"Trump Administration Announces Historic Price Transparency Requirements to Increase Competition and Lower Healthcare Costs for All Americans"

..healthcare BASTARDS charge you enormous prices--for crap....you pay mucho $$$$ for visits/testing/etc and then they say ''we don't know what's wrong with you''' = STEALING
..it's not an exact ''science''', but they charge you as if it is
This important message brought to you by HHS, a now fully owned subsidiary of the WH press (propaganda) office. Thanks for caring enough to read this. We often don't feel loved and wonder why.
This important message brought to you by HHS, a now fully owned subsidiary of the WH press (propaganda) office. Thanks for caring enough to read this. We often don't feel loved and wonder why.
Trump talked about it at one of his recent rallies. that's how i learned about it. couldn't find another link. media not doing it's job
I could agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.
You don't have a right to someone else's labor. That's traditionally called slavery.
I think you misunderstand what is and why taxation is used for public services. Your misuse of the term 'slavery' is pitiful. You want to talk about 'slavery,' talk about how owners and management keep most of the metal bits and spread the little remaining among all the workers ~ that is slavery.

Now, as far as price transparency, I agree with the goal of it in this administration, and although I think it is only a political goal, I may be wrong and hope I am.
" Ask Mother Nature What She Believes "

* Pretentious Inalienable Hubris *

Yes, health care is a human right.
Health care is a good thing , but there is no such thing as a " human right " , there are wrights devised from social civil contracts , see legal positivism .

The neonatal costs for treating non jurisdiction sojourners , that includes delivery their children who are not entitled to us citizenship , should be billed back to the country from which they originate from as citizens .
I think you misunderstand what is and why taxation is used for public services.
Your personal healthcare is not a public service. It's a personal service. You have no right to enslave doctors for your personal needs.
Your misuse of the term 'slavery' is pitiful. You want to talk about 'slavery,' talk about how owners and management keep most of the metal bits and spread the little remaining among all the workers ~ that is slavery.
Lol. You obviously don't know what slavery means. Agreeing to do a task for the offered wage is not slavery. Educate yourself.
" Ask Mother Nature What She Believes "

* Pretentious Inalienable Hubris *

Yes, health care is a human right.
Health care is a good thing , but there is no such thing as a " human right " , there are wrights devised from social civil contracts , see legal positivism .

The neonatal costs for treating non jurisdiction sojourners , that includes delivery their children who are not entitled to us citizenship , should be billed back to the country from which they originate from as citizens .
That is your opinion about health rights, and I agree to disagree.
" Bill The Country Of Citizenship Origin And Apply Jus Sanguinin And They Will Not Show Up "

* Private Vocation Versus Bureaucratic Robin Hood *

That is your opinion about health rights, and I agree to disagree.
That is my opinion about the pretentious absurdity that any right ( sic ) is inalienable .

No doubt paying for neonatal care and social welfare of children from non jurisdiction migrants after being given citizenship , when they are not entitled to citizenship , is probably another issue of disagreement .
" Bill The Country Of Citizenship Origin And Apply Jus Sanguinin And They Will Not Show Up "

* Private Vocation Versus Bureaucratic Robin Hood *

That is your opinion about health rights, and I agree to disagree.
That is my opinion about the pretentious absurdity that any right ( sic ) is inalienable .

No doubt paying for neonatal care and social welfare of children from non jurisdiction migrants after being given citizenship , when they are not entitled to citizenship , is probably another issue of disagreement .
How silly that you think such is not a right, but that is your right to think so. I am so glad the admin is going to make health care more available.
Welcome to last year. Has anyone's prices gone down?
Since 1980 my insurance has always gone up and the coverage has gotten worse. That is the way it is, no President has reduced my healthcare costs and it really isn’t the President’s concern.
Welcome to last year. Has anyone's prices gone down?
Since 1980 my insurance has always gone up and the coverage has gotten worse. That is the way it is, no President has reduced my healthcare costs and it really isn’t the President’s concern.

Then Obama shouldn't have promised it.

That noted we are going to have to address the cost of healthcare and many other things.
Welcome to last year. Has anyone's prices gone down?
Since 1980 my insurance has always gone up and the coverage has gotten worse. That is the way it is, no President has reduced my healthcare costs and it really isn’t the President’s concern.

Then Obama shouldn't have promised it.

That noted we are going to have to address the cost of healthcare and many other things.

No he shouldn’t have however I didn’t believe him when he said he would. You can address it but it won’t make a difference because it will always go up and we will always pay. The insurance companies will never go away, the have lots of clout and will never go away. Congress, the President and the Supreme Court are all rich and their decisions and laws favor those who paid to get them into office...the rich.

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