. It also wasn’t a request, per se. As we discussed last month, under existing federal law, a limited number of congressional leaders have the legal authority to access individual tax returns from the Treasury Department.

Yesterday, the Democratic chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee decided to exercise that power. Since the law was created in the wake of the Teapot Dome scandal in the 1920s, no administration has ever denied a lawmaker access to tax returns under this law.

If the Trump administration complies – at this point, that’s a pretty big “if” – the information Richard Neal demanded will answer more than a few questions.

Among other things, for example, the committee chairman has demanded information that would show whether Trump, who claimed he couldn’t disclose his tax returns in 2016 because he was under audit, was actually under audit.

No probable cause needed.

Since it clearly isn't obvious to you, I never said anything bout this being a subpoena, so thanks for "helpfully" setting up THAT straw man.

"The law" you keep confidently asserting as granting unlimited power for Congress to ignore and violate the rights of citizens has never actually been specified by you, so until that is changed, I am simply assuming that it's a made-up bunch of bullshit which I can dismiss as having any bearing on the topic.

I'm quite sure that you airily believe no probable cause is needed for your masters to do whatever they wish in service of their - and your - agenda. This would be why I view you with revulsion as a servile, Unamerican little worm.
What secret in his tax returns would result in jail time?
Inflating his assets to secure bank loans.
Wow ... it is amazing just how insipid you bitter crybabies are. You first need evidence of a crime. Evidence. Do you have any evidence that Trump knowingly inflated his assets to secure bank loans? Have any banks made such claims and filed criminal charges?
What tax form are assets or inflated assets listed on?
sales of assets..
You need tax returns to see asset sales?...
Leftards say such silly things.

It's not only that our leftist friends are ignorant but rather that so much of what they think they know just isn't so. - (with apologies to RR)

The Democrats have the sworn testimony of Michael Cohen. What do you have?

Other than a grifter with 10K lies to his presidency.

We have the US Constitution and all lesser laws designed to protect the civil rights of individual citizens. That trumps (you should pardon the expression) unsubstantiated stories told by a manifestly untrustworthy witness who has a vested interest in pandering to your obsessive partisanship.
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What tax form are assets, or inflated assets, listed on?

sales of assets.

State or local real estate taxes.

When you list your income as one thing on the tax return & you list it differently on that ban loan application. Both needed signing. This is a known Trump tactic.

The State opf NY will explain it to you when they nail trump on tax evasion.

Well, now you've told us what you really, really, REALLY want to find. All that's left to do is show us probable cause that it's there TO find.

In case this isn’t obvious, it’s important to emphasize that this wasn’t a subpoena. It also wasn’t a request, per se. As we discussed last month, under existing federal law, a limited number of congressional leaders have the legal authority to access individual tax returns from the Treasury Department.

The State of NY, unlike you and Congress, presumably knows better than to attempt to get tax records from the IRS without demonstrating probable cause.

Yesterday, the Democratic chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee decided to exercise that power. Since the law was created in the wake of the Teapot Dome scandal in the 1920s, no administration has ever denied a lawmaker access to tax returns under this law.

If the Trump administration complies – at this point, that’s a pretty big “if” – the information Richard Neal demanded will answer more than a few questions.

Among other things, for example, the committee chairman has demanded information that would show whether Trump, who claimed he couldn’t disclose his tax returns in 2016 because he was under audit, was actually under audit.

No probable cause needed.
So you now accept that even Trump enjoys the search & seizure protections of the 4th Amend but argue congress may ignore them if they don't like the POTUS? Is that what you are saying? :laughing0301:

Take that up with existing law.

But under that law donny grifter doesn't have an argument to withhold the information.

"Existing law . . . which I've never specified or cited" = "JUST TAKE MY WORD FOR IT! I WANT IT TO BE TRUE!!!!"

What tax form are assets, or inflated assets, listed on?

sales of assets.

State or local real estate taxes.

When you list your income as one thing on the tax return & you list it differently on that ban loan application. Both needed signing. This is a known Trump tactic.

The State opf NY will explain it to you when they nail trump on tax evasion.

Well, now you've told us what you really, really, REALLY want to find. All that's left to do is show us probable cause that it's there TO find.

In case this isn’t obvious, it’s important to emphasize that this wasn’t a subpoena. It also wasn’t a request, per se. As we discussed last month, under existing federal law, a limited number of congressional leaders have the legal authority to access individual tax returns from the Treasury Department.

The State of NY, unlike you and Congress, presumably knows better than to attempt to get tax records from the IRS without demonstrating probable cause.

Yesterday, the Democratic chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee decided to exercise that power. Since the law was created in the wake of the Teapot Dome scandal in the 1920s, no administration has ever denied a lawmaker access to tax returns under this law.

If the Trump administration complies – at this point, that’s a pretty big “if” – the information Richard Neal demanded will answer more than a few questions.

Among other things, for example, the committee chairman has demanded information that would show whether Trump, who claimed he couldn’t disclose his tax returns in 2016 because he was under audit, was actually under audit.

No probable cause needed.
So you now accept that even Trump enjoys the search & seizure protections of the 4th Amend but argue congress may ignore them if they don't like the POTUS? Is that what you are saying? :laughing0301:

There are many reasons for Congress to see Trump's tax returns. Checks & balances. For example, what does Trump have in regards to Russia? Bank loans? What.

It has to do with obvious signs Trump is owned by the Russians. He lied about his business in Russia. He lied about his campaign's contacts. He claimed nothing in Russia & Jr said Russia was a major source of their financing. Trump sided with Rssia over our intel agencies. Trump delayed Congrewss ordered sanctions for nearly a year.

THAT is enough. Even for an America hating, Trump sucking POS like you.

Really? Checks and balances entitles Congress to go fishing in the tax returns of individual citizens without probable cause? Tell me where you find that in the US Constitution, please . . . if you can take time away from wiping your crusty ass with it.
Well, now you've told us what you really, really, REALLY want to find. All that's left to do is show us probable cause that it's there TO find.

In case this isn’t obvious, it’s important to emphasize that this wasn’t a subpoena. It also wasn’t a request, per se. As we discussed last month, under existing federal law, a limited number of congressional leaders have the legal authority to access individual tax returns from the Treasury Department.

The State of NY, unlike you and Congress, presumably knows better than to attempt to get tax records from the IRS without demonstrating probable cause.

Yesterday, the Democratic chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee decided to exercise that power. Since the law was created in the wake of the Teapot Dome scandal in the 1920s, no administration has ever denied a lawmaker access to tax returns under this law.

If the Trump administration complies – at this point, that’s a pretty big “if” – the information Richard Neal demanded will answer more than a few questions.

Among other things, for example, the committee chairman has demanded information that would show whether Trump, who claimed he couldn’t disclose his tax returns in 2016 because he was under audit, was actually under audit.

No probable cause needed.
So you now accept that even Trump enjoys the search & seizure protections of the 4th Amend but argue congress may ignore them if they don't like the POTUS? Is that what you are saying? :laughing0301:

Take that up with existing law.

But under that law donny grifter doesn't have an argument to withhold the information.
Sure he does. He has the same 4th Amend protections we all enjoy. Great law. Ain't America wonderful?

sayit doofus

There is a law on the books that states different. He has protections against an illegal search, not a lawful one.

"There is a law on the books . . . which I can't actually name for you or quote" = "I just know it must be legal, because I want it so baaaaaad!!!"

There is probable cause that Trump committed obstruction. That fact is spelled out by Mueller in his report.
Why don't you post the obstruction highlights? Top 3 bits of evidence. TIA
Excuse me but I'm not your secretary. Do your own research.
You'll have to forgive Toddy.........After he got kicked out of his GED classes, he has a hard time doing ANY homework.
So both you and Clippy are big on echoing CNN/PMSNBC talking points like "obstruction" but small on supporting those claims.

Well don't feel bad … your leftarded media - the squawking heads that for over 2 years filled your painfully empty heads with LIES about "collusion" - come up just as small but you can take comfort in the knowledge that the Hysterical Dem House will impeach the POTUS. It will be politicized and televised and the Senate will squash it after which you will have another hissy-fit and some poor Democrat Socialists will have to face a 2020 American electorate filled with rage and disgust for the US-hating twits who have repeatedly foisted witch-hunts and frauds on their fellow Americans.

Yeah … you fools are digging your party's political grave and if Trump isn't the puppeteer he's doing a fine job of looking the part. He snaps a tweet and y'all froth at the mouth and bark like trained puppies. The best part? Some of you know it and still can't stop doing it. It's a beautiful thing … BIGLY. :D
One would think that Commander Bone Spurs would want Mueller to testify after he TOTALLY EXONERATED Donnie. No? Which begs the question what that lousy slimeball Trump is afraid of?
I'm gonna let you in on a secret: Mueller's testimony will be another punch in the gut for your Collusion Delusion fantasy but Trump (and much of America) wants to watch you and congress set your hair on fire (again) and have another hysterical hissy-fit before negotiating the matter with congress.

The guy has a knack for snapping his fingers and having y'all lose your shit.

Mueller's Report laid out 7-10 charges of collusion, so not sure what snap your referring too.

No, Mueller's report specifically stated that he didn't have evidence of collusion, and laid out several instances they investigated as possible obstruction, as well as things which were mitigating evidence AGAINST obstruction.

So the only thing you're actually not sure of is what the fuck you're talking about.
sales of assets.

State or local real estate taxes.

When you list your income as one thing on the tax return & you list it differently on that ban loan application. Both needed signing. This is a known Trump tactic.

The State opf NY will explain it to you when they nail trump on tax evasion.

Well, now you've told us what you really, really, REALLY want to find. All that's left to do is show us probable cause that it's there TO find.

In case this isn’t obvious, it’s important to emphasize that this wasn’t a subpoena. It also wasn’t a request, per se. As we discussed last month, under existing federal law, a limited number of congressional leaders have the legal authority to access individual tax returns from the Treasury Department.

The State of NY, unlike you and Congress, presumably knows better than to attempt to get tax records from the IRS without demonstrating probable cause.

Yesterday, the Democratic chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee decided to exercise that power. Since the law was created in the wake of the Teapot Dome scandal in the 1920s, no administration has ever denied a lawmaker access to tax returns under this law.

If the Trump administration complies – at this point, that’s a pretty big “if” – the information Richard Neal demanded will answer more than a few questions.

Among other things, for example, the committee chairman has demanded information that would show whether Trump, who claimed he couldn’t disclose his tax returns in 2016 because he was under audit, was actually under audit.

No probable cause needed.
So you now accept that even Trump enjoys the search & seizure protections of the 4th Amend but argue congress may ignore them if they don't like the POTUS? Is that what you are saying? :laughing0301:

There are many reasons for Congress to see Trump's tax returns. Checks & balances. For example, what does Trump have in regards to Russia? Bank loans? What.

It has to do with obvious signs Trump is owned by the Russians. He lied about his business in Russia. He lied about his campaign's contacts. He claimed nothing in Russia & Jr said Russia was a major source of their financing. Trump sided with Rssia over our intel agencies. Trump delayed Congrewss ordered sanctions for nearly a year.

THAT is enough. Even for an America hating, Trump sucking POS like you.
Once more for the brain-dead: Mueller spent 2 yrs and $35 million investigating that and found "No collusion - No obstruction."
In fact, he found ""this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime."
According to you we must now ignore that because you didn't get the promised happy ending and allow congress unlimited authority to violate Trump's constitutional rights and continue what proved to be a partisan witch-hunt? Are you out of your mind?

That last one was a rhetorical question, right?
Why don't you post the obstruction highlights? Top 3 bits of evidence. TIA
You'll have to forgive Toddy.........After he got kicked out of his GED classes, he has a hard time doing ANY homework.
So both you and Clippy are big on echoing CNN/PMSNBC talking points like "obstruction" but small on supporting those claims.

Well don't feel bad … your leftarded media - the squawking heads that for over 2 years filled your painfully empty heads with LIES about "collusion" - come up just as small but you can take comfort in the knowledge that the Hysterical Dem House will impeach the POTUS. It will be politicized and televised and the Senate will squash it after which you will have another hissy-fit and some poor Democrat Socialists will have to face a 2020 American electorate filled with rage and disgust for the US-hating twits who have repeatedly foisted witch-hunts and frauds on their fellow Americans.

Yeah … you fools are digging your party's political grave and if Trump isn't the puppeteer he's doing a fine job of looking the part. He snaps a tweet and y'all froth at the mouth and bark like trained puppies. The best part? Some of you know it and still can't stop doing it. It's a beautiful thing … BIGLY. :D
One would think that Commander Bone Spurs would want Mueller to testify after he TOTALLY EXONERATED Donnie. No? Which begs the question what that lousy slimeball Trump is afraid of?
I'm gonna let you in on a secret: Mueller's testimony will be another punch in the gut for your Collusion Delusion fantasy but Trump (and much of America) wants to watch you and congress set your hair on fire (again) and have another hysterical hissy-fit before negotiating the matter with congress.

The guy has a knack for snapping his fingers and having y'all lose your shit.

Mueller's Report laid out 7-10 charges of collusion, so not sure what snap your referring too.
Then why didn't Mueller claim Trump is guilty of collusion?

He gets confused when he gets all excited by thoughts of "THIS time, we're gonna get Trump!"
So both you and Clippy are big on echoing CNN/PMSNBC talking points like "obstruction" but small on supporting those claims.

Well don't feel bad … your leftarded media - the squawking heads that for over 2 years filled your painfully empty heads with LIES about "collusion" - come up just as small but you can take comfort in the knowledge that the Hysterical Dem House will impeach the POTUS. It will be politicized and televised and the Senate will squash it after which you will have another hissy-fit and some poor Democrat Socialists will have to face a 2020 American electorate filled with rage and disgust for the US-hating twits who have repeatedly foisted witch-hunts and frauds on their fellow Americans.

Yeah … you fools are digging your party's political grave and if Trump isn't the puppeteer he's doing a fine job of looking the part. He snaps a tweet and y'all froth at the mouth and bark like trained puppies. The best part? Some of you know it and still can't stop doing it. It's a beautiful thing … BIGLY. :D
One would think that Commander Bone Spurs would want Mueller to testify after he TOTALLY EXONERATED Donnie. No? Which begs the question what that lousy slimeball Trump is afraid of?
I'm gonna let you in on a secret: Mueller's testimony will be another punch in the gut for your Collusion Delusion fantasy but Trump (and much of America) wants to watch you and congress set your hair on fire (again) and have another hysterical hissy-fit before negotiating the matter with congress.

The guy has a knack for snapping his fingers and having y'all lose your shit.

Mueller's Report laid out 7-10 charges of collusion, so not sure what snap your referring too.
Then why didn't Mueller claim Trump is guilty of collusion?

Mueller laid out the case for collusion and gave it to Congress knowing that little billy barr would not bring charges. Its right in the report.

The Mueller report proves Trump committed collusion (which is funny in and of itself, since "collusion" isn't a crime)? Was that before or after it said, ". . .did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities"?
I'm gonna let you in on a secret: Mueller's testimony will be another punch in the gut for your Collusion Delusion fantasy but Trump (and much of America) wants to watch you and congress set your hair on fire (again) and have another hysterical hissy-fit before negotiating the matter with congress.

The guy has a knack for snapping his fingers and having y'all lose your shit.

Mueller's Report laid out 7-10 charges of collusion, so not sure what snap your referring too.
Then why didn't Mueller claim Trump is guilty of collusion?

Mueller laid out the case for collusion and gave it to Congress knowing that little billy barr would not bring charges. Its right in the report.

It was Mueller's job to bring charges. He didn't do that because he knew he would be laughed out of the courtroom if he did.

It was not his decision to make, its the AG dickhead.

Why is it so hard for conservatives to post factual statements.

Independent commission: Reports, but no prosecutions

Congress has the authority to create an independent commission to conduct an investigation, much as it did after the assassination of President John Kennedy and the 9/11 attacks.

That would require a special act of Congress, the appointment of commissioners from both parties and the formation of an independent staff of investigators. The commission could be given subpoena powers, as Congress did for the 9/11 Commission.

But the result of such a commission's investigation is only a report; it would not have the power to press charges or seek civil penalties.

It was his decision to make as to whether or not he recommended that charges be brought, dickhead. Otherwise, what the fuck was the point of him and this two-year dog-and-pony show?

Noticeably, he did NOT recommend any charges be brought.

Why is it so hard for leftists to post factual statements when it contradicts what they wish was true?
Sure he does. He has the same 4th Amend protections we all enjoy. Great law. Ain't America wonderful?

Did we violate Al Capone's 4th Amendment rights??


Does looking into his taxes automatically mean there was no probable cause to do so?

Are you incapable of understanding that there are differences in the two circumstances?


What's it like being so pig-stupid that you think "this is taxes, and that was taxes, so that MUST mean they're exactly the same!"?
It is illegal to produce tax returns without a legitimate legislative purpose.
Earl Warren’s ruling in Watkins v US speak to this issue as well as the other major legal war brewing between the White House and Congress:

William Consovoy pointed to the Supreme Court’s decision in Watkins v. US. Labor organizer John Watkins was cited for contempt of Congress for refusing to provide information not pertinent to a legitimate investigative purpose. Watkins sued and the Supreme Court ruled 6-1 in his favor, a ruling that serves as a major limitation on Congress’ reckless use of its investigative authority.

Former Chief Justice Earl Warren: “Congress has no general authority to expose the private affairs of individuals, without justification in terms of the functions of Congress.” He specifically cited a need to demonstrate a “legislative purpose,” noting that “it cannot simply be assumed that every congressional investigation is justified by a public need that overbalances any private rights affected.”

Watkins makes it clear that one party winning a majority in either chamber of Congress does not authorize fishing expeditions through the private affairs of any American, whether president or pipefitter. Without an explicit and clear predicate for Congress to review Trump’s tax returns, the courts will likely side with Warren in this instance. Otherwise, both parties could misuse confidential tax information to declare open season on their political opponents, the allies of their political opponents, their critics, and so on.

Watkins made clear, just claiming authority for “oversight” isn’t going to cut it. This is especially true when the activity being overseen is private activity with no connection to the function of government, and therefore no connection to a legitimate function of Congress.

And while Neal is demanding Trump's return, he might have to answer for his own reluctance to reveal his tax returns.

The House Democrat demanding President Trump’s tax returns is coming under fire for not releasing his returns and spending lavishly on lobbyists and potential donors.

Massachusetts Rep. Richard Neal, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, hasn’t released his recent returns.

Back home, he was criticized for demanding Trump’s returns but not releasing his. Mass Live reported: “Neal has been drawing charges of hypocrisy for not releasing his own taxes.

And yesterday, a guest column in the Boston Globe looked through his recent Federal Election Commission report and found that the congressman spent an amount close to the $500,000 he raised for his reelection in just three months on fancy dinners and entertainment.​
This won't end well for Republicans - historically or politically.
Inflating his assets to secure bank loans.

What tax form are assets, or inflated assets, listed on?

sales of assets.

State or local real estate taxes.

When you list your income as one thing on the tax return & you list it differently on that ban loan application. Both needed signing. This is a known Trump tactic.

The State opf NY will explain it to you when they nail trump on tax evasion.

Well, now you've told us what you really, really, REALLY want to find. All that's left to do is show us probable cause that it's there TO find.

The State of NY, unlike you and Congress, presumably knows better than to attempt to get tax records from the IRS without demonstrating probable cause.

In case this isn’t obvious, it’s important to emphasize that this wasn’t a subpoena. It also wasn’t a request, per se. As we discussed last month, under existing federal law, a limited number of congressional leaders have the legal authority to access individual tax returns from the Treasury Department.

Yesterday, the Democratic chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee decided to exercise that power. Since the law was created in the wake of the Teapot Dome scandal in the 1920s, no administration has ever denied a lawmaker access to tax returns under this law.

If the Trump administration complies – at this point, that’s a pretty big “if” – the information Richard Neal demanded will answer more than a few questions.

Among other things, for example, the committee chairman has demanded information that would show whether Trump, who claimed he couldn’t disclose his tax returns in 2016 because he was under audit, was actually under audit.

No probable cause needed.

Since it clearly isn't obvious to you, I never said anything bout this being a subpoena, so thanks for "helpfully" setting up THAT straw man.

"The law" you keep confidently asserting as granting unlimited power for Congress to ignore and violate the rights of citizens has never actually been specified by you, so until that is changed, I am simply assuming that it's a made-up bunch of bullshit which I can dismiss as having any bearing on the topic.

I'm quite sure that you airily believe no probable cause is needed for your masters to do whatever they wish in service of their - and your - agenda. This would be why I view you with revulsion as a servile, Unamerican little worm.

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