Trump Administration Exerts Executive Privilege over Mueller Report

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Sealed? I mean outright refused to release. My bad. But consider the fact that he exerted privilege over documents related to the Fast and Furious operation that would have implicated his administration in an illicit gun running scandal which got one of our border patrol agents killed.

You have no right to give lectures on executive privilege.

As usual, when caught making insane remarks, you try to deflect. You Trumpbots are ridiculous

When you can't argue a point, you start calling people "Trumpbots"

Heh... you can climb back into your high chair now.

No high chair, but if there were, it wouldn't be in my grandmothers basement.

More desperation.

I have reduced you to frothing at the mouth insults.

You make a high chair remark and then accuse me of insults? Typical childish right winger.

Remember... it all started with "Trumpbots".

I never said I wouldn't jump in the mud pit with you. Just be aware that I don't just hurl mud. I go for the water hose.
Does that mean I have to send my copy back.

The Genie is out of the bottle and it's not going back in again.

Open Impeachment hearing to the public and call all the witnesses Trumpybear doesn't want the public to hear from. Should be able to wrap it up sometime in Nov. 2020.
And what exactly will be accomplished after spending millions more of taxpayer's money?

Good question. Perhaps it would show Trumpybear to be completely innocent, like he says.

What's he trying to hide?
You tell me. Tell me what Trump is hiding.

What's Trump hiding?
His college grades, transcripts of his meetings with Putin, Kim, Saudi Prince Al Saud, his tax returns, barring staff people who were questioned with his approval,only to bar the them from testifying under the false flag of Executive Privilege and the Mueller Report for starters.
He didn't even let Mueller interview him.(Because his lawyers were sure he'd commit perjury.)
He claims to be the "most transparent president, ever" but in fact he is the most secretive president, ever.

Oh yeah, Trump's real secretive with the way he runs his zero-filter yapper every day, mhmm.

You're a delusional tard is what's really up.
Don't worry,nobody expects President Pussyboy to display the stones that Hillary has. No need to keep prattling on.

Uh huh... and you're convinced Hillary was honest all of those 11 hours in testimony.

She would not have appeared for testimony if she wasn't trying to maintain a political image as a presidential candidate.

Hillary has stones. In her head.

No need to keep prattling on.
Republicans make up false conspiracy bullshit then promote their lies until hell freezes over smearing everyone concerned in the process -

Isn't that what the Democrats are doing?

Or are you so hopelessly biased that you're willing to let that kind of behavior slide on the Democrat's side?

Democrats are acting within the boundary given them by the laws of our country and the Constitution, AND getting stonewalled by Republicans for doing it.

Which boundaries are those? The ones that allow them to abuse their power?

I just told you what Democrats were doing - get your head out of Trumps ass and pay attention.
Republicans make up false conspiracy bullshit then promote their lies until hell freezes over smearing everyone concerned in the process -

Isn't that what the Democrats are doing?

Or are you so hopelessly biased that you're willing to let that kind of behavior slide on the Democrat's side?

Democrats are acting within the boundary given them by the laws of our country and the Constitution, AND getting stonewalled by Republicans for doing it.

Which boundaries are those? The ones that allow them to abuse their power?

I just told you what Democrats were doing - get your head out of Trumps ass and pay attention.

I tell you what Democrats are doing: Driving rational people away from their party.
Republicans make up false conspiracy bullshit then promote their lies until hell freezes over smearing everyone concerned in the process -

Isn't that what the Democrats are doing?

Or are you so hopelessly biased that you're willing to let that kind of behavior slide on the Democrat's side?

Democrats are acting within the boundary given them by the laws of our country and the Constitution, AND getting stonewalled by Republicans for doing it.

Which boundaries are those? The ones that allow them to abuse their power?

I just told you what Democrats were doing - get your head out of Trumps ass and pay attention.

Uh, how can you tell where my head is when you have your head so firmly shoved up yours?

What is this need to refer to political opponents with childish monikers?

Ask Pocahontas.

But I confess. Indeed, I'm a very shallow person. How could we elect someone with a face like that? I mean look at that face!
Oh yeah, Trump's real secretive with the way he runs his zero-filter yapper every day, mhmm
Correct. He lies all day everyday, then sues when people want to get to the truth. Always has.
You're gonna get your collective asses kicked good next year. Were you around in 1984?
I will be fine,dont you worry. But when I need to check in on how 3 year olds see politics, i will look you up..
Oh yeah, Trump's real secretive with the way he runs his zero-filter yapper every day, mhmm
Correct. He lies all day everyday, then sues when people want to get to the truth. Always has.
You're gonna get your collective asses kicked good next year. Were you around in 1984?

Reagan's re-election?
Do you remember how bad it was for Mondale?
Oh yeah, Trump's real secretive with the way he runs his zero-filter yapper every day, mhmm
Correct. He lies all day everyday, then sues when people want to get to the truth. Always has.
You're gonna get your collective asses kicked good next year. Were you around in 1984?
I will be fine,dont you worry. But when I need to check in on how 3 year olds see politics, i will look you up..
Go take a look at the Presidential election of 1984, Reagan vs. Mondale.
Oh yeah, Trump's real secretive with the way he runs his zero-filter yapper every day, mhmm
Correct. He lies all day everyday, then sues when people want to get to the truth. Always has.
You're gonna get your collective asses kicked good next year. Were you around in 1984?
I will be fine,dont you worry. But when I need to check in on how 3 year olds see politics, i will look you up..
Go take a look at the Presidential election of 1984, Reagan vs. Mondale.
Ha, sure.

What is this need to refer to political opponents with childish monikers?

Ask Pocahontas.

But I confess. Indeed, I'm a very shallow person. How could we elect someone with a face like that? I mean look at that face!

Interesting. Do you have any objection to me referring to Hillary as "kankles" or Obama as "Soetero"?

Well do you? You can't tell me that doesn't bother you the same way it bothers me. At least I have enough respect for my political opponents to refer to them by their actual names.

I thought there were adults posting here. Was I wrong?

What is this need to refer to political opponents with childish monikers?

Ask Pocahontas.

But I confess. Indeed, I'm a very shallow person. How could we elect someone with a face like that? I mean look at that face!

Trump wasn't elected to look good, not necessarily a bad thing.

Hey did you hear a whoosing sound a minute ago.

Trump mocks Fiorina’s physical appearance: 'Look at that face!'
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