True conservatism (here's a hint, most of you are dead wrong)


Gold Member
Nov 26, 2013
A true conservative advocates for minimal government interference in people's lives.
Federal government.
State government.
Local government.

A true conservative opposes too much power of the government over the people.
Federal government.
State government.
Local government.

A true conservative supports the rights of law abiding citizens to make their own choices.
The right to bear arms.
The right to marry a person of the same gender.
The right to have an early term abortion.
The right to buy or not buy health insurance.

A true conservative opposes overly concentrated power and its resulting tyranny.
Government power.
Corporate power.

Most of you who call yourselves conservatives are far from it.
A true conservative advocates for minimal government interference in people's lives.
Federal government.
State government.
Local government.

A true conservative opposes too much power of the government over the people.
Federal government.
State government.
Local government.

A true conservative supports the rights of law abiding citizens to make their own choices.
The right to bear arms.
The right to marry a person of the same gender.
The right to have an early term abortion.
The right to buy or not buy health insurance.

A true conservative opposes overly concentrated power and its resulting tyranny.
Government power.
Corporate power.

Most of you who call yourselves conservatives are far from it.

And the undermining of actual conservatism began some 45 years ago with the advent of the bane of the social right.
A true conservative advocates for minimal government interference in people's lives.
Federal government.
State government.
Local government.

A true conservative opposes too much power of the government over the people.
Federal government.
State government.
Local government.

A true conservative supports the rights of law abiding citizens to make their own choices.
The right to bear arms.
The right to marry a person of the same gender.
The right to have an early term abortion.
The right to buy or not buy health insurance.

A true conservative opposes overly concentrated power and its resulting tyranny.
Government power.
Corporate power.

Most of you who call yourselves conservatives are far from it.

When a liberal says a true conservative" opposes "corporate power," he means he supports massive regulation and crushing corporate taxation. In other word, a "true conservative" is a liberal.

Liberal bullshit never changes.
You defined a libertarian, not a conservative. Nice try though.
Being for murdering babies and opposing God's law is conservative? I don't think so.
Gotta love it when non-conservatives try to tell conservatives how to be conservatives.

A true conservative advocates for minimal government interference in people's lives.
Federal government.
State government.
Local government.

A true conservative opposes too much power of the government over the people.
Federal government.
State government.
Local government.

A true conservative supports the rights of law abiding citizens to make their own choices.
The right to bear arms.
The right to marry a person of the same gender.
The right to have an early term abortion.
The right to buy or not buy health insurance.

A true conservative opposes overly concentrated power and its resulting tyranny.
Government power.
Corporate power.

Most of you who call yourselves conservatives are far from it.

Maybe you should stick to being an expert on swimming....whatever that is.
The OP appears to be as ....shall we say obtuse as Jake is.
A true conservative advocates for minimal government interference in people's lives.
Federal government.
State government.
Local government.

A true conservative opposes too much power of the government over the people.
Federal government.
State government.
Local government.

A true conservative supports the rights of law abiding citizens to make their own choices.
The right to bear arms.
The right to marry a person of the same gender.
The right to have an early term abortion.
The right to buy or not buy health insurance.

A true conservative opposes overly concentrated power and its resulting tyranny.
Government power.
Corporate power.

Most of you who call yourselves conservatives are far from it.

Bullshit on so many levels. The first 2 are bullshit because they come with no definitions. True __ what the eff does that mean. Minimal Interference WTF does that mean. Too much power WTF is too much?

Own choices is correct but that ends when your choice takes choices away from others. Liberty is not the liberty to kill little babies. Liberty ends when it takes someone's life to make yours a little easier. But you have it correct on the other 3 in this group.

On the fourth item... WTF does overly concentrated power mean?

To sum up, you appear to be saying only you know what conservative means and everyone needs to consult with you to find out if they are conservative or not.
Here is what kills me about this board:

A rube reads his/her daily missive from some hack partisan web site or TV "news" program, then runs to this board to copy and paste what he/she saw.

RUBE: Obama throws puppies into rush hour traffic!

POSTER: That is manufactured bullshit.

RUBE: You are a liberal who voted twice for him!

I don't worry about what such a rube considers to be a "true conservative". Because to that kind of idiot, a "conservative" is someone who believes anything they are told which demonizes the opposition and glorifies their side. And even after being shown they are drinking piss, they line up for a refill.
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A true conservative advocates for minimal government interference in people's lives.
Federal government.
State government.
Local government.

A true conservative opposes too much power of the government over the people.
Federal government.
State government.
Local government.

A true conservative supports the rights of law abiding citizens to make their own choices.
The right to bear arms.
The right to marry a person of the same gender.
The right to have an early term abortion.
The right to buy or not buy health insurance.

A true conservative opposes overly concentrated power and its resulting tyranny.
Government power.
Corporate power.

Most of you who call yourselves conservatives are far from it.
Why would anyone pay any attention to liberal telling you "what a conservative is or believes " or a conservative telling you "what a liberal is or believes" ?

Why not listen to the actual person to find out who they are and what they believe?
Bullshit on so many levels. The first 2 are bullshit because they come with no definitions. True __ what the eff does that mean. Minimal Interference WTF does that mean. Too much power WTF is too much?

That you don't understand these demonstrates that you are conservative in name only.

I'm afraid you are misunderstanding the fallacy. The no-true-Scotsman fallacy applies when superficial characteristics are used to override defining core characteristics. I am not doing that, I am doing the opposite. I am affirming defining core characteristics and rejecting superficial qualities.

"A true conservative supports the overbearing government arbitrarily telling you who you can marry and how to have sex," is a no-true-Scotsman fallacy as it replaces a core defining trait (small government) with a superficial trait (opposition to gay marriage).

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