Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was Appropriate

and some backtalk (agreed it's not mainstream yet but it's not as if mainstream media is very honest in this to begin with) is that the FBI fed papawhatever the info he then said while drunk in a bar to the FBI - if this is the case it's a complete setup.

if not, we'll see where it goes.
So many Limbaugh Lies, so little time.
A drunk Papa spilled to Australian diplomat Alexander Downer, not the FBI. Downer in turn went to the FBI. And Papa got the info about Russia having dirt on Hillary from a Russian operative named Joseph Mifsud an operative of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, the SVR. In Papa's own statement he told of an April 26, 2016, meeting with Mifsud at a London hotel. Over breakfast Mifsud told Papadopoulos “he had just returned from a trip to Moscow where he had met with high-level Russian governmental officials.” Mifsud explained “that on that trip he learned that the Russians had obtained ‘dirt’ on then-candidate Clinton.”

Worthless lying scum Russia Limbaugh is trying to spin SVR operative Mifsud as a member of the FBI to claim it was the FBI who fed Papa to set up Donnie Dirt Bag. :cuckoo:
Because telling the idiot Trump that an informant was gathering information on his crooked and corrupt staff,is TANTAMOUNT to warning the Russians that we were onto them.
If that was true then that means they didn't trust that Trump was independent of the Russian interference which means they had reason to spy on Trump himself...but where is that evidence? Don't be stupid by half...they were spying on Trump and everyone knows it.....If they didn't tell Trump the spy was there they were spying on Trump.....period....
no, it means they had no reason to tell him, nor trust him yet....he was simply a candidate, of whom, none knew his ability to keep his trap shut.

loose lips, sink ships
but that isn't our country. sorry friend. that's germany.

law enforcement/the fbi has always used human sources as a tool to find out more information on cases they are working on... this is nothing new at all... it, this tactic, has saved us from Nazi's!!!!

Sounds like the reasoning the Committee to RE-elect the President used in 1971.
The FBI broke into the Watergage bldg. and wiretapped the Dems without a warrant? WTF, lol
why are you buying into the “backtalk”? Spygate is backtalk and it’s bullshit. Every week trump releases some unsubstantiated “backtalk” that his followers eat up. Just think for a minute. Trump knows exactly what he is doing when he tweets these conspiracy theory fire starters. Y’all are being played.
i don't listen to trump much. he gets on my nerves.

every week the left says why this is justified and the left eats it up and spits it out. i mean first it was WE DON'T HAVE ANYONE IN TRUMPS CAMP AND NEVER DID!!!!

then suddenly it went to "well we did but it wasn't political".

uh huh. sorry, that dog ain't hunting here.
Who said that first quote and what question was he/she responding too?
basic sequence of events in how at first the media / the left was saying no one was spying on trump or even in his camp. when that could no longer be denied, it became "but it was warranted".

you're running a risky game in a time of identity politics to allow one side to determine what is "legal" to play against the other side. why am i to believe the left when they say they're on the up and up and trump is the guilty one just cause they don't like trump - as i see it for the most part.

again, i ask - what exactly did trump do to warrant the investigation to begin with? if you answered that i missed it along the way.
I don’t know that the Left was saying that. I watch a good amount of Fox News and listen to conservative radio and they Love to focus on the dishonest liberal media. But they often regurgitate narratives and spin them to make the left sound way more out there then they actually are. Both sides do it.
yep. i don't listen to either side and unless a huge major name, can't tell you which side many of these "names" support. when your entire mantra is to find the worst in the other side and parade them as "normal" for the other side, what do we expect to do to each other?

i hate talk show politics.
I hate someone covering for a party. either side.
So does this mean you Moon Bats love Trey Gowdy now? Because you hated him before.
Bull shit. I just laid it out.


No, you didn't. You laid out a conspiracy narrative that you've put together from right-wing blog sites and your own imagination.

Gowdy, on the other hand, has received a classified briefing on the investigation by the DoJ.

He has, I imagine, a lot of information that you don't have.

That quote by the President was made to Comey and recorded by Comey after this crucial meeting after Trump had become President.

It has nothing to do with my freaking imagination . It's on record. It's in Comey's memos.



So Gowdy's attempt to justify the spying by quoting the President is pathetic because Trump's statement came months and months after the FBI had already targeted Trump and has nothing to do with the informants they put into the campaign.
What makes you think the informants were targeting Trump? All statements I’ve heard, besides Trumps spygate propaganda, say they were targeting the Russians.

If they were targeting the Russians and Russian contacts with the campaigns they would have had informants in the Clinton campaign as well.

Hell's bells the Podesta Group was working for the Kremlins bank to lift sanctions all during the election. Now there's a Russian connection.

No, you didn't. You laid out a conspiracy narrative that you've put together from right-wing blog sites and your own imagination.

Gowdy, on the other hand, has received a classified briefing on the investigation by the DoJ.

He has, I imagine, a lot of information that you don't have.

That quote by the President was made to Comey and recorded by Comey after this crucial meeting after Trump had become President.

It has nothing to do with my freaking imagination . It's on record. It's in Comey's memos.



So Gowdy's attempt to justify the spying by quoting the President is pathetic because Trump's statement came months and months after the FBI had already targeted Trump and has nothing to do with the informants they put into the campaign.
What makes you think the informants were targeting Trump? All statements I’ve heard, besides Trumps spygate propaganda, say they were targeting the Russians.

If they were targeting the Russians and Russian contacts with the campaigns they would have had informants in the Clinton campaign as well.

Hell's bells the Podesta Group was working for the Kremlins bank to lift sanctions all during the election. Now there's a Russian connection.

What does the Podesta Group have to do with Hillary Clinton's campaign?
and some backtalk (agreed it's not mainstream yet but it's not as if mainstream media is very honest in this to begin with) is that the FBI fed papawhatever the info he then said while drunk in a bar to the FBI - if this is the case it's a complete setup.

if not, we'll see where it goes.
So many Limbaugh Lies, so little time.
A drunk Papa spilled to Australian diplomat Alexander Downer, not the FBI. Downer in turn went to the FBI. And Papa got the info about Russia having dirt on Hillary from a Russian operative named Joseph Mifsud an operative of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, the SVR. In Papa's own statement he told of an April 26, 2016, meeting with Mifsud at a London hotel. Over breakfast Mifsud told Papadopoulos “he had just returned from a trip to Moscow where he had met with high-level Russian governmental officials.” Mifsud explained “that on that trip he learned that the Russians had obtained ‘dirt’ on then-candidate Clinton.”

Worthless lying scum Russia Limbaugh is trying to spin SVR operative Mifsud as a member of the FBI to claim it was the FBI who fed Papa to set up Donnie Dirt Bag. :cuckoo:

And Downer gave 25 million buckolas to the Clinton Foundation. I don't think I'll believe that son of a bitch.
That quote by the President was made to Comey and recorded by Comey after this crucial meeting after Trump had become President.

It has nothing to do with my freaking imagination . It's on record. It's in Comey's memos.



So Gowdy's attempt to justify the spying by quoting the President is pathetic because Trump's statement came months and months after the FBI had already targeted Trump and has nothing to do with the informants they put into the campaign.
What makes you think the informants were targeting Trump? All statements I’ve heard, besides Trumps spygate propaganda, say they were targeting the Russians.

If they were targeting the Russians and Russian contacts with the campaigns they would have had informants in the Clinton campaign as well.

Hell's bells the Podesta Group was working for the Kremlins bank to lift sanctions all during the election. Now there's a Russian connection.

What does the Podesta Group have to do with Hillary Clinton's campaign?

You've got to be kidding.

That quote by the President was made to Comey and recorded by Comey after this crucial meeting after Trump had become President.

It has nothing to do with my freaking imagination . It's on record. It's in Comey's memos.



So Gowdy's attempt to justify the spying by quoting the President is pathetic because Trump's statement came months and months after the FBI had already targeted Trump and has nothing to do with the informants they put into the campaign.
What makes you think the informants were targeting Trump? All statements I’ve heard, besides Trumps spygate propaganda, say they were targeting the Russians.

If they were targeting the Russians and Russian contacts with the campaigns they would have had informants in the Clinton campaign as well.

Hell's bells the Podesta Group was working for the Kremlins bank to lift sanctions all during the election. Now there's a Russian connection.

What does the Podesta Group have to do with Hillary Clinton's campaign?

You may have forgotten that John Podesta was the manager of Hillary's campaign. He was also a co-founder of the Podesta Group.
Trey Gowdy, come on down.

You're the next contestant on "the Deep State"!

I don’t know about that. I caught a snip of Rush today while I was eating lunch. Rush opined that maybe the FBI put snitches in the Trump campaigns to go after people we have yet to hear about? Whatever, if any of you put your faith in any politition you are just stupid. But Rush did have a good point. Another opinion is that Gawdy is sucking Trumps cock so he can have Sessions job.

So Gowdy's attempt to justify the spying by quoting the President is pathetic because Trump's statement came months and months after the FBI had already targeted Trump and has nothing to do with the informants they put into the campaign.
What makes you think the informants were targeting Trump? All statements I’ve heard, besides Trumps spygate propaganda, say they were targeting the Russians.

If they were targeting the Russians and Russian contacts with the campaigns they would have had informants in the Clinton campaign as well.

Hell's bells the Podesta Group was working for the Kremlins bank to lift sanctions all during the election. Now there's a Russian connection.

What does the Podesta Group have to do with Hillary Clinton's campaign?

You've got to be kidding.


No, I'm not.

I'm not asking for the delusional narratives that you can come up with in your head - I'm talking about actual links.

Did the Podesta Group work on Hillary's campaign?
Hell's bells the Podesta Group was working for the Kremlins bank to lift sanctions all during the election. Now there's a Russian connection.
which had absolutely nothing to do with the Clinton Campaign or tony podesta, what's the beef???

So Gowdy's attempt to justify the spying by quoting the President is pathetic because Trump's statement came months and months after the FBI had already targeted Trump and has nothing to do with the informants they put into the campaign.
What makes you think the informants were targeting Trump? All statements I’ve heard, besides Trumps spygate propaganda, say they were targeting the Russians.

If they were targeting the Russians and Russian contacts with the campaigns they would have had informants in the Clinton campaign as well.

Hell's bells the Podesta Group was working for the Kremlins bank to lift sanctions all during the election. Now there's a Russian connection.

What does the Podesta Group have to do with Hillary Clinton's campaign?

You may have forgotten that John Podesta was the manager of Hillary's campaign. He was also a co-founder of the Podesta Group.

...which he left in 1993.
So Gowdy's attempt to justify the spying by quoting the President is pathetic because Trump's statement came months and months after the FBI had already targeted Trump and has nothing to do with the informants they put into the campaign.
What makes you think the informants were targeting Trump? All statements I’ve heard, besides Trumps spygate propaganda, say they were targeting the Russians.

If they were targeting the Russians and Russian contacts with the campaigns they would have had informants in the Clinton campaign as well.

Hell's bells the Podesta Group was working for the Kremlins bank to lift sanctions all during the election. Now there's a Russian connection.

What does the Podesta Group have to do with Hillary Clinton's campaign?

You may have forgotten that John Podesta was the manager of Hillary's campaign. He was also a co-founder of the Podesta Group.

...which he left in 1993.

True. But, his departure and then his involvement with the Corporate Whore's campaign might.end up sending his brother to prison.

Russia Scandal Befalls Two Brothers: John and Tony Podesta
What makes you think the informants were targeting Trump? All statements I’ve heard, besides Trumps spygate propaganda, say they were targeting the Russians.

If they were targeting the Russians and Russian contacts with the campaigns they would have had informants in the Clinton campaign as well.

Hell's bells the Podesta Group was working for the Kremlins bank to lift sanctions all during the election. Now there's a Russian connection.

What does the Podesta Group have to do with Hillary Clinton's campaign?

You may have forgotten that John Podesta was the manager of Hillary's campaign. He was also a co-founder of the Podesta Group.

...which he left in 1993.

True. But, his departure and then his involvement with the Corporate Whore's campaign might.end up sending his brother to prison.

Russia Scandal Befalls Two Brothers: John and Tony Podesta

You should read your link.

Tony Podesta's legal troubles are unrelated to Clinton's campaign, or his brother.
If they were targeting the Russians and Russian contacts with the campaigns they would have had informants in the Clinton campaign as well.

Hell's bells the Podesta Group was working for the Kremlins bank to lift sanctions all during the election. Now there's a Russian connection.

What does the Podesta Group have to do with Hillary Clinton's campaign?

You may have forgotten that John Podesta was the manager of Hillary's campaign. He was also a co-founder of the Podesta Group.

...which he left in 1993.

True. But, his departure and then his involvement with the Corporate Whore's campaign might.end up sending his brother to prison.

Russia Scandal Befalls Two Brothers: John and Tony Podesta

You should read your link.

Tony Podesta's legal troubles are unrelated to Clinton's campaign, or his brother.

So Mueller would be investigating him even if the campaign hadn't happened and his brother wouldn't have been hacked?
What does the Podesta Group have to do with Hillary Clinton's campaign?

You may have forgotten that John Podesta was the manager of Hillary's campaign. He was also a co-founder of the Podesta Group.

...which he left in 1993.

True. But, his departure and then his involvement with the Corporate Whore's campaign might.end up sending his brother to prison.

Russia Scandal Befalls Two Brothers: John and Tony Podesta

You should read your link.

Tony Podesta's legal troubles are unrelated to Clinton's campaign, or his brother.

So Mueller would be investigating him even if the campaign hadn't happened and his brother wouldn't have been hacked?

Who knows what would have happened, in some other alternate timeline.

That's not my point, and you know it.
Give me a freaking break. Tony Podesta has been a top Clinton bundler for forever. Ditto Heather his wife.
You may have forgotten that John Podesta was the manager of Hillary's campaign. He was also a co-founder of the Podesta Group.

...which he left in 1993.

True. But, his departure and then his involvement with the Corporate Whore's campaign might.end up sending his brother to prison.

Russia Scandal Befalls Two Brothers: John and Tony Podesta

You should read your link.

Tony Podesta's legal troubles are unrelated to Clinton's campaign, or his brother.

So Mueller would be investigating him even if the campaign hadn't happened and his brother wouldn't have been hacked?

Who knows what would have happened, in some other alternate timeline.

That's not my point, and you know it.

Yeah, I know your point is to try to disassociate John Podesta from any sort of responsibility for his actions. He took actions which led to his computer being hacked. He wrote the e-mails that were used against the Corporate Whore during the campaign, which led to Clinton having to defend herself as being two-faced. Podesta seems to shoulder blame for Trump's win.
Hell's bells the Podesta Group was working for the Kremlins bank to lift sanctions all during the election. Now there's a Russian connection.
which had absolutely nothing to do with the Clinton Campaign or tony podesta, what's the beef???

Podesta's $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ intimately tied with the Clintons. Don't tell me millions of dollars in donations have nothing to do with a campaign for crying out loud.

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