Trey Gowdy Owns Commissioner Koskinen, Again

Yes, I didn't get the link I wanted. I corrected it.

Now back to the point. SO the IRS apparently doesn't keep internal e-mails on file. Neither do most companies. I don't have an e-mail in my work computer that dates any earlier than 2013.

No. I have a yahoo email account. I've had that account since my junior year of high school. I have emails on that account dating as far back as 2007. So that right there destroys that assertion.

The IRS is obligated by law to keep records of their communications. You have no clue what you're talking about do you?
Yes, I didn't get the link I wanted. I corrected it.

Now back to the point. SO the IRS apparently doesn't keep internal e-mails on file. Neither do most companies. I don't have an e-mail in my work computer that dates any earlier than 2013.

IRS has ?no excuses? for latest twist in email saga, says IT expert | Fox News

Here's the problem with that theory. When it comes to IT, the government is about 10 years behind where the private sector is.

YOu know, the problem with conspiracy theories is that no matter how many times you prove it was a weather balloon, the nuts will STILL insist it was a flying saucer.

If that's true then why are you required by the IRS to have seven, SEVEN, 7 fucking years of tax records and all of the supporting documentation?

Actually, you insist on them not being a big deal. If it were a Republican administration Joe, you would be cheering and wailing. "Off with their heads!" Meanwhile legislation gets blocked by Harry Reid, problems keep cropping up due to Obama's own incompetence, but man, it's always Bush's fault. Because everyone loves government.

Uh, guy, up until 2008, I was one of the guys making sorry ass excuses for the Republicans. And frankly, doing a better job than you do. Then I realized that I wasn't rich and Republicans didn't care if I lived or died.

I'm an old man, as you are fond of pointing out. And frankly, I've seen 10 presidents and dozens of "Scandals". Remember "Korea-Gate"? I do. And there were people who insisted it was going to bring down President Ford.

It didnt'.

Now to your claim-

Because everyone loves government

No, everyone loves the part of government that benefits them. they don't like the part that benefits the other guy and no one likes paying for it. Which is why the IRS is so hated.

Here's why I don't get upset about this "Scandal".

This is about a bunch of groups who intended to do politics using a tax exemption to hide where their money was coming from.

And the IRS knew that was exactly what they were up to.

And they singled those guys out. If you had a name that didn't sound anything like you were interested in anyone's social welfare, you probably weren't a social welfare agency.

"OH, wait,t hat's unfair. Why didn't you single out everyone".

Same reason the TSA gives more scrutiny to a guy name "Abdul" when looking for terrorists trying to board planes.
Yes, I didn't get the link I wanted. I corrected it.

Now back to the point. SO the IRS apparently doesn't keep internal e-mails on file. Neither do most companies. I don't have an e-mail in my work computer that dates any earlier than 2013.

No. I have a yahoo email account. I've had that account since my junior year of high school. I have emails on that account dating as far back as 2007. So that right there destroys that assertion.

The IRS is obligated by law to keep records of their communications. You have no clue what you're talking about do you?

That's kind of pathetic.

IN my job, I get 400 e-mails a week. Every week. I send out about half that many.

600 E-mails a week- that comes out to 30,000 a year. My desktop would run slower than a snail if i didn't clean house on a regular basis.

Wow, so ignore our criminal doings. Has nothing to do with the failure you see happening around you. You already made the mistake of putting these asshole democrats in power. And now you want the GOP to do what? Prove they are less criminal or more criminal? You already admitted you vote for criminal activity willingly but think voting different could be a mistake? How is it in your opinion a mistake to not vote for criminals?

Actually, the mistake I made was voting for every Republican Candidate from 1980 to 2004.

ANd then one day, my boss announced he could totally fuck me over because he "didn't have to deal with a union."

In 2000, I used to be one of you wingnuts who got all upset that Clinton lied about a blow job.

Two recessions, two wars, an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K later, I realized this was kind of the least of my problems.

Now, Here's the thing. I voted for McCain in 2008 because I thought was a good man, but I voted for Obama in 2012 because Romney was a creep and a Mormon. (But I repeat myself). What I can say is that I'm in better shape in 2014 than I was in 2008. Not where I was in the 1990's or even the Mid Oughts before Bush fucked up, well, everything.

And frankly, I can't get upset because the IRS and the Tea Party got into a pissing contest about fraudelent tax exemptions.

Actually, you insist on them not being a big deal. If it were a Republican administration Joe, you would be cheering and wailing. "Off with their heads!" Meanwhile legislation gets blocked by Harry Reid, problems keep cropping up due to Obama's own incompetence, but man, it's always Bush's fault. Because everyone loves government.

Uh, guy, up until 2008, I was one of the guys making sorry ass excuses for the Republicans. And frankly, doing a better job than you do. Then I realized that I wasn't rich and Republicans didn't care if I lived or died.

I'm an old man, as you are fond of pointing out. And frankly, I've seen 10 presidents and dozens of "Scandals". Remember "Korea-Gate"? I do. And there were people who insisted it was going to bring down President Ford.

It didnt'.

Now to your claim-

Because everyone loves government
No, everyone loves the part of government that benefits them. they don't like the part that benefits the other guy and no one likes paying for it. Which is why the IRS is so hated.

Here's why I don't get upset about this "Scandal".

This is about a bunch of groups who intended to do politics using a tax exemption to hide where their money was coming from.

And the IRS knew that was exactly what they were up to.

And they singled those guys out. If you had a name that didn't sound anything like you were interested in anyone's social welfare, you probably weren't a social welfare agency.

"OH, wait,t hat's unfair. Why didn't you single out everyone".

Same reason the TSA gives more scrutiny to a guy name "Abdul" when looking for terrorists trying to board planes.

Uh, guy, up until 2008, I was one of the guys making sorry ass excuses for the Republicans. And frankly, doing a better job than you do. Then I realized that I wasn't rich and Republicans didn't care if I lived or died.

Of course you're good at making excuses. For that there can be no doubt. In the real world, adults practice honesty. Those who don't are normally referred to as politicians.

I'm an old man, as you are fond of pointing out. And frankly, I've seen 10 presidents and dozens of "Scandals". Remember "Korea-Gate"? I do. And there were people who insisted it was going to bring down President Ford.

So how is this relevant?

No, everyone loves the part of government that benefits them. they don't like the part that benefits the other guy and no one likes paying for it. Which is why the IRS is so hated.

Correction. Liberal Democrats love government. They love a government that benefits those who do ZERO to earn them, while bashing the rich while being filthy rich all in one fell swoop. Hypocrites.

Here's why I don't get upset about this "Scandal".

This is about a bunch of groups who intended to do politics using a tax exemption to hide where their money was coming from.

And the IRS knew that was exactly what they were up to.

And they singled those guys out. If you had a name that didn't sound anything like you were interested in anyone's social welfare, you probably weren't a social welfare agency.

Links? If Mother Jones is all you have, don't bother. If I want your version of reality, I'll ask for it. Not before.

"OH, wait,t hat's unfair. Why didn't you single out everyone".

Same reason the TSA gives more scrutiny to a guy name "Abdul" when looking for terrorists trying to board planes.

That is totally irrelevant. So you are calling these non profit groups criminals? Yeah, there was a reason I had you on my ignore list. You're insane.
USMB nutters love it when their elected officials spend time badgering witnesses. What charges did the honorable Mr. Gowdy file against the commissioner?

What? None? How odd!
Gowdy would be held in contempt in a US courtroom:

"Gowdy interrupts again"

Just another media hound, looking for time on camera.
Okay, dude, but you see, the IRS "Scandal" is just like all the other fake scandals-

Not going anywhere.

Hey, what ever happened to "Fast and Furious"?

Or Obama's Birth Certificate?

YOu know, here's a novel idea. Instead of flittering about from scandal to scandal, how about giving us some ideas about how you'll make our lives better if we ever make the mistake of putting you into power again?

Right, so, what of you actually addressing my point? Your sarcasm makes you look foolish.

What happened to Fast and Furious? Obama rushed to Holder's rescue.

People who think Obama was born in Kenya are idiots. I'm sure people would have caught that the moment he tried to run for president, Joe.

You know, instead of trying to hijack my threads, instead of defending the current administration, you could open your eyes to the reality you so often dismiss. You could stop voting to put people in power who have no respect for the rule of law or the constitutional freedoms of others. How about giving us some ideas about how you'll make our lives better by not allowing such corrupt men take root in the highest echelons of our government?

And no, my job has nothing to do with it. So can it.


I'm sorry, guy, was there a point here. OTher than when you testify in front of congress, they can badger you by asking you the same question 20 times, and if you are a civil servant, you have to nod and say, "Yes, Congressman, we sure a bunch of dummies. Thanks for pointing that out".

Here's my problem, guy.

The IRS telling the Tea Party to actually get their documentation in order doesn't really impinge on my freedoms all that much. It really doesn't. It shows how messed up our campaign finance laws and tax code are, maybe.

Bush lying into a war and expending a trillion dollars and 5000 lives. yeah, that's probably an impingment.

Granny Teabag can't get her big bag of money from the Koch Brothers... meh, not so much.

This is from the person who convicted the Filmmaker in Benghazi and called for his death with no evidence.. I linked his posts on the other Lois Lerner thread- arrested that was flamed.. JOEB is a loon of epic proportions.. Anyone who convicts without trial or evidence simply because his party told him so has no integrity what so ever.
Gowdy would be held in contempt in a US courtroom:

"Gowdy interrupts again"

Just another media hound, looking for time on camera.

Held in contempt for what?? Do you say the same of Elijah Cummings who has an email trail of corruption linking him to this scandal? He interrupts all the time. Where is your feigned outrage?

If that's true then why are you required by the IRS to have seven, SEVEN, 7 fucking years of tax records and all of the supporting documentation?

E-mails aren't tax documentation.

I delete the fuck out of my e-mails. Both my private and business ones.

I keep my tax records.

You dumb fuck. They were under investigation when they deleted all those emails.
If I have to explain to you why thats a problem,I sure as hell hope you dont vote.
Of course you're good at making excuses. For that there can be no doubt. In the real world, adults practice honesty. Those who don't are normally referred to as politicians.

Well, when you learn about being an adult, let me know.


Correction. Liberal Democrats love government. They love a government that benefits those who do ZERO to earn them, while bashing the rich while being filthy rich all in one fell swoop. Hypocrites.

Conservative Republicans love government just as much. They love bailouts, they love trade treaties, they love patent law and incorporation letters and infrastructure. They love corporate welfare and big huge defense contracts that pay for $600 Toilet Seats.

And we spend far more on those things then "Them Welfare People".

Links? If Mother Jones is all you have, don't bother. If I want your version of reality, I'll ask for it. Not before.

Guy, I'm not responsible for your lack of research skills. YOu need to look up the rules and what they are.

"OH, wait,t hat's unfair. Why didn't you single out everyone".

Same reason the TSA gives more scrutiny to a guy name "Abdul" when looking for terrorists trying to board planes.

That is totally irrelevant. So you are calling these non profit groups criminals? Yeah, there was a reason I had you on my ignore list. You're insane.

I think if you call yourself a Social Welfare Agency when you are planning to do politics and hide who your donors are, yes, that's criminal activity.

Why do you want the Koch Brothers to have influence without accountability. Or George Soros, for that matter, to put in terms you can understand.
USMB nutters love it when their elected officials spend time badgering witnesses. What charges did the honorable Mr. Gowdy file against the commissioner?

What? None? How odd!

Strawman- Leftist DNC squawking points that quite frankly make an ass out of you..
This is from the person who convicted the Filmmaker in Benghazi and called for his death with no evidence.. I linked his posts on the other Lois Lerner thread- arrested that was flamed.. JOEB is a loon of epic proportions.. Anyone who convicts without trial or evidence simply because his party told him so has no integrity what so ever.

You did? Boring.

I thought they just just send him back to his countrymen and they could have a lively debate about their theological differences.

Wow, so ignore our criminal doings. Has nothing to do with the failure you see happening around you. You already made the mistake of putting these asshole democrats in power. And now you want the GOP to do what? Prove they are less criminal or more criminal? You already admitted you vote for criminal activity willingly but think voting different could be a mistake? How is it in your opinion a mistake to not vote for criminals?

Actually, the mistake I made was voting for every Republican Candidate from 1980 to 2004.

ANd then one day, my boss announced he could totally fuck me over because he "didn't have to deal with a union."

In 2000, I used to be one of you wingnuts who got all upset that Clinton lied about a blow job.

Two recessions, two wars, an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K later, I realized this was kind of the least of my problems.

Now, Here's the thing. I voted for McCain in 2008 because I thought was a good man, but I voted for Obama in 2012 because Romney was a creep and a Mormon. (But I repeat myself). What I can say is that I'm in better shape in 2014 than I was in 2008. Not where I was in the 1990's or even the Mid Oughts before Bush fucked up, well, everything.

And frankly, I can't get upset because the IRS and the Tea Party got into a pissing contest about fraudelent tax exemptions.

So you made bad decisions in life and you blamed it on republicans.
Why am I as a republican doing just fine?

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