Trey Goudy joins the dark side, endorses Marco amnesty Rubio

Seems quite clear that Trey Goudy is another sock puppet...

and a paid off :asshole: he caught Hitlery in so many lies and could prove it with historical FACTS yet failed to charge her with crimes against America, the Constitution and her oath of office, it is his fault she is not sitting in prison right now!!!! :up:
I think that 'gowdy' has been on the dark side for a long time . --- Representative Trey Gowdy, Grade Scoresheet | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels --- he makes a good score on easy vote but on things like stopping chain migration which I think is family reunification , ending anchor babies and reducing the visa lottery he doen't make any stand at all .

Ending anchor babies requires a constitutional amendment.
perhaps but Gowdy is happy to ignore the issue . And as I said , he doesn't do anything on chain migration [family reunification] or anything on the visa lottery !! Anyway , people can believe or disbelieve or spin NUMBERS USA any way they like but I stand by my reasoning and posted info Admiral !!

Respectfully, what does any of that have to do with what I posted?

You posted an unsubstantiated opinion asserting "Ending anchor babies requires a constitutional amendment".


No. It is pretty well substantiated by the 14th Amendment. You should try reading it some time.
Trey is another established member of the GOP so this shouldn't be a surprise.
While he's further right than most,he aint Cruz or Trump.
Seems quite clear that Trey Goudy is another sock puppet...

and a paid off :asshole: he caught Hitlery in so many lies and could prove it with historical FACTS yet failed to charge her with crimes against America, the Constitution and her oath of office, it is his fault she is not sitting in prison right now!!!! :up:

Excuse me, but how does one as a member of Congress charge anyone with a crime? Did I miss something in all of my years of studying the Constitution?

They could impeach her, but wait, she isn't in office anymore.
See: Trey Gowdy Officially Endorses Marco Rubio

Dec 29 2015

”South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy officially endorsed Marco Rubio on Monday, calling him the best candidate on national security and saying that the Florida senator is "effective" rather than "flashy."

This is very saddening to me because I had great respect for Trey who I viewed as a pit-bull in seeking the truth and facts during various Congressional Hearings and thought Mr. Goudy had a great love for our Country and promoting its general welfare in addition to being obedient to our Constitution.

The problem with Goudy endorsing Marco Rubio is, Rubio has closed his eyes to the devastating effects inflicted upon American Citizens by the millions upon millions of foreigners who have invaded our borders, and has given every indication he intends to allow the vast majority to remain in our Country even though their very presence is destructive to our nation's general welfare and violates our Constitution.

The unvarnished truth is, no good can come from allowing 10s of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated and low skilled foreigners who have invaded our borders to remain here. Not only do these illegal entrants compete with American Citizens for good paying jobs in the construction trades and displace American workers which has already caused unemployment to spiral out of control, but trying to accommodate illegals and their children has proven to be disastrous in that American Citizens are being made into tax slaves to pay for the economic needs of illegal aliens, not to mention how many of our public schools and emergency rooms have been overburdened and destroyed by this massive invasion of our borders.

So why does Trey Goudy give his support to Marco Rubio who has every intention of making the vast majority of illegal aliens legal, instead of enforcing existing law, and working to adopt new laws to encourage illegal aliens and their children to leave on their own?

Seems quite clear that Trey Goudy is another sock puppet for the Chamber of Commerce, Club for Growth and our Global Governance crowd who have no allegiance to America or any nation and carry out the wishes of international corporate giants.


To support Marco Rubio, or Jeb Bush, is to support our Global Governance Crowd and their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.
At some point you all will realize this purist nonsense will NEVER fly in a nation as large as ours. NEVER

Might fly on your neighborhood association but that is about as far as it will survive
i'll go with Numbers USA scorecard judgement on 'gowdy' Johnwk !! --- Representative Trey Gowdy, Grade Scoresheet | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels ---

In my eyes he just revealed who he really is . . . a sock puppet for the Establishment.

I think that 'gowdy' has been on the dark side for a long time . --- Representative Trey Gowdy, Grade Scoresheet | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels --- he makes a good score on easy vote but on things like stopping chain migration which I think is family reunification , ending anchor babies and reducing the visa lottery he doen't make any stand at all .

Ending anchor babies requires a constitutional amendment.
perhaps but Gowdy is happy to ignore the issue . And as I said , he doesn't do anything on chain migration [family reunification] or anything on the visa lottery !! Anyway , people can believe or disbelieve or spin NUMBERS USA any way they like but I stand by my reasoning and posted info Admiral !!

Respectfully, what does any of that have to do with what I posted?

You posted an unsubstantiated opinion asserting "Ending anchor babies requires a constitutional amendment".


No. It is pretty well substantiated by the 14th Amendment. You should try reading it some time.

I posted the historical documentation in post #33 which refutes your unsubstantiated opinion.

I'll go with my opinion that 'gowdy' is a rino and an amnesty advocate with his approval of 'roobio' Johnwk !!
Is Goudy shooting for a leadership position for the Dump Trump Coalition?
'There's a sucker born every minute.'
-- P T Barnum

Rubio is for the continued awarding of Amnesty without doing anything to prevent the continued tidal wave / invasion of illegals into the US. Gowdy, for whatever reason, supports him. It is, however, his opinion and right to support and endorse whoever he likes.

Regarding endorsements, I hold no one's opinion, and thus endorsement, more important than any other American citizen. Opinions are like a-holes - everyone has one and is no more important than any other's.
I think that 'gowdy' has been on the dark side for a long time . --- Representative Trey Gowdy, Grade Scoresheet | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels --- he makes a good score on easy vote but on things like stopping chain migration which I think is family reunification , ending anchor babies and reducing the visa lottery he doen't make any stand at all .

Ending anchor babies requires a constitutional amendment.

The anchor baby thing is a myth! The anchor baby myth was invented by Justice William Brennan in 1982

see: "The anchor baby scam was invented 30... - Anti Liberal Zone

"The anchor baby scam was invented 30 years ago by a liberal zealot, Justice William Brennan, who slipped a footnote into a 1982 Supreme Court opinion announcing that the kids born to illegals on U.S. soil are citizens. Fox News is treating Brennan’s crayon scratchings on the Constitution as part of our precious national heritage."

If there is a sincere desire to establish the meaning of the 14th Amendment rather than create our own meaning, should we not turn to those who actually wrote the amendment and debated it to discover its meaning as it was understood when the 14th amendment was framed and adopted? If your answer is “yes”, then we must determine what the qualifying words “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” means as understood by those who framed and helped to ratify the 14th Amendment.


The whole aim of construction, as applied to a provision of the Constitution, is to discover the meaning, to ascertain and give effect to the intent of its framers and the people who adopted it._____HOME BLDG. & LOAN ASS'N v. BLAISDELL, 290 U.S. 398 (1934)

Then I suggest you call up Justice Brennan and have him change his opinion, because that is what the current case law is based upon. You may not like it, you may disagree with the reasoning, but you cannot deny the fact.

Now, grow up, put your big boy panties on, stand at attention, give a cheery "aye-aye", hand salute and about face. You and your silly theory are summarily dismissed,
i'll go with Numbers USA scorecard judgement on 'gowdy' Johnwk !! --- Representative Trey Gowdy, Grade Scoresheet | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels ---

In my eyes he just revealed who he really is . . . a sock puppet for the Establishment.

Ending anchor babies requires a constitutional amendment.
perhaps but Gowdy is happy to ignore the issue . And as I said , he doesn't do anything on chain migration [family reunification] or anything on the visa lottery !! Anyway , people can believe or disbelieve or spin NUMBERS USA any way they like but I stand by my reasoning and posted info Admiral !!

Respectfully, what does any of that have to do with what I posted?

You posted an unsubstantiated opinion asserting "Ending anchor babies requires a constitutional amendment".


No. It is pretty well substantiated by the 14th Amendment. You should try reading it some time.

I posted the historical documentation in post #33 which refutes your unsubstantiated opinion.


Fail. Proving something exists to support my argument wins you nothing. Do you not realize that is exactly what you did?
It is disappointing. Rubio's just another milquetoast Republican fraud. He can't be trusted. Goudy made the wrong call on this one.
See: Trey Gowdy Officially Endorses Marco Rubio

Dec 29 2015

”South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy officially endorsed Marco Rubio on Monday, calling him the best candidate on national security and saying that the Florida senator is "effective" rather than "flashy."

This is very saddening to me because I had great respect for Trey who I viewed as a pit-bull in seeking the truth and facts during various Congressional Hearings and thought Mr. Goudy had a great love for our Country and promoting its general welfare in addition to being obedient to our Constitution.

The problem with Goudy endorsing Marco Rubio is, Rubio has closed his eyes to the devastating effects inflicted upon American Citizens by the millions upon millions of foreigners who have invaded our borders, and has given every indication he intends to allow the vast majority to remain in our Country even though their very presence is destructive to our nation's general welfare and violates our Constitution.

The unvarnished truth is, no good can come from allowing 10s of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated and low skilled foreigners who have invaded our borders to remain here. Not only do these illegal entrants compete with American Citizens for good paying jobs in the construction trades and displace American workers which has already caused unemployment to spiral out of control, but trying to accommodate illegals and their children has proven to be disastrous in that American Citizens are being made into tax slaves to pay for the economic needs of illegal aliens, not to mention how many of our public schools and emergency rooms have been overburdened and destroyed by this massive invasion of our borders.

So why does Trey Goudy give his support to Marco Rubio who has every intention of making the vast majority of illegal aliens legal, instead of enforcing existing law, and working to adopt new laws to encourage illegal aliens and their children to leave on their own?

Seems quite clear that Trey Goudy is another sock puppet for the Chamber of Commerce, Club for Growth and our Global Governance crowd who have no allegiance to America or any nation and carry out the wishes of international corporate giants.


To support Marco Rubio, or Jeb Bush, is to support our Global Governance Crowd and their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.

While I think Trey is an idiot, at least he has the sense to back a decent and respectable candidate. Of course, you most likely support "The Donald", so we understand your values.
I saw a reference to Benghazi in the link but I didn't see anything connecting Gowdy to amnesty. Another invention of the editorializing left?
in my opinion 'gowdy' is an amnesty advocate by his support of 'roobio' Whitehall !!

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