Trump Adviser: Hillary Clinton Should Be 'Shot For Treason'

Shot for treason? If Trump had any honor - he would denounce such hateful, vicious rhetoric.

It's an expression. People used to be shot for treason, now they are imprisoned. Saying someone should be shot for something isn't taken literally unless it's coming from the mouth of the Turkish president or BLM members. But the left doesn't criticize the ones who are actually killing people.

Why does sarcasm always go over the heads of some people? Low IQ, probably.

Oh, so now it's just "an expression". Aw, gee, I bet it's also a harmless "expression"...
Reason number # 375 NOT to vote republican this election: They have gone insane and make shit up on the fly.
Reason #376 NOT to believe a Progressive during any election: did you think that up all by yourself or have you gone insane to make that shit up on the fly?
So in your perfect society, telling a lie is enough to charge someone with something. Hmm.

Nvm that at that time in the investigation the video, with had sparked protests in over 100 countries that same day, was still completely in play as a reason behind the attack. And nvm that the only terrorist from that day that has been arrested said he was there because of the video.

No, but placing classified documents on a private server with no security absolutely is. That is what the Director of the FBI states she did. MANY people have gone to prison for much less than she did.

What does "no security" mean. Do you have the details of their security?

Uh the state department is much different because of their networks and firewalls, switches, and loads of other software....Norton on your is considered nothing when compared with.that....not even close.....that's like saying your gated community is as safe as a military base.....

Do you have the details of the security for the Clinton's server? Was it equivalent to a "home computer"? can't recreate that at home...Stop trying to justify it.....the security was a joke for that content. She had Trend micro.....that's it......I've used it before.....but there is alot more to security than that...I work IT.......that should NEVER happen

I'm not justifying anything. I'm questioning people's knowledge of her security. I'm sure you have a link for that.
this was years ago in the other go look it up....this was one of the reasons many here do not think you are a real Indian,because of the shit you have said over the years.....and is this guy "nat" going to be your defender now?...

Aw, gee, you can't find it. How convenient. Well, I just looked at some of my old threads from July 2011 when I came to USMB. Just admit that you're a liar. They're out there...
how about called me a nazicon....and i asked you to prove it,and of course you just gave me your little laughing smilie....when you prove that ill try and find what you said,if i cant i will apologize to you right here in front of everyone,but if you cant show me being a nazi you have to apologize for calling me

Funny. In other words you're as phony as your avatar. Thanks for playing...
yea its funny because you call people things you cant prove.....thats called being a dishonest chump...and you do know that avatars are just pictures right?...just like yours,a week i will have another....maybe of an Indian,a real one....

You're as full of shit as your phony avatar of ole Smiling Bob.

"Smiling Bob" Not Smiling Anymore -
i know one thing thats a fact here.......i dont call people i dont know nazis just because they have the gall and audacity not to agree with me,like you do.....go ahead prove me wrong....
with you its all in what you have been told to believe....and since you never question what you are believe everything...

here's someone who is pitching for a job writing those cute little sayings in Chinese fortune cookies.
so what are you lakotas spokesperson?..the guy claimed he is a full blood lakota warrior....he should be able to defend himself....unless he has appointed a little nat like you to do it...

Please provide a "credible" quote where I claimed I was a "full blood lakota warrior." I'll be waiting... seem a full blooded shame native Americans....the ones you didn't kill anyways....
Wait. The faux redskin wasn't alive during the Indian wars. You cannot hold him accountable....

Hmmmm. This reminds me of another progressive mantra and holding those who were not alive at the time, accountable for America's past injustices.
Shot for treason? If Trump had any honor - he would denounce such hateful, vicious rhetoric.

My preference would be hanged from a yardarm but give her the choice between that and a firing squad. Traitors get no clemency.
Would you be willing to personally execute her?

Absolutely! My first confirmed kill in Vietnam was a female VC...double-tap.

Praise Jesus, you're only the 2nd one with enough balls to admit it. PredFan was the first.

Did the female VC you double-tapped look anything like this one...

Praise Jesus, you're only the 2nd one with enough balls to admit it. PredFan was the first.

I'm not saying I'd volunteer to do it, but I am capable of doing it since I consider her a traitor.

I would volunteer to bust a cap in that piece of shit husband of hers.
Praise Jesus, you're only the 2nd one with enough balls to admit it. PredFan was the first.

I'm not saying I'd volunteer to do it, but I am capable of doing it since I consider her a traitor.

I would volunteer to bust a cap in that piece of shit husband of hers.

Oh, gee, are you now equivocating? I thought you were a real man.
Praise Jesus, you're only the 2nd one with enough balls to admit it. PredFan was the first.

I'm not saying I'd volunteer to do it, but I am capable of doing it since I consider her a traitor.

I would volunteer to bust a cap in that piece of shit husband of hers.

The real Tom Horn had much bigger balls than yours. Yours must be about the size of the peas I had for supper.

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