Trump admits documents were not declassified


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

This is the entire crux of the Trump indictment. They have Trump on tape saying his documents were classified and talking about them to some friends.

All Trump had to do was say they were not classified and everything would be OK, but they have him on tape saying they were classified, therefore, he should not have had them and certainly should not have been talking about them.

So the left goes after him with the Espionage Act created by President Wilson.

The Espionage Act of 1917 was passed just two months after America entered World War I and was primarily intended by Congress to combat actual espionage on behalf of America’s enemies, like publishing secret U.S. military plans. But federal prosecutors and judges, following Wilson’s lead, fixated on Section 3 of the Espionage Act, which targeted individuals who “willfully cause or attempt to cause insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, [or] refusal of duty” in the military.

In short, Wilson used the Act to squash any public opposition to the war as around 2000 American ended up being jailed for saying things Wilson did not like about the war.

However, the Left will use the Espionage Act like Wilson, expanding it to meet their political goals, even though Trump was not trying to cause insubordination, disloyalty, or mutiny, etc., nor was he trying to sell secrets to enemies of the US. No, Trump was just being stupid, much like Hillary carelessly handled state secrets with her emails on her private server that was hacked repeatedly by enemies of the US government.

The funny part is, Hillary gave state secrets to the enemies of the US as where Trump did not even though both were acting like idiots. yet only Trump will be held accountable.

Then you had Biden who, as Senator, held on to confidential documents that he had no power to declassify, hence it was illegal for him to have. Of course, no one cares about that either.
The GOP will basically dump Trump for being stupid, for the most part, even though he will probably win the GOP nomination as the trial will happen after the election.

But with the entire media and political apparatus abandoning Trump, his chances of winning the election are slim to none, especially with all the election shenanigan law changes with elections after Covid.

But Trump will have captured the heart of a good part of the GOP, so once they jettison Trump, most will probably walk away from the GOP as well as the DNC takes over government completely..

Or at least, that is the Leftist master plan.
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Do you any proof that Biden lied for over a year to keep those documents, and plotted and directed his people to hide them from the Feds?
As Senator, it was illegal for him to have those documents.


May I say, it is illegal to lie to the FBI.

Just ask Michael Flynn whose life was made a living hell for being accused of making just one lie to the FBI, yet Hillary is allowed to lie with impunity?


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No one asked Biden for documents like they did Trump


And it is Ok with you that Biden illegally took those documents?

I suppose what Hillary did was Ok with you as well?

Partisan hack fool.
Like I've said many times. Sociopath tyrants are empowered by bed wetters. Turds like Mac1958 are the sort who dumped the zyklon-b down the chute, then condemned the victims for being too industrious and wealthy.

This is the entire crux of the Trump indictment. They have Trump on tape saying his documents were classified and talking about them to some friends.

All Trump had to do was say they were not classified and everything would be OK, but they have him on tape saying they were classified, therefore, he should not have had them and certainly should not have been talking about them.

So the left goes after him with the Espionage Act created by President Wilson.

The Espionage Act of 1917 was passed just two months after America entered World War I and was primarily intended by Congress to combat actual espionage on behalf of America’s enemies, like publishing secret U.S. military plans. But federal prosecutors and judges, following Wilson’s lead, fixated on Section 3 of the Espionage Act, which targeted individuals who “willfully cause or attempt to cause insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, [or] refusal of duty” in the military.

In short, Wilson used the Act to squash any public opposition to the war as around 2000 American ended up being jailed for saying things Wilson did not like about the war.

However, the Left will use the Espionage Act like Wilson, expanding it to meet their political goals, even though Trump was not trying to cause insubordination, disloyalty, or mutiny, etc., nor was he trying to sell secrets to enemies of the US. No, Trump was just being stupid, much like Hillary carelessly handled state secrets with her emails on her private server that was hacked repeatedly by enemies of the US government.

The funny part is, Hillary gave state secrets to the enemies of the US as where Trump did not even though both were acting like idiots. yet only Trump will be held accountable.

Then you had Biden who, as Senator, held on to confidential documents that he had no power to declassify, hence it was illegal for him to have. Of course, no one cares about that either.
Trump is a moron

All he had to do is say he did not pack the documents and had no idea what was in them.

Instead, he came up with the ridiculous claim that he can declassify things with his brain and that he intentionally took those documents

A claim that is easily refuted
So you are saying they all are tyrannical despotic people?

Is democracy a lie or is this what democracy has come to?
There is nothing wrong with democracy, the people running the democracy are corrupt, nothing new it has been going on since day one.
Trump is a moron

All he had to do is say he did not pack the documents and had no idea what was in them.

Instead, he came up with the ridiculous claim that he can declassify things with his brain and that he intentionally took those documents

A claim that is easily refuted

Hillary was also a moron

And Biden...........well...........he has hairy legs

I'm not sure the word moron captures Diaper Joe adequately. I mean just listen to the man ramble on about creepy incoherent things like children rubbing down his legs and liking them sit on his lap and then inexplicably call the black children roaches. I've never heard a political figure in world history give a more bizarre and racist speech like Diaper Joe.

Joe is in an unnamed category all by his lonesome.
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Trump is a moron

All he had to do is say he did not pack the documents and had no idea what was in them.

Instead, he came up with the ridiculous claim that he can declassify things with his brain and that he intentionally took those documents

A claim that is easily refuted
It would not be hard to convince me Trump did all of this intentionally, knowing he would be fundraising like a madman when he got indicted. He could have returned them, he could have burned them, he could have pretended not to know, and I am sure there were other ways he could lie out of it. But he literally rubs it in the FBI's face. Why else would he tell people while being taped?

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