Trump: 14th Amendment is Unconstitutional

Are you progressives actually going to NOW argue that an Amendment to a Constitution makes it part of that Constitution and therefore legitimate?

Cause I want to direct your attentions to Strauss v. Horton in which ALL you mofo's defended the ruling that the Amendment was "Unconstitutional".....

An Amendment to the U.S. Constitution makes it part of the United States Constitution- which the 14th Amendments is.

An Amendment to the California State Constitution can be found to be unconstitutional under the U.S. Constitution- which supercedes State's Constitution.
Are you progressives actually going to NOW argue that an Amendment to a Constitution makes it part of that Constitution and therefore legitimate?

Cause I want to direct your attentions to Strauss v. Horton in which ALL you mofo's defended the ruling that the Amendment was "Unconstitutional".....

An Amendment to the U.S. Constitution makes it part of the United States Constitution- which the 14th Amendments is.

An Amendment to the California State Constitution can be found to be unconstitutional under the U.S. Constitution- which supercedes State's Constitution.
In fact, it does not.....

Unless of course, the 9th and 10th Amendments are not part of the Constitution.....oh wait, they are....

However, that was NOT My point.

My point is the hypocrisy of the progressives on this forum...

Its the Constitution when it suits them......Its UN-Constitutional when it suits them.
Does any of Trumps lawyers have names?

They were in in Hawaii and we were "not supposed to believe" what they were finding.

Now this group is telling him the 14th Amendment to the Constitution is unconstitutional.

Maybe you guys can draft someone who is an expert on government like Sarah Palin (compared to this guy) to teach Trump how Govt. 101.
"On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show: The argument that an illegal alien can step into the United States, claim legal and political jurisdiction, and confer citizenship to their child is insane.

People claiming to be Constitutional experts saying that the 14th Amendment allows birthright citizenship are dead wrong.

The 14th Amendment didn’t even give citizenship to Native Americans, why would it give citizenship to illegal aliens?

Actually those people are 'dead right'- and the reason why the 14th Amendment did not apply to Native Americans depending upon the jurisdiction in which they were born is part of the reason why.

A child born in the United States is born within the jurisdiction of the United States- unless that child is born to a diplomat.
Are you progressives actually going to NOW argue that an Amendment to a Constitution makes it part of that Constitution and therefore legitimate?

Cause I want to direct your attentions to Strauss v. Horton in which ALL you mofo's defended the ruling that the Amendment was "Unconstitutional".....

An Amendment to the U.S. Constitution makes it part of the United States Constitution- which the 14th Amendments is.

An Amendment to the California State Constitution can be found to be unconstitutional under the U.S. Constitution- which supercedes State's Constitution.

My point is the hyppcrisy of the progressives on this forum...

Its the Constitution when it suits them......Its UNConstitutional when it suits them.

My point is the hypocrisy of your kind of conservatives.

The Constitution to you is just something to trot out to you when convenient.

But when a pet law of yours is overturned because it is unconstitutional, suddenly you are outraged.

Your hypocrisy reeks.
Are you progressives actually going to NOW argue that an Amendment to a Constitution makes it part of that Constitution and therefore legitimate?

Cause I want to direct your attentions to Strauss v. Horton in which ALL you mofo's defended the ruling that the Amendment was "Unconstitutional".....

An Amendment to the U.S. Constitution makes it part of the United States Constitution- which the 14th Amendments is.

An Amendment to the California State Constitution can be found to be unconstitutional under the U.S. Constitution- which supercedes State's Constitution.

My point is the hyppcrisy of the progressives on this forum...

Its the Constitution when it suits them......Its UNConstitutional when it suits them.

My point is the hypocrisy of your kind of conservatives.

The Constitution to you is just something to trot out to you when convenient.

But when a pet law of yours is overturned because it is unconstitutional, suddenly you are outraged.

Your hypocrisy reeks.
You're free to point it out at any time......I've always been consistent in My beliefs and support of the Constitution.

I just don't subscribe to progressive rewrites...
Are you progressives actually going to NOW argue that an Amendment to a Constitution makes it part of that Constitution and therefore legitimate?

Cause I want to direct your attentions to Strauss v. Horton in which ALL you mofo's defended the ruling that the Amendment was "Unconstitutional".....

An Amendment to the U.S. Constitution makes it part of the United States Constitution- which the 14th Amendments is.

An Amendment to the California State Constitution can be found to be unconstitutional under the U.S. Constitution- which supercedes State's Constitution.

My point is the hyppcrisy of the progressives on this forum...

Its the Constitution when it suits them......Its UNConstitutional when it suits them.

My point is the hypocrisy of your kind of conservatives.

The Constitution to you is just something to trot out to you when convenient.

But when a pet law of yours is overturned because it is unconstitutional, suddenly you are outraged.

Your hypocrisy reeks.

I just don't subscribe to progressive rewrites...

I.e. any decision regarding the Constitution you don't personally agree with.
Are you progressives actually going to NOW argue that an Amendment to a Constitution makes it part of that Constitution and therefore legitimate?

Cause I want to direct your attentions to Strauss v. Horton in which ALL you mofo's defended the ruling that the Amendment was "Unconstitutional".....

An Amendment to the U.S. Constitution makes it part of the United States Constitution- which the 14th Amendments is.

An Amendment to the California State Constitution can be found to be unconstitutional under the U.S. Constitution- which supercedes State's Constitution.

My point is the hyppcrisy of the progressives on this forum...

Its the Constitution when it suits them......Its UNConstitutional when it suits them.

My point is the hypocrisy of your kind of conservatives.

The Constitution to you is just something to trot out to you when convenient.

But when a pet law of yours is overturned because it is unconstitutional, suddenly you are outraged.

Your hypocrisy reeks.

I just don't subscribe to progressive rewrites...

I.e. any decision regarding the Constitution you don't personally agree with.
I base My disagreements upon the Constitution.......

Or do you think that the Courts get it right 100% of the time?

Disagreeing with the Courts is in no way hypocrisy.
Are you progressives actually going to NOW argue that an Amendment to a Constitution makes it part of that Constitution and therefore legitimate?

Cause I want to direct your attentions to Strauss v. Horton in which ALL you mofo's defended the ruling that the Amendment was "Unconstitutional".....

I'm not a progressive but...

Strauss v. Horton was an example of a ballot Proposition, NOT AN AMENDMENT, by the people to amend the California Constitution, which was later adjudicated in State Court. It was made moot a few years later in Hollingsworth v. Perry, 2013. There is a distinct and rational difference between State Propositions, Referendums and Plebiscites and the methods which one of the several States can deal with State Constitutional questions of one of those votes by the People in State Court AND that in a Federal Court.

Considering your proposition within the scope of the US Constitution, there exists no provision, method or instrument for a proposition, referendum or plebiscite under the US Constitution. Therefore, the US Constitution can only be amended by the People through Article V, the amendment process. If that were not so, we'd have been just another failed Republic in the 1860's. Even the Congress can't amend the US Constitution. It simply is not within their vested powers within Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 1-18.

And yes, an Amendment to the US Constitution does become a de facto part of the Constitution!
Yeah I couldnt make this up if I tried. This is a "gutcheck" post. If you try to defend Trump's statement it is proof positive you are a complete moron and abject ignoramus. I dont care what your political leanings.
Donald Trump says 14th Amendment is unconstitutional

I'll just leave it here...

Yeah I couldnt make this up if I tried. This is a "gutcheck" post. If you try to defend Trump's statement it is proof positive you are a complete moron and abject ignoramus. I dont care what your political leanings.
Donald Trump says 14th Amendment is unconstitutional

Jackson Care to comment on what your latest idol said?
For much of the country's history, voluntary acquisition or exercise of a foreign citizenship was considered sufficient cause for revocation of national citizenship.[60] This concept was enshrined in a series of treaties between the United States and other countries (the Bancroft Treaties). However, the Supreme Court repudiated this concept in Afroyim v. Rusk (1967),[61] as well as Vance v. Terrazas (1980),[62] holding that the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment barred the Congress from revoking citizenship. However, Congress can revoke citizenship that it had previously granted to a person not born in the United States.[63]

Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Damn. Let me ask you...did that sound as lame in your head before you cut and pasted it as it reads above.

So now,
In addition to,
12 million apprehensions
12 million immigration hearings
12 million breakfasts
12 million lunches
12 million dinners (each hearing would take a day---if they happen to get a hearing on the same day they were apprehended which has never happened)
12 million more hearings for judges,
12 million more hearings for INS attorneys to worry about
12 million bus tickets back to Reynosa
and 12 million possibilities that you may have wrongful apprehension suits, police brutality suits, identification hearings, etc....

We get to add 3-4 million acts of congress to strip away the citizenship of 5 year old children.

Ya know, about 70 days ago, if I were to suggest that we spend $12,000,000 more dollars on INS, you probably would have balked at it. I do know that last week, when Ms. Clinton proposed her $350B college plan to educate Americans, you said it was too costly. But I guess you can't put a price tag on your racism, can you?
Thank you for replying. If congress can revoke the citizenship of anyone, they can revoke the citizenship of all foreign children born in the US with just one act.

Just one year of expenditures of illegals costs 1 billion dollars. Camilies can be handles in just one hearing. Bam! 14 gone in one

I'll pay for their bus back. Many more would probably do so. too.
Trump was on Bill O'Reilly's show recently.

O'Reilly misquoted the 14th amendment, leaving out a significant part of it relevant to this issue, and insisted that it said simply that anybody born in the United States is a citizen, period. Knowing that wasn't so, Trump said that what O'Reilly had said "was unconstitutional". And the author of the article below, ignored the rest of the amendment's statement, and jumped to the conclusion that Trump was referring to the 14th amendment itself as "unconstitutional".

Here's the relevant part of the 14th amendment. I bolded the part O'Reilly and the author left out:

14th Amendment said:
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

Illegal aliens' kids born on this side of the border, aren't subject to the United States' jurisdiction, since their parents are here illegally. So they are not U.S. citizens, according to the Constitution.

If the Swedish ambassador and his wife go to a hospital in Washington and have a baby, that baby IS a U.S. citizen (and might be a dual citizen, US and Sweden), since their parents were here legally. Ditto for the ambassador from Kenya or England or Mexico or Russia.

Trump didn't say the 14th amendment is unconstitutional. He never mentioned the 14th amendment at all. He said O'Reilly's interpretation of it was unconstitutional. In fact, Trump is right: O'Reilly's interpretation doesn't agree with what the Constitution (specifically the 14th amendment) actually says.

But the author, and O'Reilly, ignored this in yelling about a supposed goof by Trump... when in fact they were the ones making the mistake.


Donald Trump says 14th Amendment is unconstitutional

"Donald Trump says 14th Amendment is unconstitutional"

Dylan Stableford
‎August‎ ‎19‎, ‎2015

Donald Trump is defending his controversial immigration plan, telling Fox News’ Bill O'Reilly that the 14th Amendment — which guarantees citizenship to all people “born or naturalized in the United States,” including children whose parents came to the country illegally — is unconstitutional.

“It’s not going to hold up in court,” Trump said on The Factor Tuesday.

On Sunday, the Republican frontrunner released his formal plan for immigration reform, calling for a wall across the southern border to be paid for by Mexico, the defunding of so-called sanctuary cities and the “mandatory return of all criminal aliens” to their home countries — including so-called birthright citizens protected by the 14th Amendment.

“We’re going to keep the families together, but they have to go,“ Trump said on NBC’s Meet the Press.
Yeah I couldnt make this up if I tried. This is a "gutcheck" post. If you try to defend Trump's statement it is proof positive you are a complete moron and abject ignoramus. I dont care what your political leanings.
Donald Trump says 14th Amendment is unconstitutional

No. I don't believe he said an Amendment is unconstitutional.

What he was contending was poorly articulated perhaps, but a bit more subtle.

He was suggesting that 14th Amendment doesn't even APPLY to children of aliens who happen to be born within the borders of the United States.

And there is actually good reason to believe that's true.
Democrats will believe anything.
O'Reilly's not a Democrat, though he often recommends big-govt solutions to problems when it's not appropriate (or even constitutional).

As for the article author, who knows.

But it's usually true that Democrats will believe anything... especially when it's something that makes a conservative (or even Trump) look bad.
Why does Trump have so much trouble getting people to understand what he says?

Does he need a translator?
Trump was on Bill O'Reilly's show recently.

O'Reilly misquoted the 14th amendment, leaving out a significant part of it relevant to this issue, and insisted that it said simply that anybody born in the United States is a citizen, period. Knowing that wasn't so, Trump said that what O'Reilly had said "was unconstitutional". And the author of the article below, ignored the rest of the amendment's statement, and jumped to the conclusion that Trump was referring to the 14th amendment itself as "unconstitutional".

Here's the relevant part of the 14th amendment. I bolded the part O'Reilly and the author left out:

14th Amendment said:
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

Illegal aliens' kids born on this side of the border, aren't subject to the United States' jurisdiction, since their parents are here illegally. So they are not U.S. citizens, according to the Constitution.

If the Swedish ambassador and his wife go to a hospital in Washington and have a baby, that baby IS a U.S. citizen (and might be a dual citizen, US and Sweden), since their parents were here legally. Ditto for the ambassador from Kenya or England or Mexico or Russia.

Trump didn't say the 14th amendment is unconstitutional. He never mentioned the 14th amendment at all. He said O'Reilly's interpretation of it was unconstitutional. In fact, Trump is right: O'Reilly's interpretation doesn't agree with what the Constitution (specifically the 14th amendment) actually says.

But the author, and O'Reilly, ignored this in yelling about a supposed goof by Trump... when in fact they were the ones making the mistake.


Donald Trump says 14th Amendment is unconstitutional

"Donald Trump says 14th Amendment is unconstitutional"

Dylan Stableford
‎August‎ ‎19‎, ‎2015

Donald Trump is defending his controversial immigration plan, telling Fox News’ Bill O'Reilly that the 14th Amendment — which guarantees citizenship to all people “born or naturalized in the United States,” including children whose parents came to the country illegally — is unconstitutional.

“It’s not going to hold up in court,” Trump said on The Factor Tuesday.

On Sunday, the Republican frontrunner released his formal plan for immigration reform, calling for a wall across the southern border to be paid for by Mexico, the defunding of so-called sanctuary cities and the “mandatory return of all criminal aliens” to their home countries — including so-called birthright citizens protected by the 14th Amendment.

“We’re going to keep the families together, but they have to go,“ Trump said on NBC’s Meet the Press.

"Illegal aliens" are not subject to a country's laws huh?

You mean all one has to do is get into the country under the radar, and that makes you a sovereign citizen who can do whatever you want?

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