Trey Gowdy Owns Commissioner Koskinen, Again


If that's true then why are you required by the IRS to have seven, SEVEN, 7 fucking years of tax records and all of the supporting documentation?

E-mails aren't tax documentation.

I delete the fuck out of my e-mails. Both my private and business ones.

I keep my tax records.

So, if you can keep your tax records, why in the hell can't the IRS hold on to some e-mails? Hmm?
USMB nutters love it when their elected officials spend time badgering witnesses. What charges did the honorable Mr. Gowdy file against the commissioner?

What? None? How odd!

Strawman- Leftist DNC squawking points that quite frankly make an ass out of you..

Do you know what a strawman is?

You love that little fucker because he throws flames. I'll give you one minute to name three important bills that that asshole has sponsored in the past year.

You don't know what he stands just know that he acts the price and takes jabs at Democrats.

Gowdy would be held in contempt in a US courtroom:

"Gowdy interrupts again"

Just another media hound, looking for time on camera.

Koskinen and friends would be held in criminal contempt of Congress.

"We confirmed"

Just another idiot who can't get his story straight.

So you made bad decisions in life and you blamed it on republicans.
Why am I as a republican doing just fine?

1) I doubt you are.

2) I'm not the one who crashed the economy, got us into a war on a lie, watched a major city get washed into the sea, let terrorist knock down major buildings, or allowed the bankers to wreck the housing market and then the stock market.

That was all republicans, baby.

So you made bad decisions in life and you blamed it on republicans.
Why am I as a republican doing just fine?

1) I doubt you are.

2) I'm not the one who crashed the economy, got us into a war on a lie, watched a major city get washed into the sea, let terrorist knock down major buildings, or allowed the bankers to wreck the housing market and then the stock market.

That was all republicans, baby.

And that is all a red herring.

So you made bad decisions in life and you blamed it on republicans.
Why am I as a republican doing just fine?

1) I doubt you are.

2) I'm not the one who crashed the economy, got us into a war on a lie, watched a major city get washed into the sea, let terrorist knock down major buildings, or allowed the bankers to wreck the housing market and then the stock market.

That was all republicans, baby.

And that is all a red herring.

Uh, no, it's what's important to people.

Frankly, the main reason why I'd be really hard pressed to vote for a Republican again is because they don't think they did anything wrong between 2001-2008.

And what I've found in my experience is that if someone doesn't understand how they goofed up, they are just going to repeat the same mistakes.

Didn't give some rich person a fraudelent tax exemption? Meh, don't care.

Might run the economy into a ditch again because they still think Supply Side and Deregulation work? Yeah, I kind of care about that.

So you made bad decisions in life and you blamed it on republicans.
Why am I as a republican doing just fine?

1) I doubt you are.

2) I'm not the one who crashed the economy, got us into a war on a lie, watched a major city get washed into the sea, let terrorist knock down major buildings, or allowed the bankers to wreck the housing market and then the stock market.

That was all republicans, baby.

You doubt I am? Getting ready for the biggest score of my life...
And no obama didnt have anything to do with it. In fact I hope he's gone before it comes to fruition. Although Bush gave me a gift on my second biggest score ever....a retro active tax rebate of astounding generosity . Fuck you and your high capital gains tax,because I will get it back somewhere.

If that's true then why are you required by the IRS to have seven, SEVEN, 7 fucking years of tax records and all of the supporting documentation?

E-mails aren't tax documentation.

I delete the fuck out of my e-mails. Both my private and business ones.

I keep my tax records.

Emails are documentation. You're an idiot if you think they aren't. And you're even dumber if you think hitting delete actually delete's them. Everything you have deleted is still there.
Yes, I didn't get the link I wanted. I corrected it.

Now back to the point. SO the IRS apparently doesn't keep internal e-mails on file. Neither do most companies. I don't have an e-mail in my work computer that dates any earlier than 2013.

Companies are required to archive emails.

The Law Requires Email Archiving | ITworld

Yes they are.

Tell you what, go ask your IT department to retreive an e-mail you sent from 2008.

I was self employed in 2008 and didn't use email in my business, so that would be tough to do.
Why should they have to?

Because its the law, dumbass.

Okay, we are all in violation of some law, somewhere.

Tell me why I should care again.

Because that is what makes a nation based on laws. If the laws are only applied to those you don't like we have a dictatorship.

You should care in case you're the next person on the chopping block screaming for the law you said was irrelevant to come to your aid.

So you made bad decisions in life and you blamed it on republicans.
Why am I as a republican doing just fine?

1) I doubt you are.

2) I'm not the one who crashed the economy, got us into a war on a lie, watched a major city get washed into the sea, let terrorist knock down major buildings, or allowed the bankers to wreck the housing market and then the stock market.

That was all republicans, baby.

You doubt I am? Getting ready for the biggest score of my life...
And no obama didnt have anything to do with it. In fact I hope he's gone before it comes to fruition. Although Bush gave me a gift on my second biggest score ever....a retro active tax rebate of astounding generosity . Fuck you and your high capital gains tax,because I will get it back somewhere.

And you drive a Lamborghini and you're hung like a porn star. NO, really.

Because that is what makes a nation based on laws. If the laws are only applied to those you don't like we have a dictatorship.

You should care in case you're the next person on the chopping block screaming for the law you said was irrelevant to come to your aid.

We live in a country of laws, but we also live in one with discretion.

It's why we don't execute jay-walkers.

If you want to be absolute, we sent Lerner and the Koch Brothers to prison, because they both broke the law here.

Or we just rewrite the law where it's a little clearer.
1) I doubt you are.

2) I'm not the one who crashed the economy, got us into a war on a lie, watched a major city get washed into the sea, let terrorist knock down major buildings, or allowed the bankers to wreck the housing market and then the stock market.

That was all republicans, baby.

And that is all a red herring.

Uh, no, it's what's important to people.

Frankly, the main reason why I'd be really hard pressed to vote for a Republican again is because they don't think they did anything wrong between 2001-2008.

And what I've found in my experience is that if someone doesn't understand how they goofed up, they are just going to repeat the same mistakes.

Didn't give some rich person a fraudelent tax exemption? Meh, don't care.

Might run the economy into a ditch again because they still think Supply Side and Deregulation work? Yeah, I kind of care about that.
Yet you are too stupid to even notice the failure of 2008 to present. You are so concerned about the past, which was pretty good for the people you can't even comprehend the failures going on today. Under this administration when do you expect to actually have the economic prosperity that we had with Bush? Your answer is we don't ever get that again because...well I'm not sure why. Your policies so far are guarantees of failure. And the prosperity of the past is something you never want to see again.
Yet you are too stupid to even notice the failure of 2008 to present. You are so concerned about the past, which was pretty good for the people you can't even comprehend the failures going on today. Under this administration when do you expect to actually have the economic prosperity that we had with Bush? Your answer is we don't ever get that again because...well I'm not sure why. Your policies so far are guarantees of failure. And the prosperity of the past is something you never want to see again.

Actually, we didn't have any "prosperity" under Bush. We sold each other houses while manufacturing continued to decline. And then we all got the bill when we figured out the banksters got us to owe a bunch of money on houses we already paid off.

You guys like to pretend that 2008 wasn't as horrible as it was. No, it's Obama's fault that we didn't recover from the worst crash since 1929.

Because that is what makes a nation based on laws. If the laws are only applied to those you don't like we have a dictatorship.

You should care in case you're the next person on the chopping block screaming for the law you said was irrelevant to come to your aid.

We live in a country of laws, but we also live in one with discretion.

It's why we don't execute jay-walkers.

If you want to be absolute, we sent Lerner and the Koch Brothers to prison, because they both broke the law here.

Or we just rewrite the law where it's a little clearer.

Laws are supposed to be absolute. Laws aren't supposed to be up to anyone's interpretation of the moment.

If you want to execute jay-walkers make that the law. As it is they get a small fine for that infraction.

Lerner needs to be in prison. She used the power of the IRS in ways it was never intended or legal. What have the Koch's done to be imprisoned other than not supporting your version of law? Is that your version of discretion?

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