Trump admits documents were not declassified

The funny part is, Hillary gave state secrets to the enemies of the US as where Trump did not even though both were acting like idiots. yet only Trump will be held accountable.
If Trump actually “declassified” all the papers he took, then he would have been turning over state secrets to everyone, including our enemies.
It would not be hard to convince me Trump did all of this intentionally, knowing he would be fundraising like a madman when he got indicted. He could have returned them, he could have burned them, he could have pretended not to know, and I am sure there were other ways he could lie out of it. But he literally rubs it in the FBI's face. Why else would he tell people while being taped?
Most who know Trump know that he just says and does stupid stuff.

It's just how he is.

But sure, continue with the conspiracy thingy.

Makes it more interesting anyway.
If Trump actually “declassified” all the papers he took, then he would have been turning over state secrets to everyone, including our enemies.
The bottom line is, he had that power.

Like it or not, whether it is good or not, that is the law.

So here we are.
Most who know Trump know that he just says and does stupid stuff.

It's just how he is.

But sure, continue with the conspiracy thingy.

Makes it more interesting anyway.
So why do you guys blindly follow a guy known to say and do stupid stuff?
So why do you guys blindly follow a guy known to say and do stupid stuff?
First of all, I'm not you guys.

I did not vote for Trump in the primary, but I sure as hell did to prevent that freak that is in there now destroying the country

I chose, instead, to listen to Trump spout of like a moron at times.
Trump admitted that one document, the plan to invade Iran, was not declassified.
The thread title says "documents".
for the record, please confirm that you’re saying the trial will show that this one particular document was classified while the rest of the documents will have markings showing that Trump declassified them all . I eagerly await your answer.

Hillary was also a moron

And Biden...........well...........he has hairy legs

I'm not sure the word moron captures Diaper Joe adequately. I mean just listen to the man ramble on about creepy incoherent things like children rubbing down his legs and liking them sit on his lap and then inexplicably call the black children roaches. I've never heard a political figure in world history give a more bizarre and racist speech like Diaper Joe.

It really is the truth when I look at some of these people. GWB wasn't as stupid as the bed wettes say, but he never really did that well in the private sector and if he wasn't born in the aristocracy, he might not have gone too far in life. They consider John Kerry an intellectual😆🤪in spite of the fact he had lower grades and the evidence suggests he is a complete jabbering idiot.

We are not being governed by many people who are actually above average intellectual quality. We are being governed by people who would starve to death if they had to be productive. Regardless of party, although when it comes to which party is more infested with imbeciles, traitors, sociopaths, pedophiles, freaks of nature and criminals the DNC is the sanctuary of genetic garbage that remains fugitive from natural selection.

The GOP just seems like it wants to watch the country descend into ruin.



This is the entire crux of the Trump indictment. They have Trump on tape saying his documents were classified and talking about them to some friends.

All Trump had to do was say they were not classified and everything would be OK, but they have him on tape saying they were classified, therefore, he should not have had them and certainly should not have been talking about them.

So the left goes after him with the Espionage Act created by President Wilson.

The Espionage Act of 1917 was passed just two months after America entered World War I and was primarily intended by Congress to combat actual espionage on behalf of America’s enemies, like publishing secret U.S. military plans. But federal prosecutors and judges, following Wilson’s lead, fixated on Section 3 of the Espionage Act, which targeted individuals who “willfully cause or attempt to cause insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, [or] refusal of duty” in the military.

In short, Wilson used the Act to squash any public opposition to the war as around 2000 American ended up being jailed for saying things Wilson did not like about the war.

However, the Left will use the Espionage Act like Wilson, expanding it to meet their political goals, even though Trump was not trying to cause insubordination, disloyalty, or mutiny, etc., nor was he trying to sell secrets to enemies of the US. No, Trump was just being stupid, much like Hillary carelessly handled state secrets with her emails on her private server that was hacked repeatedly by enemies of the US government.

The funny part is, Hillary gave state secrets to the enemies of the US as where Trump did not even though both were acting like idiots. yet only Trump will be held accountable.

Then you had Biden who, as Senator, held on to confidential documents that he had no power to declassify, hence it was illegal for him to have. Of course, no one cares about that either.
Actually Trump will be very lucky if he only winds up having to spend the rest of his miserable life behind bars.

Where does it say that Trump has the power to declassify documents without marking them as declassified?
This is what I hear pundits say all the time.

I have never heard anyone say otherwise.

I am neither a lawyer or expert on the myriad of laws out there.

But that is another issue, the government passes about 40,000 new laws and regulations every year, who can abide by all of them? No one can.

That means the state can then effectively go after any political opponent they wish, just dig in and find out what laws they may have broken and then pretend to care about those laws as they throw the book at them.

That is what I see with Trump. Look at all he has been through thus far.

It is not about the "Laws", it is about political persecution.
Actually Trump will be very lucky if he only winds up having to spend the rest of his miserable life behind bars.

I don't see that happening

As I said, the goal is to win the next election.

Leftist don't care about people, rather, they just care about power.

The trial will happen after the election

Therefore, putting him behind bars has no clear advantage to maintaining DNC power, and arguably can create hard feelings that will cause more to fight them politically.

The goal is just to trash Trump, like with the Russian collusion crap.
It really is the truth when I look at some of these people. GWB wasn't as stupid as the bed wettes say, but he never really did that well in the private sector and if he wasn't born in the aristocracy, he might not have gone too far in life. They consider John Kerry an intellectual😆🤪in spite of the fact he had lower grades and the evidence suggests he is a complete jabbering idiot.

We are not being governed by many people who are actually above average intellectual quality. We are being governed by people who would starve to death if they had to be productive. Regardless of party, although when it comes to which party is more infested with imbeciles, traitors, sociopaths, pedophiles, freaks of nature and criminals the DNC is the sanctuary of genetic garbage that remains fugitive from natural selection.

The GOP just seems like it wants to watch the country descend into ruin.


Are you still here Pete 7469????

Nothing you have to say is meaningful....or even relevant.
You are a liar.
Don't you remember promising to never post here again?
You said, quote;

"Wrong shit stain. Not a single statue was indicated.

That's how law works TURD.

You have to have EVIDENCE. Clear Evidence, something TANGIBLE or at least credible testimony. Then you have to INDICATE WHAT SPECIFIC CFR or USC was violated. You name the USC or CFR, present the evidence and I'll never post here again."
The bottom line is, he had that power.

Like it or not, whether it is good or not, that is the law.

So here we are.
So Trump is going to seriously harm national security to save his own skin from the consequences of his idiotic decisions.

How is that “America First”?
So Trump is going to seriously harm national security to save his own skin from the consequences of his idiotic decisions.

How is that “America First”?
It would be nice to actually here Trump be able to defend himself, unlike the hearings they had in Washington on live TV.

Wouldn't it?
It would be nice to actually here Trump be able to defend himself, unlike the hearings they had in Washington on live TV.

Wouldn't it?
You can hear Trump anytime he wants to make noise. The problem for Trump is that he has lied so much that no one takes his words seriously anymore.

So if he says he declassified all these documents, it’s irrelevant. Maybe he did. Maybe he’s lying.
You can hear Trump anytime he wants to make noise. The problem for Trump is that he has lied so much that no one takes his words seriously anymore.

So if he says he declassified all these documents, it’s irrelevant. Maybe he did. Maybe he’s lying.
No, that's not true.

They took him off Twitter for the longest time as anything he said got rehashed back to you and twisted by people with TDS.

I have yet to even hear what Trump said in its entirety and why, so I will refrain judgement till then.
No, that's not true.

They took him off Twitter for the longest time as anything he said got rehashed back to you and twisted by people with TDS.
Uh, okay. Are you under the impression that speech outside of Twitter doesn’t exist?

Cmon man.
1. REAL classified documents are kept in vaults, which the sitting president has to "order" through channels to get.
And even then, he's got a time limit to how long he can keep them out of the vault. And these documents are NOT kept in the White House, probably not even in DC.

2. ALL presidents take their work home with them. This includes ALL files they have at the White House. It was their administration, and there is no room for them to be kept anywhere, therefore they are ALLOWED to take this stuff home.

3. ALL government paperwork is "classified". Doesn't matter if it grandmas recipe for fudge, or spy information gathered about another world leader, CEO, or government.

4. ANYTHING THE PRESIDENT REMOVES FROM HIS OFFICE/WHITE HOUSE, IS AUTOMATICALLY DEEMED "DECLASSIFIED" AS THERE ARE NO GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS KEPT AT THE WHITE HOUSE PERTAINING TO ANYTHING "SECRET" or "TOP TIER CLASSIFIED". These documents are all kept in other locations. As long as the documents and their information don't leave the country by their own hand, they can take what they want home with them. ALL PRESIDENTS HAVE DONE THIS.
for the record, please confirm that you’re saying the trial will show that this one particular document was classified while the rest of the documents will have markings showing that Trump declassified them all . I eagerly await your answer.
Trump doesn't need to follow any formal protocol. But he admitted on tape that the document in question was not declassified.

The courts said that he needed to have some proof that they were declassified, so....Trump loses....
1. REAL classified documents are kept in vaults, which the sitting president has to "order" through channels to get.
And even then, he's got a time limit to how long he can keep them out of the vault. And these documents are NOT kept in the White House, probably not even in DC.

2. ALL presidents take their work home with them. This includes ALL files they have at the White House. It was their administration, and there is no room for them to be kept anywhere, therefore they are ALLOWED to take this stuff home.

3. ALL government paperwork is "classified". Doesn't matter if it grandmas recipe for fudge, or spy information gathered about another world leader, CEO, or government.

4. ANYTHING THE PRESIDENT REMOVES FROM HIS OFFICE/WHITE HOUSE, IS AUTOMATICALLY DEEMED "DECLASSIFIED" AS THERE ARE NO GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS KEPT AT THE WHITE HOUSE PERTAINING TO ANYTHING "SECRET" or "TOP TIER CLASSIFIED". These documents are all kept in other locations. As long as the documents and their information don't leave the country by their own hand, they can take what they want home with them. ALL PRESIDENTS HAVE DONE THIS.
Where did you come up with this?

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