Trump About To Spill The Beans On All Of His Critics Who Liked Him Before He Ran For POTUS


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Imagine the embarrassing stories that Trump can tell about people who are so hateful toward him now, but used to be close friends with him before he announced he would run as a Republican.
Hillary and other's are upset that he would do such a thing.

You see, it makes them all look like horrible hypocrites. Celebrities hate being shown to be fakes.

They've been trashing him for years.....and now he figures it's time for some payback.
I would be willing to bet that some of these letters were the primary reason why the FBI raided his home.

"Former President Donald Trump is preparing to show private letters given to him by celebrities and they are going insane. In his next book, titled “Letters To Trump,” the former president will show how people who are against him now loved him before he campaigned for president in 2016, Breitbart News reported.​
“The book includes correspondence with such wide-ranging figures as royal world leaders like Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Diana; cultural figures like Clint Eastwood, Oprah Winfrey, and Michael Jackson; sports stars like Shaquille O’Neal; and former presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. It also has correspondence Trump had with foreign leaders like Chinese President Xi Jinping, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, and former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro,” Breitbart reported.​
Donald Trump Jr., the former president’s oldest son, said that the way celebrities acted toward his dad changed when he decided that he wanted to be president.​
“My father has lived an amazing life and has been around some of the most interesting people in the world,” he said to Breitbart News. “It’s amazing how quickly their adoration of him changed when he ran for office as a Republican. ‘Letters to Trump’ shows you exactly how they felt about him and how phony their newfound disdain truly is.”​
One of the letters came from John F. Kennedy Jr. after Trump visited the offices of his magazine “George.”​
“Dear Donald,” Kennedy said. “Many thanks for joining us the other day at the George offices to discourse on politics, New York, men, and women. Our staff thoroughly enjoyed your remarks and I trust you found the questions thought-provoking. You were most generous to make the time. Thanks again. -John Kennedy.”​
Trump said that Kennedy was a friend and that he believed he was going to campaign for Senate and would have eventually been president.​
“He was a great guy. He was a friend of mine,” Trump said. “Even though we were of a different persuasion, I believe he would have run for the Senate and that he would have been president someday. He was a handsome guy. He was a fantastic guy. He had the ‘it factor,’ and he would have gone to the top of the world in the Kennedy family.”​
Now notable people, like Jay Leno and Hillary Clinton, are screeching and saying that they never gave Trump permission to use their letters in his book.​
“Jay did not release, nor authorize any use of any letter to Mr. Trump,” a representative for Leno said to Newsweek.​
A spokesperson for Clinton took it much more personally.​
“Nothing says deeply-insecure-has-been quite like publishing private correspondence with the hope that people will believe you once garnered respect,” Nick Merrill said to Newsweek. “Feels like the adult equivalent of when a toddler proudly presents you with what they’ve done on the potty.”​
But Trump’s publisher, Winning Team Productions, said that there is no copyright protection for the personal letters."​
Ah yes, another crappy published shitstorm of Trumps, has he found any fools to publish it?
Imagine the embarrassing stories that Trump can tell about people who are so hateful toward him now, but used to be close friends with him before he announced he would run as a Republican.
Hillary and other's are upset that he would do such a thing.

You see, it makes them all look like horrible hypocrites. Celebrities hate being shown to be fakes.

They've been trashing him for years.....and now he figures it's time for some payback.
I would be willing to bet that some of these letters were the primary reason why the FBI raided his home.

"Former President Donald Trump is preparing to show private letters given to him by celebrities and they are going insane. In his next book, titled “Letters To Trump,” the former president will show how people who are against him now loved him before he campaigned for president in 2016, Breitbart News reported.​
“The book includes correspondence with such wide-ranging figures as royal world leaders like Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Diana; cultural figures like Clint Eastwood, Oprah Winfrey, and Michael Jackson; sports stars like Shaquille O’Neal; and former presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. It also has correspondence Trump had with foreign leaders like Chinese President Xi Jinping, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, and former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro,” Breitbart reported.​
Donald Trump Jr., the former president’s oldest son, said that the way celebrities acted toward his dad changed when he decided that he wanted to be president.​
“My father has lived an amazing life and has been around some of the most interesting people in the world,” he said to Breitbart News. “It’s amazing how quickly their adoration of him changed when he ran for office as a Republican. ‘Letters to Trump’ shows you exactly how they felt about him and how phony their newfound disdain truly is.”​
One of the letters came from John F. Kennedy Jr. after Trump visited the offices of his magazine “George.”​
“Dear Donald,” Kennedy said. “Many thanks for joining us the other day at the George offices to discourse on politics, New York, men, and women. Our staff thoroughly enjoyed your remarks and I trust you found the questions thought-provoking. You were most generous to make the time. Thanks again. -John Kennedy.”​
Trump said that Kennedy was a friend and that he believed he was going to campaign for Senate and would have eventually been president.​
“He was a great guy. He was a friend of mine,” Trump said. “Even though we were of a different persuasion, I believe he would have run for the Senate and that he would have been president someday. He was a handsome guy. He was a fantastic guy. He had the ‘it factor,’ and he would have gone to the top of the world in the Kennedy family.”​
Now notable people, like Jay Leno and Hillary Clinton, are screeching and saying that they never gave Trump permission to use their letters in his book.​
“Jay did not release, nor authorize any use of any letter to Mr. Trump,” a representative for Leno said to Newsweek.​
A spokesperson for Clinton took it much more personally.​
“Nothing says deeply-insecure-has-been quite like publishing private correspondence with the hope that people will believe you once garnered respect,” Nick Merrill said to Newsweek. “Feels like the adult equivalent of when a toddler proudly presents you with what they’ve done on the potty.”​
But Trump’s publisher, Winning Team Productions, said that there is no copyright protection for the personal letters."​

Yay! Just more ammo for the haters! They are so entertaining.

Imagine the embarrassing stories that Trump can tell about people who are so hateful toward him now, but used to be close friends with him before he announced he would run as a Republican.
Hillary and other's are upset that he would do such a thing.

You see, it makes them all look like horrible hypocrites. Celebrities hate being shown to be fakes.

They've been trashing him for years.....and now he figures it's time for some payback.
I would be willing to bet that some of these letters were the primary reason why the FBI raided his home.

"Former President Donald Trump is preparing to show private letters given to him by celebrities and they are going insane. In his next book, titled “Letters To Trump,” the former president will show how people who are against him now loved him before he campaigned for president in 2016, Breitbart News reported.​
“The book includes correspondence with such wide-ranging figures as royal world leaders like Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Diana; cultural figures like Clint Eastwood, Oprah Winfrey, and Michael Jackson; sports stars like Shaquille O’Neal; and former presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. It also has correspondence Trump had with foreign leaders like Chinese President Xi Jinping, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, and former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro,” Breitbart reported.​
Donald Trump Jr., the former president’s oldest son, said that the way celebrities acted toward his dad changed when he decided that he wanted to be president.​
“My father has lived an amazing life and has been around some of the most interesting people in the world,” he said to Breitbart News. “It’s amazing how quickly their adoration of him changed when he ran for office as a Republican. ‘Letters to Trump’ shows you exactly how they felt about him and how phony their newfound disdain truly is.”​
One of the letters came from John F. Kennedy Jr. after Trump visited the offices of his magazine “George.”​
“Dear Donald,” Kennedy said. “Many thanks for joining us the other day at the George offices to discourse on politics, New York, men, and women. Our staff thoroughly enjoyed your remarks and I trust you found the questions thought-provoking. You were most generous to make the time. Thanks again. -John Kennedy.”​
Trump said that Kennedy was a friend and that he believed he was going to campaign for Senate and would have eventually been president.​
“He was a great guy. He was a friend of mine,” Trump said. “Even though we were of a different persuasion, I believe he would have run for the Senate and that he would have been president someday. He was a handsome guy. He was a fantastic guy. He had the ‘it factor,’ and he would have gone to the top of the world in the Kennedy family.”​
Now notable people, like Jay Leno and Hillary Clinton, are screeching and saying that they never gave Trump permission to use their letters in his book.​
“Jay did not release, nor authorize any use of any letter to Mr. Trump,” a representative for Leno said to Newsweek.​
A spokesperson for Clinton took it much more personally.​
“Nothing says deeply-insecure-has-been quite like publishing private correspondence with the hope that people will believe you once garnered respect,” Nick Merrill said to Newsweek. “Feels like the adult equivalent of when a toddler proudly presents you with what they’ve done on the potty.”​
But Trump’s publisher, Winning Team Productions, said that there is no copyright protection for the personal letters."​
I liked him too before he called Mexicans rapists, made fun of someone born with birth defects, said a woman was on her period, bragged about sexual assault, paid porn stars for sex....
Imagine the embarrassing stories that Trump can tell about people who are so hateful toward him now, but used to be close friends with him before he announced he would run as a Republican.
Hillary and other's are upset that he would do such a thing.

You see, it makes them all look like horrible hypocrites. Celebrities hate being shown to be fakes.

They've been trashing him for years.....and now he figures it's time for some payback.
I would be willing to bet that some of these letters were the primary reason why the FBI raided his home.

"Former President Donald Trump is preparing to show private letters given to him by celebrities and they are going insane. In his next book, titled “Letters To Trump,” the former president will show how people who are against him now loved him before he campaigned for president in 2016, Breitbart News reported.​
“The book includes correspondence with such wide-ranging figures as royal world leaders like Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Diana; cultural figures like Clint Eastwood, Oprah Winfrey, and Michael Jackson; sports stars like Shaquille O’Neal; and former presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. It also has correspondence Trump had with foreign leaders like Chinese President Xi Jinping, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, and former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro,” Breitbart reported.​
Donald Trump Jr., the former president’s oldest son, said that the way celebrities acted toward his dad changed when he decided that he wanted to be president.​
“My father has lived an amazing life and has been around some of the most interesting people in the world,” he said to Breitbart News. “It’s amazing how quickly their adoration of him changed when he ran for office as a Republican. ‘Letters to Trump’ shows you exactly how they felt about him and how phony their newfound disdain truly is.”​
One of the letters came from John F. Kennedy Jr. after Trump visited the offices of his magazine “George.”​
“Dear Donald,” Kennedy said. “Many thanks for joining us the other day at the George offices to discourse on politics, New York, men, and women. Our staff thoroughly enjoyed your remarks and I trust you found the questions thought-provoking. You were most generous to make the time. Thanks again. -John Kennedy.”​
Trump said that Kennedy was a friend and that he believed he was going to campaign for Senate and would have eventually been president.​
“He was a great guy. He was a friend of mine,” Trump said. “Even though we were of a different persuasion, I believe he would have run for the Senate and that he would have been president someday. He was a handsome guy. He was a fantastic guy. He had the ‘it factor,’ and he would have gone to the top of the world in the Kennedy family.”​
Now notable people, like Jay Leno and Hillary Clinton, are screeching and saying that they never gave Trump permission to use their letters in his book.​
“Jay did not release, nor authorize any use of any letter to Mr. Trump,” a representative for Leno said to Newsweek.​
A spokesperson for Clinton took it much more personally.​
“Nothing says deeply-insecure-has-been quite like publishing private correspondence with the hope that people will believe you once garnered respect,” Nick Merrill said to Newsweek. “Feels like the adult equivalent of when a toddler proudly presents you with what they’ve done on the potty.”​
But Trump’s publisher, Winning Team Productions, said that there is no copyright protection for the personal letters."​

This is the funniest thing I've read this year.

Sounds like Dumb Donald thought that people being polite to the rich guy meant they respected and liked him but they didn't like him when he ran for office. They were phonies!!!! They lied to him.

I'm looking forward to the book!!!! Trumpy's hurt feelings on display. What a snowflake!!!!
I liked him too before he called Mexicans rapists, made fun of someone born with birth defects, said a woman was on her period, bragged about sexual assault, paid porn stars for sex....

You're so gullible.

You think that you actually believed every word of it.

It's so much fun to watch.

I'm almost not quite sure you're not a bot.

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Streisand effect.

The more these pussies cry, the more people will read the letters.

Why wont people stand behind what they wrote?

Notice no cult fucks attack the people for liking Trump.
Streisand effect.

The more these pussies cry, the more people will read the letters.

Why wont people stand behind what they wrote?

Notice no cult fucks attack the people for liking Trump.

All of these people have charitable commitments and fund raise. 0f course they're going to flatter and act friendly to a wealthy potential donor.

When the incompetent racist asshole ran for President, there was no way they were going to support him. No one with a brain in their head wanted the Trump as President. 0nly stupid people who weren't paying attention to what a total fuck up he is, wanted him to be President.
If Orpah complimented Trump in a letter, why shouldnt Trump share it?

If Trump complimented Biden in a letter, do you think for 1 minute the cult would say it should not be shared.

Cult fucks are hypocrites. Big shock.
and you all still call him an outsider! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
He's been an outsider for years.
This doesn't make him look bad, dummy.
This makes them look bad.

It's like the way you idiots trashed Pence, yet turn around and wrap your arms around him the moment he stabbed Trump in the back, not knowing he wasn't really with Trump from the very beginning.
He was just another mole inside the White House.
They used to call them spies and traitors.
You call them patriotic Americans.
If Orpah complimented Trump in a letter, why shouldnt Trump share it?

If Trump complimented Biden in a letter, do you think for 1 minute the cult would say it should not be shared.

Cult fucks are hypocrites. Big shock.
Like those videos.....seeing them will make you come to an unacceptable and unapproved, yet correct, conclusion.
All of these people have charitable commitments and fund raise. 0f course they're going to flatter and act friendly to a wealthy potential donor.

When the incompetent racist asshole ran for President, there was no way they were going to support him. No one with a brain in their head wanted the Trump as President. 0nly stupid people who weren't paying attention to what a total fuck up he is, wanted him to be President.
Dang, must be painful to admit Dems are all about money over country.
Imagine the embarrassing stories that Trump can tell about people who are so hateful toward him now, but used to be close friends with him before he announced he would run as a Republican.
Hillary and other's are upset that he would do such a thing.

You see, it makes them all look like horrible hypocrites. Celebrities hate being shown to be fakes.

They've been trashing him for years.....and now he figures it's time for some payback.
I would be willing to bet that some of these letters were the primary reason why the FBI raided his home.

"Former President Donald Trump is preparing to show private letters given to him by celebrities and they are going insane. In his next book, titled “Letters To Trump,” the former president will show how people who are against him now loved him before he campaigned for president in 2016, Breitbart News reported.​
“The book includes correspondence with such wide-ranging figures as royal world leaders like Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Diana; cultural figures like Clint Eastwood, Oprah Winfrey, and Michael Jackson; sports stars like Shaquille O’Neal; and former presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. It also has correspondence Trump had with foreign leaders like Chinese President Xi Jinping, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, and former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro,” Breitbart reported.​
Donald Trump Jr., the former president’s oldest son, said that the way celebrities acted toward his dad changed when he decided that he wanted to be president.​
“My father has lived an amazing life and has been around some of the most interesting people in the world,” he said to Breitbart News. “It’s amazing how quickly their adoration of him changed when he ran for office as a Republican. ‘Letters to Trump’ shows you exactly how they felt about him and how phony their newfound disdain truly is.”​
One of the letters came from John F. Kennedy Jr. after Trump visited the offices of his magazine “George.”​
“Dear Donald,” Kennedy said. “Many thanks for joining us the other day at the George offices to discourse on politics, New York, men, and women. Our staff thoroughly enjoyed your remarks and I trust you found the questions thought-provoking. You were most generous to make the time. Thanks again. -John Kennedy.”​
Trump said that Kennedy was a friend and that he believed he was going to campaign for Senate and would have eventually been president.​
“He was a great guy. He was a friend of mine,” Trump said. “Even though we were of a different persuasion, I believe he would have run for the Senate and that he would have been president someday. He was a handsome guy. He was a fantastic guy. He had the ‘it factor,’ and he would have gone to the top of the world in the Kennedy family.”​
Now notable people, like Jay Leno and Hillary Clinton, are screeching and saying that they never gave Trump permission to use their letters in his book.​
“Jay did not release, nor authorize any use of any letter to Mr. Trump,” a representative for Leno said to Newsweek.​
A spokesperson for Clinton took it much more personally.​
“Nothing says deeply-insecure-has-been quite like publishing private correspondence with the hope that people will believe you once garnered respect,” Nick Merrill said to Newsweek. “Feels like the adult equivalent of when a toddler proudly presents you with what they’ve done on the potty.”​
But Trump’s publisher, Winning Team Productions, said that there is no copyright protection for the personal letters."​

Princess Diana referred to Trump as an anal fissure.

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