Tropospheric Hot Spot- Why it does not exist...

It seems you don't. All of those balls are thrown at the same time. If you really think none will hit in between never watched dodgeball. Let me take a pause and have you explain how they don't hit!
You still don't understand the analogy.
The balls are like photons. Thermal photons simply do not hit each other.
I thought I made it as simple as possible. I'm sorry you don't understand it as an analogy.
You were doing a-okay in the radiative transfer discussion we had. There was no need to degrade that interesting subject to the level where photons are becoming balls.
If light rays were colliding particle beams then it`s alright to use such an analogy.
It would have been better if you would have used the well explored subject of wave interference instead of balls hitting either a target or each other.
Wave interference? Are you kidding? Popeye would have absolutely no chance of understanding anything unless it was considerably dumbed down. The analogy was for him, not anyone else. Even then, he couldn't understand the analogy. He is the one who turned baseballs into huge dodge balls even though I tried twice to steer him away from collisions. JC, Billybob, and SSDD are all whacko in their understanding of science.

But getting back to your comment on wave interference. Black body radiation must be considered in terms of photons. That was how photons were hypothesized in the first place. Look up "ultraviolet catastrophe" and note Planck's solution.

If they really want to talk about EM waves they can only talk about superposition (uninteresting) not destructive interference since BB radiation is incoherent. Incoherent waves cannot cancel. Also those guys sometimes talk in terms of radio antennas canceling waves. Antennas can only redirect the coherent EM energy they can't destroy it because of the law of conservation of energy.

Antennas can only redirect the coherent EM energy they can't destroy it because of the law of conservation of energy.

A shorter wave can and does cause reflection of a longer wave. In other words, a warm object can reflect all radiation from a cooler one. Second law wins. And it is wholly consistent with COE. Its is also why the atmosphere has no hot spot.

Please tell me again how a less energetic wave can overpower a high energetic wave? You could win a Nobel for a perpetual motion machine.
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So tell me what happens when they radiate at each other?
Here is a simple picture that maybe even you can understand. Suppose you are faced with an opponent and each of you has 100 baseballs. Both of you have a net behind you. You each throw the balls at each other's net at the same rate. At the end of 10 minutes, roughly how many balls do you think each opponent has in their net?
you forget the BAT (magnetic field) that each is holding.. the object with a higher frequency will repel one of a lower frequency..

You have a source that confirms your magic photon repelling field?

Lets use empirically observed evidence.

We know that all transmitters create a filed known as an 'umbrella' where opposing fields are repelled from. IE: Older AM transmitters used to play hell with twisted pair phone lines and FM radio stations wiping out all other emittence while you were under the umbrella. SO we know by observations that it happens. The actual mechanism is unknown, (Quantum Mechanism) but the theroy is; a more energetic wave field will deflect a less energetic field.

So we look at each molecule as a transmitter, transmitting at its temperature wave length. This means that each molecule has its own transmission 'umbrella' and that its strength and frequency are determined by the molecules temperature.

A photon emitted from a hot object will have a very small wave length as opposed to a cool object which will have long wavelength. A hot object will have a very narrow bandwidth which will penetrate a long wavelength allowing the energy to be absorbed by the molecule. The longwave length is reflected/deflected by the tighter magnetic filed of the hotter object.

When we look at the earths own magnetic fields we see the same behavior. The fields of cooler particles allow downwelling radiation to pass unabated. The mass of the earths magneto creates a series of fields which grow tighter in frequency as it nears the surface of the earth reflecting the colder CME energy and cooler solar waves of solar wind. This is why we don't have our atmosphere ripped of the planet.

The second law has many reasons as to why a cooler object can not warm a warmer object. Applying empirical observations to the laws of thermodynamics is relativity easy if you follow the known observed evidence.

We know that all transmitters create a filed known as an 'umbrella' where opposing fields are repelled from

We're discussing photons, not "opposing fields".

SO we know by observations that it happens.

Post a source discussing a field repelling a photon.
Wave interference? Are you kidding? Popeye would have absolutely no chance of understanding anything unless it was considerably dumbed down. The analogy was for him, not anyone else. Even then, he couldn't understand the analogy. He is the one who turned baseballs into huge dodge balls even though I tried twice to steer him away from collisions. JC, Billybob, and SSDD are all whacko in their understanding of science..

You going to argue that the engineers who place microwave dish arrays don't have to worry about interference from other arrays, and that the magnitude and direction of one microwave energy stream has no bearing on any other?

You going to argue that the engineers who place microwave dish arrays don't have to worry about interference from other arrays

You never did explain why we can see the cooler surface of the Sun through the hotter corona.

Why don't you explain?
It seems you don't. All of those balls are thrown at the same time. If you really think none will hit in between never watched dodgeball. Let me take a pause and have you explain how they don't hit!
You still don't understand the analogy.
The balls are like photons. Thermal photons simply do not hit each other.
I thought I made it as simple as possible. I'm sorry you don't understand it as an analogy.
You were doing a-okay in the radiative transfer discussion we had. There was no need to degrade that interesting subject to the level where photons are becoming balls.
If light rays were colliding particle beams then it`s alright to use such an analogy.
It would have been better if you would have used the well explored subject of wave interference instead of balls hitting either a target or each other.
Wave interference? Are you kidding? Popeye would have absolutely no chance of understanding anything unless it was considerably dumbed down. The analogy was for him, not anyone else. Even then, he couldn't understand the analogy. He is the one who turned baseballs into huge dodge balls even though I tried twice to steer him away from collisions. JC, Billybob, and SSDD are all whacko in their understanding of science.

But getting back to your comment on wave interference. Black body radiation must be considered in terms of photons. That was how photons were hypothesized in the first place. Look up "ultraviolet catastrophe" and note Planck's solution.

If they really want to talk about EM waves they can only talk about superposition (uninteresting) not destructive interference since BB radiation is incoherent. Incoherent waves cannot cancel. Also those guys sometimes talk in terms of radio antennas canceling waves. Antennas can only redirect the coherent EM energy they can't destroy it because of the law of conservation of energy.

Antennas can only redirect the coherent EM energy they can't destroy it because of the law of conservation of energy.

A shorter wave can and does cause reflection of a longer wave. In other words, a warm object can reflect all radiation from a cooler one. Second law wins. And it is wholly consistent with COE. Its is also why the atmosphere has no hot spot.

Please tell me again how a less energetic wave can overpower a high energetic wave? You could win a Nobel for a perpetual motion machine.

A shorter wave can and does cause reflection of a longer wave. In other words, a warm object can reflect all radiation from a cooler one.

It seems you don't. All of those balls are thrown at the same time. If you really think none will hit in between never watched dodgeball. Let me take a pause and have you explain how they don't hit!
You still don't understand the analogy.
The balls are like photons. Thermal photons simply do not hit each other.
I thought I made it as simple as possible. I'm sorry you don't understand it as an analogy.
You were doing a-okay in the radiative transfer discussion we had. There was no need to degrade that interesting subject to the level where photons are becoming balls.
If light rays were colliding particle beams then it`s alright to use such an analogy.
It would have been better if you would have used the well explored subject of wave interference instead of balls hitting either a target or each other.
Wave interference? Are you kidding? Popeye would have absolutely no chance of understanding anything unless it was considerably dumbed down. The analogy was for him, not anyone else. Even then, he couldn't understand the analogy. He is the one who turned baseballs into huge dodge balls even though I tried twice to steer him away from collisions. JC, Billybob, and SSDD are all whacko in their understanding of science.

But getting back to your comment on wave interference. Black body radiation must be considered in terms of photons. That was how photons were hypothesized in the first place. Look up "ultraviolet catastrophe" and note Planck's solution.

If they really want to talk about EM waves they can only talk about superposition (uninteresting) not destructive interference since BB radiation is incoherent. Incoherent waves cannot cancel. Also those guys sometimes talk in terms of radio antennas canceling waves. Antennas can only redirect the coherent EM energy they can't destroy it because of the law of conservation of energy.
all you had to do was admit your analogy sucked and gone to something else. You didn't like that I pointed out that balls will hit each other if thrown at the same time from opposite directions in the same space. Seems you have no basic understanding of matter.
You going to argue that the engineers who place microwave dish arrays don't have to worry about interference from other arrays, and that the magnitude and direction of one microwave energy stream has no bearing on any other?
You going to argue that the engineers who place microwave dish arrays don't have to worry about interference from other arrays, and that the magnitude and direction of one microwave energy stream has no bearing on any other?
then why do they choose the locations they do?
It seems that scientific laws have been as much politicized and twisted out of shape as constitutional laws by the previous administration. All the while the original laws, at least in science were unambiguous until they have been bastardized to serve an agenda with the intent to fabricate a case against Jo the coal miner committing a crime worse than Hitler or Stalin were guilty of.
According to them Jo the coal miner managed to launch CO2 photon torpedoes, Star Trek style, capable of planetary destruction. The entire case is based on 3 words: "Unprecedented Climate Change", which are 3 rubber words that can be stretched to qualify any event that occurs as forensic evidence.
You going to argue that the engineers who place microwave dish arrays don't have to worry about interference from other arrays, and that the magnitude and direction of one microwave energy stream has no bearing on any other?
then why do they choose the locations they do?

Smart photons?
or.............wait for it........Interference...............
You going to argue that the engineers who place microwave dish arrays don't have to worry about interference from other arrays, and that the magnitude and direction of one microwave energy stream has no bearing on any other?
then why do they choose the locations they do?

Smart photons?
or.............wait for it........Interference...............

Ever find any backup for your claim that photons can hit each other?

Or that warmer matter stops "colder photons" from striking it?
You going to argue that the engineers who place microwave dish arrays don't have to worry about interference from other arrays, and that the magnitude and direction of one microwave energy stream has no bearing on any other?
then why do they choose the locations they do?

Smart photons?
or.............wait for it........Interference...............

Ever find any backup for your claim that photons can hit each other?

Or that warmer matter stops "colder photons" from striking it?
been waiting on yours thanks for asking. still haven't seen the photon go cold to hot. post that up at any time.
then why do they choose the locations they do?

Smart photons?
or.............wait for it........Interference...............

Ever find any backup for your claim that photons can hit each other?

Or that warmer matter stops "colder photons" from striking it?
been waiting on yours thanks for asking. still haven't seen the photon go cold to hot. post that up at any time.

Photons go in every direction, why wouldn't they go from cold to hot?

The "cold photons" from the Sun's surface have no problem going thru the hotter corona.

How do you explain that hole in your "theory"?
then why do they choose the locations they do?

Smart photons?
or.............wait for it........Interference...............

Ever find any backup for your claim that photons can hit each other?

Or that warmer matter stops "colder photons" from striking it?
been waiting on yours thanks for asking. still haven't seen the photon go cold to hot. post that up at any time.

Photons go in every direction, why wouldn't they go from cold to hot?

The "cold photons" from the Sun's surface have no problem going thru the hotter corona.

How do you explain that hole in your "theory"?
so you don't have the experiment. thanks,
Smart photons?
or.............wait for it........Interference...............

Ever find any backup for your claim that photons can hit each other?

Or that warmer matter stops "colder photons" from striking it?
been waiting on yours thanks for asking. still haven't seen the photon go cold to hot. post that up at any time.

Photons go in every direction, why wouldn't they go from cold to hot?

The "cold photons" from the Sun's surface have no problem going thru the hotter corona.

How do you explain that hole in your "theory"?
so you don't have the experiment. thanks,

So the cooler photons do travel toward the hotter corona. Thanks!
or.............wait for it........Interference...............

Ever find any backup for your claim that photons can hit each other?

Or that warmer matter stops "colder photons" from striking it?
been waiting on yours thanks for asking. still haven't seen the photon go cold to hot. post that up at any time.

Photons go in every direction, why wouldn't they go from cold to hot?

The "cold photons" from the Sun's surface have no problem going thru the hotter corona.

How do you explain that hole in your "theory"?
so you don't have the experiment. thanks,

So the cooler photons do travel toward the hotter corona. Thanks!
and still no experiment. crickets.
Ever find any backup for your claim that photons can hit each other?

Or that warmer matter stops "colder photons" from striking it?
been waiting on yours thanks for asking. still haven't seen the photon go cold to hot. post that up at any time.

Photons go in every direction, why wouldn't they go from cold to hot?

The "cold photons" from the Sun's surface have no problem going thru the hotter corona.

How do you explain that hole in your "theory"?
so you don't have the experiment. thanks,

So the cooler photons do travel toward the hotter corona. Thanks!
and still no experiment. crickets.

You need an experiment to see the Sun?

been waiting on yours thanks for asking. still haven't seen the photon go cold to hot. post that up at any time.

Photons go in every direction, why wouldn't they go from cold to hot?

The "cold photons" from the Sun's surface have no problem going thru the hotter corona.

How do you explain that hole in your "theory"?
so you don't have the experiment. thanks,

So the cooler photons do travel toward the hotter corona. Thanks!
and still no experiment. crickets.

You need an experiment to see the Sun?

been waiting on yours thanks for asking. still haven't seen the photon go cold to hot. post that up at any time.

Photons go in every direction, why wouldn't they go from cold to hot?

The "cold photons" from the Sun's surface have no problem going thru the hotter corona.

How do you explain that hole in your "theory"?
so you don't have the experiment. thanks,

So the cooler photons do travel toward the hotter corona. Thanks!
and still no experiment. crickets.

You need an experiment to see the Sun?


You really can't be that stupid can you? you think there is anything spontaneous about energy moving away from the surface of the sun? doesn't move SPONTANEOUSLY from cool to can move that way...but not spontaneously...
Photons go in every direction, why wouldn't they go from cold to hot?

The "cold photons" from the Sun's surface have no problem going thru the hotter corona.

How do you explain that hole in your "theory"?
so you don't have the experiment. thanks,

So the cooler photons do travel toward the hotter corona. Thanks!
and still no experiment. crickets.

You need an experiment to see the Sun?


You really can't be that stupid can you? you think there is anything spontaneous about energy moving away from the surface of the sun? doesn't move SPONTANEOUSLY from cool to can move that way...but not spontaneously...

energy doesn't move SPONTANEOUSLY from cool to warm

So it can move from cool to warm....on the Sun?

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