Trump adviser: "Ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews"

The Auschwitz crematoria, how much fuel would have been required to cremate that many people? I ask because the massive fuel requirements for the alleged open air cremations at the Reinhard camps, is one of the factors that casts doubt on the extermination theory.Given the condition of Germany's bombed-out infrastructure which severely restricted their inability to acquire and distribute bare essentials like food and water to the main population, it is ridiculous to believe that they would have wasted valuable resources to supply crematoria with the titanic amounts of fuel and labor needed to cremate six million ( mostly made of water ) people.

You are a racist POS
Trump adviser: "Ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews"
Allegations of anti-Semitism have surfaced against one of Donald Trump’s foreign policy advisers, raising further questions about the guidance the Republican presidential nominee is receiving.

Daniel Meyer, a senior official within the intelligence community, described Schmitz’s remarks in his complaint file.

“His summary of his tenure’s achievement reported as ‘…I fired the Jews,’ ” wrote Meyer, a former official in the Pentagon inspector general’s office whose grievance was obtained by McClatchy.

“In his final days, he allegedly lectured Mr. Crane on the details of concentration camps and how the ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews,” wrote Meyer, whose complaint is before the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB).

Trump adviser accused of making anti-Semitic remarks

How sickening the people this guy surrounds himself with.
Dude, your party is anti-Semitic, you vote for them directly, since when did that bother you?

is that why over 70 percent of us Jews are libs and dems, you rightwing ignorant goy

You're a sick fuck of a self hating Jew who votes for the party that wants death to Jews. You're a Jew who loves Hitler. And Hitlary. You're a disgusting example of humanity. Die like a dog, as you wish
The Auschwitz crematoria, how much fuel would have been required to cremate that many people? I ask because the massive fuel requirements for the alleged open air cremations at the Reinhard camps, is one of the factors that casts doubt on the extermination theory.Given the condition of Germany's bombed-out infrastructure which severely restricted their inability to acquire and distribute bare essentials like food and water to the main population, it is ridiculous to believe that they would have wasted valuable resources to supply crematoria with the titanic amounts of fuel and labor needed to cremate six million ( mostly made of water ) people.

You are a racist POS
What in that post was exactly racist?
Is anyone keeping a list of how many former Gestapo have joined the Trump campaign?

If you are that concerned about Jews, why then would you back the side that seeks to capitulate and cede more and more of Israel? Stop pretending that you give a flying fuck about the Jews vs. as much as you give about the ends.

One has nothing to do with the other.

How so? Many Democrats including Joe Kennedy wanted nothing to do with WW2 while Jews were being thrown into ovens. FDR and Truman Democrats Post WW2 wanted Israel to be created so Jews would not come to the United States. In 2016, Democrats have no problem supporting land being moved from Jews in Israel.

Tell US what lies between your ears HOW one has nothing to do with the other.
Holocaust denial getting a makeover.

The Trumptards are indeed the true face of modern American conservatism.
Trump will make holocaust denying patriotic.

This is a good followup to O'Reilly's 'the slaves were well fed' proclamation.
Do you disagree that many slaves were well fed?
Let's review. First you deny the holocaust. The bully's defense. In spite of the historical record, you deny the most heinous crime of the 20th century. Why? Because the very truth of it shows what villains the Nazis were. And you have a peculiar affinity for Nazis and their immoral tactics. Shameful when you consider how many brave Americans lost their lives purging Europe of the Nazi scum.

Now you're offering a ham handed defense of slavery. Human bondage.

Where did you learn such dispicable ideas? Who could have inculcated you with the vilest morality possible?

As Oscar Hammerstein wrote, "You have to be carefully taught."

Whoever taught you did you no favors. And sharing your venal philosophy here does the mature, thinking, reasonable and moral readers and writers on this site no favors either. No matter what political philosophy; Conservative, Liberal or Independent, no American could possibly respect your particular thoughts on the subjects of the holocaust and slavery.

You are going to rate this post as "funny", but I assure you there is no humor here. Watch as those Americans who agree pepper this post with "winner" in repudiation of you, not praise for me.
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Anyone who thinks the Nazis killed 6 million people in ovens is extrordinarily ignorant.
They shot them, they gassed them, and they starved them. The ovens were used for disposal, not for killing. And not all of them were incinerated. Many of them were bulldozed into mass graves.

Anyone who thinks 6 million people weren't killed by the Nazis in their death camps is extraordinarily ignorant.
Most of the concentration camp prisoners died
due to the allies bombing the roads, rails and bridges cutting off the food and medical supplies by the Red Cross and other humanitarian efforts.
Why were the nonJewish Germans so healthy then?
None of them were barely healthy towards the end of the war. They had been cut off food by the Russians and allied bombing of strategic routes across Germany.
None of the non Jewish Germans were walking skeletons.

Jackasses listen to way too much ridiculous propaganda.
In other words, no, you cannot prove that 6 million Jews were killed in NAZI ovens.

They weren't killed in the ovens. The ovens were for after they had already died, either from disease, exposure, overwork, starvation, or deliberate extermination.

And again, even if Hitler and Friends were shoveling live people into the ovens, your figure doesn't take into account the dead Jews who didn't make it to the camps in the first place. The ones filling mass graves or who ere just killed and left to rot where they lie, those ones all over Poland, Russia, and the Baltic states.
Holocaust denial getting a makeover.

Questioning numbers is denying? Yea, that's how it works in libtard land. You guys aren't allowed to question. You take your slop and run with it. You're either with the lie or against.... Good people are allowed to address matters truthfully.
In other words, no, you cannot prove that 6 million Jews were killed in NAZI ovens.

They weren't killed in the ovens.
So then why are you bitching about someone saying they were not killed in ovens?

Would you prefer to be lied to? :cuckoo:
Trump adviser: "Ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews"
Allegations of anti-Semitism have surfaced against one of Donald Trump’s foreign policy advisers, raising further questions about the guidance the Republican presidential nominee is receiving.

Daniel Meyer, a senior official within the intelligence community, described Schmitz’s remarks in his complaint file.

“His summary of his tenure’s achievement reported as ‘…I fired the Jews,’ ” wrote Meyer, a former official in the Pentagon inspector general’s office whose grievance was obtained by McClatchy.

“In his final days, he allegedly lectured Mr. Crane on the details of concentration camps and how the ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews,” wrote Meyer, whose complaint is before the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB).

Trump adviser accused of making anti-Semitic remarks

How sickening the people this guy surrounds himself with.
You worthless libtards are getting desperate. Trump has no control of what other people say.
And we all know that it's the leftist traitors that have been championing the abandonment of Israel since day one.
Fuckin hypocritical shitstains.

:0) Clinton leads in all the polls and is ahead even in some red states .. and the entire world hates Trump and his dumb ass followers .. except the Russians.

Tell me again which side is desperate.
The fact that your party supports HiLIARy tells me which side is desperate.
Trump adviser: "Ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews"
Allegations of anti-Semitism have surfaced against one of Donald Trump’s foreign policy advisers, raising further questions about the guidance the Republican presidential nominee is receiving.

Daniel Meyer, a senior official within the intelligence community, described Schmitz’s remarks in his complaint file.

“His summary of his tenure’s achievement reported as ‘…I fired the Jews,’ ” wrote Meyer, a former official in the Pentagon inspector general’s office whose grievance was obtained by McClatchy.

“In his final days, he allegedly lectured Mr. Crane on the details of concentration camps and how the ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews,” wrote Meyer, whose complaint is before the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB).

Trump adviser accused of making anti-Semitic remarks

How sickening the people this guy surrounds himself with.
You worthless libtards are getting desperate. Trump has no control of what other people say.
And we all know that it's the leftist traitors that have been championing the abandonment of Israel since day one.
Fuckin hypocritical shitstains.
Trump CAN control which people he surrounds himself.
Moron. Can you control what people say?
No. But he can control who he hires and fires as his advisers. Had Trump a single shred of decency, dignity, nobility and grace, he would not hire an anti-Semite. Or at least allow such filth stay on his staff

And you call me a moron!
Yes. You are indeed a moron. Any fool that supports HiLIARy is clearly lacking logical thought.
Trump adviser: "Ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews"
Trump adviser accused of making anti-Semitic remarks

How sickening the people this guy surrounds himself with.
You worthless libtards are getting desperate. Trump has no control of what other people say.
And we all know that it's the leftist traitors that have been championing the abandonment of Israel since day one.
Fuckin hypocritical shitstains.
Trump CAN control which people he surrounds himself.
Moron. Can you control what people say?
No. But he can control who he hires and fires as his advisers. Had Trump a single shred of decency, dignity, nobility and grace, he would not hire an anti-Semite. Or at least allow such filth stay on his staff

And you call me a moron!
Yes. You are indeed a moron. Any fool that supports HiLIARy is clearly lacking logical thought.
I'm sorry.
I thought I was engaged in a conversation with an adult.
Why dosen't Trump the Orangutan stick his country fried Lawyer Jew Yes Man piece of shit Lawyer Cohen in the oven then:question:

Trump and his bitch fanboy, queer Lawyer are a Cancer to this country, after Clinton kicks their asses they can all get together for a 3way, with their shop daddy Putin:deal: ..

Trump should be tried and executed for Treason, he's a piece of shit just like his lover boy Putin, both have Charles Manson type mindsets, just like Trumps, fanboy's the country fried maggots who Masturbate to fox news..
what has he done that would be considered treason?
Did he sit back and let Americans get killed by not sending in help when requested?
Did he leak classified information through a private email server?
Did he work along with others to allow terrorists free access to our country?
Did he work to undermine the police and the security of our nation?
please be more specific, I mean, the above would be considered treason but did he do that?
He's in bed with Putin dummy:deal:, along with former campaign manager Manafort, they are all water boys for the ugly Manson wannabe Putin..

They are all sleeping in the same dirty bed with dirty toxic rats, believe what you wanna believe, most American's KNOW Trump is the Kremlin puppet MASTER!!!

Please go ahead and keep playing the naive card, Nov is rapidly approaching and your boy's in ICU!!!:clap:
Why dosen't Trump the Orangutan stick his country fried Lawyer Jew Yes Man piece of shit Lawyer Cohen in the oven then:question:

Trump and his bitch fanboy, queer Lawyer are a Cancer to this country, after Clinton kicks their asses they can all get together for a 3way, with their shop daddy Putin:deal: ..

Trump should be tried and executed for Treason, he's a piece of shit just like his lover boy Putin, both have Charles Manson type mindsets, just like Trumps, fanboy's the country fried maggots who Masturbate to fox news..
what has he done that would be considered treason?
Did he sit back and let Americans get killed by not sending in help when requested?
Did he leak classified information through a private email server?
Did he work along with others to allow terrorists free access to our country?
Did he work to undermine the police and the security of our nation?
please be more specific, I mean, the above would be considered treason but did he do that?
He's in bed with Putin dummy:deal:, along with former campaign manager Manafort, they are all water boys for the ugly Manson wannabe Putin..

They are all sleeping in the same dirty bed with dirty toxic rats, believe what you wanna believe, most American's KNOW Trump is the Kremlin puppet MASTER!!!

Please go ahead and keep playing the naive card, Nov is rapidly approaching and your boy's in ICU!!!:clap:
Trump may be in ICU politically, but your whore hillary is in serious health trouble, I suspect that she will be in a real ICU before her first four years is over.. at least we can hope
Why dosen't Trump the Orangutan stick his country fried Lawyer Jew Yes Man piece of shit Lawyer Cohen in the oven then:question:

Trump and his bitch fanboy, queer Lawyer are a Cancer to this country, after Clinton kicks their asses they can all get together for a 3way, with their shop daddy Putin:deal: ..

Trump should be tried and executed for Treason, he's a piece of shit just like his lover boy Putin, both have Charles Manson type mindsets, just like Trumps, fanboy's the country fried maggots who Masturbate to fox news..
Thanks for proving you are a homophobe. You are a true liberal.
:fu:, Fuck you too you white trash inbred cock sucking motherfucker, When Clinton beats his ass on election day i will be on here throwing all the hate on your Bitch party :finger3:

Count on it!!:rofl:

You Cocksuckers are toast on 11-08!!!!!!!!!!!!:lmao:
So you are a racist, homophobe, nig#er. Lol, get used to saying president Trump. Hopefully his policies will get you out of the ghetto. Have a great day!
And you are a country fried MAYONNAISE MONKEY, Hillbily, Dumbshit, who has been voting for ugly stinky dirty old SOUTHERN white nutsacks's you have been jerking off too for 40 years and still poor as dirt, please keep voting for the same assholes who are killing you heeee haaaaw:fu:..

Get used to SAYING PRESIDENT HILLARY CLINTON, :deal:, you white trash ghetto, trailer rat...
Why dosen't Trump the Orangutan stick his country fried Lawyer Jew Yes Man piece of shit Lawyer Cohen in the oven then:question:

Trump and his bitch fanboy, queer Lawyer are a Cancer to this country, after Clinton kicks their asses they can all get together for a 3way, with their shop daddy Putin:deal: ..

Trump should be tried and executed for Treason, he's a piece of shit just like his lover boy Putin, both have Charles Manson type mindsets, just like Trumps, fanboy's the country fried maggots who Masturbate to fox news..
what has he done that would be considered treason?
Did he sit back and let Americans get killed by not sending in help when requested?
Did he leak classified information through a private email server?
Did he work along with others to allow terrorists free access to our country?
Did he work to undermine the police and the security of our nation?
please be more specific, I mean, the above would be considered treason but did he do that?
He's in bed with Putin dummy:deal:, along with former campaign manager Manafort, they are all water boys for the ugly Manson wannabe Putin..

They are all sleeping in the same dirty bed with dirty toxic rats, believe what you wanna believe, most American's KNOW Trump is the Kremlin puppet MASTER!!!

Please go ahead and keep playing the naive card, Nov is rapidly approaching and your boy's in ICU!!!:clap:
Trump may be in ICU politically, but your whore hillary is in serious health trouble, I suspect that she will be in a real ICU before her first four years is over.. at least we can hope
:laugh:, You should do stand up:rofl:

Naaa forget about it they would booo your ass right outta the building..

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