True power: Globalist can't hide awe of President Trump

Clearly, Trump is the dominant presence at Davos as any US president would be, but it goes far further than that.

Love him or hate him, he is a giant in today's world as perhaps no other world leader has been since time immemorial.

Man. You are in deep.

Dude is looked at as a clown with $$. Our money.
The world is full of fucked up leaders, most of them reside in Europe. globalism is truly evil

As communications & technology shrinks the planet, you want to ignore the rest of the world.

See, you people really are as fucking dumb as I said.
Whether Trump is a "giant" asshole or not is a point of view, as surely as is my opinion of you as a little prick.

Do you see how this works?

Trump is an asshole. You just love assholes.

Donald Trump says stupid shit & lies to get attention & then he calls the attention "fake News". He calls people names. He insults everyone & actually thinks he is smarter than everyone else.

The man is an asshole.

I might be a "little prick" or not, but I am way smarter & better informed than a panty waist Trump ass kisser like you.
If you were "smarter and better informed", you would not be the little prick you are.

Forget it. Your time had flown with the defeat of your Beast and Trump's election.
If you had a fucking brain, you wouldn't be a Trump supporter.

Let me k ow when you can actually post something true other than your lies to protect your orange buddy.

Yeah! If people had brains they would be good little commie leftards like you because "gubermint" is your good. You can't name one fucking thing that President Trump has done that has hurt this country. He has hurt the cause of the leftard clown posse of sniveling snowflakes but that's not a bad thing at all.

Pulled out of the Paris Accord
Pulled out of the TPP
Allowing more pollution
Calls Global Warming a fake
Put USA sty risk for a nuclear attack
Borrowed 1.5 trillion to give himself a tax cut
Abandoned a US territory after a hurricane
Dismantling every department of the US government
Alienated all of our allies through childish insults.
Trashed veterans
Lost our position in the world

Pulled out of the Paris Accord = A GOOD thing

Pulled out of the TPP = An even BETTER thing.......

Allowing more pollution? No, what it did was lift some burdensome regulations that have given cause to relocate industry to more business friendly countries at the cost to the middle class.

Calls Global Warming a fake: Global warming or climate change? Geo-engineering by the deep state is the cause of the weird weather anomalies and President Trump needs to address that and soon. The entire planet is being blanketed with hazardous heavy metal nano-particulates.

Put USA sty risk for a nuclear attack: By whom?????? And how????

Borrowed 1.5 trillion to give himself a tax cut: Borrowed from whom?

Abandoned a US territory after a hurricane: No, it was found that the Puerto Rican government dropped the ball with all kinds of resources just sitting on the docks and in warehouses

Dismantling every department of the US government: How so and even if he did? That would be a good thing. The Federal "gubermint" isn't your's parasitic entity.

Alienated all of our allies through childish insults: What allies and what insults? President Trump speaks blunt truth which is why we like him. We have been programmed to believe in cultural marxism lest we "offend" when the truth would fit better.

Trashed veterans: He trashed McCain and McCain is a piece of shit. I find it hilarious that leftards are now defending him when they went after him with a vengeance when he ran against the Barrypuppet in that sham of an election.

Lost our position in the world:Not even close but I wouldn't give two farts to the wind if we did. The time to take care of business at home has been a long time coming.
Its easy to laugh at the OP but he has a point.
Nobody ever wanted to do business with the worlds biggest economy before the ascent of Donald.
All you liberal commies just need to STFU.

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