Trump Administration Caves: No Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

it’s a matter of intent. For example, it is not illegal to ask about race or ethnicity on a job application. But discriminating on the basis of race is. So if the reason for asking is to discriminate, then asking is illegal because of the intent.

In the case if the Census, we now have the American Community Survey which is legally part of the Census. It asks many questions which were previously part of the long form Census questionnaire. No questions beyond existence are constitutionally required.

Therefore, there is no statistical need for the question to be on the main form. What then is the reason for asking? The reason seems to be to intentionally achieve an undercount of Hispanic residents. And that is clearly an unconstitutional purpose.
No, that does NOT seem to be the reason. The reason goes to intent. To what the census is. It is the count of the American population. That does not include non-Americans.

If you included non-Americans, you could include foreigners who are here just on vacation, on short term visas for work or college studies . All this is ridiculous. And stop trying to use the race card.
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Yes, that is who was allowed to vote back then, but is not who was counted for the apportionment of representatives.
According to the Constitution, it is only citizens who are to be included. Why would anyone want non-citizens to be included ? So they can increase Democrat representation and votes ? Yup.
Yes, that is who was allowed to vote back then, but is not who was counted for the apportionment of representatives.
According to the Constitution, it is only citizens who are to be included. Why would anyone want non-citizens to be included ? So they can increase Democrat representation and votes ? Yup.

That is not what it says, the words were just given to you a few post up. The Census has never just counted Americans and the apportionment of representatives has never been limited to a count of just citizens.
The citizenship question has been asked many times in prior censuses, even as recent as 2000, therefore it is NOT illegal and needs to be included. If it was unconstitutional it would have been removed and documented previously. Trump needs to add it and deal with the legal ramifications later.

Nobody said it was either illegal nor unconstitutional. What the SCOTUS said is that the Admin did not give sufficient cause to add the question at this late date and did not justify the drop in response rate that even the Admin admits will occur should the question be added.

I do love the fact you think the POTUS should ignore the law and just do what the hell ever he wants...shows once again that you are living in the wrong country.
Late know how long it takes an issue to get to the Supreme Court........LOL

If it isn't illegal or unconstitutional then why are LIBERAL WANKERS FORCING A COURT BATTLE.

You know dang well what's going on...........stop trying to dance around why this is going on. Everyone knows the leftist don't want the question because they want to use the illegals to try and get more reps in Congress. Using phoney BS that ICE will get them.............Give me a fing break.
Trump Administration Drops Bid To Put Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

The decision comes days after the Supreme Court temporarily blocked the administration from adding the question.

There will not be a question asking about citizenship on the 2020 census, the Trump administration said Tuesday.

The decision comes less than a week after the Supreme Court temporarily blocked the administration from adding the question, saying it did not provide an adequate explanation for the addition.

“We can confirm that the decision has been made to print the 2020 Decennial Census questionnaire without a citizenship question, and that the printer has been instructed to begin the printing process,” Kate Bailey, a Justice Department attorney, wrote to lawyers for the plaintiffs challenging the addition of the question.

Kelly Laco, a Justice Department spokeswoman, confirmed in an email to HuffPost there would not be a citizenship question on the 2020 census.

Trump Administration Drops Bid To Put Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

Great news! Now everyone can be counted.

You Tards and your FAKE NEWS.....

It is not fake news, you are fake news.
They are looking at rewording the dang question and position...........the real dang question is why the hell was it cool to do this in 2000 and suddenly an OUTRAGE.

OMFG did you see what Trump did...............from TDS wankers who ...........low and behold you are defending their positions again. LOL
Late know how long it takes an issue to get to the Supreme Court........LOL

Yes, late date. I am not talking about the court date, I am talking about idea to include the question. Every bit of the census is planned out and tested for years to get the maximum participation and accuracy. The questions are worded and reworded based upon how test groups answer them. The order of the questions, the number of questions and even the spacing of them on the paper is planned down to the last tiny detail.

By the time Trump choose to add this question there was no time to do any of that. Even his own Admin admits adding the question would lower response rates.
Trump Administration Drops Bid To Put Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

The decision comes days after the Supreme Court temporarily blocked the administration from adding the question.

There will not be a question asking about citizenship on the 2020 census, the Trump administration said Tuesday.

The decision comes less than a week after the Supreme Court temporarily blocked the administration from adding the question, saying it did not provide an adequate explanation for the addition.

“We can confirm that the decision has been made to print the 2020 Decennial Census questionnaire without a citizenship question, and that the printer has been instructed to begin the printing process,” Kate Bailey, a Justice Department attorney, wrote to lawyers for the plaintiffs challenging the addition of the question.

Kelly Laco, a Justice Department spokeswoman, confirmed in an email to HuffPost there would not be a citizenship question on the 2020 census.

Trump Administration Drops Bid To Put Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

Great news! Now everyone can be counted.

You Tards and your FAKE NEWS.....

It is not fake news, you are fake news.
They are looking at rewording the dang question and position...........the real dang question is why the hell was it cool to do this in 2000 and suddenly an OUTRAGE.

OMFG did you see what Trump did...............from TDS wankers who ...........low and behold you are defending their positions again. LOL

To do what in 2000?
Late know how long it takes an issue to get to the Supreme Court........LOL

Yes, late date. I am not talking about the court date, I am talking about idea to include the question. Every bit of the census is planned out and tested for years to get the maximum participation and accuracy. The questions are worded and reworded based upon how test groups answer them. The order of the questions, the number of questions and even the spacing of them on the paper is planned down to the last tiny detail.

By the time Trump choose to add this question there was no time to do any of that. Even his own Admin admits adding the question would lower response rates.
Oh give me a break with that wind bagged excuse. How long does it take to add the dang question in the modern age......About 5 minutes........They have printed the dang thing out yet and the Census isn't til 2020.

Not enough time. You are pulling excuses out of your butt cheeks.
Trump Administration Drops Bid To Put Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

The decision comes days after the Supreme Court temporarily blocked the administration from adding the question.

There will not be a question asking about citizenship on the 2020 census, the Trump administration said Tuesday.

The decision comes less than a week after the Supreme Court temporarily blocked the administration from adding the question, saying it did not provide an adequate explanation for the addition.

“We can confirm that the decision has been made to print the 2020 Decennial Census questionnaire without a citizenship question, and that the printer has been instructed to begin the printing process,” Kate Bailey, a Justice Department attorney, wrote to lawyers for the plaintiffs challenging the addition of the question.

Kelly Laco, a Justice Department spokeswoman, confirmed in an email to HuffPost there would not be a citizenship question on the 2020 census.

Trump Administration Drops Bid To Put Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

Great news! Now everyone can be counted.

You Tards and your FAKE NEWS.....

It is not fake news, you are fake news.
They are looking at rewording the dang question and position...........the real dang question is why the hell was it cool to do this in 2000 and suddenly an OUTRAGE.

OMFG did you see what Trump did...............from TDS wankers who ...........low and behold you are defending their positions again. LOL

To do what in 2000?
The dang question was on the Census in 2000. It was question #13.

Now suddenly asking it.............IS EVIL............this is about them trying to get more reps and nothing more. All their outrage is BS ...........
Trump Administration Drops Bid To Put Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

The decision comes days after the Supreme Court temporarily blocked the administration from adding the question.

There will not be a question asking about citizenship on the 2020 census, the Trump administration said Tuesday.

The decision comes less than a week after the Supreme Court temporarily blocked the administration from adding the question, saying it did not provide an adequate explanation for the addition.

“We can confirm that the decision has been made to print the 2020 Decennial Census questionnaire without a citizenship question, and that the printer has been instructed to begin the printing process,” Kate Bailey, a Justice Department attorney, wrote to lawyers for the plaintiffs challenging the addition of the question.

Kelly Laco, a Justice Department spokeswoman, confirmed in an email to HuffPost there would not be a citizenship question on the 2020 census.

Trump Administration Drops Bid To Put Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

Great news! Now everyone can be counted.

You Tards and your FAKE NEWS.....

It is not fake news, you are fake news.
They are looking at rewording the dang question and position...........the real dang question is why the hell was it cool to do this in 2000 and suddenly an OUTRAGE.

OMFG did you see what Trump did...............from TDS wankers who ...........low and behold you are defending their positions again. LOL

To do what in 2000?
The dang question was on the Census in 2000. It was question #13.

Now suddenly asking it.............IS EVIL............this is about them trying to get more reps and nothing more. All their outrage is BS ...........

You Tards and your FAKE NEWS.....

It is not fake news, you are fake news.
They are looking at rewording the dang question and position...........the real dang question is why the hell was it cool to do this in 2000 and suddenly an OUTRAGE.

OMFG did you see what Trump did...............from TDS wankers who ...........low and behold you are defending their positions again. LOL

To do what in 2000?
The dang question was on the Census in 2000. It was question #13.

Now suddenly asking it.............IS EVIL............this is about them trying to get more reps and nothing more. All their outrage is BS ...........

I posted the dang link in this thread did someone else..........Go to the dang Census site for yourself or go back and read this thread.

Now........Why are you onboard for letting illegals count for the number of dang reps to Congress.

Speak into the microphone.
Yes, that is who was allowed to vote back then, but is not who was counted for the apportionment of representatives.
According to the Constitution, it is only citizens who are to be included. Why would anyone want non-citizens to be included ? So they can increase Democrat representation and votes ? Yup.
Where does it say that?

It says all persons, not all citizens
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Looks like some deep state flunkies jumped the gun:
If a person selects as non-citizen it still counts them in the count. It doesn't deny anyone anything.

What a whiny little twat you are.

The point is that they won't answer it and won't fill out the form. Which you know this and want it to happen. You know that's the reason why trump wanted to put it on the census in the first place and you wanted the results it would produce.

You people know you can't win in an honest election so you cheat. Then lie about your cheating. This time your lies were exposed and one conservative on that court didn't like being lied to. He ruled correctly and in favor of the constitution and law. Now you're all upset you didn't get your way.

Too bad. Stop acting like a little baby and accept the ruling. You won't be able to cheat and rig the census in your favor.

Justice prevailed and you are very upset about being denied the opportunity to cheat.

You can call me all the names you want. It just shows you know you've lost the argument and have nothing substantial to contribute.

I got the best of you so you call me names. Which is typical for a far right radical extremist like yourself.

You can whine, cry, stomp your feet and have all the temper tantrums you want. It won't make any difference.

YOU LOST this one. Deal with it.

Wow, i never knew assumption and guessing were part of the law....

So 50 years ago when the question was on the census it wasn't justice?

Where in the constitution or census law does it say the Commerce department has to justify a question?

If a question is used to deny citizens representation then it runs afoul of several laws.

It doesn't count towards the count.

The question of people here illegally counting towards representation is another question.

Why should illegals, who can't vote, give citizens in one State more vote-gravity than another?
Because that’s how it’s written in the Constitution. And the can’t vote argument is ridiculous: children can’t vote, women couldn’t vote for most of our history, resident aliens csn’t vote. So clearly ability to vote has never been a consideration for representation.

Now all citizens can vote, and I doubt the founders ever thought that there would be people here for years or even decades that came here without some formal method of entry.
Post 67.......and 61 you leftist liar. LOL

2000 - History - U.S. Census Bureau

I posted that on 67...........

Guess you missed the 2 posts proving this is BS.

Perhaps you should have read the very first sentence...

The 2000 census short form asked eight questions to all respondents. The long form, which combined housing and population questions into a single questionnaire, asked an additional 45 questions, All respondents were asked Questions 1 - 6 and Question 33. The 2000 census collected the following information, listed by question number:

The long form is known as the American Community Survey and it will still have the citizenship question just like always.

you are just not very bright, are you?
Post 67.......and 61 you leftist liar. LOL

2000 - History - U.S. Census Bureau

I posted that on 67...........

Guess you missed the 2 posts proving this is BS.

Perhaps you should have read the very first sentence...

The 2000 census short form asked eight questions to all respondents. The long form, which combined housing and population questions into a single questionnaire, asked an additional 45 questions, All respondents were asked Questions 1 - 6 and Question 33. The 2000 census collected the following information, listed by question number:

The long form is known as the American Community Survey and it will still have the citizenship question just like always.

you are just not very bright, are you?
And on post 61 another poster put the form up

You dodging my questrion.............

Why the hell should the illegals here be allowed to count towards the number of reps in Congress.
Looks like some deep state flunkies jumped the gun:
The point is that they won't answer it and won't fill out the form. Which you know this and want it to happen. You know that's the reason why trump wanted to put it on the census in the first place and you wanted the results it would produce.

You people know you can't win in an honest election so you cheat. Then lie about your cheating. This time your lies were exposed and one conservative on that court didn't like being lied to. He ruled correctly and in favor of the constitution and law. Now you're all upset you didn't get your way.

Too bad. Stop acting like a little baby and accept the ruling. You won't be able to cheat and rig the census in your favor.

Justice prevailed and you are very upset about being denied the opportunity to cheat.

You can call me all the names you want. It just shows you know you've lost the argument and have nothing substantial to contribute.

I got the best of you so you call me names. Which is typical for a far right radical extremist like yourself.

You can whine, cry, stomp your feet and have all the temper tantrums you want. It won't make any difference.

YOU LOST this one. Deal with it.

Wow, i never knew assumption and guessing were part of the law....

So 50 years ago when the question was on the census it wasn't justice?

Where in the constitution or census law does it say the Commerce department has to justify a question?

If a question is used to deny citizens representation then it runs afoul of several laws.

It doesn't count towards the count.

The question of people here illegally counting towards representation is another question.

Why should illegals, who can't vote, give citizens in one State more vote-gravity than another?
Because that’s how it’s written in the Constitution. And the can’t vote argument is ridiculous: children can’t vote, women couldn’t vote for most of our history, resident aliens csn’t vote. So clearly ability to vote has never been a consideration for representation.

Now all citizens can vote, and I doubt the founders ever thought that there would be people here for years or even decades that came here without some formal method of entry.
The founders were OK without women voting, blacks voting, Indians voting.....why would they care about illegals?
Post 67.......and 61 you leftist liar. LOL

2000 - History - U.S. Census Bureau

I posted that on 67...........

Guess you missed the 2 posts proving this is BS.

Perhaps you should have read the very first sentence...

The 2000 census short form asked eight questions to all respondents. The long form, which combined housing and population questions into a single questionnaire, asked an additional 45 questions, All respondents were asked Questions 1 - 6 and Question 33. The 2000 census collected the following information, listed by question number:

The long form is known as the American Community Survey and it will still have the citizenship question just like always.

you are just not very bright, are you?
And on post 61 another poster put the form up

You dodging my questrion.............

Why the hell should the illegals here be allowed to count towards the number of reps in Congress.

Yes, that was the American Community Survey, which is ran concurrent to the Census during census years. You will get one or the other in the mail, but the vast majority will only get the 8 question Census. The ACS only goes out to about 3% of the country.
Post 67.......and 61 you leftist liar. LOL

2000 - History - U.S. Census Bureau

I posted that on 67...........

Guess you missed the 2 posts proving this is BS.

Perhaps you should have read the very first sentence...

The 2000 census short form asked eight questions to all respondents. The long form, which combined housing and population questions into a single questionnaire, asked an additional 45 questions, All respondents were asked Questions 1 - 6 and Question 33. The 2000 census collected the following information, listed by question number:

The long form is known as the American Community Survey and it will still have the citizenship question just like always.

you are just not very bright, are you?
And on post 61 another poster put the form up

You dodging my questrion.............

Why the hell should the illegals here be allowed to count towards the number of reps in Congress.

Yes, that was the American Community Survey, which is ran concurrent to the Census during census years. You will get one or the other in the mail, but the vast majority will only get the 8 question Census. The ACS only goes out to about 3% of the country.
And yet that question was asked now wasn't it.

Back to my question............why should illegals count for rep numbers in Congress??????????????????????????????????????????

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