Trump Administration Exerts Executive Privilege over Mueller Report

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for what reason should he sit down and testify before a highly partisan congress?
To show he has nothing to hide and can tell the truth.

Why should he tell the truth to people who themselves refuse to tell the truth?

Why should he oblige the political whims of our elected officials who often participate in misleading the American public?

Are you truly concerned about the integrity of the presidency? Or will that concern disappear as soon as the next Democrat is elected to the White House?

I have a million questions. I wonder why moral standards seem to disappear and reappear just as swiftly as the political wind blows?
To get the House Committees access to all the redacted information from the Mueller investigation so they can make the best informed decision possible with regard to impeaching "Dirty Don".

Don't you think you're being a bit disingenuous?

This drive to "make the best informed decision" is nothing but a political farce. They want the unredacted report so they can make a political decision, not a "best informed" one. There is no genuine interest in holding anyone accountable.

Republicans showed that with Hillary and Benghazi, and Democrats have shown it with Kavanaugh and the Mueller investigation.

Ah, to be a political atheist. So enlightening.

If they don't have all the evidence how can they make an informed decision?

Of course they want to score as much political points as they can with it as well.

Kavanaugh is still a SC Judge and Barr got to do his song and dance too.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Why should he tell the truth to people who themselves refuse to tell the truth?
Same question, just restated in an equally overwrought, whiny way. Already answered.

Don't worry,nobody expects President Pussyboy to display the stones that Hillary has. No need to keep prattling on.
that old derelict opened the door to have his life inspected the second he threw his name in the hat to run for office..

So did Hillary, but yet Democrats protested the invasion into her life.

Why the double standard?

Trumpybear should follow Hillary's example and head on down to Capital Hill and sit in testimony for 11 hours.


What is this need to refer to political opponents with childish monikers?

Answer me this... for what reason should he sit down and testify before a highly partisan congress? What would be accomplished?

Do you not see what is going on? Republicans and Democrats are essentially the same. They only want to hold someone accountable when it serves their political interests. Never is it about preserving the integrity of the law.

not even close - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Republicans make up false conspiracy bullshit then promote their lies until hell freezes over smearing everyone concerned in the process -

Democrats are acting within the boundary giving them by the laws of the country and the Constitution, AND getting stonewalled by Republicans for doing it.
that old derelict opened the door to have his life inspected the second he threw his name in the hat to run for office..

So did Hillary, but yet Democrats protested the invasion into her life.

Why the double standard?

Trumpybear should follow Hillary's example and head on down to Capital Hill and sit in testimony for 11 hours.


What is this need to refer to political opponents with childish monikers?

Answer me this... for what reason should he sit down and testify before a highly partisan congress? What would be accomplished?

Do you not see what is going on? Republicans and Democrats are essentially the same. They only want to hold someone accountable when it serves their political interests. Never is it about preserving the integrity of the law.

not even close - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Republicans make up false conspiracy bullshit then promote their lies until hell freezes over smearing everyone concerned in the process -

Democrats are acting within the boundary giving them by the laws of the country and the Constitution, AND getting stonewalled by Republicans for doing it.
yeah, yeah, yeah.
he gave them a report they refuse to read
Because that one is still redacted. And the demand is for the full report and all underlying evidence to be made available to the full congress. Why would they back down and settle? They are not going to do so.
To get the House Committees access to all the redacted information from the Mueller investigation so they can make the best informed decision possible with regard to impeaching "Dirty Don".

Don't you think you're being a bit disingenuous?

This drive to "make the best informed decision" is nothing but a political farce. They want the unredacted report so they can make a political decision, not a "best informed" one. There is no genuine interest in holding anyone accountable.

Republicans showed that with Hillary and Benghazi, and Democrats have shown it with Kavanaugh and the Mueller investigation.

Ah, to be a political atheist. So enlightening.

If they don't have all the evidence how can they make an informed decision?

Of course they want to score as much political points as they can with it as well.

Kavanaugh is still a SC Judge and Barr got to do his song and dance too.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
and that's why we're still mired in bullshit. both sides use the dumbass extremes of the OTHER side to justify why THEY can ALSO be friggin stupid.
It seems your opinion of evidence of criminal obstruction differs from mine.

Obviously... since he obstructed your party's efforts to get him impeached because of a made up conspiracy.

Yes indeed. Our opinions differ-- astronomically.
he gave them a report they refuse to read
Because that one is still redacted. And the demand is for the full report and all underlying evidence to be made available to the full congress. Why would they back down and settle? They are not going to do so.
if he's not looked at it, how would he know?

this is just a case of using that as an excuse to ask for what he knows he has no right to ask for so he can cry FOUL when told no.

on queue he did it and on queue, you slurped it up.
Why should he tell the truth to people who themselves refuse to tell the truth?
Same question, just restated in an equally overwrought, whiny way. Already answered.

Don't worry,nobody expects President Pussyboy to display the stones that Hillary has. No need to keep prattling on.

fucking huge ass stones, yes.

hillary "i do not recall" at DuckDuckGo
Thats right...the stones to sit for 11 hours of questioning from a belligerent congress on live TV. President Pussyboy wouldn't even sit for an interview with mueller behind closed doors. This is, of course, because he is so mentally ill that he literally cannot prevent himself from lying.
he gave them a report they refuse to read
Because that one is still redacted. And the demand is for the full report and all underlying evidence to be made available to the full congress. Why would they back down and settle? They are not going to do so.
they didn't read it, how do they know what is redacted? go to court, judge says did you send a report? yep, they didn't read it. judge, did you read the report? nope. jduge, why not? it had redactions. judge, do you know what was redacted? nope, didn't read it. judge, then how do you know you didn't get what you are coming to court with? judge, case dismissed.
Why should he tell the truth to people who themselves refuse to tell the truth?
Same question, just restated in an equally overwrought, whiny way. Already answered.

Don't worry,nobody expects President Pussyboy to display the stones that Hillary has. No need to keep prattling on.

fucking huge ass stones, yes.

hillary "i do not recall" at DuckDuckGo
Thats right...the stones to sit for 11 hours of questioning from a belligerent congress on live TV. President Pussyboy wouldn't even sit for an interview with mueller behind closed doors. This is, of course, because he is so mentally ill that he literally cannot prevent himself from lying.
and of course, you are an expert on the whys behind the scenes so only your "illusion" is correct.

the problem with people like you who think you are as smart as you are is that you're not really smart enough to realize how 1 sided stupid you are being.
When did Obama seal his college transcripts? You got a credible link? Any king of order specifically sealing his, and only his college transcripts?

Sealed? I mean outright refused to release. My bad. But consider the fact that he exerted privilege over documents related to the Fast and Furious operation that would have implicated his administration in an illicit gun running scandal which got one of our border patrol agents killed.

You have no right to give lectures on executive privilege.

As usual, when caught making insane remarks, you try to deflect. You Trumpbots are ridiculous

When you can't argue a point, you start calling people "Trumpbots"

Heh... you can climb back into your high chair now.

No high chair, but if there were, it wouldn't be in my grandmothers basement.

More desperation.

I have reduced you to frothing at the mouth insults.

You make a high chair remark and then accuse me of insults? Typical childish right winger.
if he's not looked at it, how would he know?
How would he know...what? That it is still redacted, and does not come with all the underlying evidence? Because that is public knowledge. What a stupid question that was.
if it's public knowledge a much more complete report is out there for him to read, why is he on a "jihad" telling the left he doesn't have access?

dude, you're being a huge as baby crying cause your mother told you no then bopped your nose cause you kept at it.
Republicans make up false conspiracy bullshit then promote their lies until hell freezes over smearing everyone concerned in the process -

Isn't that what the Democrats are doing?

Or are you so hopelessly biased that you're willing to let that kind of behavior slide on the Democrat's side?

Democrats are acting within the boundary given them by the laws of our country and the Constitution, AND getting stonewalled by Republicans for doing it.

Which boundaries are those? The ones that allow them to abuse their power?
if it's public knowledge a much more complete report is out there for him to read, why is he on a "jihad" telling the left he doesn't have access?
Because the demand is for the completely unredacted report and all underlying evidence to be made available to the full congress, as i already stated. Please pay attention when i post.
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