Trump aiding illegal immigration.

They are looking for places to send migrunts to await their hearing. Leftard cities in America are complaining that they do NOT want them. Has anyone thought about sending them to Alaska to wait out their hearings? Plenty of room up there.
Fairbanks, Alaska! :muahaha:
You got to love the crazy left. Not that long ago Trump was talking about the huge crisis at the border. How many on the board were talking about the caravans headed here?

Yet the crazy left Pelosi and the rest were saying there was no crisis. There was nothing to worry about. Trump was making it up. There were those on the board that denied and ridiculed anyone claiming a border crisis.

Now suddenly when the left finally gets the uneducated workers they claim we need even though they claim those jobs are disappearing. They finally get the unwashed masses they claim that we need to pay for. They finally understand just how many are here and how many more are trying to enter they claim it is a crisis and it is Trumps fault.

Too bad so many woke up so late. Is CNN even telling them that there is a crisis?
Trump created the crisis through poor management.

BTW, we said that there is no National Emergerncy.
You claim poor management yet it is pretty much the same people doing the same job from years ago. They have even had help from the military. Yet being a fool that has no idea of what was actually going on, who was in charge of what or what changes in internal policy you of course jump to an unfounded conclusion of poor management. Care to tell everyone how many caravans the last administration dealt with? Care to explain what internal policies were changed since Trump took office? I have no doubt that you are privy to all policies and procedures of the Border Patrol.

And no Pelosi and others even those on this board stated that the caravans were not an actual problem. There were even those that claimed the caravans were made up, fake news. Now suddenly it is an emergency? Is that because of where they are being sent?
As Littledick Domnnie rails against illegals in this country, he is flying them into America.

His feeble minded minions think this is great.

Trump sending ‘500 migrants a month’ to Florida Democratic strongholds

Think about that.

Trump is being the mule.

Trump says these people are rapists & murderers & now he is sending them to live in America.

If I were governor in one of these states, I would do this

1) Offer free bus tickets to the cities of their choice.
2) Declare a State of Emergency & house them in Trump hotels at a low rate.

Donald Trump created this problem. What kind of fucking idiot or change policy to hold all those crossing the border undocumented without knowiung that you would run out of spoace.

Littledick Donnie is a stupid person who thonks they arte smart./ Kinf opf like trhe Trump[etres thAt postg here.

But hey, Trump is aiding illegal immigration & hos supporters love it.

Stand back, folks. There's so much mental methane in this post it could explode and kill all of us.

The libtardos created this cluster fuck for one reason and one reason only, drop anchor babies on U.S. soil.

Now the clowns are bitching about where we send them. (they don't want them in their back yard) They want them to infiltrate the conservative regions of the country to liberalize the electorate. Let the local taxpayers of the libtarded areas pay for their welfare.
And the sole purpose of For The People Act....
Which already passed in the House

Anyone paying attention
Because he's an evil impotent, hating pos.

That makes sense then, I guess.

Ordinarily, the idea of moving Illegals one place or another is to convince them that Illegals aren't as great to have around as people think. President Trump already knows that.

The Libs singing the praises of the Illegals don't. The common sense response to help respond to the the problem is to expose libs to the Illegal population.

Now, if the illegals turn out to be wholesome, lawabiding people who don't burden anyone else, that's good too. But if turns out, as I would suspect, that Illegals will be a burden on social services as well as the criminal justice system, it might change the minds of some of the libs as to the wisdom of open borders
Ordinarily, the idea of moving Illegals one place or another is to convince them that Illegals aren't as great to have around as people think. President Trump already knows that.
Trump knows how to exploit migrant labor and then lie to his naive, rustic base about the reality between his words and actions. The racists among his supporters happily swallow every MAGA load the pathological liar dispenses.

A pipeline of undocumented workers for Donald Trump ran from Costa Rica to N.J.: 'My whole town practically lived there'

"'No issue better illustrates the divide between America's working class and America's political class than illegal immigration,' Trump said during his State of the Union address Tuesday. 'Tolerance for illegal immigration is not compassionate - it is cruel.'

"But the lax hiring practices at Bedminster and other Trump properties described by former employees - including some who said their supervisors discussed their fake documents - stand in sharp contrast with Trump's rhetoric.

"While other top-tier golf U.S. courses adopted the federal government's E-Verify system to check the immigration status of potential hires, the Trump Organization is only now planning to implement it throughout its properties - even though then-candidate Donald Trump claimed in 2016 he was using it across his company."

What is your point?
What is your point?
Trump's hypocrisy.

That's of course all bullshit.

When Trump's ancestors came to America, we were in need of immigrants with strong backs. Today, the nature of work has changed esp. in America, and we need highly educated people who speak English. Trump's wives are college educated , intelligent broads who know English and were engaged in trades we need in this country today.

The Illegal pouring across the border and largely uneducated and don't know no good English.
I can see yer English is lacking also..
That makes sense then, I guess.

Ordinarily, the idea of moving Illegals one place or another is to convince them that Illegals aren't as great to have around as people think. President Trump already knows that.

The Libs singing the praises of the Illegals don't. The common sense response to help respond to the the problem is to expose libs to the Illegal population.

Now, if the illegals turn out to be wholesome, lawabiding people who don't burden anyone else, that's good too. But if turns out, as I would suspect, that Illegals will be a burden on social services as well as the criminal justice system, it might change the minds of some of the libs as to the wisdom of open borders
Ordinarily, the idea of moving Illegals one place or another is to convince them that Illegals aren't as great to have around as people think. President Trump already knows that.
Trump knows how to exploit migrant labor and then lie to his naive, rustic base about the reality between his words and actions. The racists among his supporters happily swallow every MAGA load the pathological liar dispenses.

A pipeline of undocumented workers for Donald Trump ran from Costa Rica to N.J.: 'My whole town practically lived there'

"'No issue better illustrates the divide between America's working class and America's political class than illegal immigration,' Trump said during his State of the Union address Tuesday. 'Tolerance for illegal immigration is not compassionate - it is cruel.'

"But the lax hiring practices at Bedminster and other Trump properties described by former employees - including some who said their supervisors discussed their fake documents - stand in sharp contrast with Trump's rhetoric.

"While other top-tier golf U.S. courses adopted the federal government's E-Verify system to check the immigration status of potential hires, the Trump Organization is only now planning to implement it throughout its properties - even though then-candidate Donald Trump claimed in 2016 he was using it across his company."

What is your point?
What is your point?
Trump's hypocrisy.

Listen, I've had too many libs, make stupid points, and then when I call them on it, they claim that that was not what they meant.

What is your point with this shit, clear and concisely as you can manage?

Say it or admit that you don't even know, and are just repeating shit you were told to spread.
Listen, I've had too many libs, make stupid points, and then when I call them on it, they claim that that was not what they meant.
My point is Trump says one thing about illegal migrant labor while his businesses have hired such workers for decades; that is why I called him a hypocrite....

Thank you. I know that it is hard for you, as a liberal, to be honest and clear about something. Or anything really.

Ok, my answer.

Yes, it is somewhat hypocritical to not be vigilant about his own companies and then running on, and then trying to make the enforcement nationally more vigilant.

That is a minus against him.

ON the other hand, all the other candidates, wanted to keep the open border and allow the illegals to continue to flood in, in unchecked and unvetted millions.

That they may be sincere in that, is not a good thing.

Trump wins in this comparison. Better a touch of hypocrisy, than a terrible policy that is so terribly harmful to America and Americans.

Now, I look forward to how exactly you fail to seriously and honestly address my point.
We are seeing an a invasion at our Southern Border. We’re being invaded by a foreign Army! How can my fellow Americans be so damn stupid as to just stand around and allow this?
As Littledick Domnnie rails against illegals in this country, he is flying them into America.

His feeble minded minions think this is great.

Trump sending ‘500 migrants a month’ to Florida Democratic strongholds

Think about that.

Trump is being the mule.

Trump says these people are rapists & murderers & now he is sending them to live in America.

If I were governor in one of these states, I would do this

1) Offer free bus tickets to the cities of their choice.
2) Declare a State of Emergency & house them in Trump hotels at a low rate.

Donald Trump created this problem. What kind of fucking idiot or change policy to hold all those crossing the border undocumented without knowing that you would run out of space.

Littledick Donnie is a stupid person who thinks they are smart./ Kind of like the Trumettes that post here.

But hey, Trump is aiding illegal immigration & hos supporters love it.

Can you do one post where you DONT mention the Presidents dick?

Nope. The fucking asshole Trump fucked a porn Star & put it all over the news & I had to hear about Trump's dick. So now do you Trump supporters

Trump calls people names all the time. You must like that approch.

Then call the dude an asshole. Leave the dick out though. It’s just weird.
We are seeing an a invasion at our Southern Border. We’re being invaded by a foreign Army! How can my fellow Americans be so damn stupid as to just stand around and allow this?
How can you be so damn stupid to think that this is an invasion.

Trump has created this mess at the border through his short sighted a actions.
We are seeing an a invasion at our Southern Border. We’re being invaded by a foreign Army! How can my fellow Americans be so damn stupid as to just stand around and allow this?
How can you be so damn stupid to think that this is an invasion.

Trump has created this mess at the border through his short sighted a actions.

Saying that the President “created” this, just shows your blindness of the Situation!
We are seeing an a invasion at our Southern Border. We’re being invaded by a foreign Army! How can my fellow Americans be so damn stupid as to just stand around and allow this?
How can you be so damn stupid to think that this is an invasion.

Trump has created this mess at the border through his short sighted a actions.

Trump is not responsible for the millions and millions of foreigners living here against our wishes and democratically enacted laws.

That you blame this on him, makes you delusional or a liar.
As Littledick Domnnie rails against illegals in this country, he is flying them into America.

His feeble minded minions think this is great.

Trump sending ‘500 migrants a month’ to Florida Democratic strongholds

Think about that.

Trump is being the mule.

Trump says these people are rapists & murderers & now he is sending them to live in America.

If I were governor in one of these states, I would do this

1) Offer free bus tickets to the cities of their choice.
2) Declare a State of Emergency & house them in Trump hotels at a low rate.

Donald Trump created this problem. What kind of fucking idiot or change policy to hold all those crossing the border undocumented without knowing that you would run out of space.

Littledick Donnie is a stupid person who thinks they are smart./ Kind of like the Trumettes that post here.

But hey, Trump is aiding illegal immigration & hos supporters love it.

This has got to be the dumbest post Rderp has put on this board so far.

Trump is trying to get the wall built to stop illegals from getting into the US.

Dipshits like Rderp aren't for the wall. Dipshits like Rderp don't seem to mind spending billions of illegals.

If the wall is built, and it will be, we can boot the 20 million who are here right the hell out and save billions every year and also save some American lives.

Only a dipshit like Rderp would think Trump is helping illegals.

What a tree stump dumb lefty loon he truly is.
As Littledick Domnnie rails against illegals in this country, he is flying them into America.

His feeble minded minions think this is great.

Trump sending ‘500 migrants a month’ to Florida Democratic strongholds

Think about that.

Trump is being the mule.

Trump says these people are rapists & murderers & now he is sending them to live in America.

If I were governor in one of these states, I would do this

1) Offer free bus tickets to the cities of their choice.
2) Declare a State of Emergency & house them in Trump hotels at a low rate.

Donald Trump created this problem. What kind of fucking idiot or change policy to hold all those crossing the border undocumented without knowing that you would run out of space.

Littledick Donnie is a stupid person who thinks they are smart./ Kind of like the Trumettes that post here.

But hey, Trump is aiding illegal immigration & hos supporters love it.
You’re a bit late but I think they’re still tossing crap on the It Pile out back, so drag this piece of shit out there along with yourself. Thanks.
Wow, who would have guessed. Liberals whining about illegals coming into their cities.
As Littledick Domnnie rails against illegals in this country, he is flying them into America.

His feeble minded minions think this is great.

Trump sending ‘500 migrants a month’ to Florida Democratic strongholds

Think about that.

Trump is being the mule.

Trump says these people are rapists & murderers & now he is sending them to live in America.

If I were governor in one of these states, I would do this

1) Offer free bus tickets to the cities of their choice.
2) Declare a State of Emergency & house them in Trump hotels at a low rate.

Donald Trump created this problem. What kind of fucking idiot or change policy to hold all those crossing the border undocumented without knowing that you would run out of space.

Littledick Donnie is a stupid person who thinks they are smart./ Kind of like the Trumettes that post here.

But hey, Trump is aiding illegal immigration & hos supporters love it.

Hey look, an entire thread dedicated to Democrats accusing others of doing what they have done / do....


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