Trump administration to roll out 'Tax Cuts 2.0' next year


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
Trump administration to roll out 'Tax Cuts 2.0' next year
National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow says ‘Tax Cuts 2.0’ could be on its way next year.

ME: If it works, stick with it. More "winning" for working Americans

He was planning on Mexico paying for his wall too, wasn't he? His plans usually don't work out like he says they will.

is getting his Lie on pretty early.

He was planning on Mexico paying for his wall too, wasn't he? His plans usually don't work out like he says they will.

Mexico IS paying for the wall. That has already been demonstrated several times. Pull your head out of your ass you moron
He was planning on Mexico paying for his wall too, wasn't he? His plans usually don't work out like he says they will.
The economy and employment worked out so well Democrats have to make fake scandals up weekly/weakly.

sure.... uh-huh.... right. he 'promised' a 10% middle class tax cut back in october 2018, hoping that dupes like you would believe him & vote for the (R)s in the midterms...

he lied.


no surprise.

is he lying again? you betcha..... but will you & the rest of the basket dwelling, poorly educated deplorables believe him? again?

of course you will... it's who you are & it's what you do.

apparently dupes have very short memories, & donny is hoping to keep it that way.

Trump Floats 10% Middle Class Tax Cut With Election Looming. The Only Problem: Congress Isn’t in Session
Glenn Fleishman
October 22, 2018
Trump Floats 10% Middle Class Tax Cut With Election Looming. The Only Problem: Congress Isn’t In Session


is getting his Lie on pretty early.

He was planning on Mexico paying for his wall too, wasn't he? His plans usually don't work out like he says they will.

Mexico IS paying for the wall. That has already been demonstrated several times. Pull your head out of your ass you moron


Trump administration to roll out 'Tax Cuts 2.0' next year
National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow says ‘Tax Cuts 2.0’ could be on its way next year.

ME: If it works, stick with it. More "winning" for working Americans

That is what he told us right before the 2018 mid-term elections...didn't seem to happen.

is getting his Lie on pretty early.

He was planning on Mexico paying for his wall too, wasn't he? His plans usually don't work out like he says they will.

Mexico IS paying for the wall. That has already been demonstrated several times. Pull your head out of your ass you moron

If Mexico was paying for the wall, he would not need to take badly needed money from our military to build it

is getting his Lie on pretty early.

He was planning on Mexico paying for his wall too, wasn't he? His plans usually don't work out like he says they will.

Mexico IS paying for the wall. That has already been demonstrated several times. Pull your head out of your ass you moron


450 miles of border wall by next year? In Arizona, it starts

Your desperation is showing
The Laffer Curve has already failed........

No it hasn't you liar. The very nature of what it is means it cannot fail.

There is an optimum tax rate that brings in the most tax revenue while causing the least harm to families and businesses. That is an objective fact. Do you know what that rate is? No, of course you don't, you moron.
No it hasn't you liar. The very nature of what it is means it cannot fail.

There is an optimum tax rate that brings in the most tax revenue while causing the least harm to families and businesses. That is an objective fact. Do you know what that rate is? No, of course you don't, you moron.
Progs are getting more desperate by the day.

The radical Commie wing will require the toads to oppose the tax cuts.

Trump plays the left the way....

The radical Commie wing will require the toads to oppose the tax cuts.
Trump plays the left the way....

Thats probably one of the reasons he is rolling them out now. Pelosi will have to vote against them. Brilliant!!
Trump administration to roll out 'Tax Cuts 2.0' next year
National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow says ‘Tax Cuts 2.0’ could be on its way next year.

ME: If it works, stick with it. More "winning" for working Americans

Donald Trump's Tax Cuts, the 'Misleading' $22 Trillion Debt ...

Trump tax cuts carry a big price tag: Huge debt and risk of ...

Wow... Trump hasn't even proposed the tax cuts, and the Sheep are already posting scripted lies.

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