Trey Gowdy Owns Commissioner Koskinen, Again

Because its the law, dumbass.

Okay, we are all in violation of some law, somewhere.

Tell me why I should care again.

What a bullshit answer. Do you want accountable government?

I want a government that can prioritize.

I don't want my city enforcing jaywalking when there are murders going on downtown.

Conspiracy theories aside, we have a bad SCOTUS decision, a lot of groups trying to abuse the loophole, and the IRS trying to figure out how to deal with it.

the fact you are focusing on the e-mails and not the underlying issue (groups had to jump through loopholes to get exemptions they probalby weren't entitled to) tells me that you guys have already gotten off track.

And this is often the problem with scandals.

Ken Starr started off investigating Whitewater and ended up looking into Clinton's sex life.

Patrick Fitzgerald was supposed to find out who outed Valerie Plame, and ended up prosecuting Scooter Libby for not remembering a conversation the same way Tim RUssert did.

Lawrence Walsh was supposed to be investigating Iran-Contra, and ended up charging Cap Weinberger with perjury, even tho old Cap was the one guy who said the whole scheme was a really stupid idea.

We've already decided we can't prove that anyone actually targetted anyone, and now we are investigating IT policies at the IRS.

I heard the weeping of a thousand IT Nerds, suddenly silenced.
Yet you are too stupid to even notice the failure of 2008 to present. You are so concerned about the past, which was pretty good for the people you can't even comprehend the failures going on today. Under this administration when do you expect to actually have the economic prosperity that we had with Bush? Your answer is we don't ever get that again because...well I'm not sure why. Your policies so far are guarantees of failure. And the prosperity of the past is something you never want to see again.

Actually, we didn't have any "prosperity" under Bush. We sold each other houses while manufacturing continued to decline. And then we all got the bill when we figured out the banksters got us to owe a bunch of money on houses we already paid off.

You guys like to pretend that 2008 wasn't as horrible as it was. No, it's Obama's fault that we didn't recover from the worst crash since 1929.

How did the bankers get you to owe a bunch of money on a house you paid off? Are you sure it wasn't new second loans you took out that didn't fuck you? Everything you purchased was your problem. Why does your ignorance need to now become mine? And what has your presidents policies done to keep us from 1929? Seems the same stupid shit is resulting in the same stupid results.
Laws are supposed to be absolute. Laws aren't supposed to be up to anyone's interpretation of the moment.

If you want to execute jay-walkers make that the law. As it is they get a small fine for that infraction.

But we expect cops, prosecutors, and judges to show discretion all the time.

Lerner needs to be in prison. She used the power of the IRS in ways it was never intended or legal. What have the Koch's done to be imprisoned other than not supporting your version of law? Is that your version of discretion?

The Koches were claiming to be a charitable organization when they were a political group.

This is tax fraud.

As for Lerner, the only thing that we've proven is that she was very concerned that Citizen's United would cause a lot of shennanigans like this, and she was right. How she dealt with it is a matter of interpretation.
Okay, we are all in violation of some law, somewhere.

Tell me why I should care again.

What a bullshit answer. Do you want accountable government?

I want a government that can prioritize.

I don't want my city enforcing jaywalking when there are murders going on downtown.

Conspiracy theories aside, we have a bad SCOTUS decision, a lot of groups trying to abuse the loophole, and the IRS trying to figure out how to deal with it.

the fact you are focusing on the e-mails and not the underlying issue (groups had to jump through loopholes to get exemptions they probalby weren't entitled to) tells me that you guys have already gotten off track.

And this is often the problem with scandals.

Ken Starr started off investigating Whitewater and ended up looking into Clinton's sex life.

Patrick Fitzgerald was supposed to find out who outed Valerie Plame, and ended up prosecuting Scooter Libby for not remembering a conversation the same way Tim RUssert did.

Lawrence Walsh was supposed to be investigating Iran-Contra, and ended up charging Cap Weinberger with perjury, even tho old Cap was the one guy who said the whole scheme was a really stupid idea.

We've already decided we can't prove that anyone actually targetted anyone, and now we are investigating IT policies at the IRS.

I heard the weeping of a thousand IT Nerds, suddenly silenced.

I watched Lois Lerner plead the 5th. Then she lost evidence. Many believe that using government agencies to deny citizens their rights is a crime.
Okay, we are all in violation of some law, somewhere.

Tell me why I should care again.

What a bullshit answer. Do you want accountable government?

I want a government that can prioritize.

I don't want my city enforcing jaywalking when there are murders going on downtown.

Conspiracy theories aside, we have a bad SCOTUS decision, a lot of groups trying to abuse the loophole, and the IRS trying to figure out how to deal with it.

the fact you are focusing on the e-mails and not the underlying issue (groups had to jump through loopholes to get exemptions they probalby weren't entitled to) tells me that you guys have already gotten off track.

And this is often the problem with scandals.

Ken Starr started off investigating Whitewater and ended up looking into Clinton's sex life.

Patrick Fitzgerald was supposed to find out who outed Valerie Plame, and ended up prosecuting Scooter Libby for not remembering a conversation the same way Tim RUssert did.

Lawrence Walsh was supposed to be investigating Iran-Contra, and ended up charging Cap Weinberger with perjury, even tho old Cap was the one guy who said the whole scheme was a really stupid idea.

We've already decided we can't prove that anyone actually targetted anyone, and now we are investigating IT policies at the IRS.

I heard the weeping of a thousand IT Nerds, suddenly silenced.

Compromise to what? Compromise to not being honest with the people? Compromising what laws actually mean in order to further a political view?
How did the bankers get you to owe a bunch of money on a house you paid off? Are you sure it wasn't new second loans you took out that didn't fuck you? Everything you purchased was your problem. Why does your ignorance need to now become mine? And what has your presidents policies done to keep us from 1929? Seems the same stupid shit is resulting in the same stupid results.

Uh, I think it was the way that those loans were MARKETED that was the problem. They offered people loans they didn't qualify for thinking they could resell the house. And they just kept letting the prices run up based on...well, nothing.

And this was the problem. Not that people made bad decisions, but that the bankers spent a lot of time and money convincing them they were the right decisions.

As for Obama. (Man, he occupies a lot of space in your head rent free). Obama did pass Dodd-Frank. Not a great law, but a damn sight better than what we had.
1) I doubt you are.

2) I'm not the one who crashed the economy, got us into a war on a lie, watched a major city get washed into the sea, let terrorist knock down major buildings, or allowed the bankers to wreck the housing market and then the stock market.

That was all republicans, baby.

You doubt I am? Getting ready for the biggest score of my life...
And no obama didnt have anything to do with it. In fact I hope he's gone before it comes to fruition. Although Bush gave me a gift on my second biggest score ever....a retro active tax rebate of astounding generosity . Fuck you and your high capital gains tax,because I will get it back somewhere.

And you drive a Lamborghini and you're hung like a porn star. NO, really.

Hardly. I drive a 2007 FJ and the wife drives a 2000 4Runner.
I stopped pissing away money on fancy trucks 25 years ago.(for the most part)

I watched Lois Lerner plead the 5th. Then she lost evidence. Many believe that using government agencies to deny citizens their rights is a crime.

Well, I don't worry about the "Rights" of Karl Rove to defraud the IRS.

Karl ought to be at the Hague answering for war crimes.

This isn't about Rove. You don't want accountable constitutional govt. You're a leftist political hack. I don't stooge for any political party.
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How did the bankers get you to owe a bunch of money on a house you paid off? Are you sure it wasn't new second loans you took out that didn't fuck you? Everything you purchased was your problem. Why does your ignorance need to now become mine? And what has your presidents policies done to keep us from 1929? Seems the same stupid shit is resulting in the same stupid results.

Uh, I think it was the way that those loans were MARKETED that was the problem. They offered people loans they didn't qualify for thinking they could resell the house. And they just kept letting the prices run up based on...well, nothing.

And this was the problem. Not that people made bad decisions, but that the bankers spent a lot of time and money convincing them they were the right decisions.

As for Obama. (Man, he occupies a lot of space in your head rent free). Obama did pass Dodd-Frank. Not a great law, but a damn sight better than what we had.

The democrats guaranteed those loans through Fannie and Freddie in the name of equal housing. Pretty easy to market a loan when the government is telling you who to loan to and they will purchase the loan after you made it.

Never start a post with "I think" it pretty much means you aren't thinking and haven't done the research for a real reply. You think at the level of an omeba. Let's try at least for a higher life form.

Wow, so ignore our criminal doings. Has nothing to do with the failure you see happening around you. You already made the mistake of putting these asshole democrats in power. And now you want the GOP to do what? Prove they are less criminal or more criminal? You already admitted you vote for criminal activity willingly but think voting different could be a mistake? How is it in your opinion a mistake to not vote for criminals?

Actually, the mistake I made was voting for every Republican Candidate from 1980 to 2004.

ANd then one day, my boss announced he could totally fuck me over because he "didn't have to deal with a union."

In 2000, I used to be one of you wingnuts who got all upset that Clinton lied about a blow job.

Two recessions, two wars, an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K later, I realized this was kind of the least of my problems.

Now, Here's the thing. I voted for McCain in 2008 because I thought was a good man, but I voted for Obama in 2012 because Romney was a creep and a Mormon. (But I repeat myself). What I can say is that I'm in better shape in 2014 than I was in 2008. Not where I was in the 1990's or even the Mid Oughts before Bush fucked up, well, everything.

And frankly, I can't get upset because the IRS and the Tea Party got into a pissing contest about fraudelent tax exemptions.

You are a strange individual. You , et one guy change your entire philosophy. Rather odd blaming an entire party for one mans actions. Hope you never have it happen with the other party or you are gonna be ready for the looney bin. And they have not been proven to be fraudulent. I feel sure since each agent has an average of only 75 accounts to monitor each year, they will be sure to stop them if they cross the line. Too bad they don't look at the lefts as well.
And I just figured it out-you are now with a union shop. That is really why you have changed positions. Am I close?
Okay, we are all in violation of some law, somewhere.

Tell me why I should care again.

What a bullshit answer. Do you want accountable government?

I want a government that can prioritize.

I don't want my city enforcing jaywalking when there are murders going on downtown.

Conspiracy theories aside, we have a bad SCOTUS decision, a lot of groups trying to abuse the loophole, and the IRS trying to figure out how to deal with it.

the fact you are focusing on the e-mails and not the underlying issue (groups had to jump through loopholes to get exemptions they probalby weren't entitled to) tells me that you guys have already gotten off track.

And this is often the problem with scandals.

Ken Starr started off investigating Whitewater and ended up looking into Clinton's sex life.

Patrick Fitzgerald was supposed to find out who outed Valerie Plame, and ended up prosecuting Scooter Libby for not remembering a conversation the same way Tim RUssert did.

Lawrence Walsh was supposed to be investigating Iran-Contra, and ended up charging Cap Weinberger with perjury, even tho old Cap was the one guy who said the whole scheme was a really stupid idea.

We've already decided we can't prove that anyone actually targetted anyone, and now we are investigating IT policies at the IRS.

I heard the weeping of a thousand IT Nerds, suddenly silenced.

Are you stupid, the IRS admitted targeting (proper spelling) conservative groups, there is nothing left to prove except to find where the orders came from and who is trying to cover it up.
How did the bankers get you to owe a bunch of money on a house you paid off? Are you sure it wasn't new second loans you took out that didn't fuck you? Everything you purchased was your problem. Why does your ignorance need to now become mine? And what has your presidents policies done to keep us from 1929? Seems the same stupid shit is resulting in the same stupid results.

Should be etched in stone. :eusa_clap:

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I watched Lois Lerner plead the 5th. Then she lost evidence. Many believe that using government agencies to deny citizens their rights is a crime.

Well, I don't worry about the "Rights" of Karl Rove to defraud the IRS.

Karl ought to be at the Hague answering for war crimes.

This isn't about Rove. You don't want accountable constitutional govt. You're a leftist political hack. I don't stooge for any political party.

I'm sorry, what is this about? I mean you can scream about "constitutional government" all day, but frankly, this is about rich people trying to buy elections and hiding that they are doing it.

I think what we need is to have politicians wear which companies have bought them on their suits like race car drivers. You know, the big "Koch Industries" patch.

Are you stupid, the IRS admitted targeting (proper spelling) conservative groups, there is nothing left to prove except to find where the orders came from and who is trying to cover it up.

They admitted that they looked at the Tea Party more closely because they were committing more fraud.

Which is what you are supposed to do.

Guy, no crime was committed here.

The democrats guaranteed those loans through Fannie and Freddie in the name of equal housing. Pretty easy to market a loan when the government is telling you who to loan to and they will purchase the loan after you made it.

Never start a post with "I think" it pretty much means you aren't thinking and haven't done the research for a real reply. You think at the level of an omeba. Let's try at least for a higher life form.

Dumbass, the problem was not that poor people were buying houses through Freddy.

The problem was middle class people were buying McMansions they didn't need and couldn't afford on the hope of flipping them in five years. That's what drove the entire market up and created a bubble.

You know, that beloved "Market" you wingnuts talk about like it is a benevolent angel.

You are a strange individual. You , et one guy change your entire philosophy. Rather odd blaming an entire party for one mans actions. Hope you never have it happen with the other party or you are gonna be ready for the looney bin. And they have not been proven to be fraudulent. I feel sure since each agent has an average of only 75 accounts to monitor each year, they will be sure to stop them if they cross the line. Too bad they don't look at the lefts as well.
And I just figured it out-you are now with a union shop. That is really why you have changed positions. Am I close?

Oh, I wish I was in a union shop. Seriously. The best thing I can say about my current job is that they don't engage in some of the outright douchebaggery the last one did, but frankly, it's what they think they can get away with.

You see, I grew up in a union household, but I went into the military first and then the private sector afterwards, and being a good Republican, didn't think much of unions. Then my boss announced that he was going to put me in a job that was going to phase out in a year after I had run up a shitload of medical bills, but he was going to promote a girl who had only just been hired because her daddy was friends with a woman who was blowing the regional manager.

When I pointed out this was kind of you know, wrong, "I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union."

That, however, was only part of the issue. The rest is that Bush fucked up everything. And part of the problem is, if I were a better person, I'd have turned on him when I realized that he lied about Iraq or when the bodies started floating down the river after Katrina. Instead, i made the kind of lame ass excuses you clowns make. "Well, the Democrats voted for the war" and 'Nagin should have ordered the evacuation"

Then 2008 came along, and I was left with that underwater mortgage and that busted 401K from the job that phased out.

Oh, but don't worry. I should be really upset Granny Teabag couldn't get her bag of money from the Koch Brothers.

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