Treasury Secretary Mnuchin refuses to release Trump's tax returns

There is probable cause that Trump committed obstruction. That fact is spelled out by Mueller in his report.
Why don't you post the obstruction highlights? Top 3 bits of evidence. TIA
Excuse me but I'm not your secretary. Do your own research.
You'll have to forgive Toddy.........After he got kicked out of his GED classes, he has a hard time doing ANY homework.
So both you and Clippy are big on echoing CNN/PMSNBC talking points like "obstruction" but small on supporting those claims.

Well don't feel bad … your leftarded media - the squawking heads that for over 2 years filled your painfully empty heads with LIES about "collusion" - come up just as small but you can take comfort in the knowledge that the Hysterical Dem House will impeach the POTUS. It will be politicized and televised and the Senate will squash it after which you will have another hissy-fit and some poor Democrat Socialists will have to face a 2020 American electorate filled with rage and disgust for the US-hating twits who have repeatedly foisted witch-hunts and frauds on their fellow Americans.

Yeah … you fools are digging your party's political grave and if Trump isn't the puppeteer he's doing a fine job of looking the part. He snaps a tweet and y'all froth at the mouth and bark like trained puppies. The best part? Some of you know it and still can't stop doing it. It's a beautiful thing … BIGLY. :D
One would think that Commander Bone Spurs would want Mueller to testify after he TOTALLY EXONERATED Donnie. No? Which begs the question what that lousy slimeball Trump is afraid of?
I'm gonna let you in on a secret: Mueller's testimony will be another punch in the gut for your Collusion Delusion fantasy but Trump (and much of America) wants to watch you and congress set your hair on fire (again) and have another hysterical hissy-fit before negotiating the matter with congress.

The guy has a knack for snapping his fingers and having y'all lose your shit.

Mueller's Report laid out 7-10 charges of collusion, so not sure what snap your referring too.
What tax form are assets, or inflated assets, listed on?

sales of assets.

State or local real estate taxes.

When you list your income as one thing on the tax return & you list it differently on that ban loan application. Both needed signing. This is a known Trump tactic.

The State opf NY will explain it to you when they nail trump on tax evasion.

Well, now you've told us what you really, really, REALLY want to find. All that's left to do is show us probable cause that it's there TO find.

In case this isn’t obvious, it’s important to emphasize that this wasn’t a subpoena. It also wasn’t a request, per se. As we discussed last month, under existing federal law, a limited number of congressional leaders have the legal authority to access individual tax returns from the Treasury Department.

The State of NY, unlike you and Congress, presumably knows better than to attempt to get tax records from the IRS without demonstrating probable cause.

Yesterday, the Democratic chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee decided to exercise that power. Since the law was created in the wake of the Teapot Dome scandal in the 1920s, no administration has ever denied a lawmaker access to tax returns under this law.

If the Trump administration complies – at this point, that’s a pretty big “if” – the information Richard Neal demanded will answer more than a few questions.

Among other things, for example, the committee chairman has demanded information that would show whether Trump, who claimed he couldn’t disclose his tax returns in 2016 because he was under audit, was actually under audit.

No probable cause needed.
So you now accept that even Trump enjoys the search & seizure protections of the 4th Amend but argue congress may ignore them if they don't like the POTUS? Is that what you are saying? :laughing0301:

There are many reasons for Congress to see Trump's tax returns. Checks & balances. For example, what does Trump have in regards to Russia? Bank loans? What.

It has to do with obvious signs Trump is owned by the Russians. He lied about his business in Russia. He lied about his campaign's contacts. He claimed nothing in Russia & Jr said Russia was a major source of their financing. Trump sided with Rssia over our intel agencies. Trump delayed Congrewss ordered sanctions for nearly a year.

THAT is enough. Even for an America hating, Trump sucking POS like you.
Once more for the brain-dead: Mueller spent 2 yrs and $35 million investigating that and found "No collusion - No obstruction."
In fact, he found ""this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime."
According to you we must now ignore that because you didn't get the promised happy ending and allow congress unlimited authority to violate Trump's constitutional rights and continue what proved to be a partisan witch-hunt? Are you out of your mind?
What secret in his tax returns would result in jail time?

Inflating his assets to secure bank loans.

What tax form are assets, or inflated assets, listed on?

sales of assets.

State or local real estate taxes.

When you list your income as one thing on the tax return & you list it differently on that ban loan application. Both needed signing. This is a known Trump tactic.

The State opf NY will explain it to you when they nail trump on tax evasion.

Well, now you've told us what you really, really, REALLY want to find. All that's left to do is show us probable cause that it's there TO find.

The State of NY, unlike you and Congress, presumably knows better than to attempt to get tax records from the IRS without demonstrating probable cause.

In case this isn’t obvious, it’s important to emphasize that this wasn’t a subpoena. It also wasn’t a request, per se. As we discussed last month, under existing federal law, a limited number of congressional leaders have the legal authority to access individual tax returns from the Treasury Department.

Yesterday, the Democratic chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee decided to exercise that power. Since the law was created in the wake of the Teapot Dome scandal in the 1920s, no administration has ever denied a lawmaker access to tax returns under this law.

If the Trump administration complies – at this point, that’s a pretty big “if” – the information Richard Neal demanded will answer more than a few questions.

Among other things, for example, the committee chairman has demanded information that would show whether Trump, who claimed he couldn’t disclose his tax returns in 2016 because he was under audit, was actually under audit.

No probable cause needed.
There is probable cause that Trump committed obstruction. That fact is spelled out by Mueller in his report.
Why don't you post the obstruction highlights? Top 3 bits of evidence. TIA
Excuse me but I'm not your secretary. Do your own research.
You'll have to forgive Toddy.........After he got kicked out of his GED classes, he has a hard time doing ANY homework.
So both you and Clippy are big on echoing CNN/PMSNBC talking points like "obstruction" but small on supporting those claims.

Well don't feel bad … your leftarded media - the squawking heads that for over 2 years filled your painfully empty heads with LIES about "collusion" - come up just as small but you can take comfort in the knowledge that the Hysterical Dem House will impeach the POTUS. It will be politicized and televised and the Senate will squash it after which you will have another hissy-fit and some poor Democrat Socialists will have to face a 2020 American electorate filled with rage and disgust for the US-hating twits who have repeatedly foisted witch-hunts and frauds on their fellow Americans.

Yeah … you fools are digging your party's political grave and if Trump isn't the puppeteer he's doing a fine job of looking the part. He snaps a tweet and y'all froth at the mouth and bark like trained puppies. The best part? Some of you know it and still can't stop doing it. It's a beautiful thing … BIGLY. :D
One would think that Commander Bone Spurs would want Mueller to testify after he TOTALLY EXONERATED Donnie. No? Which begs the question what that lousy slimeball Trump is afraid of?
I'm gonna let you in on a secret: Mueller's testimony will be another punch in the gut for your Collusion Delusion fantasy but Trump (and much of America) wants to watch you and congress set your hair on fire (again) and have another hysterical hissy-fit before negotiating the matter with congress.

The guy has a knack for snapping his fingers and having y'all lose your shit.

Mueller's Report laid out 7-10 charges of collusion, so not sure what snap your referring too.
Not charges and if you are gonna lie the civil, interesting, adult nature of our discourse will be civil no more.

"this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime." - R. Mueller III
There is probable cause that Trump committed obstruction. That fact is spelled out by Mueller in his report.
Why don't you post the obstruction highlights? Top 3 bits of evidence. TIA
Excuse me but I'm not your secretary. Do your own research.
You'll have to forgive Toddy.........After he got kicked out of his GED classes, he has a hard time doing ANY homework.
So both you and Clippy are big on echoing CNN/PMSNBC talking points like "obstruction" but small on supporting those claims.

Well don't feel bad … your leftarded media - the squawking heads that for over 2 years filled your painfully empty heads with LIES about "collusion" - come up just as small but you can take comfort in the knowledge that the Hysterical Dem House will impeach the POTUS. It will be politicized and televised and the Senate will squash it after which you will have another hissy-fit and some poor Democrat Socialists will have to face a 2020 American electorate filled with rage and disgust for the US-hating twits who have repeatedly foisted witch-hunts and frauds on their fellow Americans.

Yeah … you fools are digging your party's political grave and if Trump isn't the puppeteer he's doing a fine job of looking the part. He snaps a tweet and y'all froth at the mouth and bark like trained puppies. The best part? Some of you know it and still can't stop doing it. It's a beautiful thing … BIGLY. :D
One would think that Commander Bone Spurs would want Mueller to testify after he TOTALLY EXONERATED Donnie. No? Which begs the question what that lousy slimeball Trump is afraid of?
I'm gonna let you in on a secret: Mueller's testimony will be another punch in the gut for your Collusion Delusion fantasy but Trump (and much of America) wants to watch you and congress set your hair on fire (again) and have another hysterical hissy-fit before negotiating the matter with congress.

The guy has a knack for snapping his fingers and having y'all lose your shit.

Mueller's Report laid out 7-10 charges of collusion, so not sure what snap your referring too.
Then why didn't Mueller claim Trump is guilty of collusion?
Well, now you've told us what you really, really, REALLY want to find. All that's left to do is show us probable cause that it's there TO find.

In case this isn’t obvious, it’s important to emphasize that this wasn’t a subpoena. It also wasn’t a request, per se. As we discussed last month, under existing federal law, a limited number of congressional leaders have the legal authority to access individual tax returns from the Treasury Department.

The State of NY, unlike you and Congress, presumably knows better than to attempt to get tax records from the IRS without demonstrating probable cause.

Yesterday, the Democratic chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee decided to exercise that power. Since the law was created in the wake of the Teapot Dome scandal in the 1920s, no administration has ever denied a lawmaker access to tax returns under this law.

If the Trump administration complies – at this point, that’s a pretty big “if” – the information Richard Neal demanded will answer more than a few questions.

Among other things, for example, the committee chairman has demanded information that would show whether Trump, who claimed he couldn’t disclose his tax returns in 2016 because he was under audit, was actually under audit.

No probable cause needed.
So you now accept that even Trump enjoys the search & seizure protections of the 4th Amend but argue congress may ignore them if they don't like the POTUS? Is that what you are saying? :laughing0301:

Take that up with existing law.

But under that law donny grifter doesn't have an argument to withhold the information.
Sure he does. He has the same 4th Amend protections we all enjoy. Great law. Ain't America wonderful?

sayit doofus

There is a law on the books that states different. He has protections against an illegal search, not a lawful one.
Congress - should they pursue this matter - will have many years to convince our courts their demands are lawful and when that inevitably fails they will look into CNN's cameras and, like you, whine that life just isn't fair.
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Trump has to shroud himself in secrecy or go to prison.

What secret in his tax returns would result in jail time?

Inflating his assets to secure bank loans.

What tax form are assets, or inflated assets, listed on?

sales of assets.

State or local real estate taxes.

When you list your income as one thing on the tax return & you list it differently on that ban loan application. Both needed signing. This is a known Trump tactic.

The State opf NY will explain it to you when they nail trump on tax evasion.
It's a "known Trump tactic?" Known by whom? Who has ever published any evidence to support you weird paranoid theory?
Why don't you post the obstruction highlights? Top 3 bits of evidence. TIA
You'll have to forgive Toddy.........After he got kicked out of his GED classes, he has a hard time doing ANY homework.
So both you and Clippy are big on echoing CNN/PMSNBC talking points like "obstruction" but small on supporting those claims.

Well don't feel bad … your leftarded media - the squawking heads that for over 2 years filled your painfully empty heads with LIES about "collusion" - come up just as small but you can take comfort in the knowledge that the Hysterical Dem House will impeach the POTUS. It will be politicized and televised and the Senate will squash it after which you will have another hissy-fit and some poor Democrat Socialists will have to face a 2020 American electorate filled with rage and disgust for the US-hating twits who have repeatedly foisted witch-hunts and frauds on their fellow Americans.

Yeah … you fools are digging your party's political grave and if Trump isn't the puppeteer he's doing a fine job of looking the part. He snaps a tweet and y'all froth at the mouth and bark like trained puppies. The best part? Some of you know it and still can't stop doing it. It's a beautiful thing … BIGLY. :D
One would think that Commander Bone Spurs would want Mueller to testify after he TOTALLY EXONERATED Donnie. No? Which begs the question what that lousy slimeball Trump is afraid of?
I'm gonna let you in on a secret: Mueller's testimony will be another punch in the gut for your Collusion Delusion fantasy but Trump (and much of America) wants to watch you and congress set your hair on fire (again) and have another hysterical hissy-fit before negotiating the matter with congress.

The guy has a knack for snapping his fingers and having y'all lose your shit.

Mueller's Report laid out 7-10 charges of collusion, so not sure what snap your referring too.
Then why didn't Mueller claim Trump is guilty of collusion?

Mueller laid out the case for collusion and gave it to Congress knowing that little billy barr would not bring charges. Its right in the report.
So both you and Clippy are big on echoing CNN/PMSNBC talking points like "obstruction" but small on supporting those claims.

Well don't feel bad … your leftarded media - the squawking heads that for over 2 years filled your painfully empty heads with LIES about "collusion" - come up just as small but you can take comfort in the knowledge that the Hysterical Dem House will impeach the POTUS. It will be politicized and televised and the Senate will squash it after which you will have another hissy-fit and some poor Democrat Socialists will have to face a 2020 American electorate filled with rage and disgust for the US-hating twits who have repeatedly foisted witch-hunts and frauds on their fellow Americans.

Yeah … you fools are digging your party's political grave and if Trump isn't the puppeteer he's doing a fine job of looking the part. He snaps a tweet and y'all froth at the mouth and bark like trained puppies. The best part? Some of you know it and still can't stop doing it. It's a beautiful thing … BIGLY. :D
One would think that Commander Bone Spurs would want Mueller to testify after he TOTALLY EXONERATED Donnie. No? Which begs the question what that lousy slimeball Trump is afraid of?
I'm gonna let you in on a secret: Mueller's testimony will be another punch in the gut for your Collusion Delusion fantasy but Trump (and much of America) wants to watch you and congress set your hair on fire (again) and have another hysterical hissy-fit before negotiating the matter with congress.

The guy has a knack for snapping his fingers and having y'all lose your shit.

Mueller's Report laid out 7-10 charges of collusion, so not sure what snap your referring too.
Then why didn't Mueller claim Trump is guilty of collusion?

Mueller laid out the case for collusion and gave it to Congress knowing that little billy barr would not bring charges. Its right in the report.

It was Mueller's job to bring charges. He didn't do that because he knew he would be laughed out of the courtroom if he did.
One would think that Commander Bone Spurs would want Mueller to testify after he TOTALLY EXONERATED Donnie. No? Which begs the question what that lousy slimeball Trump is afraid of?
I'm gonna let you in on a secret: Mueller's testimony will be another punch in the gut for your Collusion Delusion fantasy but Trump (and much of America) wants to watch you and congress set your hair on fire (again) and have another hysterical hissy-fit before negotiating the matter with congress.

The guy has a knack for snapping his fingers and having y'all lose your shit.

Mueller's Report laid out 7-10 charges of collusion, so not sure what snap your referring too.
Then why didn't Mueller claim Trump is guilty of collusion?

Mueller laid out the case for collusion and gave it to Congress knowing that little billy barr would not bring charges. Its right in the report.

It was Mueller's job to bring charges. He didn't do that because he knew he would be laughed out of the courtroom if he did.

It was not his decision to make, its the AG dickhead.

Why is it so hard for conservatives to post factual statements.

Independent commission: Reports, but no prosecutions

Congress has the authority to create an independent commission to conduct an investigation, much as it did after the assassination of President John Kennedy and the 9/11 attacks.

That would require a special act of Congress, the appointment of commissioners from both parties and the formation of an independent staff of investigators. The commission could be given subpoena powers, as Congress did for the 9/11 Commission.

But the result of such a commission's investigation is only a report; it would not have the power to press charges or seek civil penalties.
I'm gonna let you in on a secret: Mueller's testimony will be another punch in the gut for your Collusion Delusion fantasy but Trump (and much of America) wants to watch you and congress set your hair on fire (again) and have another hysterical hissy-fit before negotiating the matter with congress.

The guy has a knack for snapping his fingers and having y'all lose your shit.

Mueller's Report laid out 7-10 charges of collusion, so not sure what snap your referring too.
Then why didn't Mueller claim Trump is guilty of collusion?

Mueller laid out the case for collusion and gave it to Congress knowing that little billy barr would not bring charges. Its right in the report.

It was Mueller's job to bring charges. He didn't do that because he knew he would be laughed out of the courtroom if he did.

It was not his decision to make, its the AG dickhead.

Why is it so hard for conservatives to post factual statements.

Independent commission: Reports, but no prosecutions

Congress has the authority to create an independent commission to conduct an investigation, much as it did after the assassination of President John Kennedy and the 9/11 attacks.

That would require a special act of Congress, the appointment of commissioners from both parties and the formation of an independent staff of investigators. The commission could be given subpoena powers, as Congress did for the 9/11 Commission.

But the result of such a commission's investigation is only a report; it would not have the power to press charges or seek civil penalties.
Barr and Rosenstein have said it was Mueller duty to reach a conclusion on obstruction and if he was unwilling to do that he should not have been investigating it.
I'm gonna let you in on a secret: Mueller's testimony will be another punch in the gut for your Collusion Delusion fantasy but Trump (and much of America) wants to watch you and congress set your hair on fire (again) and have another hysterical hissy-fit before negotiating the matter with congress.

The guy has a knack for snapping his fingers and having y'all lose your shit.

Mueller's Report laid out 7-10 charges of collusion, so not sure what snap your referring too.
Then why didn't Mueller claim Trump is guilty of collusion?

Mueller laid out the case for collusion and gave it to Congress knowing that little billy barr would not bring charges. Its right in the report.

It was Mueller's job to bring charges. He didn't do that because he knew he would be laughed out of the courtroom if he did.

It was not his decision to make, its the AG dickhead.

Actually, it was.

Why is it so hard for leftwingers to post factual statements?

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin Informs Dem, Who are Witch Hunting Trump Rather Than Working For the American People, That They Can Kiss His Ass and They Still Will Not Get Trump’s Tax Returns

House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA) in a letter that his committee’s request for Trump’s tax returns “lacks a legitimate legislative purpose.”

“Out of respect for the deadlines previously set by the Committee, and consistent with our commitment to a prompt response, I am informing you now that the Department may not lawfully fulfill the Committee’s request,” Mnuchin said, citing legal guidance from the Department of Justice.

“Until such time that I’m not under audit, I would not be inclined to do that,” Trump said.

There is no law requiring a president to release their tax returns, but the Democrats don’t care about laws.
Where in the statute does it say the request must serve a "legistlative purpose"? You clowns don't want them released because you're afraid of what's in them. Admit it, you'll feel better.
US Constitution:

SECTION 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

Source of the Power to Investigate

No provision of the Constitution expressly authorizes either house of Congress to make investigations and exact testimony to the end that it may exercise its legislative functions effectively and advisedly. But such a power had been frequently exercised by the British Parliament and by the Assemblies of the American Colonies prior to the adoption of the Constitution. It was asserted by the House of Representatives as early as 1792 when it appointed a committee to investigate the defeat of General St. Clair and his army by the Indians in the Northwest and empowered it to “call for such persons, papers, and records, as may be necessary to assist their inquiries.”

The Court has long since accorded its agreement with Congress that the investigatory power is so essential to the legislative function as to be implied from the general vesting of legislative power in Congress. “We are of the opinion,” wrote Justice Van Devanter for a unanimous Court, “that the power of inquiry—with process to enforce it—is an essential and appropriate auxiliary to the legislative function. A legislative body cannot legislate wisely or effectively in the absence of information respecting the conditions which the legislation is intended to affect or change; and where the legislative body does not itself possess the requisite information—which not infrequently is true—recourse must be had to others who possess it. Experience has taught that mere requests for such information often are unavailing, and also that information which is volunteered is not always accurate or complete; so some means of compulsion are essential to obtain what is needed. All this was true before and when the Constitution was framed and adopted. In that period the power of inquiry—with enforcing process—was regarded and employed as a necessary and appropriate attribute of the power to legislate—indeed, was treated as inhering in it. Thus there is ample warrant for thinking, as we do, that the constitutional provisions which commit the legislative function to the two houses are intended to include this attribute to the end that the function may be effectively exercised.

In a 1957 opinion generally hostile to the exercise of the investigatory power in the post-War years, Chief Justice Warren did not question the basic power. “The power of the Congress to conduct investigations is inherent in the legislative process. That power is broad. It encompasses inquiries concerning the administration of existing laws as well as proposed or possibly needed statutes. It includes surveys of defects in our social, economic or political system for the purpose of enabling the Congress to remedy them. It comprehends probes into departments of the Federal Government to expose corruption, inefficiency or waste.” Justice Harlan summarized the matter in 1959. “The power of inquiry has been employed by Congress throughout our history, over the whole range of the national interests concerning which Congress might legislate or decide upon due investigation not to legislate; it has similarly been utilized in determining what to appropriate from the national purse, or whether to appropriate. The scope of the power of inquiry, in short, is as penetrating and far-reaching as the potential power to enact and appropriate under the Constitution.”

But the power of inquiry is not unlimited. The power of investigation may properly be employed only “in aid of the legislative function.”

Kilbourn v. Thompson, 103 U.S. 168, 189 (1881)

Its outermost boundaries are marked by the outermost boundaries of the power to legislate. The Court is clear on the limitations, “that neither house of Congress possesses a ‘general power of making inquiry into the private affairs of the citizen’; that the power actually possessed is limited to inquiries relating to matters of which the particular house ‘has jurisdiction’ and in respect of which it rightfully may take other action; that if the inquiry relates to ‘a matter wherein relief or redress could be had only by a judicial proceeding’ it is not within the range of this power, but must be left to the courts, conformably to the constitutional separation of governmental powers; and that for the purpose of determining the essential character of the inquiry recourse must be had to the resolution or order under which it is made.”

It's time for the Democrats to accept the results of the 2016 election and instead of witch hunting Trump, get to work on the behalf of the majority people. They have been the majority since January. What legislation have they passed to improve the lives of those they represent?

WE WANT TO GET TRUMP! only appeals to the lowest slimiest minority of the American People, it's time for them to quit screwing around with Trump and start passing legislation that improves the lives of The American people.

Congressional Investigations
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One would think that Commander Bone Spurs would want Mueller to testify after he TOTALLY EXONERATED Donnie. No? Which begs the question what that lousy slimeball Trump is afraid of?
I'm gonna let you in on a secret: Mueller's testimony will be another punch in the gut for your Collusion Delusion fantasy but Trump (and much of America) wants to watch you and congress set your hair on fire (again) and have another hysterical hissy-fit before negotiating the matter with congress.

The guy has a knack for snapping his fingers and having y'all lose your shit.

Mueller's Report laid out 7-10 charges of collusion, so not sure what snap your referring too.
Then why didn't Mueller claim Trump is guilty of collusion?

Mueller laid out the case for collusion and gave it to Congress knowing that little billy barr would not bring charges. Its right in the report.

It was Mueller's job to bring charges. He didn't do that because he knew he would be laughed out of the courtroom if he did.
Mueller didnt bring charges because idiot can't be indicted, dickweed! It's up to Congress now. Whether or not Dems have the balls to do it is another story. We know Trump's right wing goon squad doesn't! Graham, McConnel & the rest of the mob castrated themselves a long time ago as far as Trump is concerned. They know he's a no good incompetent corrupt bastard but don't have the backbone to do anything about it. Imagine in 2019 the Republican Congress, the party of Law & Order is bowing to the likes of Donald Trump, the most vile slimeball to ever hit Washington. It's a disgrace.
I'm gonna let you in on a secret: Mueller's testimony will be another punch in the gut for your Collusion Delusion fantasy but Trump (and much of America) wants to watch you and congress set your hair on fire (again) and have another hysterical hissy-fit before negotiating the matter with congress.

The guy has a knack for snapping his fingers and having y'all lose your shit.
Mueller's Report laid out 7-10 charges of collusion, so not sure what snap your referring too.
Then why didn't Mueller claim Trump is guilty of collusion?
Mueller laid out the case for collusion and gave it to Congress knowing that little billy barr would not bring charges. Its right in the report.
It was Mueller's job to bring charges. He didn't do that because he knew he would be laughed out of the courtroom if he did.
Mueller didnt bring charges because idiot can't be indicted...
Mueller’s report suffers from an extraordinary legal defect: It quite deliberately fails to comply with the requirements of governing law.

The first problem centers around its statement that the evidence “prevented the special counsel’s office from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred” with respect to possible obstruction of justice.

“Conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred” was not Dirty Bob Mueller’s assigned task, because making conclusive determinations of innocence is never the task of the federal prosecutor. Instead, prosecutors are tasked with completing an investigation and then either ask the grand jury to return an indictment or decline to charge the case. When prosecutors decline to charge, they make that decision not because they have “conclusively determined that no criminal conduct occurred,” but rather because they do not believe that the investigated conduct constitutes a crime for which all the elements can be proven to the satisfaction of a jury beyond a reasonable doubt.

In the American justice system, innocence is presumed: there is never any need for prosecutors to “conclusively determine” it. Nor is there any place for such a determination. Our country would be a very different and very dangerous place if prosecutors applied Dirty Bob's standard and citizens were obliged to prove “conclusively that no criminal conduct occurred.”

Dirty Bob attempted to invert the proof standard and Dirty Bob's “exoneration” statements can be understood only as political statements, issuing from federal prosecutors who in our system of government are rightly expected never to be political in the performance of their duties.

You'd have to be a real dick-weed to find Dirty Bob's work impressive. He's a real clown.

The second big problem with Mueller’s report is that it didn’t do the one job Mueller was tasked with. Under the relevant regulation, his duty was to “provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel.” 28 C.F.R. Section 600.8(c). But on the question of obstruction of justice, Mueller made neither a prosecution decision nor a declination decision.

None of the Report’s Volume II complied with the obligation imposed by the governing regulation to "explain the prosecution or declination decisions reached.”

Dirty Bob's monstrosity is part “truth commission” report and part law school exam paper riddled with claims that have never been subjected to adversarial testing or independent analysis. Those claims are accompanied by a series of inexplicably inconclusive observations concerning the possible application of law to fact. Dirty Bob's report has no basis in the relevant regulations and no precedent in the history of special/independent counsel investigations, but despite it's massive defects, apparently it dazzled you, so, there's that.
I'm gonna let you in on a secret: Mueller's testimony will be another punch in the gut for your Collusion Delusion fantasy but Trump (and much of America) wants to watch you and congress set your hair on fire (again) and have another hysterical hissy-fit before negotiating the matter with congress.

The guy has a knack for snapping his fingers and having y'all lose your shit.

Mueller's Report laid out 7-10 charges of collusion, so not sure what snap your referring too.
Then why didn't Mueller claim Trump is guilty of collusion?

Mueller laid out the case for collusion and gave it to Congress knowing that little billy barr would not bring charges. Its right in the report.

It was Mueller's job to bring charges. He didn't do that because he knew he would be laughed out of the courtroom if he did.
Mueller didnt bring charges because idiot can't be indicted, dickweed! It's up to Congress now. Whether or not Dems have the balls to do it is another story. We know Trump's right wing goon squad doesn't! Graham, McConnel & the rest of the mob castrated themselves a long time ago as far as Trump is concerned. They know he's a no good incompetent corrupt bastard but don't have the backbone to do anything about it. Imagine in 2019 the Republican Congress, the party of Law & Order is bowing to the likes of Donald Trump, the most vile slimeball to ever hit Washington. It's a disgrace.
He didn't have to file charges. All he had to do is say whether Trump committed obstruction, and he declined to do so. The rest of your swill isn't worth responding to.

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