Tricky Dicky had 9 counts for impeachment Vs. DrumpF the greatest Liar now has 6 counts?

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
I feel we can use the same Tricky Dicky 1972 1-9 mostly for the impeachment the Great Douche. See the checks below.
I guess the tape is out with DrumpF admitting the call and providing the transcript.

Is 10 counts the time to cut and run? #8 is my favorite, SO TRUE! We all know this.

Are 5-7 any good yet?


Donald Trump threatens whistleblower as Democrats aim for speedy impeachment - CNNPolitics
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Articles of Impeachment according to Rush

Why is Trump being impeached? Why are the Democrats doing this? If the Democrats were to prepare articles of impeachment, what would they be? I very quickly put together my own list of them here. Here are the Democrats’ articles of impeachment.

Donald Trump rolled back taxes and regulations and cut both dramatically.

Donald Trump engineered, with new economic policy, historically low unemployment with surging wages, including women and minorities. And all of this is proving embarrassing for Democrats who have been promising to do this for their constituents for 50 years.

My List of the Democrats’ Articles of Impeachment Against Trump
Articles of Impeachment according to Rush

Why is Trump being impeached? Why are the Democrats doing this? If the Democrats were to prepare articles of impeachment, what would they be? I very quickly put together my own list of them here. Here are the Democrats’ articles of impeachment.

Donald Trump rolled back taxes and regulations and cut both dramatically.

Donald Trump engineered, with new economic policy, historically low unemployment with surging wages, including women and minorities. And all of this is proving embarrassing for Democrats who have been promising to do this for their constituents for 50 years.

My List of the Democrats’ Articles of Impeachment Against Trump

LOL! Rush. You are show desperation DOPer. Weak.
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So you feel the list checked in red is correct. As you're deflecting
Can you supply the exact act committed by a Trump for each check mark?

#1 Statements made to Mueller case coming back to hunt IT, FBI Then, and now, Barr just one of ITS co-conspirator.
#2, 3, 4 & 8 Just turn the news on.
#9 Manafort for one.
You will submit media outlet sound bites to a judge?
So you feel the list checked in red is correct. As you're deflecting
Can you supply the exact act committed by a Trump for each check mark?

#1 Statements made to Mueller case coming back to hunt IT, FBI Then, and now, Barr just one of ITS co-conspirator.
#2, 3, 4 & 8 Just turn the news on.
#9 Manafort for one.
You will submit media outlet sound bites to a judge?
It the same as news clips. Like in 72'. Twitter will be Yuge list of lies.

I feel we can use the same Tricky Dicky 1972 1-9 mostly to impeachment the great Douche. See the checks below.
I guess the tape is out with DrumpF admitting the call and providing the transcript.

Is 10 counts the time to cut and run? #8 is my favorite, SO TRUE! We all know this.

Are 5-7 any good yet?

View attachment 282468
Donald Trump threatens whistleblower as Democrats aim for speedy impeachment - CNNPolitics
Your link:

"'Little Nancy Drew novel'

"The White House, which seemed caught off guard in a wild week that saw House Speaker Nancy Pelosi open the impeachment inquiry, hit back hard in a bid to discredit allegations that the President abused his power by seeking dirt from Ukraine on a potential 2020 opponent, Joe Biden.

"'The President of the United States is the whistleblower," senior Trump adviser Stephen Miller said on 'Fox News Sunday.'
'And this individual is a saboteur trying to undermine a democratically elected government,' he said, blasting the complaint as a 'little Nancy Drew novel.'"

"But Pelosi told her caucus on a conference call Sunday that they should try to be non-partisan about the impeachment process."
Impeaching a president with no underlying crimes is called a coup...A coup is treason!

Anyhoo, the greatest liar would be chris wallace on fox news. He makes it appear in every report as though he's a Trump supporter, but he just can't cover for Trump "this time" (which is every time he speaks).

He is a deceitful insidious manipulative liar!
I feel we can use the same Tricky Dicky...

So NOW you're opposed to a lying president? We had 8 years of a serial, prolific liar and on matters of great significance and you couldn't suck his cock hard enough. Thanks for the laugh.
I guess perry has few friends for money Or money to fight it.

Impeaching a president with no underlying crimes is called a coup...A coup is treason!

Anyhoo, the greatest liar would be chris wallace on fox news. He makes it appear in every report as though he's a Trump supporter, but he just can't cover for Trump "this time" (which is every time he speaks).

He is a deceitful insidious manipulative liar!

The apple fell pernt near the tree
"Any day now". You almost gotta laugh how the crazy TDS left falls for the propaganda generated by foreign agents and angry media personalities and fed to the snarling drooling left like raw meat. The ironic thing is that the impeachment movement is falling apart while democrats like Biden and traitors in the FBI and CIA are coming close to indictment.
You know, Republicans keep saying that Democrats are trying to overthrow a duly elected president, and they are upset because Hillary lost.

Well, hate to burst your bubbles, but I understand and acknowledge that Hillary lost and Trump became president. But, at the same time, I also think that Trump should be held to the same standards as all our other presidents and act like a grown up.

Nixon was duly elected when he became president too. Matter of fact, he was on his second term, having just been reelected. People didn't want Nixon out because they were upset that McGovern lost. They wanted Nixon impeached because he was misusing his office. Trump has been doing the same thing, and that is why people want him impeached, not because he beat Hillary. That is fan fiction you Trump supporters tell yourselves, because it helps you overlook all the wrong crap Trump is doing now, and has been doing for a while.
I feel we can use the same Tricky Dicky 1972 1-9 mostly for the impeachment the Great Douche. See the checks below.
I guess the tape is out with DrumpF admitting the call and providing the transcript.

Is 10 counts the time to cut and run? #8 is my favorite, SO TRUE! We all know this.

Are 5-7 any good yet?

View attachment 282468
Donald Trump threatens whistleblower as Democrats aim for speedy impeachment - CNNPolitics
Trump has zero. Until there is a House vote, Pelosi speaks only for a tiny district in San Francisco that has human crap all over the streets.

Trump has ZERO counts of impeachment. You are in a rush to judgment over a phone call that refutes your claims about it. And Barr and Durham are closing in how the Democrats tried to first rig and then overturn the 2016 election.

The Media’s No Good, Really Bad, Terrible Two Weeks.

Apparently still bitter that the first press-led character assassination of Brett Kavanaugh failed to stop his confirmation to the highest court in the land, the Gray Lady doubled down on September 14 by teasing a book by Times writers Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly.

The article lobbed yet another accusation of sexual misconduct against the Supreme Court Justice (well, sort of: Kavanaugh’s friends allegedly shoved his penis in the face of an unsuspecting female). Not only did it appear that Kavanaugh was a victim as well, but the Times piece also conveniently failed to mention that the alleged female victim was never interviewed and according to her friends doesn’t remember the incident.

Rather than apologize and pledge to do better, however, Pogrebin and Kelly instead blamed their editors and … wait for it … Fox News. Because, of course, nothing says strong, independent women like blaming a television network for your own faulty newspaper reporting.

But before the ink could dry on a libel suit, a new circus rolled into town and bumped the Kavanaugh debacle from the headlines.

I’m speaking, of course, about the “whistleblower” complaint, in which an anonymous official claims he has reason to believe that President Trump was attempting to enlist the help of the Ukrainian government in the upcoming American presidential election. And in which the American press committed more unforced errors than the Bad News Bears.
The Great Douche keeps claiming everyone was on a perfect call.
Guess the call was not perfect like ITS Taxes IT hides, it doing everythang to hide it.

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