Trump a bigot? Misogynist?Don't tell that to the African-American Trump executive Lynne Patton

so she's the token nigga![/QUOTE]
Spoken like a true KKK Democrat racist.[/QUOTE]
Spoken like a republican supporter of the Klan.[/QUOTE]

Spoken like a hypocrite Democrat condoning and defending it's racist party name and racist supporters.[/QUOTE]
Says a member of the party that supports neo Nazis , gun nuts and religious zealots.[/QUOTE]
Says a member of the KKK Democrat party that kept it's Nazi racist party name, HITLERY, and hated black Republicans[/QUOTE]
Now you're just making shit up![/QUOTE]

Oh? The Klan was born in that deep blue liberal Capitol of Pulaski Tennessee!!!! Lol!

How many times do we have to go over the democrat / republican name swap?
This young woman is amazing and her journey with the Trump family is an awesome read.

Lynne is so angry at the over the top accusations against the Trumps that not only did she put out a video that the MSM ignored but now she has given an interview to the DM.

*Sigh* You know this racist and misogynist bullshit is getting so freaking old left wingers. It's tiring.

You are like broken records throwing around completely invalid accusations 24/7. Most of you aren't even worth the time of day to debate because all you do is regurgitate talking points from all your sources.

And yes, I know those sources because I always check in to see what the new "grievance du jour" is going to be before I log in to USMB.

Where did all the interesting liberals go from USMB? I miss them. Only a few left that post on occasion. Pity.

I digress. :)

May I introduce you to Lynne Patton. The Trump executive in charge of distributing millions of dollars to charities for the Trump organization. Ta da!


Patton, vice president of the Eric Trump Foundation and senior assistant to the Trump family, has grown particularly close with Eric Trump and his wife Lara (left)

A bit of her story from the article and it's one hell of a great read:

'The Trump family that I know is, without question, one of the most generous, compassionate and philanthropic families I've ever had the privilege of knowing and the honor to call friends,' Patton says.

'They have been incredibly loyal to me and to the countless dedicated people they employ around the world - hiring more minority and female executives than any other company for which I've ever worked.'

Choking up, she says in the video, 'Like many Americans, I have struggled with substance abuse and addiction. The Trump family has stood by me through immensely difficult times without hesitation, nor concern for their own reputation by association.

'They continue to trust me with every aspect of their lives and the lives of their families. They invite me into their homes and welcome me at their family gatherings.'

Patton's defense and support of Trump are not linked to her employment but rather to the facts surrounding the presidential race, she says.

'As the daughter of a man born in Birmingham, Alabama, who rose against all odds to become one of the most established and respected doctors at Yale University, there is no amount of money in the world that could buy my loyalty to a family that subscribed to such intolerant and bigoted ideologies,' she says.

They've all become like family members to me - Eric is truly the brother I never had and Lara, his wife, has become one of my best friends. We all go out to dinner together outside of the office and travel together outside the office.

Patton deliberately chose not to seek approval from the Trump family before going public. She feared that they would be more concerned for her safety than for their own reputations.

Indeed, the presidential candidate did not know about the video until Sean Hannity played it for him on his Fox News Channel show on May 3.

'That was so beautiful from Lynne... She is so amazing,' Trump said with emotion."

More at link:

I'm proof Donald Trump isn't a bigot, says African-American Trump exec


Patton (pictured in back in a group selfie with Eric Trump) says that the Trump family has stood by her side during 'immensely difficult times without hesitation or concern for their own reputation by association'

It's one testimonial from an interested party.

Whatever it is, it is not proof, as she claims, that Trump is not a bigot.

At best it is one person's claim that Trump is not a bigot towards HER.
This young woman is amazing and her journey with the Trump family is an awesome read.

Lynne is so angry at the over the top accusations against the Trumps that not only did she put out a video that the MSM ignored but now she has given an interview to the DM.

*Sigh* You know this racist and misogynist bullshit is getting so freaking old left wingers. It's tiring.

You are like broken records throwing around completely invalid accusations 24/7. Most of you aren't even worth the time of day to debate because all you do is regurgitate talking points from all your sources.

And yes, I know those sources because I always check in to see what the new "grievance du jour" is going to be before I log in to USMB.

Where did all the interesting liberals go from USMB? I miss them. Only a few left that post on occasion. Pity.

I digress. :)

May I introduce you to Lynne Patton. The Trump executive in charge of distributing millions of dollars to charities for the Trump organization. Ta da!


Patton, vice president of the Eric Trump Foundation and senior assistant to the Trump family, has grown particularly close with Eric Trump and his wife Lara (left)

A bit of her story from the article and it's one hell of a great read:

'The Trump family that I know is, without question, one of the most generous, compassionate and philanthropic families I've ever had the privilege of knowing and the honor to call friends,' Patton says.

'They have been incredibly loyal to me and to the countless dedicated people they employ around the world - hiring more minority and female executives than any other company for which I've ever worked.'

Choking up, she says in the video, 'Like many Americans, I have struggled with substance abuse and addiction. The Trump family has stood by me through immensely difficult times without hesitation, nor concern for their own reputation by association.

'They continue to trust me with every aspect of their lives and the lives of their families. They invite me into their homes and welcome me at their family gatherings.'

Patton's defense and support of Trump are not linked to her employment but rather to the facts surrounding the presidential race, she says.

'As the daughter of a man born in Birmingham, Alabama, who rose against all odds to become one of the most established and respected doctors at Yale University, there is no amount of money in the world that could buy my loyalty to a family that subscribed to such intolerant and bigoted ideologies,' she says.

They've all become like family members to me - Eric is truly the brother I never had and Lara, his wife, has become one of my best friends. We all go out to dinner together outside of the office and travel together outside the office.

Patton deliberately chose not to seek approval from the Trump family before going public. She feared that they would be more concerned for her safety than for their own reputations.

Indeed, the presidential candidate did not know about the video until Sean Hannity played it for him on his Fox News Channel show on May 3.

'That was so beautiful from Lynne... She is so amazing,' Trump said with emotion."

More at link:

I'm proof Donald Trump isn't a bigot, says African-American Trump exec


Patton (pictured in back in a group selfie with Eric Trump) says that the Trump family has stood by her side during 'immensely difficult times without hesitation or concern for their own reputation by association'
trumps been in the public eye for over 30 years.

but now that he's running as a rep he's a racist and a sexist

all of a sudden, like magic, the world didn't see it, for 30 years.

And for those leftist that still don't get it; The media is lying to you, you are believing their lies w/o a single thought of your own.
This young woman is amazing and her journey with the Trump family is an awesome read.

Lynne is so angry at the over the top accusations against the Trumps that not only did she put out a video that the MSM ignored but now she has given an interview to the DM.

*Sigh* You know this racist and misogynist bullshit is getting so freaking old left wingers. It's tiring.

You are like broken records throwing around completely invalid accusations 24/7. Most of you aren't even worth the time of day to debate because all you do is regurgitate talking points from all your sources.

And yes, I know those sources because I always check in to see what the new "grievance du jour" is going to be before I log in to USMB.

Where did all the interesting liberals go from USMB? I miss them. Only a few left that post on occasion. Pity.

I digress. :)

May I introduce you to Lynne Patton. The Trump executive in charge of distributing millions of dollars to charities for the Trump organization. Ta da!


Patton, vice president of the Eric Trump Foundation and senior assistant to the Trump family, has grown particularly close with Eric Trump and his wife Lara (left)

A bit of her story from the article and it's one hell of a great read:

'The Trump family that I know is, without question, one of the most generous, compassionate and philanthropic families I've ever had the privilege of knowing and the honor to call friends,' Patton says.

'They have been incredibly loyal to me and to the countless dedicated people they employ around the world - hiring more minority and female executives than any other company for which I've ever worked.'

Choking up, she says in the video, 'Like many Americans, I have struggled with substance abuse and addiction. The Trump family has stood by me through immensely difficult times without hesitation, nor concern for their own reputation by association.

'They continue to trust me with every aspect of their lives and the lives of their families. They invite me into their homes and welcome me at their family gatherings.'

Patton's defense and support of Trump are not linked to her employment but rather to the facts surrounding the presidential race, she says.

'As the daughter of a man born in Birmingham, Alabama, who rose against all odds to become one of the most established and respected doctors at Yale University, there is no amount of money in the world that could buy my loyalty to a family that subscribed to such intolerant and bigoted ideologies,' she says.

They've all become like family members to me - Eric is truly the brother I never had and Lara, his wife, has become one of my best friends. We all go out to dinner together outside of the office and travel together outside the office.

Patton deliberately chose not to seek approval from the Trump family before going public. She feared that they would be more concerned for her safety than for their own reputations.

Indeed, the presidential candidate did not know about the video until Sean Hannity played it for him on his Fox News Channel show on May 3.

'That was so beautiful from Lynne... She is so amazing,' Trump said with emotion."

More at link:

I'm proof Donald Trump isn't a bigot, says African-American Trump exec


Patton (pictured in back in a group selfie with Eric Trump) says that the Trump family has stood by her side during 'immensely difficult times without hesitation or concern for their own reputation by association'
trumps been in the public eye for over 30 years.

but now that he's running as a rep he's a racist and a sexist

all of a sudden, like magic, the world didn't see it, for 30 years.

And for those leftist that still don't get it; The media is lying to you, you are believing their lies w/o a single thought of your own.

Years ago he was sued for racial discrimination for not renting to minorities .
Demorats in this thread are blatant as fuck with their racism.

Uncle Tom's?

And completely ignorant to their own hypocrisy
This young woman is amazing and her journey with the Trump family is an awesome read.

Lynne is so angry at the over the top accusations against the Trumps that not only did she put out a video that the MSM ignored but now she has given an interview to the DM.

*Sigh* You know this racist and misogynist bullshit is getting so freaking old left wingers. It's tiring.

You are like broken records throwing around completely invalid accusations 24/7. Most of you aren't even worth the time of day to debate because all you do is regurgitate talking points from all your sources.

And yes, I know those sources because I always check in to see what the new "grievance du jour" is going to be before I log in to USMB.

Where did all the interesting liberals go from USMB? I miss them. Only a few left that post on occasion. Pity.

I digress. :)

May I introduce you to Lynne Patton. The Trump executive in charge of distributing millions of dollars to charities for the Trump organization. Ta da!


Patton, vice president of the Eric Trump Foundation and senior assistant to the Trump family, has grown particularly close with Eric Trump and his wife Lara (left)

A bit of her story from the article and it's one hell of a great read:

'The Trump family that I know is, without question, one of the most generous, compassionate and philanthropic families I've ever had the privilege of knowing and the honor to call friends,' Patton says.

'They have been incredibly loyal to me and to the countless dedicated people they employ around the world - hiring more minority and female executives than any other company for which I've ever worked.'

Choking up, she says in the video, 'Like many Americans, I have struggled with substance abuse and addiction. The Trump family has stood by me through immensely difficult times without hesitation, nor concern for their own reputation by association.

'They continue to trust me with every aspect of their lives and the lives of their families. They invite me into their homes and welcome me at their family gatherings.'

Patton's defense and support of Trump are not linked to her employment but rather to the facts surrounding the presidential race, she says.

'As the daughter of a man born in Birmingham, Alabama, who rose against all odds to become one of the most established and respected doctors at Yale University, there is no amount of money in the world that could buy my loyalty to a family that subscribed to such intolerant and bigoted ideologies,' she says.

They've all become like family members to me - Eric is truly the brother I never had and Lara, his wife, has become one of my best friends. We all go out to dinner together outside of the office and travel together outside the office.

Patton deliberately chose not to seek approval from the Trump family before going public. She feared that they would be more concerned for her safety than for their own reputations.

Indeed, the presidential candidate did not know about the video until Sean Hannity played it for him on his Fox News Channel show on May 3.

'That was so beautiful from Lynne... She is so amazing,' Trump said with emotion."

More at link:

I'm proof Donald Trump isn't a bigot, says African-American Trump exec


Patton (pictured in back in a group selfie with Eric Trump) says that the Trump family has stood by her side during 'immensely difficult times without hesitation or concern for their own reputation by association'
trumps been in the public eye for over 30 years.

but now that he's running as a rep he's a racist and a sexist

all of a sudden, like magic, the world didn't see it, for 30 years.

And for those leftist that still don't get it; The media is lying to you, you are believing their lies w/o a single thought of your own.

:0) Talk about magic ..

Donald Trump is PT Barnum .. and you're the sucker. :lol:

Which Donald Trump is he .. or have you been played for a fool? :0)
Ah you left wing bigots swarming this thread are such swine and liars. Donald Trump's history is well known. When he bought Mar a Lago he refused to join any other clubs because they discriminated against blacks and Jews,

And his Mar a Lago was the first club in Palm Beach to break the color barrier and the religious barrier.

You're just ignorant liars one and all.

This young woman is amazing and her journey with the Trump family is an awesome read.

Lynne is so angry at the over the top accusations against the Trumps that not only did she put out a video that the MSM ignored but now she has given an interview to the DM.

*Sigh* You know this racist and misogynist bullshit is getting so freaking old left wingers. It's tiring.

You are like broken records throwing around completely invalid accusations 24/7. Most of you aren't even worth the time of day to debate because all you do is regurgitate talking points from all your sources.

And yes, I know those sources because I always check in to see what the new "grievance du jour" is going to be before I log in to USMB.

Where did all the interesting liberals go from USMB? I miss them. Only a few left that post on occasion. Pity.

I digress. :)

May I introduce you to Lynne Patton. The Trump executive in charge of distributing millions of dollars to charities for the Trump organization. Ta da!


Patton, vice president of the Eric Trump Foundation and senior assistant to the Trump family, has grown particularly close with Eric Trump and his wife Lara (left)

A bit of her story from the article and it's one hell of a great read:

'The Trump family that I know is, without question, one of the most generous, compassionate and philanthropic families I've ever had the privilege of knowing and the honor to call friends,' Patton says.

'They have been incredibly loyal to me and to the countless dedicated people they employ around the world - hiring more minority and female executives than any other company for which I've ever worked.'

Choking up, she says in the video, 'Like many Americans, I have struggled with substance abuse and addiction. The Trump family has stood by me through immensely difficult times without hesitation, nor concern for their own reputation by association.

'They continue to trust me with every aspect of their lives and the lives of their families. They invite me into their homes and welcome me at their family gatherings.'

Patton's defense and support of Trump are not linked to her employment but rather to the facts surrounding the presidential race, she says.

'As the daughter of a man born in Birmingham, Alabama, who rose against all odds to become one of the most established and respected doctors at Yale University, there is no amount of money in the world that could buy my loyalty to a family that subscribed to such intolerant and bigoted ideologies,' she says.

They've all become like family members to me - Eric is truly the brother I never had and Lara, his wife, has become one of my best friends. We all go out to dinner together outside of the office and travel together outside the office.

Patton deliberately chose not to seek approval from the Trump family before going public. She feared that they would be more concerned for her safety than for their own reputations.

Indeed, the presidential candidate did not know about the video until Sean Hannity played it for him on his Fox News Channel show on May 3.

'That was so beautiful from Lynne... She is so amazing,' Trump said with emotion."

More at link:

I'm proof Donald Trump isn't a bigot, says African-American Trump exec


Patton (pictured in back in a group selfie with Eric Trump) says that the Trump family has stood by her side during 'immensely difficult times without hesitation or concern for their own reputation by association'
trumps been in the public eye for over 30 years.

but now that he's running as a rep he's a racist and a sexist

all of a sudden, like magic, the world didn't see it, for 30 years.

And for those leftist that still don't get it; The media is lying to you, you are believing their lies w/o a single thought of your own.

Only thing I beg to differ with you on is that I believe they know damn well that the media is lying and they come on the board and know the lies and perpetuate the lies.
Because no matter how many times we can make an argument and back up a case in a thread, whoa bingo bango you have another lying thread coming up about the exact same topic and the players like rdean, luddly, Lakhota and others will continue to spout the same lie.
This young woman is amazing and her journey with the Trump family is an awesome read.

Lynne is so angry at the over the top accusations against the Trumps that not only did she put out a video that the MSM ignored but now she has given an interview to the DM.

*Sigh* You know this racist and misogynist bullshit is getting so freaking old left wingers. It's tiring.

You are like broken records throwing around completely invalid accusations 24/7. Most of you aren't even worth the time of day to debate because all you do is regurgitate talking points from all your sources.

And yes, I know those sources because I always check in to see what the new "grievance du jour" is going to be before I log in to USMB.

Where did all the interesting liberals go from USMB? I miss them. Only a few left that post on occasion. Pity.

I digress. :)

May I introduce you to Lynne Patton. The Trump executive in charge of distributing millions of dollars to charities for the Trump organization. Ta da!


Patton, vice president of the Eric Trump Foundation and senior assistant to the Trump family, has grown particularly close with Eric Trump and his wife Lara (left)

A bit of her story from the article and it's one hell of a great read:

'The Trump family that I know is, without question, one of the most generous, compassionate and philanthropic families I've ever had the privilege of knowing and the honor to call friends,' Patton says.

'They have been incredibly loyal to me and to the countless dedicated people they employ around the world - hiring more minority and female executives than any other company for which I've ever worked.'

Choking up, she says in the video, 'Like many Americans, I have struggled with substance abuse and addiction. The Trump family has stood by me through immensely difficult times without hesitation, nor concern for their own reputation by association.

'They continue to trust me with every aspect of their lives and the lives of their families. They invite me into their homes and welcome me at their family gatherings.'

Patton's defense and support of Trump are not linked to her employment but rather to the facts surrounding the presidential race, she says.

'As the daughter of a man born in Birmingham, Alabama, who rose against all odds to become one of the most established and respected doctors at Yale University, there is no amount of money in the world that could buy my loyalty to a family that subscribed to such intolerant and bigoted ideologies,' she says.

They've all become like family members to me - Eric is truly the brother I never had and Lara, his wife, has become one of my best friends. We all go out to dinner together outside of the office and travel together outside the office.

Patton deliberately chose not to seek approval from the Trump family before going public. She feared that they would be more concerned for her safety than for their own reputations.

Indeed, the presidential candidate did not know about the video until Sean Hannity played it for him on his Fox News Channel show on May 3.

'That was so beautiful from Lynne... She is so amazing,' Trump said with emotion."

More at link:

I'm proof Donald Trump isn't a bigot, says African-American Trump exec


Patton (pictured in back in a group selfie with Eric Trump) says that the Trump family has stood by her side during 'immensely difficult times without hesitation or concern for their own reputation by association'
trumps been in the public eye for over 30 years.

but now that he's running as a rep he's a racist and a sexist

all of a sudden, like magic, the world didn't see it, for 30 years.

And for those leftist that still don't get it; The media is lying to you, you are believing their lies w/o a single thought of your own.

:0) Talk about magic ..

Donald Trump is PT Barnum .. and you're the sucker. :lol:

Which Donald Trump is he .. or have you been played for a fool? :0)

2007? A choice between Obama and Hillary? At the time the answer would have made sense since she was the more experienced Senator. That's almost a decade ago sparky.
Ah you left wing bigots swarming this thread are such swine and liars. Donald Trump's history is well known. When he bought Mar a Lago he refused to join any other clubs because they discriminated against blacks and Jews,

And his Mar a Lago was the first club in Palm Beach to break the color barrier and the religious barrier.

You're just ignorant liars one and all.


The ignorant fool here is obvious. :0)

... and Trump intends to make money off the ignorance of those who support him.

"It's all an act." -- Donald Trump

Donald Trump and his aides admit that it’s all an act
Donald Trump and his aides admit that it’s all an act

:lol: .. but hey, good luck with that.
This young woman is amazing and her journey with the Trump family is an awesome read.

Lynne is so angry at the over the top accusations against the Trumps that not only did she put out a video that the MSM ignored but now she has given an interview to the DM.

*Sigh* You know this racist and misogynist bullshit is getting so freaking old left wingers. It's tiring.

You are like broken records throwing around completely invalid accusations 24/7. Most of you aren't even worth the time of day to debate because all you do is regurgitate talking points from all your sources.

And yes, I know those sources because I always check in to see what the new "grievance du jour" is going to be before I log in to USMB.

Where did all the interesting liberals go from USMB? I miss them. Only a few left that post on occasion. Pity.

I digress. :)

May I introduce you to Lynne Patton. The Trump executive in charge of distributing millions of dollars to charities for the Trump organization. Ta da!


Patton, vice president of the Eric Trump Foundation and senior assistant to the Trump family, has grown particularly close with Eric Trump and his wife Lara (left)

A bit of her story from the article and it's one hell of a great read:

'The Trump family that I know is, without question, one of the most generous, compassionate and philanthropic families I've ever had the privilege of knowing and the honor to call friends,' Patton says.

'They have been incredibly loyal to me and to the countless dedicated people they employ around the world - hiring more minority and female executives than any other company for which I've ever worked.'

Choking up, she says in the video, 'Like many Americans, I have struggled with substance abuse and addiction. The Trump family has stood by me through immensely difficult times without hesitation, nor concern for their own reputation by association.

'They continue to trust me with every aspect of their lives and the lives of their families. They invite me into their homes and welcome me at their family gatherings.'

Patton's defense and support of Trump are not linked to her employment but rather to the facts surrounding the presidential race, she says.

'As the daughter of a man born in Birmingham, Alabama, who rose against all odds to become one of the most established and respected doctors at Yale University, there is no amount of money in the world that could buy my loyalty to a family that subscribed to such intolerant and bigoted ideologies,' she says.

They've all become like family members to me - Eric is truly the brother I never had and Lara, his wife, has become one of my best friends. We all go out to dinner together outside of the office and travel together outside the office.

Patton deliberately chose not to seek approval from the Trump family before going public. She feared that they would be more concerned for her safety than for their own reputations.

Indeed, the presidential candidate did not know about the video until Sean Hannity played it for him on his Fox News Channel show on May 3.

'That was so beautiful from Lynne... She is so amazing,' Trump said with emotion."

More at link:

I'm proof Donald Trump isn't a bigot, says African-American Trump exec


Patton (pictured in back in a group selfie with Eric Trump) says that the Trump family has stood by her side during 'immensely difficult times without hesitation or concern for their own reputation by association'
trumps been in the public eye for over 30 years.

but now that he's running as a rep he's a racist and a sexist

all of a sudden, like magic, the world didn't see it, for 30 years.

And for those leftist that still don't get it; The media is lying to you, you are believing their lies w/o a single thought of your own.

:0) Talk about magic ..

Donald Trump is PT Barnum .. and you're the sucker. :lol:

Which Donald Trump is he .. or have you been played for a fool? :0)

2007? A choice between Obama and Hillary? At the time the answer would have made sense since she was the more experienced Senator. That's almost a decade ago sparky.

Don't worry about it, Hazel. :0) The truth is above your paygrade. :0)
Ah you left wing bigots swarming this thread are such swine and liars. Donald Trump's history is well known. When he bought Mar a Lago he refused to join any other clubs because they discriminated against blacks and Jews,

And his Mar a Lago was the first club in Palm Beach to break the color barrier and the religious barrier.

You're just ignorant liattedrs one and all.

Only because it profited him .
If you believe otherwise you really are a sucker.
This young woman is amazing and her journey with the Trump family is an awesome read.

Lynne is so angry at the over the top accusations against the Trumps that not only did she put out a video that the MSM ignored but now she has given an interview to the DM.

*Sigh* You know this racist and misogynist bullshit is getting so freaking old left wingers. It's tiring.

You are like broken records throwing around completely invalid accusations 24/7. Most of you aren't even worth the time of day to debate because all you do is regurgitate talking points from all your sources.

And yes, I know those sources because I always check in to see what the new "grievance du jour" is going to be before I log in to USMB.

Where did all the interesting liberals go from USMB? I miss them. Only a few left that post on occasion. Pity.

I digress. :)

May I introduce you to Lynne Patton. The Trump executive in charge of distributing millions of dollars to charities for the Trump organization. Ta da!


Patton, vice president of the Eric Trump Foundation and senior assistant to the Trump family, has grown particularly close with Eric Trump and his wife Lara (left)

A bit of her story from the article and it's one hell of a great read:

'The Trump family that I know is, without question, one of the most generous, compassionate and philanthropic families I've ever had the privilege of knowing and the honor to call friends,' Patton says.

'They have been incredibly loyal to me and to the countless dedicated people they employ around the world - hiring more minority and female executives than any other company for which I've ever worked.'

Choking up, she says in the video, 'Like many Americans, I have struggled with substance abuse and addiction. The Trump family has stood by me through immensely difficult times without hesitation, nor concern for their own reputation by association.

'They continue to trust me with every aspect of their lives and the lives of their families. They invite me into their homes and welcome me at their family gatherings.'

Patton's defense and support of Trump are not linked to her employment but rather to the facts surrounding the presidential race, she says.

'As the daughter of a man born in Birmingham, Alabama, who rose against all odds to become one of the most established and respected doctors at Yale University, there is no amount of money in the world that could buy my loyalty to a family that subscribed to such intolerant and bigoted ideologies,' she says.

They've all become like family members to me - Eric is truly the brother I never had and Lara, his wife, has become one of my best friends. We all go out to dinner together outside of the office and travel together outside the office.

Patton deliberately chose not to seek approval from the Trump family before going public. She feared that they would be more concerned for her safety than for their own reputations.

Indeed, the presidential candidate did not know about the video until Sean Hannity played it for him on his Fox News Channel show on May 3.

'That was so beautiful from Lynne... She is so amazing,' Trump said with emotion."

More at link:

I'm proof Donald Trump isn't a bigot, says African-American Trump exec


Patton (pictured in back in a group selfie with Eric Trump) says that the Trump family has stood by her side during 'immensely difficult times without hesitation or concern for their own reputation by association'
trumps been in the public eye for over 30 years.

but now that he's running as a rep he's a racist and a sexist

all of a sudden, like magic, the world didn't see it, for 30 years.

And for those leftist that still don't get it; The media is lying to you, you are believing their lies w/o a single thought of your own.

:0) Talk about magic ..

Donald Trump is PT Barnum .. and you're the sucker. :lol:

Which Donald Trump is he .. or have you been played for a fool? :0)

2007? A choice between Obama and Hillary? At the time the answer would have made sense since she was the more experienced Senator. That's almost a decade ago sparky.[/QUOTE ]

Is that supposed to mean something?
Patton had a substance abuse problem and the Trump family has stuck with her thru thick and thin to help her get over it. They have placed her in a key position in their organizations. Lynne handles millions of dollars for crying out loud. She's a family friend.

They've been loyal to her. Do you do that with a token? Man the bigotry on this board is just stunning.

Left wing wankers can't even admit they are wrong. You've got your marching orders that Trump is a misogynist and a racist and you are going to keep bitterly clinging to it.


That's Daws... profoundly bigoted.
Only against actually bigots.

Hey your're the one ranting about "niggas" and "tokens".
True but as example only.
Not real adept at sarcasm, are you?

I don't consider calling a person of color a "token nigga" sarcasm... it' s a s bad as McGarrett's depiction of the Obama's as chimps.

Yep- stupid- and disgusting.

Frankly everyone who calls her a 'token' is judging her based upon her race.
That's Daws... profoundly bigoted.
Only against actually bigots.

Hey your're the one ranting about "niggas" and "tokens".
True but as example only.
Not real adept at sarcasm, are you?

I don't consider calling a person of color a "token nigga" sarcasm... it' s a s bad as McGarrett's depiction of the Obama's as chimps.

Yep- stupid- and disgusting.

Frankly everyone who calls her a 'token' is judging her based upon her race.

In this context, 'token' is a race-based label .. and yes, I consider her a token. She's propped up to suggest that Trump isn't a racist. That's a token.

If you're black and working for what appears to be an overt racist who says nasty shit about black people, you SHOULD expect to be called a token and worse. Just because she's black doesn't make her immune from critique

I think using the N word to describe her is out of order, but then again, I recognize the context in which it was used and it wasn't said by someone I would consider a racist. It's all about context brother..
Ah you left wing bigots swarming this thread are such swine and liars. Donald Trump's history is well known. When he bought Mar a Lago he refused to join any other clubs because they discriminated against blacks and Jews,

And his Mar a Lago was the first club in Palm Beach to break the color barrier and the religious barrier.

You're just ignorant liars one and all.


The ignorant fool here is obvious. :0)

... and Trump intends to make money off the ignorance of those who support him.

"It's all an act." -- Donald Trump

Donald Trump and his aides admit that it’s all an act
Donald Trump and his aides admit that it’s all an act

:lol: .. but hey, good luck with that.
Hillary was "broke" when she left the Whitehouse according to her own words. Before ever getting a job she was suddenly a millionaire.

Tell us again who was playing who?

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