Trump Admin breaks Congressional mandate

He nut licker, tell someone else what to do, Your chicken shit remarks are stupid and phase most people. NOT!!
Seems I struck the nail on the head with you, little nut licker.

Keep on your knees in front of "the peemeister" you deserve every drop.

How utterly dumb can you be? You prove it every time you post.
of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or resembling the literary work of George Orwell or the totalitarian future described in his antiutopian novel 1984 (1949).

More examples from you but maybe they are "fake" lol
So promising to be as unbiased as possible is propaganda?
ALL: We. Will. Only. Tell. The. Truth. (blink) You. Can. Trust. Us. To. Be. Independent. (blink) We. Will. Not. Obey. Our. Right. Wing. Masters. (blink)
Examples from the Web for Orwellian
Contemporary Examples
ALL: We. Will. Only. Tell. The. Truth. (blink) You. Can. Trust. Us. To. Be. Independent. (blink) We. Will. Not. Obey. Our. Right. Wing. Masters. (blink)

You are a textbook case of "I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

That Orwellian horseshit was written precisely for your credulous consumption.

Not Orwellian. Stop using that word, it's not appropriate.

more than a few RW's fail to have the intellectual firepower needed to grasp complex thinking, and lack the ability to prove their opinion as anything but inane rhetoric .. take marty for instance.

Lol coming from a "Trump bad fuh fuh fuh, I hate him for doing the same thing Democrats do, fuh fuh fuh" robo-twat like you that is comical.

hey dippy, spend less time on selecting a useless gif, and more time trying to use the quote function properly.
He nut licker, tell someone else what to do, Your chicken shit remarks are stupid and phase most people. NOT!!
Seems I struck the nail on the head with you, little nut licker.

Keep on your knees in front of "the peemeister" you deserve every drop.

How utterly dumb can you be? You prove it every time you post.
of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or resembling the literary work of George Orwell or the totalitarian future described in his antiutopian novel 1984 (1949).

More examples from you but maybe they are "fake" lol
So promising to be as unbiased as possible is propaganda?
ALL: We. Will. Only. Tell. The. Truth. (blink) You. Can. Trust. Us. To. Be. Independent. (blink) We. Will. Not. Obey. Our. Right. Wing. Masters. (blink)
Examples from the Web for Orwellian
Contemporary Examples
Not Orwellian. Stop using that word, it's not appropriate.

more than a few RW's fail to have the intellectual firepower needed to grasp complex thinking, and lack the ability to prove their opinion as anything but inane rhetoric .. take marty for instance.

Lol coming from a "Trump bad fuh fuh fuh, I hate him for doing the same thing Democrats do, fuh fuh fuh" robo-twat like you that is comical.

hey dippy, spend less time on selecting a useless gif, and more time trying to use the quote function properly.


Try putting your big boy pants on and get off your knees

He nut licker, tell someone else what to do, Your chicken shit remarks are stupid and phase most people. NOT!!
Seems I struck the nail on the head with you, little nut licker.

Keep on your knees in front of "the peemeister" you deserve every drop.

ALL: We. Will. Only. Tell. The. Truth. (blink) You. Can. Trust. Us. To. Be. Independent. (blink) We. Will. Not. Obey. Our. Right. Wing. Masters. (blink)
Examples from the Web for Orwellian
Contemporary Examples

more than a few RW's fail to have the intellectual firepower needed to grasp complex thinking, and lack the ability to prove their opinion as anything but inane rhetoric .. take marty for instance.

Lol coming from a "Trump bad fuh fuh fuh, I hate him for doing the same thing Democrats do, fuh fuh fuh" robo-twat like you that is comical.

hey dippy, spend less time on selecting a useless gif, and more time trying to use the quote function properly.


Try putting your big boy pants on and get off your knees
View attachment 186587
He nut licker, tell someone else what to do, Your chicken shit remarks are stupid and phase most people. NOT!!
Seems I struck the nail on the head with you, little nut licker.

Keep on your knees in front of "the peemeister" you deserve every drop.

more than a few RW's fail to have the intellectual firepower needed to grasp complex thinking, and lack the ability to prove their opinion as anything but inane rhetoric .. take marty for instance.

Lol coming from a "Trump bad fuh fuh fuh, I hate him for doing the same thing Democrats do, fuh fuh fuh" robo-twat like you that is comical.

hey dippy, spend less time on selecting a useless gif, and more time trying to use the quote function properly.



no rules are honored if you're Trump .

200 stations parrot Trumps "fake news" rhetoric - if you work for Sinclair YOU READ THE SCRIPT !

While Donald Trump spends so much time lying about the national press, it's easy to forget that there's also a longer-term conservative assault against local news stations. Sinclair Broadcast Group, which now owns more than 200 stations across the country, has been obligating anchors to run news segments and opinions pieces designed to push far-right agendas. These segments are presented alongside real news (often forcing stations to cut local reporting), usually with no indication to viewers that what they're seeing wasn't produced by the station. The goal is to force propaganda on audiences that are choosing to not watch Fox News.

What makes this more distressing is that Ajit Pai, the head of the FCC under Trump, has used a loophole to allow Sinclair to reach 72 percent of U.S. homes, up from the Congressionally-mandated cap of 39 percent. So this anti-news propaganda is beaming into three quarters of the country thanks to the guy who thinks you're too stupid to know what net neutrality is.
i watch news on the internet.
Yeah, I saw my local Sinclair affiliate news anchors reading that Orwellian speech the other day. I did not know they were being forced to do it, but it still struck me as really fucking weird at the time.

Now I know what that was.

Yep - channel 2 CBS in Boise (in the video) already got a letter from me.

I told them to have a little journalistic integrity, stop repeating propaganda and start thinking for themselves.

So promising to be as unbiased as possible is propaganda?
ALL: We. Will. Only. Tell. The. Truth. (blink) You. Can. Trust. Us. To. Be. Independent. (blink) We. Will. Not. Obey. Our. Right. Wing. Masters. (blink)

You are a textbook case of "I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

That Orwellian horseshit was written precisely for your credulous consumption.

What must be true? An editorial statement from the man who owns the station is not propaganda. And, that is true whether he owns one station or two hundred stations. If you had any independence from your ideological masters, you would understand that.
Fox news does lie., The idea you don't know it just proves what a good little Trumpette you are.

Ah, there's that bias again, you hack.
I do has a bias for the truth.

Too bad you only believe what your orange master wants. you to believe.

under educated RW simpletons watch Fox and Trump biased broadcasts to get their information - why not mold their tiny little minds with scripted propaganda and keep them in the collective. Dipshits like marty make it possible for crooked big shots to exist.

Lol, yeah CNN and MSNBC are unbiased and not scripted in any way to push the progressive agenda....

LOL, you are a bigger twat that G5000.

all youve done and all you do is insult other posters ... you have yet to address the the FACT Sinclair broke a Congressional mandate and 200 stations READ SCRIPTED reports to their audience

your deflection is expected - yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

They read an editorial. An editorial is opinion, not news. You don't like the opinion, change channels.
no rules are honored if you're Trump .

200 stations parrot Trumps "fake news" rhetoric - if you work for Sinclair YOU READ THE SCRIPT !

While Donald Trump spends so much time lying about the national press, it's easy to forget that there's also a longer-term conservative assault against local news stations. Sinclair Broadcast Group, which now owns more than 200 stations across the country, has been obligating anchors to run news segments and opinions pieces designed to push far-right agendas. These segments are presented alongside real news (often forcing stations to cut local reporting), usually with no indication to viewers that what they're seeing wasn't produced by the station. The goal is to force propaganda on audiences that are choosing to not watch Fox News.

What makes this more distressing is that Ajit Pai, the head of the FCC under Trump, has used a loophole to allow Sinclair to reach 72 percent of U.S. homes, up from the Congressionally-mandated cap of 39 percent. So this anti-news propaganda is beaming into three quarters of the country thanks to the guy who thinks you're too stupid to know what net neutrality is.

Obama set a new Presidential record for illegal non-compliance with the Freedom Of Information Act and Federal Records Act
- Almost HALF of his Cabinet - to include himself - used an alias and a personal e-mail to avoid having to comply with the FOIA and Federal Records Act

Almost half of his Cabinet have been proven to have committed Perjury, for which they were protected from prosecution.

Mueller has refused to comply with a Congressional request for documents / evidence from his Witch Hunt....

'Funny' how none of that mattered / matters to snowflakes....
How utterly dumb can you be? You prove it every time you post.
of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or resembling the literary work of George Orwell or the totalitarian future described in his antiutopian novel 1984 (1949).

More examples from you but maybe they are "fake" lol
So promising to be as unbiased as possible is propaganda?
ALL: We. Will. Only. Tell. The. Truth. (blink) You. Can. Trust. Us. To. Be. Independent. (blink) We. Will. Not. Obey. Our. Right. Wing. Masters. (blink)
Examples from the Web for Orwellian
Contemporary Examples
Yeah, I saw my local Sinclair affiliate news anchors reading that Orwellian speech the other day. I did not know they were being forced to do it, but it still struck me as really fucking weird at the time.

Now I know what that was.

Yep - channel 2 CBS in Boise (in the video) already got a letter from me.

I told them to have a little journalistic integrity, stop repeating propaganda and start thinking for themselves.

So promising to be as unbiased as possible is propaganda?
ALL: We. Will. Only. Tell. The. Truth. (blink) You. Can. Trust. Us. To. Be. Independent. (blink) We. Will. Not. Obey. Our. Right. Wing. Masters. (blink)

You are a textbook case of "I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

That Orwellian horseshit was written precisely for your credulous consumption.

Not Orwellian. Stop using that word, it's not appropriate.

more than a few RW's fail to have the intellectual firepower needed to grasp complex thinking, and lack the ability to prove their opinion as anything but inane rhetoric .. take marty for instance.[/QUOTE]

Marty is right on the money. It is obviously you that does not have the intellectual firepower to grasp complex thinking. Otherwise, you could comprehend that opinions that digress from your idiotology is not propaganda. Nor, does the fact that the opinion is broadcast widely make it propaganda.
I've read it repeatedly, please give me the specific passage in the book you are referencing

My opinion is shared by many - Yours is shared by Trump sycophants

Sinclair’s ‘Orwellian’ attack on the press
Dan Rather Thoroughly Dismantles Sinclair Broadcasting's 'Orwellian' Propaganda

Lol Dan "teh Memo teh Memo!" Rather....

Funny Chit Marty. Dan Rather reported a story that was given to him that turned out to be unproven.

You & your horde of dumbassses had a fucking fit because Poor Dan told a story that supposedly was not true.,
Yet you slobber all over Fox & Limbaugh who lie to you every fucking day.

That is the truth. You know it,. Then let's talk about how you love your orange hero. Who lies every day.

This is why you people are the dumbest people on the freakin planet.

I would say that dumb is not being capable of distinguishing between news and commentary. Dumb is not being capable of understanding that disagreeing with you is not a crime, nor is it necessarily a lie. Dumb is thinking that Dan Rather only lied to you once.
He nut licker, tell someone else what to do, Your chicken shit remarks are stupid and phase most people. NOT!!
Seems I struck the nail on the head with you, little nut licker.

Keep on your knees in front of "the peemeister" you deserve every drop.

How utterly dumb can you be? You prove it every time you post.
of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or resembling the literary work of George Orwell or the totalitarian future described in his antiutopian novel 1984 (1949).

More examples from you but maybe they are "fake" lol
So promising to be as unbiased as possible is propaganda?
ALL: We. Will. Only. Tell. The. Truth. (blink) You. Can. Trust. Us. To. Be. Independent. (blink) We. Will. Not. Obey. Our. Right. Wing. Masters. (blink)
Examples from the Web for Orwellian
Contemporary Examples
Not Orwellian. Stop using that word, it's not appropriate.

more than a few RW's fail to have the intellectual firepower needed to grasp complex thinking, and lack the ability to prove their opinion as anything but inane rhetoric .. take marty for instance.

Lol coming from a "Trump bad fuh fuh fuh, I hate him for doing the same thing Democrats do, fuh fuh fuh" robo-twat like you that is comical.

hey dippy, spend less time on selecting a useless gif, and more time trying to use the quote function properly.

I swear, I think most of these nuts are on drugs 24/7.
He nut licker, tell someone else what to do, Your chicken shit remarks are stupid and phase most people. NOT!!
Seems I struck the nail on the head with you, little nut licker.

Keep on your knees in front of "the peemeister" you deserve every drop.

ALL: We. Will. Only. Tell. The. Truth. (blink) You. Can. Trust. Us. To. Be. Independent. (blink) We. Will. Not. Obey. Our. Right. Wing. Masters. (blink)
Examples from the Web for Orwellian
Contemporary Examples

more than a few RW's fail to have the intellectual firepower needed to grasp complex thinking, and lack the ability to prove their opinion as anything but inane rhetoric .. take marty for instance.

Lol coming from a "Trump bad fuh fuh fuh, I hate him for doing the same thing Democrats do, fuh fuh fuh" robo-twat like you that is comical.

hey dippy, spend less time on selecting a useless gif, and more time trying to use the quote function properly.

I swear, I think most of these nuts are on drugs 24/7.

Nah, this is 100% pure, natural stupid.

or as spongebob said:

The trumpters , you know "the peemeister" has had his minions licking his scrotum for years.
And if you look.........THeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrressssss marty. Kneeling again and again and again.

He nut licker, tell someone else what to do, Your chicken shit remarks are stupid and phase most people. NOT!!
Seems I struck the nail on the head with you, little nut licker.

Keep on your knees in front of "the peemeister" you deserve every drop.

ALL: We. Will. Only. Tell. The. Truth. (blink) You. Can. Trust. Us. To. Be. Independent. (blink) We. Will. Not. Obey. Our. Right. Wing. Masters. (blink)
Examples from the Web for Orwellian
Contemporary Examples

more than a few RW's fail to have the intellectual firepower needed to grasp complex thinking, and lack the ability to prove their opinion as anything but inane rhetoric .. take marty for instance.

Lol coming from a "Trump bad fuh fuh fuh, I hate him for doing the same thing Democrats do, fuh fuh fuh" robo-twat like you that is comical.

hey dippy, spend less time on selecting a useless gif, and more time trying to use the quote function properly.

I swear, I think most of these nuts are on drugs 24/7.
I've read it repeatedly, please give me the specific passage in the book you are referencing

My opinion is shared by many - Yours is shared by Trump sycophants

Sinclair’s ‘Orwellian’ attack on the press
Dan Rather Thoroughly Dismantles Sinclair Broadcasting's 'Orwellian' Propaganda

Lol Dan "teh Memo teh Memo!" Rather....

Funny Chit Marty. Dan Rather reported a story that was given to him that turned out to be unproven.

You & your horde of dumbassses had a fucking fit because Poor Dan told a story that supposedly was not true.,
Yet you slobber all over Fox & Limbaugh who lie to you every fucking day.

That is the truth. You know it,. Then let's talk about how you love your orange hero. Who lies every day.

This is why you people are the dumbest people on the freakin planet.

I would say that dumb is not being capable of distinguishing between news and commentary. Dumb is not being capable of understanding that disagreeing with you is not a crime, nor is it necessarily a lie. Dumb is thinking that Dan Rather only lied to you once.

So, what else did Dan Rather lie about?

You make a stupid post & I call you out. Now you whine worse than Trump.
The trumpters , you know "the peemeister" has had his minions licking his scrotum for years.
And if you look.........THeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrressssss marty. Kneeling again and again and again.

He nut licker, tell someone else what to do, Your chicken shit remarks are stupid and phase most people. NOT!!
Seems I struck the nail on the head with you, little nut licker.

Keep on your knees in front of "the peemeister" you deserve every drop.

more than a few RW's fail to have the intellectual firepower needed to grasp complex thinking, and lack the ability to prove their opinion as anything but inane rhetoric .. take marty for instance.

Lol coming from a "Trump bad fuh fuh fuh, I hate him for doing the same thing Democrats do, fuh fuh fuh" robo-twat like you that is comical.

hey dippy, spend less time on selecting a useless gif, and more time trying to use the quote function properly.

I swear, I think most of these nuts are on drugs 24/7.

You really seem obsessed with tongues. You also have a thing for tentacle porn?
Because you practice it all LOL Fool.

The trumpters , you know "the peemeister" has had his minions licking his scrotum for years.
And if you look.........THeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrressssss marty. Kneeling again and again and again.

He nut licker, tell someone else what to do, Your chicken shit remarks are stupid and phase most people. NOT!!
Seems I struck the nail on the head with you, little nut licker.

Keep on your knees in front of "the peemeister" you deserve every drop.

Lol coming from a "Trump bad fuh fuh fuh, I hate him for doing the same thing Democrats do, fuh fuh fuh" robo-twat like you that is comical.

hey dippy, spend less time on selecting a useless gif, and more time trying to use the quote function properly.

I swear, I think most of these nuts are on drugs 24/7.

You really seem obsessed with tongues. You also have a thing for tentacle porn?
Because you practice it all LOL Fool.

The trumpters , you know "the peemeister" has had his minions licking his scrotum for years.
And if you look.........THeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrressssss marty. Kneeling again and again and again.

He nut licker, tell someone else what to do, Your chicken shit remarks are stupid and phase most people. NOT!!
Seems I struck the nail on the head with you, little nut licker.

hey dippy, spend less time on selecting a useless gif, and more time trying to use the quote function properly.

I swear, I think most of these nuts are on drugs 24/7.

You really seem obsessed with tongues. You also have a thing for tentacle porn?

Well that makes zero sense, oxygen thief.

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