Trump Administration Caves: No Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

The Challenge needs to be Who is CLASSIFIED as a Resident of the United States...............

Is an Illegal alien living here a RESIDENT here when they are in violation of the laws of this country just being here.

Why isn't this the challenge today.............As the 14th has been challenged over time and this would be a Landmark way to end this BS in SCOTUS.

Either Way..........the Gator on a golf cart has an do the leftist in this get more power by any means they can ............I'd note that in another article I showed there are almost a million illegal aliens in Los Angeles County alone..............making up nearly 25% of the population there...........

They intend to get more power by using FOREIGNERS to invade us to take representatives away from other states by increasing the population of hard core liberal States like California and New York.........and then IMPOSE THEIR IDEOLOGY on the rest of the Nation.

They DO NOT CARE that this is being done via ILLEGAL............UNLAWFUL.............immigration....
Frequently Asked Questions

Who is included in the apportionment population counts? back to top

The apportionment calculation is based upon the total resident population (citizens and non-citizens) of the 50 states. In the 2010 Census, the apportionment population also includes U.S. Armed Forces personnel and federal civilian employees stationed outside the United States (and their dependents living with them) that can be allocated, based on administrative records, back to a home state. This is the same procedure used in 2000.

Congressional Apportionment


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Biggest winner in the 2010 Census by population was Texas............gained 4 seats...........

Were these gains from people fleeing States like New York and Illinois.........who lost reps.......or via the illegal immigrant population.........

Which shouldn't be counted....................

I again think this should be challenged via Forcing a Supreme Court Decision to CLASSIFY THE TERM RESIDENT.
Oh hell, just round up all the illegals, scoop them up and ship them back to Mexico, Central America, and wherever the vermin originated from. Then, they'll be no non-citizens to think about.

Operation Wetback II, please!
"President Trump is considering an executive order to try to move forward with a citizenship question on the 2020 census, top sources tell Jonathan Swan and me.

  • "'We didn’t come this far just to throw in the towel,' said a senior administration official with direct knowledge of the conversations...."
"Former federal judge J. Michael Luttig, who has longtime ties to officials in the administration, told Axios:

  • "'If the president of the United States were to issue an executive order, supported by his full Article II powers, directing that the citizenship question be included in the 2020 census, I believe the Supreme Court would affirm the constitutional power of the president to include the citizenship question in the census.'"
Trump considers executive order on citizenship question
Frequently Asked Questions

Who is included in the apportionment population counts? back to top

The apportionment calculation is based upon the total resident population (citizens and non-citizens) of the 50 states. In the 2010 Census, the apportionment population also includes U.S. Armed Forces personnel and federal civilian employees stationed outside the United States (and their dependents living with them) that can be allocated, based on administrative records, back to a home state. This is the same procedure used in 2000.

Congressional Apportionment


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I'm doing what I always do ..............dig for facts.................and I do believe that term Resident can be challenged and overturned........

From what I just found though the biggest winner was a Red State in 2010
"President Trump is considering an executive order to try to move forward with a citizenship question on the 2020 census, top sources tell Jonathan Swan and me.

  • "'We didn’t come this far just to throw in the towel,' said a senior administration official with direct knowledge of the conversations...."
"Former federal judge J. Michael Luttig, who has longtime ties to officials in the administration, told Axios:

  • "'If the president of the United States were to issue an executive order, supported by his full Article II powers, directing that the citizenship question be included in the 2020 census, I believe the Supreme Court would affirm the constitutional power of the president to include the citizenship question in the census.'"
Trump considers executive order on citizenship question
It's going to get done. We can be sure of that.
"President Trump is considering an executive order to try to move forward with a citizenship question on the 2020 census, top sources tell Jonathan Swan and me.

  • "'We didn’t come this far just to throw in the towel,' said a senior administration official with direct knowledge of the conversations...."
"Former federal judge J. Michael Luttig, who has longtime ties to officials in the administration, told Axios:

  • "'If the president of the United States were to issue an executive order, supported by his full Article II powers, directing that the citizenship question be included in the 2020 census, I believe the Supreme Court would affirm the constitutional power of the president to include the citizenship question in the census.'"
Trump considers executive order on citizenship question
It's going to get done. We can be sure of that.
It's going to get done. We can be sure of that.
Even if Trump loses this point, John Roberts will likely take the blame.
Frequently Asked Questions

Who is included in the apportionment population counts? back to top

The apportionment calculation is based upon the total resident population (citizens and non-citizens) of the 50 states. In the 2010 Census, the apportionment population also includes U.S. Armed Forces personnel and federal civilian employees stationed outside the United States (and their dependents living with them) that can be allocated, based on administrative records, back to a home state. This is the same procedure used in 2000.

Congressional Apportionment


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I'm doing what I always do ..............dig for facts.................and I do believe that term Resident can be challenged and overturned........

From what I just found though the biggest winner was a Red State in 2010

Until it is challenged we cannot ignore the Constitution.

Is anyone surprised Texas was the big winner?

It might not be all roses though. The number of competitive congressional races in Texas has gone from 3 in 2002 to 10 in 2018.

Also, Trump’s 2016 victory in Texas was the smallest percent of votes for a Repub since Bob Dole was running.

All those people moving to Texas are not all red voters.

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State Population Change: 2017 to 2018

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is included in the apportionment population counts? back to top

The apportionment calculation is based upon the total resident population (citizens and non-citizens) of the 50 states. In the 2010 Census, the apportionment population also includes U.S. Armed Forces personnel and federal civilian employees stationed outside the United States (and their dependents living with them) that can be allocated, based on administrative records, back to a home state. This is the same procedure used in 2000.

Congressional Apportionment


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I'm doing what I always do ..............dig for facts.................and I do believe that term Resident can be challenged and overturned........

From what I just found though the biggest winner was a Red State in 2010

Until it is challenged we cannot ignore the Constitution.

Is anyone surprised Texas was the big winner?

It might not be all roses though. The number of competitive congressional races in Texas has gone from 3 in 2002 to 10 in 2018.

Also, Trump’s 2016 victory in Texas was the smallest percent of votes for a Repub since Bob Dole was running.

All those people moving to Texas are not all red voters.

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You still haven't answered my question.

Do you agree or disagree with illegals counting towards the number of reps.

And I will remind you again that they are breaking the law by just being matter how loud the left screams they aren't.........

Answer the question.................
Post 231 shows current data that people are hauling ass from leftist states........New York is screwed and will lose more seats......California is heading that way even with the numbers of illegals going there.

Red States are gaining..............Wonder why lol....................People moving to where the jobs are.........Try renting a uhaul to get out of California now..................Enjoy the STICKER SHOCK.
Frequently Asked Questions

Who is included in the apportionment population counts? back to top

The apportionment calculation is based upon the total resident population (citizens and non-citizens) of the 50 states. In the 2010 Census, the apportionment population also includes U.S. Armed Forces personnel and federal civilian employees stationed outside the United States (and their dependents living with them) that can be allocated, based on administrative records, back to a home state. This is the same procedure used in 2000.

Congressional Apportionment


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I'm doing what I always do ..............dig for facts.................and I do believe that term Resident can be challenged and overturned........

From what I just found though the biggest winner was a Red State in 2010

Until it is challenged we cannot ignore the Constitution.

Is anyone surprised Texas was the big winner?

It might not be all roses though. The number of competitive congressional races in Texas has gone from 3 in 2002 to 10 in 2018.

Also, Trump’s 2016 victory in Texas was the smallest percent of votes for a Repub since Bob Dole was running.

All those people moving to Texas are not all red voters.

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You still haven't answered my question.

Do you agree or disagree with illegals counting towards the number of reps.

And I will remind you again that they are breaking the law by just being matter how loud the left screams they aren't.........

Answer the question.................

I disagree with them being counted, I disagree with them being in the country.

But until such time as the Constitution is changed I will alway follow my oath to defend it. We cannot pick and choose the parts we don’t like.

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George.................I almost got a copy of your mistake before you deleted it...........LOL

Should have copied it before reading LOLOLOL

Post it again..............:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
Post 231 shows current data that people are hauling ass from leftist states........New York is screwed and will lose more seats......California is heading that way even with the numbers of illegals going there.

Red States are gaining..............Wonder why lol....................People moving to where the jobs are.........Try renting a uhaul to get out of California now..................Enjoy the STICKER SHOCK.

And as the migration occurs states like Texas become less and less red. What happens to the Repubs and the nation if Texas goes blue?
Post 231 shows current data that people are hauling ass from leftist states........New York is screwed and will lose more seats......California is heading that way even with the numbers of illegals going there.

Red States are gaining..............Wonder why lol....................People moving to where the jobs are.........Try renting a uhaul to get out of California now..................Enjoy the STICKER SHOCK.

And as the migration occurs states like Texas become less and less red. What happens to the Repubs and the nation if Texas goes blue?
We use the 2nd.
Post 231 shows current data that people are hauling ass from leftist states........New York is screwed and will lose more seats......California is heading that way even with the numbers of illegals going there.

Red States are gaining..............Wonder why lol....................People moving to where the jobs are.........Try renting a uhaul to get out of California now..................Enjoy the STICKER SHOCK.

And as the migration occurs states like Texas become less and less red. What happens to the Repubs and the nation if Texas goes blue?
We use the 2nd.


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