Trump Administration Exerts Executive Privilege over Mueller Report

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Trump is so incredibly scared.

You reek of fear. And posting memes only shows it.
Not only is he trying to keep his tax returns secret, but he's also suing Deutsche Bank and Capitol One to keep them from releasing bank information on him to Congress.
The only other option he really has is to confess, and we know that’s never going to happen.
Not only is he trying to keep his tax returns secret, but he's also suing Deutsche Bank and Capitol One to keep them from releasing bank information on him to Congress.
The only other option he really has is to confess, and we know that’s never going to happen.
or you could admit there's nothing there to keep chasing.

but we all know that's never going to happen.
The courts will make that decision.
Correct. And they will nullify this.

Ah, we got a pair of legal experts on our hands here folks! Time for me to make like a VCR and

Rewind to 1974:

In US v. Nixon the Supreme Court ruled that use of executive privilege was constitutional.

Fast forward to 1998:

During the thick of the Lewinsky scandal, a Federal Judge blocked Clinton's use of executive privilege citing Starr's need for the information outweighed Clinton's need to keep it from the public eye.

Fast forward to today:

In light of those two facts, can the current congress prove to a court that their need for the fully unredacted Mueller report outweighs the President's need to keep it secret? Can they prove to the courts that this has significant legal bearing and isn't just a political charade?

Their case will fail before a diligent and non partisan judge.
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Trump does like to dig his own grave

The Mueller report was an investigation and now your going to try and hide it by claiming executive privileged

Trump executive privilege is more a statement of I can hide behind the office of the presidency and you can't touch this

yet when Jr, and Kushner testified before congress there was no claim for executive privileged

Anybody who will not saying negative things can testify

He is using executive privilege to hide negative things that effect his presidency , then you are denying open government access to the public which can practice oversight

Transparency in public administration

His action just ,make a stronger case for obstruction and maybe Mueller knew that trump will dig his own grave and show how obstructive he is.

the white house counsel offers legal advice to the President, but he is not the presidents personal attorney. Thus attorney - client privilege does not exist
and does not apply to congress when they are investigation allegations of misconduct while in office by the president.

McGahn has already given statements to the Mueller investigation, and congress should have the right to hear these statements directly from McGahn.

If McGahn had nice things to say, I am sure Trump would not claim executive privileged.

Congress oversight and the public oversight go hand in hand
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Does that mean I have to send my copy back.

The Genie is out of the bottle and it's not going back in again.

Open Impeachment hearing to the public and call all the witnesses Trumpybear doesn't want the public to hear from. Should be able to wrap it up sometime in Nov. 2020.
And what exactly will be accomplished after spending millions more of taxpayer's money?

Good question. Perhaps it would show Trumpybear to be completely innocent, like he says.

What's he trying to hide?
Why are you so eager to invade this man's life? You want his tax returns, you want this, you want that.

Tell me, just what is the goal here?

To get the House Committees access to all the redacted information from the Mueller investigation so they can make the best informed decision possible with regard to impeaching "Dirty Don".
In light of those two facts, can the current congress prove to a court that their need for the fully unredacted Mueller report outweighs the President's need to keep it secret? Can they prove to the courts that this has significant legal bearing and isn't just a political charade?
Yes, very easily, given the volume of evidence for criminal obstruction contained within.
that old derelict opened the door to have his life inspected the second he threw his name in the hat to run for office..

So did Hillary, but yet Democrats protested the invasion into her life.

Why the double standard?
In light of those two facts, can the current congress prove to a court that their need for the fully unredacted Mueller report outweighs the President's need to keep it secret? Can they prove to the courts that this has significant legal bearing and isn't just a political charade?
Yes, very easily, given the volume of evidence for criminal obstruction contained within.

Where is this "volume of evidence"?
What's Trump hiding?
His college grades, transcripts of his meetings with Putin, Kim, Saudi Prince Al Saud, his tax returns, barring staff people who were questioned with his approval,only to bar the them from testifying under the false slag of Executive Privilege and the Mueller Report for starters.
He didn't even let Mueller interview him.(Because his lawyers were sure he'd commit perjury.)
He claims to be the "most transparent president, ever" but in fact he is the most secretive president, ever.
It's none of you business what he says to other leaders. his staff. You only want to know because you feel this need to hound him and harass him because h His tax returns are none of you business. It's also none of your business how he handles e had the nerve to beat the smartest woman in the world.

"It's none of you business what he says to other leaders"
I take it you are not familiar with the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act .
Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978
Frequently Asked Questions about Federal Records Management
"It's none of you business what he says to other leaders. his staff. You only want to know because you feel this need to hound him and harass him because h His tax returns are none of you business. It's also none of your business how he handles e had the nerve to beat the smartest woman in the world"
The Constitution gives Congress of oversight of the Executive Branch, which is part of the check and balances and a foundation of the United States three branches of our government.government.
When Trump allowed staff members to testify to Mueller and his team, he waived Executive Privilege, this act prohibits Trump from using Executive Privilege on the same parties regarding Congressional oversight.
Trumps behavior and actions are not the actions of somebody who has nothing to hide.
Then impeach him. You guys just bitch and moan. Shit or get off the pot.

Can't make an informed decision on whether or not impeachment is the correct course for the country without all the evidence that Mueller collected.
Gee, that's too bad.

Too bad for whom? It's only a matter of time before it happens.
To get the House Committees access to all the redacted information from the Mueller investigation so they can make the best informed decision possible with regard to impeaching "Dirty Don".

Don't you think you're being a bit disingenuous?

This drive to "make the best informed decision" is nothing but a political farce. They want the unredacted report so they can make a political decision, not a "best informed" one. There is no genuine interest in holding anyone accountable.

Republicans showed that with Hillary and Benghazi, and Democrats have shown it with Kavanaugh and the Mueller investigation.

Ah, to be a political atheist. So enlightening.
that old derelict opened the door to have his life inspected the second he threw his name in the hat to run for office..

So did Hillary, but yet Democrats protested the invasion into her life.

Why the double standard?

Trumpybear should follow Hillary's example and head on down to Capital Hill and sit in testimony for 11 hours.


What is this need to refer to political opponents with childish monikers?

Answer me this... for what reason should he sit down and testify before a highly partisan congress? What would be accomplished?

Do you not see what is going on? Republicans and Democrats are essentially the same. They only want to hold someone accountable when it serves their political interests. Never is it about preserving the integrity of our laws.
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In light of those two facts, can the current congress prove to a court that their need for the fully unredacted Mueller report outweighs the President's need to keep it secret? Can they prove to the courts that this has significant legal bearing and isn't just a political charade?
Yes, very easily, given the volume of evidence for criminal obstruction contained within.
fire mueller.
Where is this "volume of evidence"?
In the report. I literally spelled that out in the post you quoted and to which you responded.

I read the report.

Now, be specific.

Where is this so called "volume of evidence" that Trump committed obstruction? Do you have evidence that they don't have?
It's in the report. It seems your opinion of evidence of criminal obstruction differs from mine. There is no need to go through the exercise of you dismissing it out of hand for no reason other than your affinity for trump.
that old derelict opened the door to have his life inspected the second he threw his name in the hat to run for office..

So did Hillary, but yet Democrats protested the invasion into her life.

Why the double standard?

Trumpybear should follow Hillary's example and head on down to Capital Hill and sit in testimony for 11 hours.


What is this need to refer to political opponents with childish monikers?

Answer me this... for what reason should he sit down and testify before a highly partisan congress? What would be accomplished?

Do you not see what is going on? Republicans and Democrats are essentially the same. They only want to hold someone accountable when it serves their political interests. Never is it about preserving the integrity of the law.
yea, they get "cute" and then want to be taken seriously.

ain't ever gonna happen.
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