Trouble brewing in the middle east


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Why would an Iranian ship be doing with poison gas?
Iranian ship loaded with poison gas seized at Port of Sinai

An Iranian ship loaded with poison gas and headed towards Syria was seized at the Port of Sinai, Lebanese Arabic news daily the Beirut Observer reported Sunday.
thx, there is nothing else on this our there, I am going to check tomorrow for more details. I.e. was it packaged as munitions, what is it gas/liquid, what grade is it, what was it exactly etc.?
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thx, there is nothing else on this our there, I am going to check tomorrow for more details. I.e. was it packaged as munitions, what is it gas/liquid, what grade is it, what was it exactly etc.?

Al I have found so far is what was posted. No one other than middle eastern news sources is the only information I have found.
Scores of Yemeni protesters have reportedly suffered injuries and poisoning after the security forces used poison gas to disperse anti-government rallies.

On Sunday, at least 30 people were injured and 40 others intoxicated after the forces gassed the demonstrators in the western city of Dhamar, a Press TV correspondent reported.

in addition, a report said 10 people hwere hurt as Yemeni forces fired at protesters in Sana'a.

Tens of thousands of anti-regime protesters took to the streets of the capital, Sana'a, and the city of Taizz, both located in the west, to call on President Ali Abdullah Saleh to step down.

Hundreds of thousands of people have turned out for regular demonstrations in the two cities as well as the city of Aden in the south, calling for Saleh's removal and the tackling of corruption and unemployment.

Some 40% of the population lives on USD 2 a day or less in the country and one third face food shortage.

The protests have been met by riot police or supporters of Saleh armed with knives and batons.

The death toll in the country has surpassed 300 since anti-government protests began in late January.

Also on Sunday, Yemeni women held a second day of protests against Saleh after he described the participation of women in protests “un-Islamic.”

Moreover, thousands gathered for the funeral of a protester who had died from wounds sustained during clashes with the security forces.

Opposition leaders and Arab foreign ministers held a meeting in Saudi Arabia to discuss the stalemate in Yemen.

PressTV - Poison gas used on Yemeni protesters
Poison gas. What's next? A super bug/disease dropped from an airplane?
Need a Translator for this one.

Still searching from that link but I did find somethg else iunteresing
قوات الامن السوري تطلق النار على الجيش و توقع عدد من الجرحى و تقوم بالبحث عنهم لتصفيتهم
Syrian security forces fire on the army and sign a number of wounded and are searching for them being liquidated

اشارت معلومات صحفية أن قوات الأمن السوري قامت بإطلاق النار على بعض عناصر الجيش و أوقعت عدد من الجرحى في صفوفهم

كما ذكرت المعلومات أن عناصر الجيش المصابين اختبؤا بعد أن تمت معالجتهم في بعض مشافي حوران بسبب بحث قوات الأمن عنهم


press information pointed out that Syrian security forces opened fire on some elements of the army and killed a number of the injured were in their ranks , according to information that the elements of the army اختبؤا after the injured were treated in some hospitals Horon because of security forces searched them being liquidated
well,the word 'poison' can be used widely, in the correct use of the term, it can be irritating, harmful or toxic, when I see this use in this context I think, fatal. *shrugs* I'd still like to know what it is.
[ame=]YouTube - Poison Gas Seized Before Planned Attack[/ame]
More news is finally surfacing about the ship being stopped

This is very significant because Syria’s president Bashar Assad is in the midst of a brutal put-down of a revolution against his leadership. At least 200 have been killed by Assad’s troops.

Iran’s “stealth” support of Assad is exposed again. (see here.) A ship loaded with high-tech armaments, Chinese-made anti-ship missiles with instruction manuals in Farsi (the Iranian language.) was apprehended by Israel March 15. The weapons were bound for Syria from Iran
Iranian Ship Loaded with Poison Gas for Syria Stopped in Egypt |

Report: Egypt blocked Iran ships from entering Suez Canal
Report: Egypt blocked Iran ships from entering Suez Canal - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
What kind of poison gas? Poision gasses have lots of legitimate uses.
Evidently the ship has just been stopped and the news was early in the first report they did not specify what kind of poison gas, or how it was being contained or what form it was in. So I don't have an answer.

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