Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was Appropriate

There was no spying. They were checking out some information they received. It should have been investigated. Nothing improper was done
Yeah believe that even though Obama spied on reporters.....why would you swallow the FBI line?
So Gowdy's attempt to justify the spying by quoting the President is pathetic because Trump's statement came months and months after the FBI had already targeted Trump and has nothing to do with the informants they put into the campaign.
What makes you think the informants were targeting Trump? All statements I’ve heard, besides Trumps spygate propaganda, say they were targeting the Russians.

If they were targeting the Russians and Russian contacts with the campaigns they would have had informants in the Clinton campaign as well.

Hell's bells the Podesta Group was working for the Kremlins bank to lift sanctions all during the election. Now there's a Russian connection.

What does the Podesta Group have to do with Hillary Clinton's campaign?

You may have forgotten that John Podesta was the manager of Hillary's campaign. He was also a co-founder of the Podesta Group.
and he left the group in 2011 to go work for barack obama..he divested from Podesta group way back then.... he doesn't own it anymore, nor did he own it when they were lobbying to remove sanctions

John Podesta actually divested himself from the Podesta Group a lot earlier than that, way back in 1993.
Too bad these honest republicans grow a spine only when they're leaving......the Trump Cult MUST be exposed for what it is.

Yeah but they can't win a primary if they do.
He's not running for office.
So we have a long list of former reliables in the deep state that are trying to put a hedge against what Trump has been briefed about in private.
Trump has had security briefings that says that Gowdy is full of shit.
Name the names of GOP Congressmen that have announced for some reason that they aren't running for re-election.
Bob Corker
Jeff Flake
Trey Gowdy

They're trying to give congress to the Dimocrats.
What makes you think the informants were targeting Trump? All statements I’ve heard, besides Trumps spygate propaganda, say they were targeting the Russians.

If they were targeting the Russians and Russian contacts with the campaigns they would have had informants in the Clinton campaign as well.

Hell's bells the Podesta Group was working for the Kremlins bank to lift sanctions all during the election. Now there's a Russian connection.

What does the Podesta Group have to do with Hillary Clinton's campaign?

You may have forgotten that John Podesta was the manager of Hillary's campaign. He was also a co-founder of the Podesta Group.
and he left the group in 2011 to go work for barack obama..he divested from Podesta group way back then.... he doesn't own it anymore, nor did he own it when they were lobbying to remove sanctions

John Podesta actually divested himself from the Podesta Group a lot earlier than that, way back in 1993.
Yeah.....that's why they're still called the Podesta Group.
He has totally cut ties from them.
I'm the one splitting hairs? I'm the one saying its one hair...if the informant was inside of Obama's campaign you would be on fire with anger....Trump said they infiltrated his you disagree with that? How can anyone disagree with that sentence???
Of course, but again, it has to do with intent. The intent to spy for nefarious political gain is what Trump is accusing them of. Was there any of that going on? Maybe, but good luck proving it especially since they easily could've used it to damage his campaign akin to the Hillary email stuff but didn't.
If the FBI's attempt was to protect the Trump campaign and the integrity of the election as Clapper has said...they would have informed Trump and Clinton would have had an informant in her campaign as well...same for Bernie's campaign... they must think we are all stupid...

You are stupid. Trump was a potential target of the investigation. You don't tell a potential target that you are using a informant to get information. There was no need to investigate the Clinton campaign because she was a victim. That is why the DNC servers were hacked and the e-mails were released through WikiLeaks.
Spies inform and informants spy....
not really...
spies, spy

and informants, inform!
what do spies do then? what is spying? they just keep all they learn to themselves? or,.... do they inform someone of what they found? seems auseless effort if a spy merely retains what they learn don't you think? kind of ends up being a useless practice. Dude, I don't know how much more stupid you can get, that is fking obvious as fking hell.
trump claimed there was a SPY put IN TO the Trump campaign, FOR POLITICAL PURPOSE.

1. there was no spy undercover or 'put in to', that was operating as a mole, in the Trump campaign

There was an outside human source, a professor, asking questions of the 3 trump campaign workers who were in constant contact with Russian government agents.

2. There was no spying for POLITICAL PURPOSE.
what was the purpose? I mean clapper stated there was an informant. Gowdy has stated there was an informant. what do informants do? they spy. it's what makes them informants. hahaahahaha the fact that you don't know that is really sad.

BTW, what did they think the russians were doing? giving lessons on how to fix voting machines?
Give a better speech? save gas? what?

You are the sad sack here. The informant asked questions of Page and Papadoupolous and that is all. He was not a part of the campaign. The bottom line is that it is justifiable. The fact that Paul Ryan has said he is satisfied shows that he realizes that this is a dead horse. Apparently the Trumpies want to keep beating this dead horse.
Spies inform and informants spy....
not really...
spies, spy

and informants, inform!
what do spies do then? what is spying? they just keep all they learn to themselves? or,.... do they inform someone of what they found? seems auseless effort if a spy merely retains what they learn don't you think? kind of ends up being a useless practice. Dude, I don't know how much more stupid you can get, that is fking obvious as fking hell.
trump claimed there was a SPY put IN TO the Trump campaign, FOR POLITICAL PURPOSE.

1. there was no spy undercover or 'put in to', that was operating as a mole, in the Trump campaign

There was an outside human source, a professor, asking questions of the 3 trump campaign workers who were in constant contact with Russian government agents.

2. There was no spying for POLITICAL PURPOSE.
what was the purpose? I mean clapper stated there was an informant. Gowdy has stated there was an informant. what do informants do? they spy. it's what makes them informants. hahaahahaha the fact that you don't know that is really sad.

BTW, what did they think the russians were doing? giving lessons on how to fix voting machines?
Give a better speech? save gas? what?

You are the sad sack here. The informant asked questions of Page and Papadoupolous and that is all. He was not a part of the campaign. The bottom line is that it is justifiable. The fact that Paul Ryan has said he is satisfied shows that he realizes that this is a dead horse. Apparently the Trumpies want to keep beating this dead horse.

Speaking of dead horses, how's Hillary?
Trey Gowdy has always been the one responsible for covering up the actions of the Government. Look at what he is most famous for. Benghazi. It was never about the death of an Ambassador. It was always about covering up the actions of the CIA.

How America Armed Terrorists in Syria

The truth was that Gowdy was the cover up, so no one would ask why the CIA had so many people in Benghazi, or why the Ambassador was at the Consulate, instead of the Embassy, where Ambassadors normally remain. When Ambassadors go on official trips, they tend to take Security with them, but in a nation in the middle of a Civil War, Stevens had essentially NO security. Are your alarm bells ringing yet?

Hillary Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban

Nobody was supposed to ask questions, and thankfully they had Trey Gowdy, a safe seat Republican who loved all that cloak and dagger crap. So he runs out and screams about an Ambassador dying. Whenever anyone wonders why Stevens was there in the first place, Gowdy rushed to the camera and screamed that Obama and Clinton let an Ambassador die.

It was the cover up that Gowdy was involved in, and for that reason today, nobody cares that we armed Terrorists in both Libya and Syria. Nobody cares because when anyone starts looking, the path leads to Benghazi, which has been soured thanks to Trey Gowdy.

So Gowdy saying that anything was appropriate is the same to me as admitting there was something wrong with it. Because his participation in the cover up of Benghazi insured that I will never accept anything he says as truthful without a hell of a lot of evidence.

Later, after Benghazi was discredited, the truth about the weapons shipments came out, because it was found that the CIA was arming ISIS, who were supposedly enemy number one, or two, depending on the day, in Syria.

C.I.A. Arms for Syrian Rebels Supplied Black Market, Officials Say

It was all a lie. Our troops died. Hundreds of thousands of people died. All over a lie, that Gowdy did everything in his power to cover up.

Why am I not surprised by your garbage. It was entirely predictable. Because Gowdy won't say what you want to hear, he is now a part of the deep state. Crazy people like you need to be locked away in a rubber room.
not really...
spies, spy

and informants, inform!
what do spies do then? what is spying? they just keep all they learn to themselves? or,.... do they inform someone of what they found? seems auseless effort if a spy merely retains what they learn don't you think? kind of ends up being a useless practice. Dude, I don't know how much more stupid you can get, that is fking obvious as fking hell.
trump claimed there was a SPY put IN TO the Trump campaign, FOR POLITICAL PURPOSE.

1. there was no spy undercover or 'put in to', that was operating as a mole, in the Trump campaign

There was an outside human source, a professor, asking questions of the 3 trump campaign workers who were in constant contact with Russian government agents.

2. There was no spying for POLITICAL PURPOSE.
what was the purpose? I mean clapper stated there was an informant. Gowdy has stated there was an informant. what do informants do? they spy. it's what makes them informants. hahaahahaha the fact that you don't know that is really sad.

BTW, what did they think the russians were doing? giving lessons on how to fix voting machines?
Give a better speech? save gas? what?

You are the sad sack here. The informant asked questions of Page and Papadoupolous and that is all. He was not a part of the campaign. The bottom line is that it is justifiable. The fact that Paul Ryan has said he is satisfied shows that he realizes that this is a dead horse. Apparently the Trumpies want to keep beating this dead horse.

Speaking of dead horses, how's Hillary?

You tell me.
He pals around with criminals. And yes, his campaign was a criminal enterprise. He pocketed political donations, for one. He conspired with foreign governments to receive stolen emails and win an election.

Those are criminal acts. Sorry rube.

The indictments and the guilty pleas say otherwise.

Those pleas have NOTHING to do with the original investigation. They just caught a bunch of them lying about various things that do NOTHING for the investigation.

How hard is it to find liars on Capital Hill like Hillary who lies with impunity?

Bullshit. The Dutch lawyer is already sitting in jail.
The indictments and the guilty pleas say otherwise.

Kind of disingenuous on your part...

Most of those so called indictments were against those Mueller 13 Russian companies that had no relation to or contact with the Trump campaign or family...and will never see a courtroom in the USA...except one that is fighting back against Mueller and forcing him to show evidence he never expected to have to show....oh oooooooooooooooooooo
They’re not ‘so-called’ indictments. They’re actual indictments. And 5 guilty pleas.
apparently gowdy was saying if someone in the trump campaign (Papadapa-snufalufakus) was talking about russians having emails, then the investigation was legit. But, as it's been pointed out, the whispers of russians having the emails was actually circulated by the FBI "spies" to begin with, then it wouldn't be.

more and more links are being established that papadapolousanufagus was fed the info he recited in order to setup the ordeal to begin with.

*if* that is true then obama and company needs to go down and make big rocks small rocks for the rest of their lives.


No, that's not what Gowdy is saying. This is what he said:

“I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do when they got the information they got, and that it has nothing to do with Donald Drumpf"
so since you quoted it i'm to believe gowdy called him "drumpf".

we'll see how it plays out.


Apologies. I have a browser plug-in that automatically replaces "Trump" with "Drumpf". I've edited my post.
That browser plugin courtesy of Stephen Colbert, if I remember correctly. I used if for a while.
Top Democrat says Obama shares responsibility for Russia's meddling

Oh dear, a top democrat is blaming the Obama administration for ignoring Russian meddling. This crap just has to stop, otherwise, how can we vote straight down party lines?

It's almost as if Obama and company thought Russian meddling was OK......until Trump won the Oval Office?

Hmm. Maybe Obama let it happen to try and use it against Trump knowing Hillary was doomed.

To be honest, I grow weary of all the conspiracy theories on both sides. We know nothing will come of any of it whether they be true of false and we already know both parties are hopelessly corrupt. Some people just like to watch monkeys sling poo.
You are stepping all over yourself. In one breath are are bitching about them investigating the Russians and calling it spying and outrageous... then in the next breath you say they did nothing about the Russians. I realize any narrative that makes Obama or the Dems look bad is attractive to you but try and sort out the logic before you make yourself sound foolish.

You kids are hysterical. How exactly did Putin sway the American vote substantially?

The painful truth is, the below video is why Hillary lost.

Now is your chance to admit that Hillary was the most corrupt and unlikable candidate of our generation.

Russia swamped the blue wall states with fake news stories criticizing Hillary. It was just enough to pull the needed votes for her to win. Putin's Choice won....

please link me to the stories, *all of the stories* russia flooded us with.

Russian 'Fancy Bear' Hackers Tainted Their Huge Leaks With Fake Data

Report: FBI Probing Fake Memo Suggesting Clinton Might Stage 'Civil Unrest'
Top Democrat says Obama shares responsibility for Russia's meddling

Oh dear, a top democrat is blaming the Obama administration for ignoring Russian meddling. This crap just has to stop, otherwise, how can we vote straight down party lines?

It's almost as if Obama and company thought Russian meddling was OK......until Trump won the Oval Office?

Hmm. Maybe Obama let it happen to try and use it against Trump knowing Hillary was doomed.

To be honest, I grow weary of all the conspiracy theories on both sides. We know nothing will come of any of it whether they be true of false and we already know both parties are hopelessly corrupt. Some people just like to watch monkeys sling poo.
You are stepping all over yourself. In one breath are are bitching about them investigating the Russians and calling it spying and outrageous... then in the next breath you say they did nothing about the Russians. I realize any narrative that makes Obama or the Dems look bad is attractive to you but try and sort out the logic before you make yourself sound foolish.

You kids are hysterical. How exactly did Putin sway the American vote substantially?

The painful truth is, the below video is why Hillary lost.

Now is your chance to admit that Hillary was the most corrupt and unlikable candidate of our generation.

Russia swamped the blue wall states with fake news stories criticizing Hillary. It was just enough to pull the needed votes for her to win. Putin's Choice won....

So you are on record as saying that without Putin, Trump loses?


apparently gowdy was saying if someone in the trump campaign (Papadapa-snufalufakus) was talking about russians having emails, then the investigation was legit. But, as it's been pointed out, the whispers of russians having the emails was actually circulated by the FBI "spies" to begin with, then it wouldn't be.

more and more links are being established that papadapolousanufagus was fed the info he recited in order to setup the ordeal to begin with.

*if* that is true then obama and company needs to go down and make big rocks small rocks for the rest of their lives.


No, that's not what Gowdy is saying. This is what he said:

“I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do when they got the information they got, and that it has nothing to do with Donald Drumpf"
so since you quoted it i'm to believe gowdy called him "drumpf".

we'll see how it plays out.


Apologies. I have a browser plug-in that automatically replaces "Trump" with "Drumpf". I've edited my post.

Where can I download that plug in?
Make Donald Drumpf Again
Gowdy lost all credibility. Didn't get his time line right.

"Credible" isn't defined as "what you want to hear".

I am confident that Gowdy has a better understanding of the timeline than you do.

Bull shit. I just laid it out.
What was done was justified.

No, you didn't. You laid out a conspiracy narrative that you've put together from right-wing blog sites and your own imagination.

Gowdy, on the other hand, has received a classified briefing on the investigation by the DoJ.

He has, I imagine, a lot of information that you don't have.

That quote by the President was made to Comey and recorded by Comey after this crucial meeting after Trump had become President.

It has nothing to do with my freaking imagination . It's on record. It's in Comey's memos.

The fact is that Gowdy got it right. What was done was justified.

No, you didn't. You laid out a conspiracy narrative that you've put together from right-wing blog sites and your own imagination.

Gowdy, on the other hand, has received a classified briefing on the investigation by the DoJ.

He has, I imagine, a lot of information that you don't have.

That quote by the President was made to Comey and recorded by Comey after this crucial meeting after Trump had become President.

It has nothing to do with my freaking imagination . It's on record. It's in Comey's memos.



So Gowdy's attempt to justify the spying by quoting the President is pathetic because Trump's statement came months and months after the FBI had already targeted Trump and has nothing to do with the informants they put into the campaign.
What makes you think the informants were targeting Trump? All statements I’ve heard, besides Trumps spygate propaganda, say they were targeting the Russians.

If they were targeting the Russians and Russian contacts with the campaigns they would have had informants in the Clinton campaign as well.

Hell's bells the Podesta Group was working for the Kremlins bank to lift sanctions all during the election. Now there's a Russian connection.

The Russians were working against Clinton and for Trump. There was no reason to look at Clinton's campaign.

So Gowdy's attempt to justify the spying by quoting the President is pathetic because Trump's statement came months and months after the FBI had already targeted Trump and has nothing to do with the informants they put into the campaign.
What makes you think the informants were targeting Trump? All statements I’ve heard, besides Trumps spygate propaganda, say they were targeting the Russians.

If they were targeting the Russians and Russian contacts with the campaigns they would have had informants in the Clinton campaign as well.

Hell's bells the Podesta Group was working for the Kremlins bank to lift sanctions all during the election. Now there's a Russian connection.

What does the Podesta Group have to do with Hillary Clinton's campaign?

You may have forgotten that John Podesta was the manager of Hillary's campaign. He was also a co-founder of the Podesta Group.

He was also victimized as his e-mails were hacked and released through WikiLeaks Roger Stone knew about it before it happened. Wonder how that happened.

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