Trouble with Girls at the Service Academies


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

The late Rush Limbaugh used to aggravate soldiers, sailors, airmen, and civilians alike with his fundamental observation about the Armed Forces. Essentially, what he said was, The purpose of the Armed Forces is to kill people and break stuff (on the orders of the Commander in Chief). Any new initiative for the Armed Forces should be evaluated on whether it makes "us" better at killing people and/or breaking stuff. If not, the initiative should be dropped.

As you may have guessed, I agree with Mr. Limbaugh's hypothesis.

One such initiative that has caused countless difficulties in the service academies, and at the same time compromised their role in training the future Officer Corps to kill people and break stuff as efficaciously as possible, was the admission of women into the ranks of students. Now we have Congress fretting over the statistical phenomenon of increasing numbers of service academy co-eds complaining of mistreatment at the hands of their fellow students. I say it's a statistical phenomenon because such reporting is invariably and sometimes dramatically impacted by what actually constitutes the phenomenon in question. "Unwanted sexual contact" can mean anything from a sexual remark in poor taste to rape. It would be remarkable indeed if the service academy co-eds were not being influenced by the so-called, "Me too" phenomenon, hence expanding the behaviors that are elevated from boorish to quasi-criminal, and hence increasing the number of reported, "sexual assaults."

But that is not my point. Surely, it is a problem and it must be addressed seriously.

The real solution would be to reverse the stupid decision to admit girls to the service academies. Make them male-only, as they were created and intended to be. Adding women does nothing to improve those institutions (although that statement is not as manifestly true for the Air Force Academy).

I have no doubt that there are excellent woman-officers, and far be it from me to suggest that women in high ranks got there primarily because of their gonads, and the desire of generals to placate the mandate to be Social Justice Warriors. I would never suggest such a thing. But they need not be trained in the service academies, and I submit that the service academies could do a much better job of training military officers in the absence of wimmin in their midst. War is a nasty business, and it is conducted by MEN. No wounded soldier wants to be rescued from his foxhole by a 125-pound female buck sergeant, or have his pack scaled down so that women can handle it.

I would even support a separate service academy for women, with its graduates opting for the branch they want to serve. I'm sure that academy could work better in a one-sex environment as well.

Men and women are different. It is not sex discrimination that results in 95% of prison populations being men; men are intrinsically more violent than women, and that tendency to violence is one thing that makes them better on the battlefield. If the objective is to kill people and break stuff, why in the world would you invite women to the party?

In short, you wouldn't.
That old fat dead bastard that always had a BBC in his mouth was a draft dodger. This veteran says "FUCK LIMBAUGH" and I hope he is enjoying Hell.

During the Vietnam War, after holding a 2-S college deferment, he was reclassified as 1-Y – meaning qualified for military service but available only in time of war or national emergency - for a pilonidal cyst on his butt.Mar 6, 2013

10 little-known Rush Limbaugh facts - POLITICO​

No wounded soldier wants to be rescued from his foxhole by a 125-pound female buck sergeant, or have his pack scaled down so that women can handle it.

You have a buddy system in the army, if yer buddy needs help you aid.
What a moron. Attack Rush Limbaugh rather than address the point. No surprise here.
Rush attacked me as a soldier, if he can't take it, fuck him...It takes a special kind of person to do the dirty job of being in the military and to fairy civilians they eschew the real character of the soldier, sailors, airmen, space chicks etc, etc....If they be rowdy that is the perfect person to be a leader in the military.
Wow, the OP has a problem with women.... At some point you think he would get counseling for this condition.

I hope that if/when Kamala becomes President, someone who can tolerate this jerk for 5 seconds removes all of the sharp objects from his vicinity. There are 2 reasons. First because he may go on a murderous rampage with one of them.... Secondly...if he does want to off himself; it will be much more painful if there is nothing sharp around.
That old fat dead bastard that always had a BBC in his mouth was a draft dodger. This veteran says "FUCK LIMBAUGH" and I hope he is enjoying Hell.

During the Vietnam War, after holding a 2-S college deferment, he was reclassified as 1-Y – meaning qualified for military service but available only in time of war or national emergency - for a pilonidal cyst on his butt.Mar 6, 2013

10 little-known Rush Limbaugh facts - POLITICO

We have enough experience in dangerous work that women do not die anywhere near that men do. So that means the stresses and pressures increase on males with the resources allocated not evenly.

The late Rush Limbaugh used to aggravate soldiers, sailors, airmen, and civilians alike with his fundamental observation about the Armed Forces. Essentially, what he said was, The purpose of the Armed Forces is to kill people and break stuff (on the orders of the Commander in Chief). Any new initiative for the Armed Forces should be evaluated on whether it makes "us" better at killing people and/or breaking stuff. If not, the initiative should be dropped.

As you may have guessed, I agree with Mr. Limbaugh's hypothesis.

One such initiative that has caused countless difficulties in the service academies, and at the same time compromised their role in training the future Officer Corps to kill people and break stuff as efficaciously as possible, was the admission of women into the ranks of students. Now we have Congress fretting over the statistical phenomenon of increasing numbers of service academy co-eds complaining of mistreatment at the hands of their fellow students. I say it's a statistical phenomenon because such reporting is invariably and sometimes dramatically impacted by what actually constitutes the phenomenon in question. "Unwanted sexual contact" can mean anything from a sexual remark in poor taste to rape. It would be remarkable indeed if the service academy co-eds were not being influenced by the so-called, "Me too" phenomenon, hence expanding the behaviors that are elevated from boorish to quasi-criminal, and hence increasing the number of reported, "sexual assaults."

But that is not my point. Surely, it is a problem and it must be addressed seriously.

The real solution would be to reverse the stupid decision to admit girls to the service academies. Make them male-only, as they were created and intended to be. Adding women does nothing to improve those institutions (although that statement is not as manifestly true for the Air Force Academy).

I have no doubt that there are excellent woman-officers, and far be it from me to suggest that women in high ranks got there primarily because of their gonads, and the desire of generals to placate the mandate to be Social Justice Warriors. I would never suggest such a thing. But they need not be trained in the service academies, and I submit that the service academies could do a much better job of training military officers in the absence of wimmin in their midst. War is a nasty business, and it is conducted by MEN. No wounded soldier wants to be rescued from his foxhole by a 125-pound female buck sergeant, or have his pack scaled down so that women can handle it.

I would even support a separate service academy for women, with its graduates opting for the branch they want to serve. I'm sure that academy could work better in a one-sex environment as well.

Men and women are different. It is not sex discrimination that results in 95% of prison populations being men; men are intrinsically more violent than women, and that tendency to violence is one thing that makes them better on the battlefield. If the objective is to kill people and break stuff, why in the world would you invite women to the party?

In short, you wouldn't.
There are some clerical and medical jobs women could do in the military but for the most part they should not be allowed.

It is not the job of the military to be a social program to promote diversity or gender equality. Like Rush said, the job is to kill people and break things and we need hard warriors for that, not weak women.
I salute those tough female soldiers who have a harder job than men in the military yet they manage to pull through and do their DUTY, unlike dittohead bitch boi Rush.
Do you think female soldiers should be held to the same physical standards as male soldiers?
That old fat dead bastard that always had a BBC in his mouth was a draft dodger. This veteran says "FUCK LIMBAUGH" and I hope he is enjoying Hell.

During the Vietnam War, after holding a 2-S college deferment, he was reclassified as 1-Y – meaning qualified for military service but available only in time of war or national emergency - for a pilonidal cyst on his butt.Mar 6, 2013

10 little-known Rush Limbaugh facts - POLITICO

Rush was 100% correct. Rush divulged all those fact but you never listened so you have to rely on Poltico. You hate him because he was correct about lefties like you.
We have enough experience in dangerous work that women do not die anywhere near that men do. So that means the stresses and pressures increase on males with the resources allocated not evenly.
I doubt you know the true heart of every warrior.
I doubt you know the true heart of every warrior.
Heart means shit over all of the other intangibles. Although is one. I never interfered with anyone in my life. And there are people who would go toe to toe with you and phuk with you with violence, if need be, for potential survival. All those employed in potentially dangerous work know the score. Their own arrogance has caused what we see today. And it is deserved.

The late Rush Limbaugh used to aggravate soldiers, sailors, airmen, and civilians alike with his fundamental observation about the Armed Forces. Essentially, what he said was, The purpose of the Armed Forces is to kill people and break stuff (on the orders of the Commander in Chief). Any new initiative for the Armed Forces should be evaluated on whether it makes "us" better at killing people and/or breaking stuff. If not, the initiative should be dropped.

As you may have guessed, I agree with Mr. Limbaugh's hypothesis.

One such initiative that has caused countless difficulties in the service academies, and at the same time compromised their role in training the future Officer Corps to kill people and break stuff as efficaciously as possible, was the admission of women into the ranks of students. Now we have Congress fretting over the statistical phenomenon of increasing numbers of service academy co-eds complaining of mistreatment at the hands of their fellow students. I say it's a statistical phenomenon because such reporting is invariably and sometimes dramatically impacted by what actually constitutes the phenomenon in question. "Unwanted sexual contact" can mean anything from a sexual remark in poor taste to rape. It would be remarkable indeed if the service academy co-eds were not being influenced by the so-called, "Me too" phenomenon, hence expanding the behaviors that are elevated from boorish to quasi-criminal, and hence increasing the number of reported, "sexual assaults."

But that is not my point. Surely, it is a problem and it must be addressed seriously.

The real solution would be to reverse the stupid decision to admit girls to the service academies. Make them male-only, as they were created and intended to be. Adding women does nothing to improve those institutions (although that statement is not as manifestly true for the Air Force Academy).

I have no doubt that there are excellent woman-officers, and far be it from me to suggest that women in high ranks got there primarily because of their gonads, and the desire of generals to placate the mandate to be Social Justice Warriors. I would never suggest such a thing. But they need not be trained in the service academies, and I submit that the service academies could do a much better job of training military officers in the absence of wimmin in their midst. War is a nasty business, and it is conducted by MEN. No wounded soldier wants to be rescued from his foxhole by a 125-pound female buck sergeant, or have his pack scaled down so that women can handle it.

I would even support a separate service academy for women, with its graduates opting for the branch they want to serve. I'm sure that academy could work better in a one-sex environment as well.

Men and women are different. It is not sex discrimination that results in 95% of prison populations being men; men are intrinsically more violent than women, and that tendency to violence is one thing that makes them better on the battlefield. If the objective is to kill people and break stuff, why in the world would you invite women to the party?

In short, you wouldn't.
They're under 18 years old?
This would all go away if women were removed from the military.

I do not and never have believed that women belong in the cast majority of military roles, nor in law enforcement, or the fire department and EMS services. I could not trust a woman in any of those professions.

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