Trump adviser: "Ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews"

The Auschwitz crematoria, how much fuel would have been required to cremate that many people? I ask because the massive fuel requirements for the alleged open air cremations at the Reinhard camps, is one of the factors that casts doubt on the extermination theory.Given the condition of Germany's bombed-out infrastructure which severely restricted their inability to acquire and distribute bare essentials like food and water to the main population, it is ridiculous to believe that they would have wasted valuable resources to supply crematoria with the titanic amounts of fuel and labor needed to cremate six million ( mostly made of water ) people.
Trump adviser: "Ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews"
Trump adviser accused of making anti-Semitic remarks

How sickening the people this guy surrounds himself with.

How is questioning a historical fact anti-Semitic?

They weren't killed in the ovens fucktard.

So his statement is true. Is truth anti-Semitic in your world where family trees run straight down?

Learn to read, Horst.

I know how to read. My numbers come from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Yours apparently come from reading the leaves in your belly button lint tea. You should visit it some time.

Then tell us how many Jews were killed by cooking them alive in ovens.
Holocaust denial getting a makeover.

Questioning numbers is denying? Yea, that's how it works in libtard land. You guys aren't allowed to question. You take your slop and run with it. You're either with the lie or against.... Good people are allowed to address matters truthfully.
They weren't all cremated. There are huge mass graves all over Poland and the Baltic states full of Jews that didn't live long enough to get to a camp, much less die in one.
Trump adviser: "Ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews"
Trump adviser accused of making anti-Semitic remarks

How sickening the people this guy surrounds himself with.

Leftists by and large are the Holocaust deniers; and you want to lecture the right on being "sick"? This guy's not even denying it. He's simply disputing the numbers.
Gasbag. You don't believe the Nazis killed at least 6 million Jews?

I didn't see anyone named that in the convo. We'll see if you get an answer from whomever though.
Dude, you either believe the Nazis killed 6 million plus Jews or not. You said "the guy is disputing it" and I am asking if you dispute it.

This is the first time I'm hearing you asking me about it. Anyhow, my exact opinion doesn't have high relevance. This guy presents a plausible doubt about the numbers. That in and of itself doesn't make him a horrible person. I've had the same doubt about the lack of killing space to hit such a large number. None of that minimizes the horrendous nature of The Holocaust.
You disappoint me with your weaseling.
How is questioning a historical fact anti-Semitic?

They weren't killed in the ovens fucktard.

So his statement is true. Is truth anti-Semitic in your world where family trees run straight down?

Learn to read, Horst.

I know how to read. My numbers come from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Yours apparently come from reading the leaves in your belly button lint tea. You should visit it some time.

Then tell us how many Jews were killed by cooking them alive in ovens.

You tell me since you have contributed zero facts to the discussion thus far. Take your hand out of your fruit of the looms and learn to google.
Is anyone keeping a list of how many former Gestapo have joined the Trump campaign?

If you are that concerned about Jews, why then would you back the side that seeks to capitulate and cede more and more of Israel? Stop pretending that you give a flying fuck about the Jews vs. as much as you give about the ends.
Leftists by and large are the Holocaust deniers; and you want to lecture the right on being "sick"? This guy's not even denying it. He's simply disputing the numbers.
Gasbag. You don't believe the Nazis killed at least 6 million Jews?

I didn't see anyone named that in the convo. We'll see if you get an answer from whomever though.
Dude, you either believe the Nazis killed 6 million plus Jews or not. You said "the guy is disputing it" and I am asking if you dispute it.

This is the first time I'm hearing you asking me about it. Anyhow, my exact opinion doesn't have high relevance. This guy presents a plausible doubt about the numbers. That in and of itself doesn't make him a horrible person. I've had the same doubt about the lack of killing space to hit such a large number. None of that minimizes the horrendous nature of The Holocaust.
You disappoint me with your weaseling.

Well thought out reasoning on the subject at hand rather than a personal attack fest would disappoint you.
Is anyone keeping a list of how many former Gestapo have joined the Trump campaign?

If you are that concerned about Jews, why then would you back the side that seeks to capitulate and cede more and more of Israel? Stop pretending that you give a flying fuck about the Jews vs. as much as you give about the ends.

One has nothing to do with the other.
Holocaust denial getting a makeover.

Questioning numbers is denying? Yea, that's how it works in libtard land. You guys aren't allowed to question. You take your slop and run with it. You're either with the lie or against.... Good people are allowed to address matters truthfully.

Go talk to the Germans. Holocaust denial is a crime in Germany.
Due to pressure by the powerful Jewish lobby.
Trump adviser: "Ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews"
Allegations of anti-Semitism have surfaced against one of Donald Trump’s foreign policy advisers, raising further questions about the guidance the Republican presidential nominee is receiving.

Daniel Meyer, a senior official within the intelligence community, described Schmitz’s remarks in his complaint file.

“His summary of his tenure’s achievement reported as ‘…I fired the Jews,’ ” wrote Meyer, a former official in the Pentagon inspector general’s office whose grievance was obtained by McClatchy.

“In his final days, he allegedly lectured Mr. Crane on the details of concentration camps and how the ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews,” wrote Meyer, whose complaint is before the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB).

Trump adviser accused of making anti-Semitic remarks

How sickening the people this guy surrounds himself with.
You worthless libtards are getting desperate. Trump has no control of what other people say.
And we all know that it's the leftist traitors that have been championing the abandonment of Israel since day one.
Fuckin hypocritical shitstains.
Trump CAN control which people he surrounds himself.
Moron. Can you control what people say?
No. But he can control who he hires and fires as his advisers. Had Trump a single shred of decency, dignity, nobility and grace, he would not hire an anti-Semite. Or at least allow such filth stay on his staff

And you call me a moron!
So again, how many Dems have returned George Soros' checks? He actively helped the Nazis kill fellow Jews, but he gets a pass while we're supposed to pillory Trump because one of his staff is an idiot.
Can anyone here prove that 6 million Jews died in NAZI ovens?
Would it have been better if 1 million were murdered?
Do you think the American Military arranged polls to figure out the lower limit of guaranteed shock level?
In other words, no, you cannot prove that 6 million Jews were killed in NAZI ovens.

P.S. Thanks for not trying to dodge the question like a typical jackass. </sarcasm>

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