Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was Appropriate

again, i ask - what exactly did trump do to warrant the investigation to begin with? if you answered that i missed it along the way.
The investigation we are talking about didn’t have anything to do with Trump it had to do with Russia. That’s coming from gowdy who saw the classified intel.
then where is the trump connection to warrant now 2+ years of investigations?

if this goes back to papawhatever, then i am skeptical based on what i've read in several sources. also given that FISA was already saying many of these warrants were illegal, it seems odd that part is overlooked these days while we push the narrative.
That’s a different investigation, you’re talking about Mueller right? That has gone on for way too long I agree. But it was trigger by several lies, actions and I’m sure intel that we haven’t seen. I hope it ends soon and some of that stuff can come to light. Trumps appointed guy should respect running things over at the FBI and DOJ so I gotta assume that there is meat on the bone or this thing would have been over a long time ago
then if a lie triggers having someone planted in your campaign, then we got some serious shit on our horizon.
No your timeline is off. The actions of page and pop and manafort followed by the lies by Flynn and Don Jr and Kushner etc fostered suspicion, the firing of Comey and circumstances around that triggered Mueller. That’s a separate investigation though. This one that we are talking about happened during the campaign and had to do with Russian activity not Trump. Those are Treys words not mine
got it -

i swear we need a program to know the players and parts anymore.
I really can't believe they're going with this. dude, they'd have shit a cow if this had been hitlery. you and I know that. when one is disingenuous, they are always disingenuous.
and this is my core issue. has nothing to do with trump or the election at this point and everything to do with what we'll allow our government to do. our *hate* is allowing some very questionable behavior to be OK'd cause we hate trump.

sooner or later this will be used against someone they like and then what? they said it's ok to put someone into the opposing camp for "non political reasons". now how we can make it "non political" when it's the campaign to run for president i have no idea. seems convenient to me and an easy way out so you don't have to understand the bullshit going on.

so when people believe "it wasn't political" it's because they want to.
They didn’t just put somebody there for the hell of it. They were acting on intel gathered during a counterintelligence active investigation. It takes many eyeballs to get all that going. Not just obama sending a spy over to infiltrate trump
and some backtalk (agreed it's not mainstream yet but it's not as if mainstream media is very honest in this to begin with) is that the FBI fed papawhatever the info he then said while drunk in a bar to the FBI - if this is the case it's a complete setup.

if not, we'll see where it goes.
why are you buying into the “backtalk”? Spygate is backtalk and it’s bullshit. Every week trump releases some unsubstantiated “backtalk” that his followers eat up. Just think for a minute. Trump knows exactly what he is doing when he tweets these conspiracy theory fire starters. Y’all are being played.
i don't listen to trump much. he gets on my nerves.

every week the left says why this is justified and the left eats it up and spits it out. i mean first it was WE DON'T HAVE ANYONE IN TRUMPS CAMP AND NEVER DID!!!!

then suddenly it went to "well we did but it wasn't political".

uh huh. sorry, that dog ain't hunting here.

Those annoying fact have never stopped your orange king...
yea, sooner or later we need to stop politics by investigations.
I agree but this wasn’t a political investigation. It was covert which is why we weren’t seeing hearings and pressers about it every day. The Benghazi and even these collusion investigations are way over politicized and I agree we need to stop governing this way.

Also remember who rallied thousands of people to chant “lock her up” we have a leader now who tries and criminalize his opposers and millions of people out there that slurp it up. I fear this is all going to get much much worse
it will. as long as we allow one side to slide on adhering to laws and go after the other, it only goes downhill for all.

i do think hillary was guilty as hell. but it was never proven so move on. lock her up was trump rallying the base and pure political.

i think a lot of people on both sides needs to be in jail for life - period. but i think most are going to get away with it cause of the overall "room to move" we've given ourselves in order to go after those we hate.

again - russia jacks with us all the time. this was nowhere near the only time they ever did it. trump knowing people in russia, even high ranking people, doesn't make him guilty by association anymore than it would have for hillary - which it would seem the left never got into going after her.

the only thing that makes THIS TIME different is the democrats lost and needed a reason why and the founders of identity politics dove in and rode that pony into the ground.

"covert operations" against the other party.

sounds much like a nixon suggestion.
You are parroting talking points again instead of giving honest analysis of the facts. This investigation we are talking about in this thread was ongoing before the election. So it is not made up by the Dems because they lost. It has been and still is a real thing. Yes it is being grossly over politicized by many on the left and yes many are jumping to conclusions before the facts have been revealed. But that doesn’t mean that the whole thing is made up and political. This spygate thing is a perfect example. The right finds a narrative that will discredit their opposers and they run with it, but it’s all based on assumptions. Nunes puts up a fuss then gets access to the intel and low n behold, it wasn’t a deep state spy conspiracy but it was a counter intel op justified by evidence... unless you think Gowdy is lying.

Trump doesn’t care, he manipulated the news cycle for a week and will now make up a new nugget for the pigeons to chase after. It’s so transparent.
maybe it is transparent. but to me, i see the transparency working against all this. i'm not defending trump. not by a long shot. in fact, it honestly has nothing to do with trump but much more to do with what we will allow our government to do.

i have not looked yet but has ANY OTHER ELECTION has one party investigate crimes of the other "while" the election was going on?
Trump wasn’t being investigated for crimes during the election... Hillary was.

Treason took second stage to emails....
yea, sooner or later we need to stop politics by investigations.
I agree but this wasn’t a political investigation. It was covert which is why we weren’t seeing hearings and pressers about it every day. The Benghazi and even these collusion investigations are way over politicized and I agree we need to stop governing this way.

Also remember who rallied thousands of people to chant “lock her up” we have a leader now who tries and criminalize his opposers and millions of people out there that slurp it up. I fear this is all going to get much much worse

Until now....our presidents actually tried to unite people and they had a certain degree of credibility. That is no longer true....
obama was NOT a uniter. he was busy forcing the liberal agenda on people and using EO's as law.
Obama pushed his agenda through tremendous political opposition. That doesn’t make him divisive. Every elected leader is going to push their agenda. But he spoke with respect and thoughtfulness as a leader should. Trump gets up there and tells everybody who opposes him to fuck off or he calls them criminals. It’s schoolyard and sad that so many want that kind of stuff from our leader. Our country isn’t a trailer park we are better than that.
so telling people they must allow people to pee where they want or lose federal money and games like that to push the liberal agenda isn't divisive? i'm not saying he shouldn't push his agenda. that's what presidents do. but it's hard to say he wasn't divisive.

then again - maybe we should talk to a lot of reporters he shut up along the way and spied on.

sharyl attkisson - obama went after her hard and heavy. here's why:

Sharyl Attkisson: 8 Signs Obama Spied on Trump and Company - David Harris Jr
Sharyl Attkisson goes public with Obama’s spying on her
Sharyl Attkisson Reports "Shocking" Allegations of Government Spying - The Post & Email
Bombshell: How Far Did Obama Spying Go? The Sharyl Attkisson Case

and this is a good one:
Obama Spying -- On Journalists and Others, Not Just Trump Associates | National Review

obama was spying on tons of people so i don't get why it's a reach to believe he'd do it to trump also.

one things i've learned in life is when someone is capable of doing something bad, they will one day do it to you.

are we do now deny obama never spied on anyone, and that all these respected journalists (at least pre-obama era) are all whackos also?

How many more nutcase conspiracy sites can u quote? You are LYING....GET OVER IT....!

Even repubs say you are lying .....
Trey Gowdy is a smart man and unquestionably a Republican in my opinion.

Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was Appropriate

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said on Tuesday that the FBI’s use of an informant for the Trump campaign in 2016 was appropriate, joining top Democrats in disputing President Donald Trump’s characterization of the informant as a spy.
Did he mention they had a spy in the clinton camp as well? Just to balance things out.

The Clinton campaign didn't have any Russian agents working within the campaign.

Carter Page was under FBI investigation clear back in 2013 for working with the Russians and George Papalopodous was working with them while they were on the Trump team. Little Jeffy Sessions gets tied up with this one.

Since reading hasn't killed anyone yet you might want to try it with these two usmb links.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.

At this link you can read one article, watch 2 FOXNEWS video's and another of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V. Go to this link on this board, then scroll down to post # 56.
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

Trey Gowdy who has been full of conspiracies over the last 16 months just woke up after a meeting. Quite a change from 2 weeks ago. But it may be that since he has already announced his early retirement and won't be seeking reelection in 2018, he just can't stand his own bullshit conspiracies that he has been master of doing over the last several years. 35 other House Republicans have also announced their early retirements and will not seek reelection in 2018.
Rep. Trey Gowdy announces he won't seek re-election in 2018


Republicans have turned on Trey Gowdy before--:abgg2q.jpg: So I suspect they'll do it again over this.

With Clinton exonerated, conspiracy theorists turn on Trey Gowdy

For more on all the early house Republicans retirements, go to this link on this board.

Blue wave coming this November 2018


Your side redefined Benghazi not to get any mud on obama
Now you’re redefining spy gate

And by 'spy gate' of course you mean- the Spy that never was.......
again, i ask - what exactly did trump do to warrant the investigation to begin with? if you answered that i missed it along the way.
The investigation we are talking about didn’t have anything to do with Trump it had to do with Russia. That’s coming from gowdy who saw the classified intel.
then where is the trump connection to warrant now 2+ years of investigations?

if this goes back to papawhatever, then i am skeptical based on what i've read in several sources. also given that FISA was already saying many of these warrants were illegal, it seems odd that part is overlooked these days while we push the narrative.
That’s a different investigation, you’re talking about Mueller right? That has gone on for way too long I agree. But it was trigger by several lies, actions and I’m sure intel that we haven’t seen. I hope it ends soon and some of that stuff can come to light. Trumps appointed guy should respect running things over at the FBI and DOJ so I gotta assume that there is meat on the bone or this thing would have been over a long time ago
then if a lie triggers having someone planted in your campaign, then we got some serious shit on our horizon.

Who was planted in whose campaign?

See that sounds like a lie to me right there- and a dangerous lie at that.
Trey Gowdy is a smart man and unquestionably a Republican in my opinion.

Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was Appropriate

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said on Tuesday that the FBI’s use of an informant for the Trump campaign in 2016 was appropriate, joining top Democrats in disputing President Donald Trump’s characterization of the informant as a spy.
That statement is ment to give him credibility to further his own career imo.
why would he need it to give him credibility? Because supporting the president's lie-gate, would not....right?
Think a bit harder. It's not hard to figure out.
again, i ask - what exactly did trump do to warrant the investigation to begin with? if you answered that i missed it along the way.
The investigation we are talking about didn’t have anything to do with Trump it had to do with Russia. That’s coming from gowdy who saw the classified intel.
also given that FISA was already saying many of these warrants were illegal, .

Who said these warrants were illegal?
Stick to the subject. Personal attacks on other members belongs in the Flame Zone, not in this area.
Stick to the subject. Personal attacks on other members belongs in the Flame Zone, not in this area.

I'd be willing to bet there would be a lot fewer personal attacks if you guys brought back the reputation system, or at least made the STFU button available in more of the forums...

Just sayin'...
But, as it's been pointed out, the whispers of russians having the emails was actually circulated by the FBI "spies" to begin with, then it wouldn't be.

more and more links are being established that papadapolousanufagus was fed the info he recited in order to setup the ordeal to begin with.
I was wondering how long it would be before the Russia Limbaugh lie would show up.
Thank you!
Because telling the idiot Trump that an informant was gathering information on his crooked and corrupt staff,is TANTAMOUNT to warning the Russians that we were onto them.
If that was true then that means they didn't trust that Trump was independent of the Russian interference which means they had reason to spy on Trump himself...but where is that evidence? Don't be stupid by half...they were spying on Trump and everyone knows it.....If they didn't tell Trump the spy was there they were spying on Trump.....period....
no, it means they had no reason to tell him, nor trust him yet....he was simply a candidate, of whom, none knew his ability to keep his trap shut.

loose lips, sink ships
but that isn't our country. sorry friend. that's germany.

law enforcement/the fbi has always used human sources as a tool to find out more information on cases they are working on... this is nothing new at all... it, this tactic, has saved us from Nazi's!!!!

Sounds like the reasoning the Committee to RE-elect the President used in 1971.
Gowdy lost all credibility. Didn't get his time line right.

"Credible" isn't defined as "what you want to hear".

I am confident that Gowdy has a better understanding of the timeline than you do.

Bull shit. I just laid it out.


No, you didn't. You laid out a conspiracy narrative that you've put together from right-wing blog sites and your own imagination.

Gowdy, on the other hand, has received a classified briefing on the investigation by the DoJ.

He has, I imagine, a lot of information that you don't have.

That quote by the President was made to Comey and recorded by Comey after this crucial meeting after Trump had become President.

It has nothing to do with my freaking imagination . It's on record. It's in Comey's memos.
Gowdy lost all credibility. Didn't get his time line right.

"Credible" isn't defined as "what you want to hear".

I am confident that Gowdy has a better understanding of the timeline than you do.

Bull shit. I just laid it out.


No, you didn't. You laid out a conspiracy narrative that you've put together from right-wing blog sites and your own imagination.

Gowdy, on the other hand, has received a classified briefing on the investigation by the DoJ.

He has, I imagine, a lot of information that you don't have.

That quote by the President was made to Comey and recorded by Comey after this crucial meeting after Trump had become President.

It has nothing to do with my freaking imagination . It's on record. It's in Comey's memos.


Stick to the subject. Personal attacks on other members belongs in the Flame Zone, not in this area.

I'd be willing to bet there would be a lot fewer personal attacks if you guys brought back the reputation system, or at least made the STFU button available in more of the forums...

Just sayin'...

There is an area on this forum set aside for personal attacks: Flame Zone, Rubber Room, & Badlands. Feel free to use it for its intended purpose. However, do not, under any circumstances, bring what goes on down there up here.

Back to the subject of this thread .....
Top Democrat says Obama shares responsibility for Russia's meddling

Oh dear, a top democrat is blaming the Obama administration for ignoring Russian meddling. This crap just has to stop, otherwise, how can we vote straight down party lines?

It's almost as if Obama and company thought Russian meddling was OK......until Trump won the Oval Office?

Hmm. Maybe Obama let it happen to try and use it against Trump knowing Hillary was doomed.

To be honest, I grow weary of all the conspiracy theories on both sides. We know nothing will come of any of it whether they be true of false and we already know both parties are hopelessly corrupt. Some people just like to watch monkeys sling poo.
You are stepping all over yourself. In one breath are are bitching about them investigating the Russians and calling it spying and outrageous... then in the next breath you say they did nothing about the Russians. I realize any narrative that makes Obama or the Dems look bad is attractive to you but try and sort out the logic before you make yourself sound foolish.

You kids are hysterical. How exactly did Putin sway the American vote substantially?

The painful truth is, the below video is why Hillary lost.

Now is your chance to admit that Hillary was the most corrupt and unlikable candidate of our generation.

Stop diverting to hillary, that tactic is worn out. To answer your question. I never said a word about swaying an election. That has nothing to do with any of this. You are either trying to pivot the discussion or you don’t understand what’s going on. Are you having a hard time following?

well what is the point if it wasn't about the election? I thought it was all about swaying the election. you know big word interfere? so we're asking you to answer what that interference was. why can't you answer? you're so sure about this stuff. let's go busy busy.
By allowing what? What is it that you are objecting too? Investigating crimes when there is evidence or suspicion of crimes?
putting a "plant" (call it what you will) into the opposite campaign for XYZ reason. we keep hearing NO POLITICAL PURPOSE but come on - look who was in there. do you really think they stuck with only "yes/no" on russia questions?

we also have no concrete evidence of a crime to begin with and the FISA warrants have already been deemed illegal.

It Is Complicated – FISA Court Found FAULT With NSA, FBI, And Obama Of Illegally Spying On Trump Team – MSM Keeps Quiet. – Investment Watch Blog

questionable at best.

so all we need to do is have some emotional tie to a crime and we can now put someone into the opposing camp to watch what they do. if you're ok with this, fine. i'm not. not because i'm defending trump but because i think it's a horrible way of conducting our government in general.
I really can't believe they're going with this. dude, they'd have shit a cow if this had been hitlery. you and I know that. when one is disingenuous, they are always disingenuous.
and this is my core issue. has nothing to do with trump or the election at this point and everything to do with what we'll allow our government to do. our *hate* is allowing some very questionable behavior to be OK'd cause we hate trump.

sooner or later this will be used against someone they like and then what? they said it's ok to put someone into the opposing camp for "non political reasons". now how we can make it "non political" when it's the campaign to run for president i have no idea. seems convenient to me and an easy way out so you don't have to understand the bullshit going on.

so when people believe "it wasn't political" it's because they want to.
dude I agree. It's disingenuous and they are fake. they merely are partisan hacks not caught up in it yet. but they'd be yelling like fking babies if their side had been affected. for them to say otherwise makes them all liars. I know if it happened to them I'd tell them it isn't acceptable. spying is spying and not acceptable against our own nation.
Haha. Partisan hacks aren’t allowed to criticize others for being partisan hacks. Get a mirror and see the hypocrite.
I want you to be honest, and you aren't. it's ok, be a partisan hack. I said if it happened to hitlery or someone in this election you'd be screaming bloody murder and you're like, nope. right!!!!!!!! that my friend is disingenuous. stay that way, it's a good look. but if you were truly an american that cared about america, you'd be where ice and I are at.
Gowdy lost all credibility. Didn't get his time line right.

"Credible" isn't defined as "what you want to hear".

I am confident that Gowdy has a better understanding of the timeline than you do.

Bull shit. I just laid it out.


No, you didn't. You laid out a conspiracy narrative that you've put together from right-wing blog sites and your own imagination.

Gowdy, on the other hand, has received a classified briefing on the investigation by the DoJ.

He has, I imagine, a lot of information that you don't have.

That quote by the President was made to Comey and recorded by Comey after this crucial meeting after Trump had become President.

It has nothing to do with my freaking imagination . It's on record. It's in Comey's memos.



So Gowdy's attempt to justify the spying by quoting the President is pathetic because Trump's statement came months and months after the FBI had already targeted Trump and has nothing to do with the informants they put into the campaign.
"Credible" isn't defined as "what you want to hear".

I am confident that Gowdy has a better understanding of the timeline than you do.

Bull shit. I just laid it out.


No, you didn't. You laid out a conspiracy narrative that you've put together from right-wing blog sites and your own imagination.

Gowdy, on the other hand, has received a classified briefing on the investigation by the DoJ.

He has, I imagine, a lot of information that you don't have.

That quote by the President was made to Comey and recorded by Comey after this crucial meeting after Trump had become President.

It has nothing to do with my freaking imagination . It's on record. It's in Comey's memos.



So Gowdy's attempt to justify the spying by quoting the President is pathetic because Trump's statement came months and months after the FBI had already targeted Trump and has nothing to do with the informants they put into the campaign.
What makes you think the informants were targeting Trump? All statements I’ve heard, besides Trumps spygate propaganda, say they were targeting the Russians.
"Credible" isn't defined as "what you want to hear".

I am confident that Gowdy has a better understanding of the timeline than you do.

Bull shit. I just laid it out.


No, you didn't. You laid out a conspiracy narrative that you've put together from right-wing blog sites and your own imagination.

Gowdy, on the other hand, has received a classified briefing on the investigation by the DoJ.

He has, I imagine, a lot of information that you don't have.

That quote by the President was made to Comey and recorded by Comey after this crucial meeting after Trump had become President.

It has nothing to do with my freaking imagination . It's on record. It's in Comey's memos.



So Gowdy's attempt to justify the spying by quoting the President is pathetic because Trump's statement came months and months after the FBI had already targeted Trump and has nothing to do with the informants they put into the campaign.


Gowdy wasn't trying to "justify" anything. You have it flipped around.

The DoJ justified it to him, during a classified briefing that he can't discuss.

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