Trump Admin breaks Congressional mandate

I've read it repeatedly, please give me the specific passage in the book you are referencing

My opinion is shared by many - Yours is shared by Trump sycophants

Sinclair’s ‘Orwellian’ attack on the press
Dan Rather Thoroughly Dismantles Sinclair Broadcasting's 'Orwellian' Propaganda

Lol Dan "teh Memo teh Memo!" Rather....

Funny Chit Marty. Dan Rather reported a story that was given to him that turned out to be unproven.

You & your horde of dumbassses had a fucking fit because Poor Dan told a story that supposedly was not true.,
Yet you slobber all over Fox & Limbaugh who lie to you every fucking day.

That is the truth. You know it,. Then let's talk about how you love your orange hero. Who lies every day.

This is why you people are the dumbest people on the freakin planet.

The last time i watched fox or listened to Limbaugh is probably 10 years ago. I don't get my news from TV or Radio, i get it from the web, where I control the bias of the content.

My main website for MSM level news is CNN. it's good to get a feel for how tarded they go on a given story.

Trump lies differently than normal politicians, you are just too stupid to figure that out.
ALL: We. Are. Independent. (blink) We. Are. Independent. (blink) We. Think. For. Our. Selves. (blink) You. Can. Trust. Us. (blink) Bleev. Me.

Who said that?



No it is NOT written by the producers. Please stop being silly :wink:

Are you honestly not aware that news programming is scripted? Or are you just trying to split hairs over the fact that there are usually staff writers involved who may do much of the actual writing under the direction of the producers?

Sorry, but I've never seen 400 words repeated verbatim by Maddow, Hayes and Brian Williams. They have different teams of writers which they oversee and direct. And they don't go out there and read shit that they haven't been directly involved in the writing of. They do not always agree.

Please stop being silly - Your comparison to what Sinclair is doing is laughable.
I've read it repeatedly, please give me the specific passage in the book you are referencing

My opinion is shared by many - Yours is shared by Trump sycophants

Sinclair’s ‘Orwellian’ attack on the press
Dan Rather Thoroughly Dismantles Sinclair Broadcasting's 'Orwellian' Propaganda

Lol Dan "teh Memo teh Memo!" Rather....

Funny Chit Marty. Dan Rather reported a story that was given to him that turned out to be unproven.

You & your horde of dumbassses had a fucking fit because Poor Dan told a story that supposedly was not true.,
Yet you slobber all over Fox & Limbaugh who lie to you every fucking day.

That is the truth. You know it,. Then let's talk about how you love your orange hero. Who lies every day.

This is why you people are the dumbest people on the freakin planet.

I get it, Trump tells good lies & the rest tell bad lies.

The last time i watched fox or listened to Limbaugh is probably 10 years ago. I don't get my news from TV or Radio, i get it from the web, where I control the bias of the content.

My main website for MSM level news is CNN. it's good to get a feel for how tarded they go on a given story.

Trump lies differently than normal politicians, you are just too stupid to figure that out.
I've read it repeatedly, please give me the specific passage in the book you are referencing

My opinion is shared by many - Yours is shared by Trump sycophants

Sinclair’s ‘Orwellian’ attack on the press
Dan Rather Thoroughly Dismantles Sinclair Broadcasting's 'Orwellian' Propaganda

Lol Dan "teh Memo teh Memo!" Rather....

Funny Chit Marty. Dan Rather reported a story that was given to him that turned out to be unproven.

You & your horde of dumbassses had a fucking fit because Poor Dan told a story that supposedly was not true.,
Yet you slobber all over Fox & Limbaugh who lie to you every fucking day.

That is the truth. You know it,. Then let's talk about how you love your orange hero. Who lies every day.

This is why you people are the dumbest people on the freakin planet.

The last time i watched fox or listened to Limbaugh is probably 10 years ago. I don't get my news from TV or Radio, i get it from the web, where I control the bias of the content.

My main website for MSM level news is CNN. it's good to get a feel for how tarded they go on a given story.

Trump lies differently than normal politicians, you are just too stupid to figure that out.

I get it, Trump tells good lies & the rest tell bad lies.

First, learn to use the quote function properly.

Second, there are lies, damn lies, and exaggerations. there is also dressing opinions as facts.

Dems are more prone to the opinions as facts, and the damn lies. Trump is more of a blowhard exaggerator.
A major news outlet owner says :"Every other outlet might be lying" memo, echoing the Asswipe in the oval office & of course the Trumpettes don't get it.

And how many times does the other media say Fox News may be lying?

Again, your biased butthurt over this is comical.
Fox news does lie., The idea you don't know it just proves what a good little Trumpette you are.

Ah, there's that bias again, you hack.
I do has a bias for the truth.

Too bad you only believe what your orange master wants. you to believe.

under educated RW simpletons watch Fox and Trump biased broadcasts to get their information - why not mold their tiny little minds with scripted propaganda and keep them in the collective. Dipshits like marty make it possible for crooked big shots to exist.

No more than you do
Sorry, but I've never seen 400 words repeated verbatim by Maddow, Hayes and Brian Williams. They have different teams of writers which they oversee and direct. And they don't go out there and read shit that they haven't been directly involved in the writing of. They do not always agree.

Please stop being silly - Your comparison to what Sinclair is doing is laughable.

Thank you for proving you don't even know what you're talking about. Maddow is given free reign to improv her entire show. Her show stands apart from all other programming on MSNBC. Now, if you watch programming from the rest of the day you would see exactly what I'm talking about.

You've sat here and denied that the same garbage is spouted hour after hour on the network, yet are now admitting that you are only referring to a very select cross-section, including the one program that deviates from the standard.
Have you ever seen MSNBC? It's the same thing. All their on-air hosts are required to tout the same basic company lines all day, every day.

That is simply not true Ms Clifford (we all use our real names around here ;-)

MSNBC leans left - one could even argue that their prime time programming is nearly as far left as Fox is right.

But they don't hand out a script to be parroted word for word and written by someone from the Obama Administration. And they do present small government conservative voices who don't view Trump as such. Elise Jordan, Charlie Sykes, George F Will, Steve Schmidt, John Heilemann... etc etc etc. And Joe Scarborough and Nicolle Wallace have their own shows.

Maddow, Hayes and O'Donnell may have many of the same views, but they don't read from a script.

Your comparison fails

Maddow, Hayes and O'Donnell may have many of the same views, but they don't read from a script.

They're allowed to put it in their own words?

How kind of their corporate masters.
Thank you for proving you don't even know what you're talking about. Maddow is given free reign to improv her entire show. Her show stands apart from all other programming on MSNBC. Now, if you watch programming from the rest of the day you would see exactly what I'm talking about.

You've sat here and denied that the same garbage is spouted hour after hour on the network, yet are now admitting that you are only referring to a very select cross-section, including the one program that deviates from the standard.

I've watched pretty much all the shows on both Fox and MSNBC. Daytime after Fox-n-Friends and Morning Joe is mostly straight news. There is little in the way of opinion other than an occasional debate between guests. But news is news - it is not going to be much different two hours from now than it is now.
9 posts removed for being off topic, lacking content, or trolling.

several edited for graphic insults.

Get on topic.

Funny Chit Marty. Dan Rather reported a story that was given to him that turned out to be unproven.

You & your horde of dumbassses had a fucking fit because Poor Dan told a story that supposedly was not true.,
Yet you slobber all over Fox & Limbaugh who lie to you every fucking day.

That is the truth. You know it,. Then let's talk about how you love your orange hero. Who lies every day.

This is why you people are the dumbest people on the freakin planet.

The last time i watched fox or listened to Limbaugh is probably 10 years ago. I don't get my news from TV or Radio, i get it from the web, where I control the bias of the content.

My main website for MSM level news is CNN. it's good to get a feel for how tarded they go on a given story.

Trump lies differently than normal politicians, you are just too stupid to figure that out.

I get it, Trump tells good lies & the rest tell bad lies.

First, learn to use the quote function properly.

Second, there are lies, damn lies, and exaggerations. there is also dressing opinions as facts.

Dems are more prone to the opinions as facts, and the damn lies. Trump is more of a blowhard exaggerator.
So what Trump presents as fact is "blowhard exaggerations" but these are not lies.

I get it Marty.

Note in the last Presidenrial election as to which party's candidates told the most lies.
Lol Dan "teh Memo teh Memo!" Rather....

Funny Chit Marty. Dan Rather reported a story that was given to him that turned out to be unproven.

You & your horde of dumbassses had a fucking fit because Poor Dan told a story that supposedly was not true.,
Yet you slobber all over Fox & Limbaugh who lie to you every fucking day.

That is the truth. You know it,. Then let's talk about how you love your orange hero. Who lies every day.

This is why you people are the dumbest people on the freakin planet.

The last time i watched fox or listened to Limbaugh is probably 10 years ago. I don't get my news from TV or Radio, i get it from the web, where I control the bias of the content.

My main website for MSM level news is CNN. it's good to get a feel for how tarded they go on a given story.

Trump lies differently than normal politicians, you are just too stupid to figure that out.

I get it, Trump tells good lies & the rest tell bad lies.

First, learn to use the quote function properly.

Second, there are lies, damn lies, and exaggerations. there is also dressing opinions as facts.

Dems are more prone to the opinions as facts, and the damn lies. Trump is more of a blowhard exaggerator.
So what Trump presents as fact is "blowhard exaggerations" but these are not lies.

I get it Marty.

Note in the last Presidenrial election as to which party's candidates told the most lies.

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" was the biggest lie of the decade, and actually impacted millions of people.

Obama and Hillary saying they were against SSM before they were for it is another actual lie.
Funny Chit Marty. Dan Rather reported a story that was given to him that turned out to be unproven.

You & your horde of dumbassses had a fucking fit because Poor Dan told a story that supposedly was not true.,
Yet you slobber all over Fox & Limbaugh who lie to you every fucking day.

That is the truth. You know it,. Then let's talk about how you love your orange hero. Who lies every day.

This is why you people are the dumbest people on the freakin planet.

The last time i watched fox or listened to Limbaugh is probably 10 years ago. I don't get my news from TV or Radio, i get it from the web, where I control the bias of the content.

My main website for MSM level news is CNN. it's good to get a feel for how tarded they go on a given story.

Trump lies differently than normal politicians, you are just too stupid to figure that out.

I get it, Trump tells good lies & the rest tell bad lies.

First, learn to use the quote function properly.

Second, there are lies, damn lies, and exaggerations. there is also dressing opinions as facts.

Dems are more prone to the opinions as facts, and the damn lies. Trump is more of a blowhard exaggerator.
So what Trump presents as fact is "blowhard exaggerations" but these are not lies.

I get it Marty.

Note in the last Presidenrial election as to which party's candidates told the most lies.

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" was the biggest lie of the decade, and actually impacted millions of people.

Obama and Hillary saying they were against SSM before they were for it is another actual lie.
Actually no. There was a grandfather clause in the ACA. Marty, don't tell me you are this uninformed! If your policy was not continued, blame the insurance company.

Many thought civil unions were the solution. it wasn't.

But I am sure you think Trump is actually building his wall as he claimed. That he knew more about ISIS than the generals. And e never had an affair with Story Daniels. He lied about his campaign having contacts with the Russians for Christ's sake.
The last time i watched fox or listened to Limbaugh is probably 10 years ago. I don't get my news from TV or Radio, i get it from the web, where I control the bias of the content.

My main website for MSM level news is CNN. it's good to get a feel for how tarded they go on a given story.

Trump lies differently than normal politicians, you are just too stupid to figure that out.

I get it, Trump tells good lies & the rest tell bad lies.

First, learn to use the quote function properly.

Second, there are lies, damn lies, and exaggerations. there is also dressing opinions as facts.

Dems are more prone to the opinions as facts, and the damn lies. Trump is more of a blowhard exaggerator.
So what Trump presents as fact is "blowhard exaggerations" but these are not lies.

I get it Marty.

Note in the last Presidenrial election as to which party's candidates told the most lies.

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" was the biggest lie of the decade, and actually impacted millions of people.

Obama and Hillary saying they were against SSM before they were for it is another actual lie.
Actually no. There was a grandfather clause in the ACA. Marty, don't tell me you are this uninformed! If your policy was not continued, blame the insurance company.

Many thought civil unions were the solution. it wasn't.

But I am sure you think Trump is actually building his wall as he claimed. That he knew more about ISIS than the generals. And e never had an affair with Story Daniels. He lied about his campaign having contacts with the Russians for Christ's sake.

The policies were modified because of Obamacare. Typical prog blaming the results on those who have to deal with them and not those who created the situation in the first place.

Again, you can bring up all those things, but they are exaggerations or chickenshit.

Obama lied to me, Obama and Hillary lied to all those black evangelicals who don't support SSM to get their votes, and when gays climbed up higher than them on the pity pole, they sold them out.
I've watched pretty much all the shows on both Fox and MSNBC. Daytime after Fox-n-Friends and Morning Joe is mostly straight news.

If you believe the second sentence, then the first sentence is a clear lie. On both channels, 90% of all content is "analysis" aka opinion fluff. And it's scripted.
Nobody seems to have resigned so perhaps there was general agreement that agenda-based fake "news" really is not news. Is it possible that there are vestiges of journalistic integrity? Or just fear of having to live off EBT cards a communicating with free Obamaphones?
I've watched pretty much all the shows on both Fox and MSNBC. Daytime after Fox-n-Friends and Morning Joe is mostly straight news.

If you believe the second sentence, then the first sentence is a clear lie. On both channels, 90% of all content is "analysis" aka opinion fluff. And it's scripted.

Nay, we shall agree to disagree Ms Clifford ;-)
Keep on your knees in front of "the peemeister" you deserve every drop.

How utterly dumb can you be? You prove it every time you post.
of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or resembling the literary work of George Orwell or the totalitarian future described in his antiutopian novel 1984 (1949).

More examples from you but maybe they are "fake" lol
So promising to be as unbiased as possible is propaganda?
ALL: We. Will. Only. Tell. The. Truth. (blink) You. Can. Trust. Us. To. Be. Independent. (blink) We. Will. Not. Obey. Our. Right. Wing. Masters. (blink)
Examples from the Web for Orwellian
Contemporary Examples
So promising to be as unbiased as possible is propaganda?
ALL: We. Will. Only. Tell. The. Truth. (blink) You. Can. Trust. Us. To. Be. Independent. (blink) We. Will. Not. Obey. Our. Right. Wing. Masters. (blink)

You are a textbook case of "I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

That Orwellian horseshit was written precisely for your credulous consumption.

Not Orwellian. Stop using that word, it's not appropriate.

more than a few RW's fail to have the intellectual firepower needed to grasp complex thinking, and lack the ability to prove their opinion as anything but inane rhetoric .. take marty for instance.

Lol coming from a "Trump bad fuh fuh fuh, I hate him for doing the same thing Democrats do, fuh fuh fuh" robo-twat like you that is comical.

hey dippy, spend less time on selecting a useless gif, and more time trying to use the quote function properly.

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