Trump agrees to testify under oath about his conversations with Comey

It would be pretty hard to say under oath he doesn't recall about things that are in black and white that he tweeted himself, said on tape, or said on video. If he did it would be just the same as a lie.

Actually i'd prefer Trump do his usual answering. Like when he said he had the biggest inaugural crowd in history, or that 3-5 million illegals voted, or that Obama wiretaped the phones in Trump tower.
Oh... and All Franken can ask him under oath about his taxes, Russia, and many other things. That would be AWESOME!

All he has to say is

I don't recall

I don't recall

What is the meaning of "is" is?

I don't recall

I don't recall

What difference does it make

Since Homey testified that he leaked sensitive and classified information, as he knew that if it came out later that he would be sentenced to death,

Meetings with the president aren't classified, unless the president (or his staff) inform the person / people in the room that what was discussed is classified, and what the classification level is.

That's how Trump was able to tell the Russians about Top Secret Israeli intelligence.
Homey admitted to leaking to the media. FBI agents are held to a higher standard than is the press, trust me Homey is about to blow his own little brain out, unless he wants to bunk with Leroy and Blagobitch............
There is a possibility he could be goaded into one of his batshit rants and give away the secrets. In other words he might spill the truth rather than lie. You can bet his lawyer will be there and will clamp down hard on anything of importance, and relegate Drumpf to the lies he's comfortable with.
Trump telliing the truth would be interesting.
He won't, though.
So why bother calling him.

Impeachment ammunition.

Like I said before if I was Trump I would pardon everyone , fire Mueller and dare them to impeach me..

You don't have the votes

And get back on track to make this country great again.


Don't have the votes? Did you not notice how Marco Rubio changed his tune from the hearing to the time he came out of the secret meeting afterwards? That should tell you all you need to know... there was a lot of things that was said in secret that you may never know about, that really damned Trump.
Trump telliing the truth would be interesting.
He won't, though.
So why bother calling him.

Impeachment ammunition.

Like I said before if I was Trump I would pardon everyone , fire Mueller and dare them to impeach me..

You don't have the votes

And get back on track to make this country great again.

The country is great already. Trump is fucking it up.

How ? He is getting rid of all the the silly EOs of crazy Obama...
Trump telliing the truth would be interesting.
He won't, though.
So why bother calling him.

Impeachment ammunition.

Like I said before if I was Trump I would pardon everyone , fire Mueller and dare them to impeach me..

You don't have the votes

And get back on track to make this country great again.


Don't have the votes? Did you not notice how Marco Rubio changed his tune from the hearing to the time he came out of the secret meeting afterwards? That should tell you all you need to know... there was a lot of things that was said in secret that you may never know about, that really damned Trump.
I didn't catch that. Where was it?
If Trump does not testify, it could push congress to impeach him to mandate his testimony.

That wouldn't rise to the level of "high crimes and misdemeanors". Bad, yes, impeachable, I doubt it. And even if they did impeach, they would never get a 2/3rds vote for conviction.
Trump telliing the truth would be interesting.
He won't, though.
So why bother calling him.

Impeachment ammunition.
He's not getting impeached, Lewdog. Not based on what anyone's got so far. Unless something REALLY slimy gets uncovered about the Russia contacts, the guy is our headache 'til 2021.

Well I'll be honest, I think Trump will quit. This job isn't all he thought it would be. He thought being a rich white guy as President would give him insane amounts of power and everyone would just do whatever he says... it doesn't work that way, and when people like Congressmen get their jobs based on votes of the average Joe, and Trump doesn't have the power to hire and fire them like he does with his business, Trump is realizing how big of a headache it is.
Trump telliing the truth would be interesting.
He won't, though.
So why bother calling him.

Impeachment ammunition.

Like I said before if I was Trump I would pardon everyone , fire Mueller and dare them to impeach me..

You don't have the votes

And get back on track to make this country great again.


Don't have the votes? Did you not notice how Marco Rubio changed his tune from the hearing to the time he came out of the secret meeting afterwards? That should tell you all you need to know... there was a lot of things that was said in secret that you may never know about, that really damned Trump.

Even Mark Warner says there is nothing to collusion so get over it already

Trump telliing the truth would be interesting.
He won't, though.
So why bother calling him.

Impeachment ammunition.

Like I said before if I was Trump I would pardon everyone , fire Mueller and dare them to impeach me..

You don't have the votes

And get back on track to make this country great again.


Don't have the votes? Did you not notice how Marco Rubio changed his tune from the hearing to the time he came out of the secret meeting afterwards? That should tell you all you need to know... there was a lot of things that was said in secret that you may never know about, that really damned Trump.
I didn't catch that. Where was it?

Well at first Rubio was all about busting Comey's balls about the meeting and saying that Trump did nothing wrong, but then after the meeting behind doors where Comey could share confidential information, Rubio came out and said that it didn't matter that Trump was an outside guy not used to working in politics, what he did was wrong regardless and that ignorance isn't a defense.
Trump telliing the truth would be interesting.
He won't, though.
So why bother calling him.

Impeachment ammunition.

Like I said before if I was Trump I would pardon everyone , fire Mueller and dare them to impeach me..

You don't have the votes

And get back on track to make this country great again.

The country is great already. Trump is fucking it up.

So you want planned parenthood to keep killing all the little black babies
Trump telliing the truth would be interesting.
He won't, though.
So why bother calling him.

Impeachment ammunition.

Like I said before if I was Trump I would pardon everyone , fire Mueller and dare them to impeach me..

You don't have the votes

And get back on track to make this country great again.


Don't have the votes? Did you not notice how Marco Rubio changed his tune from the hearing to the time he came out of the secret meeting afterwards? That should tell you all you need to know... there was a lot of things that was said in secret that you may never know about, that really damned Trump.

Even Mark Warner says there is nothing to collusion so get over it already


Trump who may have skated by on the whole collusion thing, now has with his big mouth attempted to cover things up and has dragged himself down into the quick sand.
If Trump does not testify, it could push congress to impeach him to mandate his testimony.

That wouldn't rise to the level of "high crimes and misdemeanors". Bad, yes, impeachable, I doubt it. And even if they did impeach, they would never get a 2/3rds vote for conviction.

No it wouldn't not a president yet challenged a subpeona Bil Clinton was a civil suit...he challenged it and lost....he voluntary testified to Ken Starr subpoena..

So did Reagan, Bush SR...


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