Triggering words, phrases, and conditioning


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Guess the other thread went over everyone's head so let me try again but write it as a 'Psychology for Dummies' version.

We're being conditioned by media to react specific and desired ways to certain words and phrases. Some of this conditioning is good and positive, some of it isn't. But ask yourselves what comes to mind when you read the following word:


What images, words, or ideas came to mind?

Now ask yourself some questions:

- Have you ever actually met and had a discussion with a Muslim?
- Do you live among Muslims or see them regularly?
- Have you ever had a negative experience with someone who is Muslim?

If your answers were all 'no' but the images and ideas that came to mind reading the word 'Muslim' were negative, then your entire view of Muslims is coming from media and not first-hand experience. You're in effect being made to react negatively to an entire group of people you have no first-hand experiences with.

If you react a certain way to a word, phrase, or idea despite any first-hand experiences with the thing then your conditioning probably came from media. What you should then be asking is "Why did they want me thinking this particular way to this particular thing?"

If you don't bother to ask why, you're just stumbling through life on autopilot letting smarter people think for you.
Two that Liberals can't forge an argument without. RWSoCon, and strawman.

I don't need to interact with lightening to know it's dangerous. I don't need to drive to Muslim Dearborn to read their billboards:
Americans we are going to kill you and there is nothing you can do about it
They are wild asses whose hands are against their own brothers and everyone else. The Bible hit the nail on the head before they even got started. Feel free to go to Syria Delta, to prove me wrong.
My sister married a Muslim, and he beat her. She left her apartment so she could call the police. She didn't have her cell phone so she knocked on her Muslim neighbors' doors and asked to use their telephone to call the police, but none of her Muslim neighbors would let her in.

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