Truckers vote to ignore Trudeau ultimatum to clear Ambassador Bridge

They have beat the kids overhead for what Hitler did for generations now to point where those doing so have become the abuser---

The end result is that it is now an attempt to destroy Germans self esteem and to use it as a means to control the germans which in turn has allowed globalist communist agendas such as flooding over of muslims who have formed raped gangs. The Pendleum swings both ways and both extremes are bad.
So, you don't want accurate history being taught?

Self-Esteem is a fucking concern? Wow, you little wussy snowflake....Feelings...
Hopefully Trudeau does as he had said, bringing in the military to get that damn trucks off the bridges. I'm damn tired of shortages and paying higher prices. The truckers are violating the law and the govern should act. Actually, I don't really hold truckers to blame. They are being mislead by the crap of social media, the worst thing that has very happen to America.
And exactly how does the trucks in Canada drive up your prices ??? Social media is the Darling of the Democrat party until it turns on them... Then they have an issue with it... ROTFLMBO.

All that Russian Hoax collusion bull crap, the spying, censoring, and propaganda is coming back to haunt the democrat's and the leftist in the world big League.
The article links at all three posts conducted in Canada about the protest.

But you have you bias to protect.

The article says also...

"The demonstrators, which have included as many as 8,000 people at their peak, have terrorized Ottawa: blockading streets, harassing citizens, forcing business closures, and honking their extremely loud horns all night."

Oh wait, Vox said there is 8,000 people, so it must be truth.
This could become a major historical event. If Traitordo uses the military and it gets ugly, it could really damage the establishment's image.
He is in a losing or already lost situation. Anyway that he tries to go will backfire on him big time at this point. The truckers and the citizen's of Canada have already won. Let's just hope that Trudeau doesn't do something stupid that he'll regret and the Canadians will regret if they turn on their own for a dipstick like Trudeau.

Ontario to set dates for dropping all COVID measures on Monday

Premier Doug Ford and his cabinet will meet Monday to discuss how and when to lift restrictions, including vaccine passports and mask requirements.
Dr. Kieran Moore, the province’s chief medical officer, said last week that he would be putting forward recommendations for a cautious and gradual return to normal.

Just remember folks, this isn't related to the trucker protest, which didn't accomplish anything. It's strictly related to the science, and it might change when science changes.

Edit: Notice, they aren't dropping anything yet, but merely announcing that they are going to release dates for dropping them. This isn't the first time governments have said they were going to drop restrictions, those are just empty words to convince truckers and protesters to go home.
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Ontario to set dates for dropping all COVID measures on Monday

Just remember folks, this isn't related to the trucker protest, which didn't accomplish anything. It's strictly related to the science, and it might change when science changes.

Edit: Notice, they aren't dropping anything yet, but merely announcing that they are going to release dates for dropping them. This isn't the first time governments have said they were going to drop restrictions, those are just empty words to convince truckers and protesters to go home.
So, the Phucker protest can only prolong the mandates, instead of shortening them?
Interesting how the very idea of the truckers getting any kind of credit for the ending of mandates/restrictions makes these clotshot lovers absolutely seethe. What's so threatening to normies about the idea that the truckers did accomplish something? I'm not saying they did, but I'm not going out of my way frothing at the mouth trying to prove it one way or the other either.
They don't make it one iota worse than the illegal mandates that the overstepping government has forced on the populace.
They already have and he us now bringing the police and military into it. I hope they start firing shots. We'll see how tough they are then.
Governments govern best who governs least.
Oooooooh. How very nostalgic of you. You bring a tear to my glass eye.
Rescind all of the illegal mandates and the problem is solved. Plain and simple.
You're the one that's simple.
They already have and he us now bringing the police and military into it. I hope they start firing shots. We'll see how tough they are then.

Oooooooh. How very nostalgic of you. You bring a tear to my glass eye.

You're the one that's simple.
Traffic is already flowing from Canada to the US over the bridge.
I really don't know what this is all about.

It is funny though that the same guys who were sponsoring "running over" anyone who blocks a roadway are now singing the praises of those that are blocking roadways.

Nope. Running over the animals pounding on cars and threatening Americans. See the difference?
They already have and he us now bringing the police and military into it. I hope they start firing shots. We'll see how tough they are then.

Oooooooh. How very nostalgic of you. You bring a tear to my glass eye.

You're the one that's simple.
You digging ditches for your fellow citizen's to fall into, will ultimately turn to bite you in your own ace... Of course you see government's as the answer in protecting you and your bull crap in life, so all haile or bend their knee to your style of government eh ?

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